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Mintys: BendravimoDingstys

Žr. Meilė

By what reasoning do I get myself to think of my neighbor as the same as myself? There are six different lines of reasoning, as expressed below. Each of them expresses a growth in our concern, where self-sufficiency is concern for nothing, certainty is concern for something, calm is concern for anything, and love is concern for everything. These may be compared with Jesus' reasonings as in his Sermon on the Mount. I have tried to relate them to DirectionsToTheGood as follows.

The above six examples of "logic" are "data" from my own life. They are lines of thinking that allow me to bridge the chasm with other people in a meaningful way. I suppose they are familiar to you, and I would be very glad if you could share more such examples. We use them, but they are hard to remember. I thought of the first couple of examples, and then I reconstructed the rest by using a structure that I have derived from some intense passages from Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5. ("Get Along rather than Judge", etc.)

My challenge is, can you think of more? If we do not, this assures "permanently tentatively" that we have comprehensive set. I will work to structure the data so that we can apply it to better comprehending the objectives of the Minciu Sodas laboratory. But I already feel, and I think we can see, that the above "existential" lines of thinking may serve as indestructible foundations for objectives we pursue.

There is one more answer, given by Jesus himself, to the question: "Who is my neighbor?" Luke 10. He told the story of a man left half dead by robbers, and how a priest and a holy man each passed him by on the other side of the road. But a Samaritan - a despised culture - walked up to him, cared for him, brought him to the inn, payed the innkeeper, and told him he would reimburse any extra expense on his return. Which was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of the robbers? The one who had mercy on him. Go and do likewise.

So Mercy is, I think, something altogether more. It is interesting, however, that the "neighbor" wasn't the man half dead, but the Samaritan. So "love your neighbor as yourself", taken literally, means: love the Samaritan, the one who showed mercy. But then Jesus says "Go and do likewise", which has us do what the Samaritan did, "do unto others what you have others do unto you". But "love your neighbor as yourself", from this point of view, means love those, care for those, who reach out to you, who are neighbors to you, just as you love yourself. And we love them as ourselves by doing exactly what they do ("going and doing likewise") reaching out to others.

So the six lines of thinking are not of themselves Mercy, but I think they are ways of "going and doing likewise", ways of allowing for Mercy by bridging the chasm with others.



Our pretexts for outreach are the lines of reasoning by which we reach out to our neighbor and "love our neighbor as our self". They express our own growth as children of God who do as he does, whose concerns grows broader in the ways that his do. Interestingly, here both we and our neighbors respond together with the same way of choosing. This suggests that here we play the role of the unbounded God, and our neighbors play the role of the bounded person, but we have met exactly half way, so that we may both respond, and coincide in our response. This is why there are many people, that we might coincide in this way, reaching out and being reached. Christ is the one who reaches out.

Parsiųstas iš http://www.ms.lt/sodas/Mintys/BendravimoDingstys
Puslapis paskutinį kartą pakeistas 2018 kovo 17 d., 12:28