Director Andrius Kulikauskas,, leads an investigation at the Minciu Sodas laboratory of the hypothesis:

There is Always a Way of Showing Good Will

I've interrupted this investigation to start up a related but simpler investigation Exercising Good Will Opens a Way for Good. I expect to keep working on this one at random moments, and return to it with what I learn from the other one.  Andrius Kulikauskas

I am starting from: My exploration Why does Good Will make way for Good Heart?
I am working towards the objective: Listening to God
I am working through material gain or loss? Material loss
I am investigating the hypothesis: There is Always a Way of Showing Good Will
I am raising the question: What are the ways of showing good will?

Overview of Investigation

My investigation will generate data about good will in cases where we care about something, that is, where it is simpler to observe good will.  I will then construct a model from the data and analyze what it implies about the possibilities for good will in those cases where we do not care about something.  I list below the various parts of my investigation:
  1. Identify What We Have Living Care For Identify what I or others have living care for.  Each of us orders ours in a spectrum, based on how strongly we care.
  2. Do Something Good Regarding That  Do something good - discontinuous - regarding that.  This makes me vulnerable to others.  This will generate data for those cases where we care about something.
  3. Absorb the Responses Using Good Will  Absorb the responses to my action using good will, one after another. Until I have come to a steady state and the discontinuous action has integrated itself into my regular life.
  4. Sort Responses
  5. Sort Good Will Actions  What are the ways of showing good will?
  6. Describe Calculus of Good Will Actions
  7. Describe Known Large Structures Consider structures of the kind that would describe the good will calculus.
  8. Identify the Key Concepts by which the Large Structures Participate in the Good Will Calculus
  9. Unify the Large Structures Based on Their Roles This unified model will let us consider also the question of whether we can show good will even in those cases where we do not care.
I welcome your help with this investigation!  Please write to me, Andrius Kulikauskas, at

Identify What We Have Living Care For

I will make a table of what I and others have living care for, what we might do good regarding that, and the chain of consequences.

We may have living care for a person, an activity, or an idea.  Living care is not that we love a person, or like an activity, or believe an idea.  It is that we have invested a lot of emotion towards that person, or activity, or idea.

I think it makes sense to pursue why we had living care for that.

Here are some examples of what I had living care for regarding chess:

Note that living care is analogous to a "nerve ending" in the good will exercises.  There we start with what gets us going.  I should write up an account of the good will exercises.

I mentioned some things, like chess, that I had previously invested a lot of emotion into.  I wonder what would be things that I would like to invest energy into in the future.  On the other hand, the point seems to be, not to invest my own energy, but rather to make use of God's energy.

The things that we have living care towards seem a lot more personal than the things that get us going.  I have living care for my struggles with my weaknesses.  How do I write about them?  The nice thing about the things that get us going is that although we need to deal with personal examples, we can choose examples that we are comfortable with, and the conclusions are all abstract.  Also, how do I write about the cases where my living care is towards other people?  I don't see any way to proceed except to bare my soul, starting with my own self.

It doesn't seem right to discuss in writing my living care towards individuals (why should they be placed in the public eye, especially through my own personal lens?) or towards my struggles with my weaknesses (might not be appropriate for every audience, such as children at the Chicago Public Schools).  However, it would definitely be appropriate here to write about my living care towards the Minciu Sodas laboratory.  And invite all of our participants to do so.  This will provide a very practical context.

I welcome you to contribute material for the following table:
What We Have Living Care For What We Might Do Regarding That The Chain of Consequences
I want my employment to have fruits that definitely benefit society. Andrius Kulikauskas
I believe that a major benefit to society would be to help build relationships among people.  Andrius Kulikauskas
I believe that the pursuit of truth regarding what we care about is a productive way of coordinating efforts.   Andrius Kulikauskas
I want our laboratory to be a forum where all people have a way of participating and contributing.  Andrius Kulikauskas
I want to have time to make tangible the point of view of God.  Andrius Kulikauskas
I do not want to get payment for any efforts that I devote to working with God, or on behalf of God.  Andrius Kulikauskas
I want to be active in our laboratory as a participant.  Andrius Kulikauskas
I think participants should overcome a threshhold, so that participation is productive, and this threshhold is what should generate income. Andrius Kulikauskas
I prefer developing culture over technology as a means of working productively together. Andrius Kulikauskas

Do Something Good Regarding That

In order to better understand how to set up these "living care exercises" I will write up the good will exercises.

I spoke with Steve Bonzak, Kate Thomas, and Joe Sochor about what we wish for.  I liked what Steve talked about, which I would call Generating Slack, and I imagine involves all of the different kinds of wishes.  We talked some about what I imagine would be the counterparts to the good will exercises, and what might be called slack generator games.  Here are some differences between the two:
Slack Generator Games Good Will Exercises
Several people work together to create slack. There need to be several people, in order to get outside of the shadow of one's personal experience, and think like a "person in general".  But each person is on their own.
We should be able to conduct the game spontaneously.  When we get good at the game, then if we find ourselves in a game provoking situation, we can probably start playing without even speaking about it.  We need to spend a lot of time preparing the exercise, typically ten hours, in order to work out what our heart is really saying, because the person who is excited is always wrong regarding that.
Based on the living care of a person, perhaps of all of the participants. Based on what gets one person going.  That person is the touchstone from whose feelings we figure out what the real issue is.
Existing, acting, thinking are decoupled.  We can have living care for a person, an activity, or a belief.  Each game presumably focuses on one of these. Existing, acting, thinking are coupled.  Each exercise has all three parts, so that we follow through on the stand we take, we reflect on our action, and we take a stand based on what we think.

I would like to start making a list of examples of where slack is generated, and I want to know how that fits in with the goals and objectives in our big picture.

Describe Known Large Structures

I will make a list of the large structures that I work with, and then construct a web of the relationships between them.  It seems that the overall purpose is generating slack.  It offers a hole through which God can participate in the world, both directly and through us.  This purpose is expressed concretely in four ways, each involving different kinds of structures, and presumably, structuring an environment for slack in a different kind of way.  I imagine this as a large cylindrical hole, well, column from the heavens, aligning four different layers, each describing an environment for slack.  Each may be interpreted as a representation of the eightsome, which is one and the same as the nullsome.  Aligning them recovers the hole, which is not slack, but an environment for slack.  So they express God (= everything, = nullsome) as an environment for good (= slack, = sevensome).  The four representations of the nullsome are: significant, constant, direct, true.  I will attempt to unify these structures with the table below by means of concentrating on how they express these concepts.  Do the four holes relate to the four windows: God, free will, heart, conscience?
Purpose Structures Nature of hole
An attitude for submitting to God Christ's statements "I am..."  have us choose God over ourselves in every way, by the logic of the contents of Christ's sayings in applying the operating principles, which are the ways of addressing Maslow's hierarchy of needs.  Being able to choose God over ourselves is the environment for the slack.  Does this express the equation 7 + 3 = 2 ? Significant  We are able to choose God over ourselves.  We have God.
A plan for supporting God The canonical examples of the eightfold way have us connect with God by means of internalization, where we shift from an external to an internal perspective on our values, and consequently God grounds our participation not on our emotional disposition (by which we take the initiative) but on our virtue (by which God takes the initiative).  Being able to underlie participation with the initiative of God is the environment for slack. Internalization expresses the equation 6 + 3 = 1. Constant  We are able to tell whether we are connected with God, and whether we are to have God take the initiative, or we are to take the initiative ourselves.  The slack is in our ability to swing between the two, as in stepping in and out.  We have free will.
A language for supporting others The markings of the foursome let us deal with an issue by shelving it.  The  counterquestions let us express the intuition that is bigger than what the mind can reflect on at one time.  The counterquestions express the equation 4 + 3 = 7. Direct  We are able to have unaddressed issues.  We are able to speak to each other with regard to the truths of the heart.  We have heart.
A world for supporting life The emotional responses and the directions of the good are both built from the semiotic square.  They make it possible to respond to good.  The emotional responses express the equation 5 + 3 = 0. True  We do not have to determine which direction the good will come from.  We are ready to respond in all directions.  We have conscience that keeps us from closing options.

What is the relationship between the marking of the foursome, which makes it possible to shelve an issue, and organizing ideas in sequences, hierarchies, and networks?  A strong idea is at the head of a sequence, a broad idea is at the root of a tree, a clear idea is without links.  In these cases, there is no reason to shelve an idea, because we are dealing with it as primary.  Shelving an idea makes it possible to work with weak ideas, narrow ideas, vague ideas.  Also, note that the marking of the foursome involves trees (hierarchical), microattributes (network), and tokens (sequential).

In the table below is some data used to figure out the table above.
Structure Purpose = Wish
An attitude for submitting to God
Christ's statements "I am..." Obeying God.
Operating principles Noting the bias of our mind in how it approaches things.
Sixsome Being human.
Contents of Christ's sayings Understanding how our judgement guides us.
Maslow's hierarchy of needs Having motivation to respond.
A plan for supporting God
Eightfold way Connecting with God.
Internalization Relating our participation with God's participation.
A language for supporting others
Counterquestions Taking us outside of our experience, expressing the voices of the heart and the world.
Intuition Matrix Working with that which is bigger than our minds, something we can share with others.
Doubts Making evident what matters to us.
Issues Let us deal with something fixed and concrete so we can meanwhile address other things as well.
Divisions of everything Defining, making definite.
Narratives Understanding where things are headed.
Visualizations Allowing us to approach from afar.
Representations Working with what we do not conceive directly.
Markings of the Foursome Be able to work with signs, so as to approach information in more than one way at the same time..
A world for supporting life
Directions of the good Living flexible, ready for the good to come from any direction.
Emotional responses Being alive.
Ways things get done Making clear our options.

It's useful to consider some of the factors that arise in each family of structures.  This is useful for our investigators to know about when considering which structure may be relevant.
Family of Structures Structural factors to look for
An attitude for submitting to God Physical/psyche.  Applying with respect to God/ourselves.
A plan for supporting God God's/our initiative. 
A language for supporting others Point of view/situation. Topologies.  Foursome.  Criteria.
A world for supporting life Inner/outer expectation.  Able/unable make expectation.  Successful/unsuccessful expectation.

Here are some relations from the first group:
Representation of sixsome in terms of emotion. Representation of sixsome in terms of cognition. Operating principles Maslow's hierarchy of needs Christ's statements "I am..." Contents of Christ's sayings Questions about why good will  makes way for good heart?
Be perfect. I AM What you find is what you love.
Hope Faith Cling to what you have. Survival. I am the resurrection and the life. (base on glory of God) Belong to the Lord, share in the favor of the Lord. What is wound in one direction, and lives through spinning in the opposite direction?
Honesty Caring Get more than what you need. Security. I am the gate for the sheep. (base on intention of God) Wait for the Master, share in the treasure of the Master. What drops down upon reality and bounces away in random paths?
Courage Self-control Avoid extremes. Acceptance. I am the way, the truth and the life. (base on example of God) Follow the Teacher, share in the virtue of the Teacher. What captures attention and guides it?
Love/Hate Loyalty Choose the good over the bad. Self-esteem. I am the good shepherd. (base on love of God) As you value others, so are you valued. What by its turning (in the direction of winding) commands our attention and then slips away to the side?
Closeness/Fear Duty Choose the better over the worse. Freedom. I am the light of the world. (base on works of God) As you value the little, so you value the big. What like a ray reflects off of society and does not return?
Beauty/Disgust Justice Strive for the best. Self-fulfillment. I am the true vine. (base on law of God) As you value the fruit, so you value the tree. What falls as rain day and night until there sprout and grow plants that will bear fruit?
Address the needs of another. I am the bread of life. (base on will of God) What you believe is what happens.

Meeting a need (such as survival) encourages the associated emotional and cognitive dispositions (such as hope and faith).

I reorganized the members of the representations of the sixsome so that they accord with internalization.  The resulting order fits well with the operating principles.

How does the movement of internalization (for example, from external to internal perspective) relate to the structure of the eightfold way (where first God is internal to us, then external to us)?

What is the relationship between Christ's statements and the eightfold way?  I should look over my prayers to God.

How does the eightfold way relate to the operating principles?  Look at the canonical examples.  The Beatitudes seem definitely to be related to the operating principles (blessed are those who do not apply them) and to the contents of Christ's sayings (God applies them in blessing).
The Lord's prayer The Beatitudes (Blessed are those who do not follow the operating principles) St.Peter's Keys to Heaven Operating principles
Our father, who art in Heaven, [God, who loves us - wants us to be alive more than we ourselves do] Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. [God, who loves us - wants us to be alive more than we ourselves do] from faith  [God, who loves us - wants us to be alive more than we ourselves do] Be perfect.
Hallowed be thy name. [Preferable that God think, than I think] Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. [Preferable that God be, than I be] to virtue, from virtue [Preferable that God do, than I do] Cling to what you have.
Thy kingdom come. [Preferable that God be, than I be] Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. [Preferable that God do, than I do] to knowledge, from knowledge  [Preferable that God think, than I think] Get more than what you need.
Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.  [Preferable that God do, than I do] Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied. [Preferable that God think, than I think] to self-control, from self-control [Preferable that God be, than I be] Avoid extremes.
Give us this day our daily bread. [Watch over so I may do what I believe] Blessed are the merciful, for they will be treated mercifully. [Watch over so I may reflect on what I do] to endurance, from endurance [Watch over so I may believe based on what I reflect on] Choose the good over the bad.
And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. [Watch over so I may reflect on what I do] Blessed are the pure of heart, for they will see God. [Watch over so I may believe based on what I reflect on] to prayerfulness, from prayerfulness [Watch over so I may do what I believe] Choose the better over the worse.
And lead us not into temptation. [Watch over so I may believe based on what I reflect on] Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the children of God.  [Watch over so I may do what I believe] to brotherhood, from brotherhood [Watch over so I may reflect on what I do] Strive for the best.
But deliver us from evil. [Watch over us in the world] Blessed are those who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for their is the kingdom of heaven. [Watch over us in the world] to love [Watch over us in the world] Address the needs of another.

Here are some relationships from the third group:
Markings of the Foursome Issues Truths of the World Truths of the Heart
Malleable Like Yes, I like to.  It seems to me. Yes, I like to.  It does not seem to me.
Modifiable Need Yes, I need to. I should not be doing anything else. Yes, I need to.  I should be doing something else.
Mobile Real Yes, it is real.  It makes a difference. Yes, it is real.  It does not make any difference.
Memorable Problematic Yes, it is problematic.  I do not have control over it. Yes, it is problematic.  I have control over it.
Meaningful Reasonable Yes, it is reasonable.  I am able to consider the question. Yes, it is reasonable.  I am not able to consider the question.
Motivated Wrong Yes, it is wrong.  It is not the way things should be. Yes, it is wrong.  It is the way things should be.

How do these make it possible for the heart to speak its truths?
I am curious what happens to the counterquestions if we identify God (which has null situation) with the world (which has null perspective).  Then we no longer have higher and lower levels.  Instead, we get matchings from three levels to three levels, as in the narratives, and also one extra matching.

Here are some relationships from the fourth group:
Directions of the Good Emotional Responses Contents of Christ's sayings Ways of Getting Things Done
Good Heart Peace What you find is what you love. Respond
Good God Sad Belong to the Lord, share in the favor of the Lord. Renew
Good Gift Surprised Wait for the Master, share in the treasure of the Master. Articulate
Good Quality Frightened Follow the Teacher, share in the virtue of the Teacher. Confront
Good Person Content As you value others, so are you valued. Delegate
Good Deed Excited As you value the little, so you value the big. Initiate
Good Word Disgusted As you value the fruit, so you value the tree. Make yourself heard
Good News Suspense What you believe is what happens. Sheer Will

The emotional responses are responded to constructively with the corresponding ways that things get done.  The way things get done opens up a corresponding avenue for the good.  I would like to get a key understanding as to how