
Kviečiu išmąstyti ir puoselėti bendrystę ugdytis, bręsti, gyventi amžinai jau čia ir dabar.



Santrauka? FFFFFF

Pavaizdavimai? E6E6FF

Asmeniškai? BA9696

Darbai FFFFC0

Išsiaiškinimai D8F1D8

Duomenys? FFE6E6

Užrašai EEEEEE

Nuojauta? AAAAAA

Kitų mintys? ECD9EC

Dievas man? FFECC0

Mieli dalyviai! Visa mano kūryba ir kartu visi šie puslapiai yra visuomenės turtas, kuriuo visi kviečiami laisvai naudotis, dalintis, visaip perkurti. - Andrius



Brandenburgers - The Third Reich Special Forces

The Brandenberger Commandos: Germany's Elite Warrior Spies In World War II

Abwehr Sub-branch I ON was responsible for handling minorities and subversive groups in the Soviet Union, the Far East, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Finland.

June 10, 1941 Canaris and the leading officers of Ausland/Abwehr attended a major conference, on this occassion the Abwehr commander discussed the job of occupying Russia with SS and police officers of the Reichsicherheitshauptamt. Made an agreement with Heydrich for his agents to cooperate with those of the SD and the Security Police.

150 Abwehr teams, 3 to 10 men strong, taking part in the initial advance. They comprised Abwehr Department 104. Send captured documents to Walli III, originally in Breslau, then in Lemberg (Lvov) and then Vinnitsa.

  • Seize railway tunnel and bridge near Vilnius.
  • Possess bridges over Western Dvina.

Oberstleutnant Stolze began forming and drilling these detachments. When they were ready for action they were moved to Army Group North's concentration in East Prussia. His superior was von Lahousen-Vivremont, head of Abwehr's Department II. 800th Special Purpose Construction Training Battalion "Brandenburg" was directly subordinate to Lahousen-Vivremont.

  • II Batallion: Baden near Vienna (Baden bei Wien), commanding officer: Rittmeister Jacobi, later Major Heinz. Its 5th company, guarded Danube waterways. 6th company went to Rumania to guard Ploesti oil fields. 7th and 8th companies transferred to Northeast Prussia.

Įvairūs žygiai Tauragėje, Suvalkijoje, Varėnoje, Utenoje ir t.t.

Peter Kleist 1943 metais dalyvavo plėtojant taikos galimybes su sovietais.


Naujausi pakeitimai

Puslapis paskutinį kartą pakeistas 2012 gruodžio 12 d., 19:50