Andrius Kulikauskas of the Minciu Sodas laboratory is collecting

Episodes from the Gospel of Mark

where Jesus Christ may be inferred to have experienced emotion.  These episodes form the foundation for Andrius Kulikauskas' investigation Exercising Good Will Opens the Way for Good.  Passages are paraphrased because unfortunately most modern translations of the Bible are protected by copyright.  For example: "No part of the New American Bible may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner."

Peace => Respond Jesus is moved with pity for those who have faith, but suffer needs.
Disgust => Make yourself heard Jesus wants them to see another point of view, of one wanting to heal, forgive, rejoice, eat, do good, save life.  He rebukes those who do not believe.  He is angered by those who lack faith in good.
Frightened => Confront Unclean spirits that see Jesus shout out that he is the Son of God.  Jesus commands them to come out.  Jesus rebukes those who think as humans do, not as God does.  Jesus orders them not to make him known. Jesus wants people to go home and tell their families, but not to go into the villages and towns.
Content => Delegate Jesus is happy with those who do the will of God, who have faith.  He tells them to go in peace.  Jesus gives instructions, and everything is as he says.
Excited => Initiate Jesus calls disciples to follow him.  He sends them out to preach repentance and the gospel, to cure the sick, and to drive out demons.
Suprised => Articulate Jesus explains the parables to the disciples, but is surprised at their lack of understanding, and amazed at their lack of faith.
Sad => Renew Grieves at the hardness of hearts, those who look for the sign and ignore the signified.  He withdraws from them to rest.  He is silent with those who speak only on the level of words.
Suspense => Sheer will Jesus prays alone to be with God.  He is often tempted - but he responds to choose what God wants, not what he wants.

Prophesies, explains terms and duties.  Foretells.  Defends.  Suffers.  Cries out.  Warns.  Before God.  Looks around. Wills. Appears.  Teaches in parables.  Explains.

[Peace => Respond]

Jesus is moved with pity for those who have faith, but suffer needs. What Jesus did good:  Jesus wills that the leper be clean.  Jesus notices the faith.  Jesus tells the paralytic that his sins are forgiven.  Jesus tells the unclean spirit to come out of the tomb dweller.  Jesus does not torment the spirit.  Jesus told the man to go home and proclaim what the Lord in pity had done for him.  Jesus went off with Jairus.  Jesus encouraged Jairus to have faith, and disregarded the crowd.  Jesus did not perform miracles before those who ridiculed.  Jesus invited the three disciples to come with him.  Jesus was concerned that the daughter get food.  Jesus was concerned about the crowd that was like sheep without a shepherd. Jesus taught them many things.  Jesus was concerned about the hungry crowd.  He asked the disciples to help them.  He blessed the meal.  He showed them that the bread could be multiplied.  He fed them.  He let the sick touch him and be healed.

Mk 1, 40-42  Jesus was moved with pity for a leper who told him that if Jesus wished, Jesus could make him clean.  Jesus willed that the leper be clean.

Mk 2, 1-5  Jesus sees the faith of those who opened the roof to bring the paralytic to him.  Jesus tells the paralytic that his sins are forgiven.

Mk 5, 6-10 Jesus told the unclean spirit to come out of the tomb dweller.  The man, possessed by the unclean spirit, caught sight of Jesus from far away.  He ran up to Jesus, prostrated himself before him, and cried out, What did Jesus, Son of the Most High God, have to do with him?  He adjured Jesus by God not to torment him.  Jesus asked him his name.  His name was Legion, for there were many of them, and he pleaded not to drive them away from that territory.  They pleaded to be sent into the herd of swine, that he let them enter them.  He did let them, and they came out and entered the herd of about two thousand swine, which then rushed down a steep bank and were drowned.

Mk 5, 18-20 As Jesus was getting into the boat, the man who had been possessed by Legion pleaded to remain with him.  Jesus did not let him, but told him instead to go home to his family and declare to them all that the Lord in his pity had done for him.  The man went away and began to proclaim in Decapolis what Jesus had done for him, and all were amazed.

Mk 5, 22-24 Jairus, a synagogue official, came forward, fell at the feet of Jesus, and pleaded with him that his daughter was at the point of death.  He asked him please, to come lay his hands on her so that she may get well and live.  Jesus went off with Jairus.  A large crowd followed and pressed upon Jesus.

Mk 5, 35-43 People from Jairus' house told him that his daughter had died, and so why trouble the teacher?  Jesus disregarded their message and told Jairus not to be afraid, only to have faith.  Jesus did not allow anyone to go with him inside except Peter, James, and John.  At the home of Jairus, Jesus told the people not to weep, for the child is not dead but asleep.  They ridiculed him.  Jesus put them all out.  He took with him the father and the mother and the three disciples and entered the room where the child was.  He took the child by the hand and told her, little girl, arise.  She arose and walked around.  They were astounded.  He ordered them that no one should know and that she should be given something to eat.

Mk 6, 34-43  [Jesus' heart was moved by pity for the vast crowd, for they were like sheep without a shepherd.  He taught them many things.  It became late and his disciples approached him to dismiss them so they could buy food in the surrounding farms and villages.  Jesus told them to give them some food themselves.  They asked, are they to buy two hundred days' wages worth of food and distribute it? He asked them how many loaves they had? Go and see!  They said five loaves and two fish.  He had the people sit in groups.  He took the five loaves and two fish, looked up to heaven, said the blessing, broke the loaves, gave them to his disciples to bring before the people.  He also divided the fish among them.  They ate, were satisfied, and picked up twelve wicker baskets of leftovers.  Five thousand men had been fed.]

Mk 6, 53-56 [Jesus and his disciples climbed out of the boat, and the people recognized them.  They brought the sick to him wherever they heard he was, and begged to touch only the tassel on his cloak, and those who touched it were healed.]

Mk 7, 31-37 They left the district of Tyre and went to the district of Decapolis.  People brought to Jesus a deaf man with a speech impediment.  They begged Jesus to lay his hand on him.  Jesus took the man off by himself away from the crowd.  Jesus put his finger into the man's ears, then spit and touched the man's tongue.  Jesus looked up into heaven and groaned and said, Be opened.  The man's ears were immediately opened.  The man's speech impediment was removed, and he spoke plainly.

Mk 8, 1-10  There was a crowd of four thousand with nothing to eat.  Jesus told his disciples that his heart was moved with pity for the crowd because they had been with him for three days and had no food to eat.  If he sent them home hungry, they would collapse on the way, and some had come from far away.  His disciples asked where they could get enough bread for them in this deserted place?  Jesus asked how many loaves they had.  They had seven.  He ordered the crowd to sit on the ground.  He gave thanks, broke the loaves, and gave them to his disciples to pass to the crowd.  They also had some fish.  He blessed them and also had them distributed.  The disciples picked up seven baskets of leftovers.  Jesus dismissed the crowd and with his disciples got into a boat to Dalmanutha.

Mk 9, 26-27 The boy became like a corpse, and many said the boy was dead.  Jesus took the boy by the hand raised him, and he stood up.

Mk 10, 46-52  Jesus, his disciples, and a crowd were leaving Jericho.  A blind man, Bartimaeus, sat at the roadside begging.  He heard that it was Jesus, and he cried out, Jesus, son of David, have pity on me.  Many rebuked him, told him to be silent, but he called out all the more.  Jesus stopped and said, call him.  They called the blind man, told him to take courage, get up, for Jesus was calling him.  Bartimaeus threw aside his cloak, sprang up, came to Jesus.  Jesus replied, what did he want him to do for him? Bartimaeus replied, Master, I want to see.  Jesus told him, go your way, for your faith has saved you.  Bartimaeus immediately received his sight and followed Jesus on the way.

Is Attentive to

Mk 8, 22-26 At Bethsaida, the disciples brought to Jesus a blind man and begged that Jesus touch him. He took the man by his hand and took him outside the village.  He put spittle on his eyes, then laid his hands on him and asked if he saw anything.  The man looked up and replied that he saw people looking like trees and walking.  Jesus laid hands on his eyes again and then the man saw everything clearly.  Jesus sent him home and told him not even to go into the village.

[Disgust => Make yourself heard] Speaks out to those who think badly of him.

Jesus wants them to see that this is the time and the place - to heal, forgive, rejoice, eat, do good, save life.  He rebukes those who do not believe.  He is angered by those who lack faith in good.

Answers objections

Mk 2, 15-17 Some of the Pharisees asked the disciples why Jesus ate with sinners.  Jesus told them that he was like a physician, who came to call the sinners, not the righteous.

Mk 2, 18-22 People objected to Jesus that his disciples did not fast.  Jesus explained that they were with him now, and they would fast when he was not with them.  New wine is poured in new wineskins.

Examines hearts

Mk 2, 6-12 Some of the scribes thought Jesus blasphemed when he told the paralytic he had forgiven his sins.  Jesus asked them why do they think such things in their hearts?  Is it easier to tell the paralytic his sins are forgiven, or to tell him to rise and walk?  So they would know that Jesus had the authority to forgive sins, he now tells the paralytic to rise and go home.

Mk 2, 23-28 Pharisees asked Jesus, why his disciples were picking the heads of grain, which was unlawful on the sabbath.  Jesus asked them if they had not heard how David and his companions, when hungry, had eaten the bread reserved for the high priests. The sabbath was made for man, not man for the sabbath, so Jesus is lord of the sabbath.

Exposes bad will

Mk 14, 46-50  [The armed crowd seized Jesus, and he said to them in reply, had they come out as against a robber?  He had taught in the temple, but they had not arrested him.  This was so that the scriptures may be fulfilled.]

Mk 3, 22-30 The scribes from Jerusalem said that Jesus was possessed by Beelzebul, and also that he drove out demons by the power of the prince of demons.  Jesus called them and spoke to them in parables that if Satan has risen up against himself, then Satan cannot stand.  Actually, a strong man does not let anybody plunder his property, and must be tied up before he will.  People who utter blasphemies will be forgiven.  But people who blasphemy the holy Spirit - people who judge a tree to be bad even when they judge the fruit to be good - these people will never be forgiven.  Jesus spoke this way because the scribes had said that he had an unclean spirit.  [my interpretation, read original]

Mk 7, 1-14 [The Pharisees and scribes asked Jesus, why did his disciples eat with unclean hands, and not follow the traditions of the elders?  Jesus responded that they were hypocrites, about which Isaiah prophesied, that they honor God with their lips, but their hearts are far away from him, and that in vain do they worship God, teaching human precepts as doctrines.  They disregard God's commandment and instead cling to human tradition.  They are very good at setting aside the commandment of God in order to uphold their tradition.  Moses had said to honor their fathers and mothers, and whoever curses father or mother shall die.  But they say that if a person says to their parents that any support they had had is now dedicated to God, they allow him to do nothing more for his parents.  They nullify the word of God in favor of their tradition that they have handed on.  They do many such things.]

Rebukes lack of faith in good

Mk 3, 1-6 Pharisees watched to see whether Jesus would heal a man with a withered hand on the sabbath.  He asked them if it was lawful on the sabbath to do good rather than evil, to save life rather than destroy it, but they said nothing.  He looked around at them with anger and grieved at their hardness of heart.  Then he healed the man, and the Pharisees left to take counsel with the Herodians to plot his death.  Jesus withdrew toward the sea.

Mk 10, 13-14  People brought children to Jesus so that he might touch them.  The disciples rebuked them.  When Jesus saw this he became indignant.  He told them to let the children come to him, and not to prevent them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as them.

Mk 14, 14 Jesus appears to the eleven disciples and rebukes them for their unbelief and hardness of heart because they had not believed those who saw him after he had been raised.

Mk 9, 14-19 [Some of Jesus' disciples are unable to cast out a spirit.  The father explains that he asked his disciples to drive it out, but they were unable.  Jesus replied, O faithless generation! How long will he endure them?  Bring him the boy.]

Mk 9, 22-24 The father explains that the spirit often throws his son into fire or water to kill him.  If Jesus can do anything, then have compassion on them and help them.  Jesus said, If I can! and that everything is possible to one who has faith.  The father cried out that he did believe, help his unbelief.

Defends holiness

Mk 11, 15-19 [Jesus drives out those selling and buying in the temple area.  He overturns tables and does not permit anybody to carry anything through the temple area.  He teaches them, is it not written, that my house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples?  He says that they have made it a den of thieves.  The chief priests and scribes heard of it and wanted him to die, but they feared Jesus because his teaching astonished the crowd.]

[Frightened => Confront]

Unclean spirits that see Jesus shout out that he is the Son of God.  Jesus commands them to come out.  Jesus rebukes those who think as humans do, not as God does.  Jesus orders them not to make him known. Jesus wants people to go home and tell their families, but not to go into the villages and towns.

Mk 1, 21-28  A man with an unclean spirit asked Jesus if he had come to destroy them, and said he knew that Jesus was the Holy One of God.  Jesus rebuked the man and told the spirit to be quiet and to come out of him.  The spirit convulsed the man and came out of him with a loud cry.

Mk 1, 32-34  Jesus drove out many demons.  He did not permit them to speak because they knew who he was.

Mk 1, 43-45 Jesus sternly warned the man not to tell anybody except to appear before the priest, but the man told everybody and Jesus could not appear in town openly, but had to stay in deserted places, where people came to him.

Mk 3, 11-12 Unclean spirits that saw him would fall down before him and shout that he was the Son of God.  He sternly warned them not to make him known.

Mk 4, 35-39  As evening neared, Jesus told the disciples to cross on the other side.  They left the crowd, taking Jesus in the boat he was preaching from.  Jesus slept on a cushion in the stern.  A violent squall came up and waves were breaking over the boat and filling it up.  The disciples woke up Jesus and said, don't you care that we are perishing?  Jesus woke up, rebuked the wind, and told the sea to be quiet and still.  The wind ceased and there was an immense calm.

Mk 5, 6-10 Jesus told the unclean spirit to come out of the tomb dweller.

Mk 8, 32-33 Jesus told his disciples how the Son of Man must suffer greatly, be killed, and rise after three days.  Peter took Jesus aside and began to rebuke him. Jesus turned around, looked at his disciples and rebuked Peter, Get behind me, Satan.  He is thinking not as God does, but as humans do.

Mk 9, 25-26 Jesus saw that a crowd was rapidly gathering.  He rebuked the unclean spirit, Mute and deaf spirit, I command you to come out of him, and never enter him again!  The demon came out, shouting and throwing the boy into convulsions.

Warns not to tell anybody

Mk 7, 36-37  Jesus ordered them not to tell anybody.  The more Jesus ordered them not to, the more they proclaimed it.  They were very very astonished.  They said that Jesus has done all things well.  Jesus makes the deaf hear, makes the mute speak.

Mk 8,27-30 Jesus asks his disciples, who do people say that he is?  John the Baptist, or Elijah, or one of the prophets.  Who do they say that he is?  Peter replies, Jesus is the Messiah.  Jesus warned them not to tell anybody about him.

Mk 9, 9-10 Coming down the mountain, Jesus told them not to tell anybody what they had seen until the Son of Man had risen from the dead.  They kept the matter to themselves, wondering what rising from the dead meant.

Mk 6, 14-16 [Jesus' fame became widespread.  People were saying, and King Herod thought, that John the Baptist had risen from the dead.  Others thought he was Elijah.  Others said he was a prophet like any of the prophets.]

[Content => Initiate]

Jesus is happy with those who here and now do the will of God, who have faith, who give all.  He tells them to go in peace.

Mk 3, 31-35 Jesus' mother and brothers arrived.  They stood outside and called for him, and the crowd seated around Jesus told him that his mother and brothers were outside asking for him.  Jesus replied, who are his mother and brothers?  He looked around at those seated in the circle and said that here are his mother and brothers.  All who do the will of God are his brother and sister and mother.

Mk 5, 25-34  A woman afflicted with hemorrhages came up behind Jesus in the crowd and touched his cloak.  She had told herself that if she but touched his clothes, she would be cured.  Immediately her flow of blood dried up, and she felt that she was healed.  Jesus was aware at once that power had gone out from him.  He turned around in the crowd and asked, who had touched his clothes?  His disciples replied that he sees how the crowd presses upon him, and yet he asks, who touched him?  Jesus looked around to see who had touched his clothes.  The woman realized what had happened to her.  She approached Jesus in fear.  She was trembling, and she fell down before him and told him the truth.  Jesus called her Daughter, and told her that her faith had saved her, and to go in peace and be cured of her affliction.

Mk 7, 25-30 A woman whose daughter had an unclean spirit heard about Jesus.  She was a Greek, Syrophoenician by birth.  She begged Jesus to drive the demon out of her daughter.  Jesus said to her, let the children be fed first.  It is not right to take the children's food and throw it to the dogs.  The woman said, Lord, even the dogs under the table eat the children's scraps.  Jesus said to her, for saying this, she may go.  The demon has left her daughter.  The woman went home and found her child lying in bed and the demon was gone.

Mk 10, 15-16 Jesus said, whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it.  He embraced the children and blessed them, placing his hands on them.

Mk 10, 17-31 [Young man kneels and asks, Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life.  Jesus answers, why does he call him good?  Only God is good.  He knows the commandments.  The young man said that he had observed all of them from his youth.  Jesus looked at him, loved him, and said to him, he was lacking in one thing.  Go, sell what he had, give to the poor and he will have treasure in heaven.  Then come follow Jesus.  The face of the young man fell, and he went away sad, for he had many possessions.]

Mk 12, 28-34 [A scribe asked Jesus, which was the first of all commandments.  Jesus said, Hear O Israel! The Lord our God is lord alone!  You shall love the Lord your God with all of your heart, with all of your soul, with all of your mind, with all of your strength.  The second commandment is You shall love your neighbor as yourself.  No other commandment is greater than these.  The scribe replied that Jesus was right, and that to love God and neighbor in this way was worth more than all burnt offerings and sacrifices.  Jesus saw the scribe answered with understanding and told him that he was not far from the kingdom of God.  Nobody dared to ask Jesus any more questions.]

Mk 12, 41-44 Jesus sat down opposite from the treasury.  He watched how the crowd put in money. Many rich people put in large amounts.  A poor widow came and put in two small coins worth a few cents.  Jesus called his disciples and said, I say to you, this poor widow contributed more than all the others to this treasury.  For they all gave from their surplus wealth, but she, from her poverty, gave all she had, her entire livelihood.


Mk 14, 22-26 [Jesus shares his body and blood, and foretells he will not drink until he drinks it new in the kingdom of God.  They sing a hymn.]

Looks Around

Mk 11, 8-11  [Jesus and the crowd enter Jerusalem.  The crowd cries out, Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!  Jesus goes into the temple area, looks around, and then goes out to Bethany]

[Excited => Delegate]

Jesus calls disciples to follow him.  He sends them out to preach repentance and the gospel, to cure the sick, and to drive out demons.  Jesus gives instructions, and everything is as he says.

Mk 1, 16-20 Jesus saw the fishermen and called out to them to follow him, and he would make them fishers of men.

Mk 2, 13-14 Jesus sees Levi at the customs post and calls to him to follow Jesus.

Mk 3, 13-19 Jesus went up the mountain and called those he wanted to come.  They came to him and he appointed them the twelve apostles so that they would be with him and he might send them out to preach and have authority to drive out demons.

Mk 6, 7-13 [Jesus sent out the twelve disciples in pairs and gave them authority over unclean spirits.  He told them to take nothing for the journey but a walking stick.  He told them, when they entered a house, to stay there until they left from there, and to shake the dust off their feet in testimony against any place that does not welcome them or listen to them.  They preached repentance, drove out many demons, and cured many sick.]

Mk 16, 15 Jesus sends the disciples into the entire world to proclaim the gospel to every creature.

Gives Instructions

Mk 11, 1-7 [Jesus sends two disciples to bring a colt.]

Mk 14, 10-16 [Jesus sends two disciples to make preparations for the Passover]

Before God

Mk 1, 9-11 John baptized Jesus, and Jesus saw the heavens tear open and the Spirit descending upon him, and heard God from the heavens that Jesus was his beloved Son, with whom he was well pleased.

Mk 9, 2-8  Jesus lead Peter, James and John up a high mountain.  Jesus was transfigured, his clothes became dazzling white, and Elijah and Moses appeared and conversed with him.  Peter replied to Jesus, that it was good that they were here, and that they should make three tents, one for him, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.  He did not know what to say, they were so terrified.  A cloud cast a shadow over them, and from it came a voice, this is my beloved son, listen to him. Suddenly, the only one they saw was Jesus.

Mk 16, 19-20  Jesus is taken up into heaven and takes his seat at the right hand of God.  The disciples went forth, and Jesus worked with them and confirmed the word through signs.


Mk 11, 12-14 [Jesus was hungry.  He went to a fig tree to see if he could find some figs.  But there were only leaves, it was not time for figs.  Jesus replied to the tree, may no one ever eat of its fruit again!]

[Surprised => Articulate]

Jesus explains the parables to the disciples, but is surprised at their lack of understanding, and amazed at their lack of faith.

Mk 4, 10-20 When Jesus was alone, those present along with the Twelve asked him what he meant.  He replied that the mystery of the kingdom of God had been granted to them.  But to those outside, everything comes to them in parables, so that they might be able to hear without having to understand and without having to be forgiven [my interpretation].  If you do not understand this parable, then how will you understand the others?  The sower sows the word.  From some, Satan comes at once and takes away the word from them.  Some receive the word with joy, but have not root, and quickly fall away when tribulation or persecution comes.  Some hear the word, but worldy anxiety, riches and cravings intrude and choke the word, and leave it without fruit.  Some hear the word and accept it and bear fruit thirty and sixty and a hundredfold.

Mk 4, 21-25 Jesus asked them whether a lamp was brought in to be placed under a bushel basket or under a bed, instead of placing it on a lampstand.  The purpose of bringing in the lamp is to see - and the purpose of all in the room is to be seen [my interpretation].  Nothing is hidden except to be made visible.  Anyone who has ears ought to hear.  The purpose of the word is to be heard - and the purpose of having ears is to hear [my interpretation].  Take care what you hear - the measure with which you measure will be measured out to you, and even more will be given to you.  The one who has will receive even more, and from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away.

Surprised at lack of understanding

Mk 7, 17-23 Disciples questioned Jesus about the parable.  Jesus asked them, were even they likewise without understanding?  Did they not realize that everything that goes into a person from the outside cannot make unclean, since it enters not the heart but the stomach and passes out into the latrine?  But what comes out of a person is what makes unclean.  From within them, from their hearts, come evil thoughts, unchastity, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, licentiousness, envy, blasphemy, arrogance, folly.  These evils all come from within and they make unclean.

Amazed at lack of faith

Mk 4, 40-41 Jesus asked the disciples why they were terrified, did they not yet have faith?  The disciples were filled with awe and said to one another, who is this whom even the wind and the sea obey?

Mk 6, 1-6 [Jesus went home to Nazareth and taught in the synagogue.  Those who heard him were astonished.  They asked where he got all this?  What mighty deeds were done by his hands!  Was he not the carpenter they knew?  They took offense at him.  Jesus said that a prophet is not without honor except in his home.  He was not able to perform any mighty deed there, except for curing a few sick people.  Jesus was amazed at their lack of faith.]

Mk 8, 16-21 The disciples concluded that Jesus had warned about the leaven because they had no bread.  Jesus became aware of this and said, why do they conclude that it is because they had no bread?  Do they not understand, or comprehend, or are their hearts hardened?  Do they have eyes and not see, have ears and not ear?  Did they not remember, when he broke five loaves for five thousand, how many baskets of leftovers they picked up?  They said, twelve.  Did they not remember, when he broke seven loaves for four thousand, how many baskets they picked up?  They said, seven.  He asked, did they still not understand?

Mk 12, 18-27 [Some Sadducees tell Jesus a story about a woman who had seven husbands over the course of her life.  At the resurrection, whose wife will she be?  Jesus replies, are they not misled because they do not know the scriptures or the power of God?  People who rise from the dead neither marry or are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven.  Had they not read the Book of Moses, how God had told them he was the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob?  He is God of the living, not God of the dead.  So they are misled.]

Raises question

Mk 12, 35-37  Jesus asked, how did the scribes claim that the Messiah is David's son?  For David himself, inspired by the holy Spirit, had said: The Lord said to my lord, sit at my right hand until I place your enemies under your feet.  David calls him 'lord', so how can he be his son?  The crowd delighted in this.

[Sad => Renew]

Jesus grieves at the hardness of hearts, those who look for the sign and ignore the signified.  He withdraws from them to rest.  He is silent with those who speak only on the level of words.

Mk 3, 1-6 Pharisees watched to see whether Jesus would heal a man with a withered hand on the sabbath.  He asked them if it was lawful on the sabbath to do good rather than evil, to save life rather than destroy it, but they said nothing.  He looked around at them with anger and grieved at their hardness of heart.  Then he healed the man, and the Pharisees left to take counsel with the Herodians to plot his death.  Jesus withdrew toward the sea.

Mk 8, 11-13 The Pharisees came to Jesus and argued with him.  They asked for a sign from heaven to test him. Jesus sighed from the depth of his spirit and asked, why does this generation seek a sign?  He declared that no sign will be given to this generation.  He left them, got back into the boat, and went to the other shore.

Mk 10, 1-12 [Pharisees approached Jesus and asked him if it was lawful for a husband to divorce his wife?  Jesus asked what Moses had commanded them.  They said that Moses permitted writing a bill of divorce.  Jesus said that it was because of the hardness of their hearts that Moses wrote them this commandment.  But in the beginning God made them male and female.  What God joined together, no human should separate.]

Mk 12, 13-17 [They sent some Pharisees and Herodians to ask him whether it is lawful to pay the census tax to Caesar?  Jesus knew their hypocrisy and said, why are they testing him?  Bring him a coin.  They brought him one and asked, whose image and inscription is that?  Caesar's.  Repay to Caesar what is Caesar's, and repay to God what belongs to God.  He amazed them.]

Mk 5, 15-17  The townspeople approached Jesus and saw the man who had been possessed by Legion.  He was sitting with clothes on and in his right mind.  Fear seized them.  The witnesses to the incident explained to them what had happened to the possessed man and to the swine.  They begged Jesus to leave their district.  Jesus got into the boat.

Mk 3, 20-21 Jesus came home, and the crowd gathered, so that it was even impossible for them to eat.  His relatives heard of this and they set out to seize him, saying that he was out of his mind.

Mk 7, 24  Jesus went off to the district of Tyre.  He entered a house and did not want anybody to know about it.  However, he could not escape notice.

Stays near the shore so he is not crushed

Mk 3, 7-10 Many people followed Christ to the sea shore.  He told his disciples to prepare a boat for him so the crowd would not crush him. The sick pressed upon him to touch him because he had cured so many.

Mk 5, 18  When Jesus crossed again to the other side of the sea, a large crowd gathered around him, and Jesus stayed near the sea.

Mk 6, 30-33 [The disciples reported to Jesus all they had done and taught.  Jesus told them to come away by themselves to a deserted place and rest for a while.  So many people were coming and going, they did not have the opportunity to eat.  They went off in the boat to a deserted place.  People saw them leave and went on foot from the towns and arrived at that place before them.]


Mk 12, 27-33 [The chief priests, scribes and elders challenged Jesus, by what authority he did these things?  Jesus gave them a question to answer, and then he would answer.  Was the origin of John's baptism heavenly or human?  They feared either answer, and said they did not know.  So Jesus said that neither would he reply to them.]

Mk 14, 60-61 The high priest questioned Jesus, had he no answer?  What were the men testifying against him?  Jesus did not reply.

Mk 14, 63-65 The priests condemned Jesus. Some began to spit on him, they blindfolded him and struck him and told him to prophesy.  The guards beat him.

Mk 15, 2-5 [Jesus silent before Pilate.]

Mk 15, 23 Jesus was given wine drugged with myrrh, but he did not take it.

[Suspense => Sheer Will]

Jesus prays alone to be with God.  He is often tempted - but he responds to choose what God wants, not what he wants.

Mk 1, 12-15  The Spirit drove Jesus to the desert, where he was tempted by Satan, and the angels ministered to him.  Afterwards, Jesus came to Galilee and proclaimed that the kingdom of God is at hand.

Mk 1, 35-39  Jesus prayed alone in a deserted place.  When Simon and the others said that everyone was looking for him, Jesus said that they should go to other villages, for he had come to preach.

Mk 6, 45-49 [Jesus had his disciples get into the boat and precede him to the other side, and he dismissed the crowd.  He went to the mountain to pray.  In the evening, the boat was far out to sea, and he was alone on the shore.  He saw that the wind was against them and they were tossed about while rowing.  He intended to pass by them.  But they saw him and were terrified, for they thought it was a ghost.]

Mk 14, 32-40 [Jesus prays at Gethsemane.  He is troubled and distressed, his soul is sorrowful even to death. He asks Peter, James and John to keep watch, but they keep falling asleep.  He asks God his Father, to whom all things are possible, to take this cup away from him, but not what Jesus wants, but what God wants.  He asks the disciples to watch and pray that they may not undergo the test.  The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. The third time he returned to them he said, behold, it is time to go.]


Prophesies, Explains Terms and Duties

Mk 8, 31

Mk 8, 34-38

Mk 9, 1

Mk 9, 11-13 Peter, John and James asked Jesus, why the scribes said that Elijah must come first?  Jesus replied that Elijah would indeed come first and restore all things, but how can it be that it is written that the Son of Man must suffer greatly and be treated with contempt?  He asserted that Elijah had already come and that they had done whatever they pleased with him, as was written.

Mk 9, 30-32

Mk 9, 33-37

Mk 9, 38-50

Mk 11, 32-34

Mk 11, 35-45

Mk 9, 28-29

Mk 16, 16-18  Jesus tells the eleven disciples that whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.  He explains the signs that will accompany those who believe.


Mk 13, 1-2 [One of the disciples said to Jesus, what stones and what buildings!  Jesus foretells that not one stone will be left upon another that will not be thrown down.]

Mk 14, 17-21 [Jesus foretells his betrayal, and says it would be better for his betrayer if he had never been born]

Mk 14, 27-28 [Jesus foretells that their faith will be shaken, but that he will go before them to Galilee.]

Mk 14, 29-31 [Peter says that his faith will not be shaken, but Jesus foretells that Peter will deny him three times.]

Mk 14, 61-63 The high priest asked Jesus if he was the Messiah, the son of the Blessed One.  Jesus answered that he was, and that they would see him seated at the right hand of the Power and coming with the clouds of heaven.  The high priest tore his garments and said, what further need did they have for witnesses?  They had heard the testimony - what did they think?  They said he deserved to die.


Mk 14, 3-9 [Jesus defends the woman who broke the alabaster jar and poured it on his head.]


Mk 15, 15 Pilate, wanting to satisfy the crowd, releases Barabbas, has Jesus scourged and hands him over to be crucified.

Mk 15, 16-20 [Jesus is mocked by the soldiers.]

Mk 15, 24-32 [Jesus is crucified, reviled and abused.]

Cries Out

Mk 15, 33-37 [Jesus cries out, My God, My God, why have you foresaken me?]


Mk 8, 14-15 They had forgotten to bring bread with them into the boat, and had only one loaf.  Jesus warned them to guard against the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod.

Mk 12, 38-40  Jesus tells the crowd to beware of the scribes, who like to wear long robes and accept greetings in the marketplaces, seats of honor in synagogues, and places of honor at banquets.  The scribes devour the houses of widows.  As a pretext, they recite lengthy prayers.  The scribes will receive very severe condemnation.


Mk 6, 50-52 [Jesus, walking on the water, terrified the disciples.  They thought he was a ghost.  He spoke to them to take courage, for it is he, do not be afraid.  Jesus got into the boat and the wind died down.  They were astounded, they had not understood the breaking of the loaves, their hearts were hardened.]

Mk 16, 9-11 [Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene.]

Mk 16, 12-13 [Jesus appears to two disciples.]

Teaches in Parables

Mk 4, 1-7 Jesus taught by the sea.  A large crowd gathered around him, so he entered a boat and taught the crowd on the land.  Jesus taught them in parables, telling them to "Hear this!"  A sower went to sow, and some of his seed fell on the path, and the bird ate it up.  Some of the seed fell on rocky ground with little soil, and it sprang up at once because the soil was not deep, but the sun rose and scorched it because it had no roots.  Some of the seed fell among thorns, and the thorns grew up and choked it, and so it did not yield any grain.  Some of the seed fell on rich soil and it yielded fruit - thirty, sixty, and a hundredfold.  "Whoever has ears ought to hear."

Mk 4, 26-29

Mk 4, 30-34

Mk 7, 14 Jesus tells the crowd to hear him and understand.  Nothing that enters a person from the outside can make them dirty, only the things that come from the inside can make them dirty.

Mk 12, 1-12 [Jesus speaks in parables to the chief priests, scribes, and elders who had approached them.  He speaks about the man who planted a vineyard, and the tenants who put his son to death.  They wanted to arrest Jesus, but they feared the crowd, for they understood that he addressed the parable to them.  They left him.]


Mk 11, 20-25  [Peter told Jesus that the tree he had cursed had withered.  Jesus replied to have faith in God.  Whoever says to a mountain, be lifted up and thrown into the sea, and does not doubt in their heart but instead believes, what is said will happen.  Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you will receive it and it shall be yours.  When you pray, forgive those against whom you have a grievance, so that God your father may in turn forgive you your transgressions.]

Mk 13, 3-37 [Peter, James, John and Andrew ask Jesus to tell them when will this happen, and what will be the signs that things are coming to an end?  Jesus warns them not to be deceived, and tells of many signs that must happen beforehand.  He tells them to watch over themselves, that they would be persecuted, and they should not worry about what they would say, but say what the Spirit gives them to say at that hour.  Those who persevere will be saved.  When the desolating abomination stands where it should not be, then those in Judea must flee to the mountains, on housetops must not get down, in fields must not go back to get their cloak (my interpretation - must not turn back, but must escape upwards, as if away from a flood).  Woe to pregnant women and nursing mothers.  Pray this does not happen in winter.  God has shortened these days so that the elect may be saved.  Do not believe those who point to the Messiah.  False messiahs and prophets will try to mislead the elect with signs and wonders.  He has told them this beforehand.  Afterwards, the lights of the heavens will darken and shake, and they will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with power and glory, and he will send out the angels and they will gather the elect from all over.  When you see these things happen, know that the Son of Man is near.  This generation will not pass away until these things take place - heaven and earth will pass away - but Jesus' words will not.  No one know the hour, not even Jesus, only the Father.  Be watchful, so that Jesus does not find them sleeping.  Be watchful, like servants whose master is away.]