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Mintys: Dvejybė

Padalinimai, Padalinimų ratas, Abėcėlė, Trejybė, Ketverybė, Požiūriai, Veiksmas +2, Požiūrių sudūrimas, Išvertimas

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Kas yra buvimas

Koks yra buvimas

Krypties apvertimas

The reversal effect is the idea that, upon reflection, the direction of a representation of the {{Twosome}} changes. So, for example, the perspective of free will leads into the perspective of fate, and not the other way around. However, there is a reversal effect: Thinking about fate leads to thinking about free will, and not the other way around.

The reversal effect may be related to the switching around of a composition. For example, we would like to switch from a bounded view of an unbounded view to an unbounded view of a bounded view.

This might also relate to the relationship between {{Structure}} and {{Activity}} as given by the [AddTwo operation +2].

See also: {{Divisions}}, RepresentationsOfTheTwosome

===The Twosome - The Division of Everything into Two Perspectives===

The twosome is the [DivisionsOfEverything division of everything] into two perspectives. This structure defines issues of existence. The two perspectives are one where opposites coexist, and another where all things are the same. Our mind moves from the perspective where opposites coexist to the perspective where all things are the same. The twosome has four representations: +3) free will and fate, +2) outside and inside, +1) theory and practice, +0) same and different. [10/99, Andrius Kulikauskas]

See also: Twosome, Existence

Being, Existence

What is the meaning of presence and absence, affirmation and negation, being and not being? especially with regard to a channel – full or empty – between what is completely beyond and what is completely within.


Being and NotBeing

God's Being

God's Being and NotBeing

Dvejybės atvaizdai

There are four representations of the division of everything into two perspectives. Such a division has two perspectives: one where opposites coexist, and another where all things are the same. I know of only four ways of conceiving such a division:

For example, if I am outside a system, then it also has an inside, and so opposites coexist. But if I am sucked inside that system, then there is only inside, as in that we are inside our universe. Likewise, if items are the same, then they must also be different in that they are distinct. But if they are different, then they are simply different. So these are "representations" of an underlying structure, the division of everything into two perspectives.


Immanuel Kant, Critique of Judgment (Wikipedia) The Critical project, that of exploring the limits and conditions of knowledge, had already produced the Critique of Pure Reason, in which Kant argued for a Transcendental Aesthetic, an approach to the problems of perception in which space and time are supposed not to be objects but ways in which the observing subject's mind organizes and structures the sensory world. The end result of this inquiry is that there are certain fundamental antinomies in human Reason, most particularly that there is a complete inability to favor on the one hand the argument that all behavior and thought is determined by external causes, and on the other that there is an actual "spontaneous" causal principle at work in human behavior.

Lietuvių kalba skiria tarp esančiojo ir būnančiojo. Esantysis yra (ar nėra) tam tikrose, vieningose aplinkybėse, o būnantysis jose pabūna, užtat tai nevieningos aplinkybės. Esantysis, tai griežtėjantis klausimas: yra ar nėra? O būnantysis, tai minkštėjantis atsakymas - yra kaip yra. (Tad kaip su laisvumu?) Esimas - tai esatis, kaip nuoroda, o buvimas - tai būtis, kaip būsena. Esantysis yra Dasein, o būnantysis yra Das Man. Panašiai, ispanų kalba skiria estar ir ser.


Some examples of the twosome: Doubt and Belief: Peirce, Trees: Genesis, Reality: Levi-Strauss, Data: Beneviste, Things: Plato, Creation: Theodoric, Stimulation: Spencer, Salvation: Hinduism, Representation: Locke, Reference: Buddhism, Permanence: Buddhism, Mystical Experience: Buddhism, Irony and Romance: Frye, Identity: Schelling, Sources of Information: Hume, God: Hinduism, Communicational Scepticism: Taylor, Complementary Truths: Fromke, Perception: Spinoza, Judgments: Mansel, Reflections: Marcel, Reading: Frye, Our Divine Calling: Fromke, Synthetic and Analytic: Kant, Judgments: Kant, Change: Kant, Time and Space: Kant, Representations: Kant, God Proves that He Exists, Symbolic Representation: Cassirer, Structure: Saussure, Worship: Kierkegaard, Virtue: Lao Tzu, Speech: Greimas, Outward and Inward Man: Watchman Nee, Concreteness and Ultimacy: Tillich, Faith: Tillich, Experience: Kant

{{Andrius}}: ChrisopherLangan writes of Syndiffeonesis, difference-in-sameness, that when things are different, then that implies that there is a reality in which they are the same, as they are comparable. I think this is very noteworthy, however, I think it still constitutes a switch in direction, it is not the straightforward direction. It requires a mental leap.

Heidegeris savo knygoje "Introduction to Metaphysics" aprašo dvejybės atvaizdus:

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