






Mintys.VaisingaPrielaida istorija

Rodyti nežymius pakeitimus - Rodyti galutinio teksto pakeitimus

2014 lapkričio 10 d., 03:01 atliko Andrius Kulikauskas -
Pakeistos 29-30 eilutės iš
===Thoughts from Prayer===
Pakeistos 35-37 eilutės iš
''2005.01.14 {{A}}: Iš kur kyla žmogaus veiklai reikalingos prielaidos? {{D}}: Tau reikia prielaid&amp;#371;, kad gal&amp;#279;tum su manim bendrauti, taip pat ir su savim bendrauti. Tad prielaidos gl&amp;#363;di pa&amp;#269;iame bendravime - tai yra jo užvedimas, jam platesnis laukas. Tuo esate panaš&amp;#363;s &amp;#303; mane, išeinate už sav&amp;#281;s.''
''2005.01.14 {{A}}: Iš kur kyla žmogaus veiklai reikalingos prielaidos? {{D}}: Tau reikia prielaid&amp;#371;, kad gal&amp;#279;tum su manim bendrauti, taip pat ir su savim bendrauti. Tad prielaidos gl&amp;#363;di pa&amp;#269;iame bendravime - tai yra jo užvedimas, jam platesnis laukas. Tuo esate panaš&amp;#363;s &amp;#303; mane, išeinate už sav&amp;#281;s.''

2014 gegužės 18 d., 20:52 atliko Andrius Kulikauskas -
Pridėtos 1-35 eilutės:
See also: {{heart}}, GoodUnderstanding, GoingBeyondOneself, {{Love}}

A '''constructive hypothesis''' is a statement that we may accept as pragmatically true because otherwise we cannot proceed. These hypotheses are essential for the {{Overview}} by which human's view and God's view may coincide.


I have my own human view, but I am attempting to take up God's view. '''How can I take up God's view directly rather than through my own view?'''

This is possible if my view and God's view coincide. This may depend on factors beyond my control. Yet I may position myself with regard to such factors to enable such coinciding to the extent that I am able to control. Even so, on what basis may it be that indeed my view and God's view coincide?

This coinciding depends on ConstructiveHypotheses which I make and take up. A constructive hypothesis is one that I may take as pragmatically true because otherwise I cannot proceed. Through them I can reach the point where I may pragmatically consider that my view and God's view are the same.

These include:
* If I am completely cooperative, then I may take up God's perspective.
* If I fully choose to be cooperative, then I am so. ''(obeying)''
* If I fully know myself to be cooperative, then I choose to be so. ''(believing)''
* If I fully care to be honest, then I know myself. ''(caring)''
These hypotheses may turn out to be false, but at least in such event I will have learned something about that which is beyond me. Until then, they are contingently true - they are pragmatically true. Moreover, as pragmatic truths, they are absolute!

I imagine that the constructive hypotheses relate to the EightfoldWay. I think that some of them are the basis for our own positioning of ourselves (when we are not connected to God). And other's are assumptions regarding God, so that we might prefer his point of view to ours. These assumptions make up the eightfold way. ''The eightfold way is the maximal primary structure. In what sense is it important as such?''

I thus will develop my view so that I may cooperate with God. By cooperation, I mean acting of good understanding, which is to say, rapport, the ability to understand each other, that from which shared understanding can arise. I therefore consider (to the extent that I am able) how God and human take up each other's perspective. I proceed to understand the point at which I am completely cooperative. At that point when I take up God's perspective, then likewise, I may constructively assume that God takes up my perspective. At this point our views coincide and so what I see is God's view of a human's view. (In mathematics, this might be called a ''fixed point''.)


FromWikipedia: %gray%The CTMU is an attempt to circumvent these limitations and achieve absolute knowledge. Langan writes: "What I mean by "absolute" is precisely this: (1) you can't relativize your way out of it by changing the context; (2) finding it in error equates to destroying your own basis for inference. These criteria are built into the theory from the ground up using some very effective, that is to say ironclad, techniques. Logically, there is no way out."

===Thoughts from Prayer===

2005.03.25 ''{{A}}: Kaip prielaidos padeda mums labiau myl&amp;#279;ti? {{D}}: Prielaidomis tu atsiveri galimybei, kad yra kažkas už tav&amp;#281;s kas tave gali myl&amp;#279;ti vis labiau.''

2005.02.21 ''{{A}}: Iš kur kyla vaisingos prielaidos? {{D}}: Vaisingos prielaidos iškyla kartu su širdimi, visk&amp;#261; apvertus, ir jai ieškant man&amp;#281;s, vietoj kad aš jos.''

''2005.01.14 {{A}}: Iš kur kyla žmogaus veiklai reikalingos prielaidos? {{D}}: Tau reikia prielaid&amp;#371;, kad gal&amp;#279;tum su manim bendrauti, taip pat ir su savim bendrauti. Tad prielaidos gl&amp;#363;di pa&amp;#269;iame bendravime - tai yra jo užvedimas, jam platesnis laukas. Tuo esate panaš&amp;#363;s &amp;#303; mane, išeinate už sav&amp;#281;s.''


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Puslapis paskutinį kartą pakeistas 2014 lapkričio 10 d., 03:01