






Mintys.Atjausti istorija

Rodyti nežymius pakeitimus - Rodyti kodo pakeitimus

2018 spalio 03 d., 18:28 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 1-72 eilutės iš

{{Empathy}}. The source of real {{Creativity}}.

See also: {{Love}}, LevelsOfUnderstanding, RecurringActivity, RepresentationsOfTheThreesome, {{Topologies}}

{{Andrius}}: Note: this section describes a direction which I took in August and September of 2003. I was looking for a deep way to arrive at the basic structures. I thought a lot about how everything and anything may reach out to each other and have empathy for each other. I also drew on my thoughts on the fifteen PrinciplesOfLife in Christopher Alexander's The Nature of Order. This approach is fundamental to my thoughts on GeneralStructure.

{{Empathy}} is the source of real {{Creativity}}.

{{Everything}} has empathy for {{Anything}} through the RepresentationsOfTheThreesome. Everything has empathy for anything in various degrees. The representations of the threesome express such empathy. The degree of empathy is given by the number of states that are recurring.

  • 3 recurring states: be, do, think
  • 2 recurring states: one-all, many
  • 1 recurring state: object-process-subject
  • 0 recurring states: necessary;actual;possible because truth is eternal, not recurring

Anything has empathy for everything through shifts. The members of the threesome can (by way of the representations) be understood as going beyond themselves, as shifts from one state to another. Representations allow us to think of isolated perspectives, not just the entire whole.

take a stand:

  • possible => necessary
  • subject => object
  • many => one
  • think => be

follow through:

  • necessary => actual
  • object => process
  • one => all
  • be => do


  • actual => possible
  • process => subject
  • all => many
  • do => think

These are shifts from one perspective to another.

{{Gradation}} is the Empathy of {{Everything}} for {{Anything}}

SecondaryStructures arise from having everything, with a given scope of concern, go beyond itself to empathize with the experience of a primary structure.

The subject of this empathy is the relationship between everything and anything. For example, let us consider when everything wishes for nothing. In particular, here everything wishes for nothing with regard to its relationship with anything. We may think of anything as everything plus slack. Here then, all the slack or goodness is expected to come from anything, because everything wishes for nothing.

So the directions of the good, as felt here by everything, give rise to the following emotional responses:

  • Good person: content (in what matters, things are as they should) Here everything interprets itself as "being one with everything".
  • Good God: sad (in what matters, things are not as they should be - the goodness here shouldn't be coming from a God who wishes for nothing!)

Here everything interprets itself as "being one with nothing".

  • Good deed: excited (in what does not matter so much, things are as they should) Everything feels it is "being one with anything".
  • Good gift: surprised (in what does not matter so much, things aren't as they should be). Everything feels it is "being one with something".

I think also:

  • Good quality (sorting the good and the bad): fright (in what does not matter so much, can't make expectation). Everything interprets this as "decreasing slack".
  • Good word (allowing the good and the bad to be confused): disgust (in what matters, can't make expectation). Everything interprets this as "increasing slack".

The idea is that this empathy gives rise to a secondary structure, the six criteria: being one with everything, anything, something, nothing and increasing and decreasing slack.

The empathy here is different if everything's scope of concern becomes larger, as in "everything wishes for something". What does everything wish for? That the anythings which are beyond it seek to connect with it, that they "involuntarily, actively, be connected". So now there is an expectation on the part of everything. And also the directions of the good will now be interpreted as a two-sided effort, both God and person. I think empathy here will give rise to the twelve topologies, by way of the twelve ways that I've observed how we can conceive being connected with God. So I am thinking about that and will try to work that out.


Žr. Atjautos

2014 gegužės 19 d., 15:42 atliko Andrius Kulikauskas -
Pridėtos 1-72 eilutės:

{{Empathy}}. The source of real {{Creativity}}.

See also: {{Love}}, LevelsOfUnderstanding, RecurringActivity, RepresentationsOfTheThreesome, {{Topologies}}

{{Andrius}}: Note: this section describes a direction which I took in August and September of 2003. I was looking for a deep way to arrive at the basic structures. I thought a lot about how everything and anything may reach out to each other and have empathy for each other. I also drew on my thoughts on the fifteen PrinciplesOfLife in Christopher Alexander's The Nature of Order. This approach is fundamental to my thoughts on GeneralStructure.

{{Empathy}} is the source of real {{Creativity}}.

{{Everything}} has empathy for {{Anything}} through the RepresentationsOfTheThreesome. Everything has empathy for anything in various degrees. The representations of the threesome express such empathy. The degree of empathy is given by the number of states that are recurring.

  • 3 recurring states: be, do, think
  • 2 recurring states: one-all, many
  • 1 recurring state: object-process-subject
  • 0 recurring states: necessary;actual;possible because truth is eternal, not recurring

Anything has empathy for everything through shifts. The members of the threesome can (by way of the representations) be understood as going beyond themselves, as shifts from one state to another. Representations allow us to think of isolated perspectives, not just the entire whole.

take a stand:

  • possible => necessary
  • subject => object
  • many => one
  • think => be

follow through:

  • necessary => actual
  • object => process
  • one => all
  • be => do


  • actual => possible
  • process => subject
  • all => many
  • do => think

These are shifts from one perspective to another.

{{Gradation}} is the Empathy of {{Everything}} for {{Anything}}

SecondaryStructures arise from having everything, with a given scope of concern, go beyond itself to empathize with the experience of a primary structure.

The subject of this empathy is the relationship between everything and anything. For example, let us consider when everything wishes for nothing. In particular, here everything wishes for nothing with regard to its relationship with anything. We may think of anything as everything plus slack. Here then, all the slack or goodness is expected to come from anything, because everything wishes for nothing.

So the directions of the good, as felt here by everything, give rise to the following emotional responses:

  • Good person: content (in what matters, things are as they should) Here everything interprets itself as "being one with everything".
  • Good God: sad (in what matters, things are not as they should be - the goodness here shouldn't be coming from a God who wishes for nothing!)

Here everything interprets itself as "being one with nothing".

  • Good deed: excited (in what does not matter so much, things are as they should) Everything feels it is "being one with anything".
  • Good gift: surprised (in what does not matter so much, things aren't as they should be). Everything feels it is "being one with something".

I think also:

  • Good quality (sorting the good and the bad): fright (in what does not matter so much, can't make expectation). Everything interprets this as "decreasing slack".
  • Good word (allowing the good and the bad to be confused): disgust (in what matters, can't make expectation). Everything interprets this as "increasing slack".

The idea is that this empathy gives rise to a secondary structure, the six criteria: being one with everything, anything, something, nothing and increasing and decreasing slack.

The empathy here is different if everything's scope of concern becomes larger, as in "everything wishes for something". What does everything wish for? That the anythings which are beyond it seek to connect with it, that they "involuntarily, actively, be connected". So now there is an expectation on the part of everything. And also the directions of the good will now be interpreted as a two-sided effort, both God and person. I think empathy here will give rise to the twelve topologies, by way of the twelve ways that I've observed how we can conceive being connected with God. So I am thinking about that and will try to work that out.


Naujausi pakeitimai



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Mieli skaitytojai, visa mano kūryba ir kartu visi šie puslapiai yra visuomenės turtas, kuriuo visi kviečiami laisvai naudotis, dalintis, visaip perkurti. - Andrius


Puslapis paskutinį kartą pakeistas 2018 spalio 03 d., 18:28