Iš Gvildenu svetainės

Mintys: NulinėSandara

Žr. Nulinė veikla, Structure, Heart, SharedUnderstanding, GoingBeyondOneself, Null

NullStructure is important because that's what gets added to Understanding.

An example of a NullStructure to keep in mind is Why in the Representation of the Foursome in terms of situation, and Whether in the Representation of the Foursome in terms of observer. And I think that the null structure also is relevant for the differences among the PrimaryStructures.


Parsiųstas iš http://www.ms.lt/sodas/Mintys/Nulin%c4%97Sandara
Puslapis paskutinį kartą pakeistas 2015 gegužės 20 d., 14:28