






Mintys.VilniausGaonas istorija

Rodyti nežymius pakeitimus - Rodyti kodo pakeitimus

2019 lapkričio 15 d., 15:14 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 1-5 eilutės iš

Vilniaus Gaono išsiaiškinimo būdai

The Vilna Gaon's Reclusivity as the Magnificence of Lithuanian Civilization

Our epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon manifests the virtues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in the Torah as well as in his own life. He begins by ever putting Scripture to memory. His learning cycle has him set challenges, make strenuous efforts, and record his shortcomings. He takes the law to heart, fearing God, harassing Scripture, respecting its disagreements, and accepting divine assistance. In keeping the commandments, he is smart, valuing those insights which offer further insights, maximally preparing to satisfy the minimum the law requires, understanding what takes precedence, and distinguishing the mandatory from the optional. This all comes together in his reclusivity, protecting him from all distractions so that he can focus on the law. He understands the law as never being impossible to follow, as internally, arithmetically, linguistically, thematically cohesive, as proceeding through a progression of topics, and as consisting of points of disagreement at the four levels of PaRDeS. He harmonizes these four levels in six ways by appreciating a distillation, working out each distinct sugya, seeking out unpublished books, respecting common sense, formulating perfect metaphors, and not thinking about the Torah when the law forbids it. This all brings him to look at the Torah as an ordinary person, who as such appreciates why human words only hint at the divine unity of the Torah. Hasidism hails the extraordinary, whereas traditionally the Litvak, like the ethnic Lithuanian, is ordinary, down-to-earth, skeptical, suspicious, factual, rational, open, stubborn, bitter, content, modest, bland, quiet, simple, withdrawn, common folk. The Vilna Gaon's reclusivity was possible in a sufficiently tolerant family, community, culture and state. They let him be. He was the crown jewel of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

2019 lapkričio 15 d., 15:12 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 5-44 eilutės iš

Our epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon manifests the virtues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in the Torah as well as in his own life. He begins by ever putting Scripture to memory. His learning cycle has him set challenges, make strenuous efforts, and record his shortcomings. He takes the law to heart, fearing God, harassing Scripture, respecting its disagreements, and accepting divine assistance. In keeping the commandments, he is smart, valuing those insights which offer further insights, maximally preparing to satisfy the minimum the law requires, understanding what takes precedence, and distinguishing the mandatory from the optional. This all comes together in his reclusivity, protecting him from all distractions so that he can focus on the law. He understands the law as never being impossible to follow, as internally, arithmetically, linguistically, thematically cohesive, as proceeding through a progression of topics, and as consisting of points of disagreement at the four levels of PaRDeS. He harmonizes these four levels in six ways by appreciating a distillation, working out each distinct sugya, seeking out unpublished books, respecting common sense, formulating perfect metaphors, and not thinking about the Torah when the law forbids it. This all brings him to look at the Torah as an ordinary person, who as such appreciates why human words only hint at the divine unity of the Torah. Hasidism hails the extraordinary, whereas traditionally the Litvak, like the ethnic Lithuanian, is ordinary, down-to-earth, skeptical, suspicious, factual, rational, open, stubborn, bitter, content, modest, bland, quiet, simple, withdrawn, common folk. The Vilna Gaon's reclusivity was possible in a sufficiently tolerant family, community, culture and state. They let him be. He was the crown jewel of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

Vilniaus Gaono vienišumas kaip Lietuvos civilizacijos šviesybė.

The Vilna Gaon as "the ordinary person", the upshot of all the Torah knowledge. Lithuanian civilization - Lithuanian ethnic characteristic - Litvak characteristic - the ordinary person.

Three aspects of reclusivity - absolute devotion to the Torah, complete removal of distractions, being an ordinary person


  • Vilniaus Gaono išsiaiškinimo būdai, kaip raktas į Lietuvos šviesybę.
  • Kaip Vilniaus Gaonas gali įsipinti į mūsų laikus.
  • Per jo išgyvenimus, susipažinti su jo mintimis, ir su šventuoju raštu.
  • Per savo išgyvenimus, ir savo šeimų išgyvenimus, susipažinti su mūsų laikmečio išgyvenimais.
  • Augant susidomėjimu jo gyvenimu, ir žydų kultūra, padaryti tai labiau prieinama.
  • Žydų kultūra ir ypač Vilniaus Gaonas kaip raktas į Lietuvos didžiąją kunigaikštystę.
  • "Palikti ramybėje" - ramybės reikšmė, jos suveikimas pasrovėmis - kaip veikia pasrovės - šventraščiuose ir gyvenimuose.
  • Kaip žydų kapinės galėtų būti židiniu tokio mokslo.
  • Kaip ir kodėl litvakai paveikti lietuvių.
  • Vytautas Didysis? spektras aktyvumo ir pasyvumo. Jie vienas kitą atsveria. Panašiai, Voldemaro ir Smetonos aktyvumas ir pasyvumas.
  • Sukurti lietuvišką civilizaciją.
  • Reclusivity - Lietuva pelkėse, didžiųjų migracijų nepaliesta.
  • Jin ir jang - Alpha Zero smauglys ar Stockfish
  • Ką reiškia ekskomunikaciją žmogui, kuris vertina vienatvę?
  • Torą suprasti mokslo pagrindu - tad ir išgyvenimų mokslu
  • Hierarchija išgyvenimų, nuo mūsų iki šventraščio - bandant juos naujai suprasti
  • Pasyvumas Holokausto akivaizdoje
  • Jewish exegesis - Peshat over Pilpul.
  • Misnagdim
  • Perushim
  • Gaono santykis su Dievu, kaip jis su juo bendravo.

the Gaon returned to Vilna and his family. It was 1748, and he was only twenty-eight years old. The leaders of the community allotted him a small weekly sum from the fund established by his great-great-grandfather, Rabbi Moshe Rivkas, for the support of men who dedicated themselves completely to Torah study. BL 41


  • Wikipedia: Vilna Gaon
  • The Vilna Gaon. Rav Elyakim Krumbein Shiur #10: Separation from the worldly: Perishut.
  • Ayil Meshulash matematika ir astronomija
  • The Genius Δ

Our epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon manifests the virtues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in the Torah as well as in his own life. He begins by ever putting Scripture to memory. His learning cycle has him set challenges, make strenuous efforts, and record his shortcomings. He takes the law to heart, fearing God, harassing Scripture, respecting its disagreements, and accepting divine assistance. In keeping the commandments, he is smart, valuing those insights which offer further insights, maximally preparing to satisfy the minimum the law requires, understanding what takes precedence, and distinguishing the mandatory from the optional. This all comes together in his reclusivity, protecting him from all distractions so that he can focus on the law. He understands the law as never being impossible to follow, as internally, arithmetically, linguistically, thematically cohesive, as proceeding through a progression of topics, and as consisting of points of disagreement at the four levels of PaRDeS. He harmonizes these four levels in six ways by appreciating a distillation, working out each distinct sugya, seeking out unpublished books, respecting common sense, formulating perfect metaphors, and not thinking about the Torah when the law forbids it. This all brings him to look at the Torah as an ordinary person, who as such appreciates why human words only hint at the divine unity of the Torah. Hasidism hails the extraordinary, whereas traditionally the Litvak, like the ethnic Lithuanian, is ordinary, down-to-earth, skeptical, suspicious, factual, rational, open, stubborn, bitter, content, modest, bland, quiet, simple, withdrawn, common folk. The Vilna Gaon's reclusivity was possible in a sufficiently tolerant family, community, culture and state. They let him be. He was the crown jewel of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

2019 lapkričio 15 d., 14:24 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 5 eilutė iš:

Our epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon manifests the virtues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in the Torah as well as in his own life. He begins by ever putting Scripture to memory. His learning cycle has him set challenges, make strenuous efforts, and record his shortcomings. He takes the law to heart, fearing God, harassing Scripture, respecting its disagreements, and accepting divine assistance. In keeping the commandments, he is smart, valuing those insights which offer further insights, maximally preparing to satisfy the minimum the law requires, understanding what takes precedence, and distinguishing the mandatory from the optional. This all comes together in his reclusivity, protecting him from all distractions so that he can focus on the law. He understands the law as never being impossible to follow, as internally, arithmetically, linguistically, thematically cohesive, as proceeding through a progression of topics, and as consisting of points of disagreement at the four levels of PaRDeS. He harmonizes these four levels in six ways by appreciating a distillation, working out each distinct sugya, seeking out unpublished books, respecting common sense, formulating perfect metaphors, and not thinking about the Torah when the law forbids it. This all brings him to look at the Torah as an ordinary person, who as such appreciates why human words only hint at the divine unity of the Torah. Hasidism hails the extraordinary, whereas traditionally the Litvak, like the ethnic Lithuanian, is ordinary, down-to-earth, skeptical, suspicious, factual, rational, open, stubborn, bitter, content, modest, bland, quiet, simple, withdrawn, common folk. The Vilna Gaon's reclusivity was possible in a lovingly tolerant family, community, culture and state. They let him be. He was the crown jewel of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.


Our epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon manifests the virtues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in the Torah as well as in his own life. He begins by ever putting Scripture to memory. His learning cycle has him set challenges, make strenuous efforts, and record his shortcomings. He takes the law to heart, fearing God, harassing Scripture, respecting its disagreements, and accepting divine assistance. In keeping the commandments, he is smart, valuing those insights which offer further insights, maximally preparing to satisfy the minimum the law requires, understanding what takes precedence, and distinguishing the mandatory from the optional. This all comes together in his reclusivity, protecting him from all distractions so that he can focus on the law. He understands the law as never being impossible to follow, as internally, arithmetically, linguistically, thematically cohesive, as proceeding through a progression of topics, and as consisting of points of disagreement at the four levels of PaRDeS. He harmonizes these four levels in six ways by appreciating a distillation, working out each distinct sugya, seeking out unpublished books, respecting common sense, formulating perfect metaphors, and not thinking about the Torah when the law forbids it. This all brings him to look at the Torah as an ordinary person, who as such appreciates why human words only hint at the divine unity of the Torah. Hasidism hails the extraordinary, whereas traditionally the Litvak, like the ethnic Lithuanian, is ordinary, down-to-earth, skeptical, suspicious, factual, rational, open, stubborn, bitter, content, modest, bland, quiet, simple, withdrawn, common folk. The Vilna Gaon's reclusivity was possible in a sufficiently tolerant family, community, culture and state. They let him be. He was the crown jewel of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

2019 lapkričio 15 d., 14:22 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 5 eilutė iš:

Our epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon manifests the virtues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in the Torah as well as in his own life. He begins by ever putting Scripture to memory. His learning cycle has him set challenges, make strenuous efforts, and record his shortcomings. He takes the law to heart, fearing God, harassing Scripture, respecting its disagreements, and accepting divine assistance. In keeping the commandments, he is smart, valuing those insights which offer further insights, maximally preparing to satisfy the minimum the law requires, understanding what takes precedence, and distinguishing the mandatory from the optional. This all comes together in his reclusivity, protecting him from all distractions so that he can focus on the law. He understands the law as never being impossible to follow, as internally, arithmetically, linguistically, thematically cohesive, as proceeding through a progression of topics, and as consisting of points of disagreement at the four levels of PaRDeS. He harmonizes these four levels in six ways by appreciating a distillation, working out each distinct sugya, seeking out unpublished books, respecting common sense, formulating perfect metaphors, and not thinking about the Torah when the law forbids it. This all brings him to look at the Torah as an ordinary person, who as such appreciates why human words only hint at the divine unity of the Torah. Hasidism hails the extraordinary, whereas traditionally the Litvak, like the ethnic Lithuanian, is ordinary, down-to-earth, skeptical, factual, open, stubborn, bitter, content, modest, bland, simple, common folk. The Vilna Gaon's reclusivity was possible in a lovingly tolerant family, community, culture and state. They let him be. He was the crown jewel of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.


Our epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon manifests the virtues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in the Torah as well as in his own life. He begins by ever putting Scripture to memory. His learning cycle has him set challenges, make strenuous efforts, and record his shortcomings. He takes the law to heart, fearing God, harassing Scripture, respecting its disagreements, and accepting divine assistance. In keeping the commandments, he is smart, valuing those insights which offer further insights, maximally preparing to satisfy the minimum the law requires, understanding what takes precedence, and distinguishing the mandatory from the optional. This all comes together in his reclusivity, protecting him from all distractions so that he can focus on the law. He understands the law as never being impossible to follow, as internally, arithmetically, linguistically, thematically cohesive, as proceeding through a progression of topics, and as consisting of points of disagreement at the four levels of PaRDeS. He harmonizes these four levels in six ways by appreciating a distillation, working out each distinct sugya, seeking out unpublished books, respecting common sense, formulating perfect metaphors, and not thinking about the Torah when the law forbids it. This all brings him to look at the Torah as an ordinary person, who as such appreciates why human words only hint at the divine unity of the Torah. Hasidism hails the extraordinary, whereas traditionally the Litvak, like the ethnic Lithuanian, is ordinary, down-to-earth, skeptical, suspicious, factual, rational, open, stubborn, bitter, content, modest, bland, quiet, simple, withdrawn, common folk. The Vilna Gaon's reclusivity was possible in a lovingly tolerant family, community, culture and state. They let him be. He was the crown jewel of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

2019 lapkričio 15 d., 14:16 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 5 eilutė iš:

Our epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon manifests the virtues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in the Torah as well as in his own life. He begins by ever putting Scripture to memory. His learning cycle has him set challenges, make strenuous efforts, and record his shortcomings. He takes the law to heart, fearing God, harassing Scripture, respecting its disagreements, and accepting divine assistance. In keeping the commandments, he is smart, valuing those insights which offer further insights, maximally preparing to satisfy the minimum the law requires, understanding what takes precedence, and distinguishing the mandatory from the optional. This all comes together in his reclusivity, protecting him from all distractions so that he can focus on the law. He understands the law as never being impossible to follow, as internally, arithmetically, linguistically, thematically cohesive, as proceeding through a progression of topics, and as consisting of points of disagreement at the four levels of PaRDeS. He harmonizes these four levels in six ways by appreciating a distillation, working out each distinct sugya, seeking out unpublished books, respecting common sense, formulating perfect metaphors, and not thinking about the Torah when the law forbids it. This all brings him to look at the Torah as an ordinary person, who as such appreciates why human words only hint at the divine unity of the Torah. Hasidism hails the extraordinary, whereas traditionally the Litvak, like the ethnic Lithuanian, is ordinary, down-to-earth, skeptical, factual, open, stubborn, bitter, modest, bland, simple, common folk. The Vilna Gaon's reclusivity was possible in a lovingly tolerant family, community, culture and state. They let him be. He was the crown jewel of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.


Our epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon manifests the virtues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in the Torah as well as in his own life. He begins by ever putting Scripture to memory. His learning cycle has him set challenges, make strenuous efforts, and record his shortcomings. He takes the law to heart, fearing God, harassing Scripture, respecting its disagreements, and accepting divine assistance. In keeping the commandments, he is smart, valuing those insights which offer further insights, maximally preparing to satisfy the minimum the law requires, understanding what takes precedence, and distinguishing the mandatory from the optional. This all comes together in his reclusivity, protecting him from all distractions so that he can focus on the law. He understands the law as never being impossible to follow, as internally, arithmetically, linguistically, thematically cohesive, as proceeding through a progression of topics, and as consisting of points of disagreement at the four levels of PaRDeS. He harmonizes these four levels in six ways by appreciating a distillation, working out each distinct sugya, seeking out unpublished books, respecting common sense, formulating perfect metaphors, and not thinking about the Torah when the law forbids it. This all brings him to look at the Torah as an ordinary person, who as such appreciates why human words only hint at the divine unity of the Torah. Hasidism hails the extraordinary, whereas traditionally the Litvak, like the ethnic Lithuanian, is ordinary, down-to-earth, skeptical, factual, open, stubborn, bitter, content, modest, bland, simple, common folk. The Vilna Gaon's reclusivity was possible in a lovingly tolerant family, community, culture and state. They let him be. He was the crown jewel of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

2019 lapkričio 15 d., 14:14 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 5 eilutė iš:

Our epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon manifests the virtues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in the Torah as well as in his own life. He begins by ever putting Scripture to memory. His learning cycle has him set challenges, make strenuous efforts, and record his shortcomings. He takes the law to heart, fearing God, harassing Scripture, respecting its disagreements, and accepting divine assistance. In keeping the commandments, he is smart, valuing those insights which offer further insights, maximally preparing to satisfy the minimum the law requires, understanding what takes precedence, and distinguishing the mandatory from the optional. This all comes together in his reclusivity, protecting him from all distractions so that he can focus on the law. He understands the law as never being impossible to follow, as internally, arithmetically, linguistically, thematically cohesive, as proceeding through a progression of topics, and as consisting of points of disagreement at the four levels of PaRDeS. He harmonizes these four levels in six ways by appreciating a distillation, working out each distinct sugya, seeking out unpublished books, respecting common sense, formulating perfect metaphors, and not thinking about the Torah when the law forbids it. This all brings him to look at the Torah as an ordinary person, who as such appreciates why human words only hint at the divine unity of the Torah. Hasidism hails the extraordinary, whereas traditionally the Litvak, like the ethnic Lithuanian, is ordinary, down-to-earth, skeptical, factual, open, stubborn, bitter, modest, simple, common folk. The Vilna Gaon's reclusivity was possible in a lovingly tolerant family, community, culture and state. They let him be. He was the crown jewel of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.


Our epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon manifests the virtues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in the Torah as well as in his own life. He begins by ever putting Scripture to memory. His learning cycle has him set challenges, make strenuous efforts, and record his shortcomings. He takes the law to heart, fearing God, harassing Scripture, respecting its disagreements, and accepting divine assistance. In keeping the commandments, he is smart, valuing those insights which offer further insights, maximally preparing to satisfy the minimum the law requires, understanding what takes precedence, and distinguishing the mandatory from the optional. This all comes together in his reclusivity, protecting him from all distractions so that he can focus on the law. He understands the law as never being impossible to follow, as internally, arithmetically, linguistically, thematically cohesive, as proceeding through a progression of topics, and as consisting of points of disagreement at the four levels of PaRDeS. He harmonizes these four levels in six ways by appreciating a distillation, working out each distinct sugya, seeking out unpublished books, respecting common sense, formulating perfect metaphors, and not thinking about the Torah when the law forbids it. This all brings him to look at the Torah as an ordinary person, who as such appreciates why human words only hint at the divine unity of the Torah. Hasidism hails the extraordinary, whereas traditionally the Litvak, like the ethnic Lithuanian, is ordinary, down-to-earth, skeptical, factual, open, stubborn, bitter, modest, bland, simple, common folk. The Vilna Gaon's reclusivity was possible in a lovingly tolerant family, community, culture and state. They let him be. He was the crown jewel of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

2019 lapkričio 15 d., 14:12 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 5-6 eilutės iš

Our epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon manifests the virtues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in the Torah as well as in his own life. He begins by ever putting Scripture to memory. His learning cycle has him set challenges, make strenuous efforts, and record his shortcomings. He takes the law to heart, fearing God, harassing Scripture, respecting its disagreements, and accepting divine assistance. In keeping the commandments, he is smart, valuing those insights which offer further insights, maximally preparing to satisfy the minimum the law requires, understanding what takes precedence, and distinguishing the mandatory from the optional. This all comes together in his reclusivity, protecting him from all distractions so that he can focus on the law. He understands the law as never being impossible to follow, as internally, arithmetically, linguistically, thematically cohesive, as proceeding through a progression of topics, and as consisting of points of disagreement at the four levels of PaRDeS. He harmonizes these four levels in six ways by appreciating a distillation, working out each distinct sugya, seeking out unpublished books, respecting common sense, formulating perfect metaphors, and not thinking about the Torah when the law forbids it. This all brings him to look at the Torah as an ordinary person, who as such appreciates why human words only hint at the divine unity of the Torah. Hasidism hails the extraordinary, whereas traditionally the Litvak, like the ethnic Lithuanian, is ordinary, down-to-earth, skeptical, factual, stubborn, modest, simple, common folk. The Vilna Gaon's reclusivity was possible in a lovingly tolerant family, community, culture and state. They let him be. He was the crown jewel of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.


Our epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon manifests the virtues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in the Torah as well as in his own life. He begins by ever putting Scripture to memory. His learning cycle has him set challenges, make strenuous efforts, and record his shortcomings. He takes the law to heart, fearing God, harassing Scripture, respecting its disagreements, and accepting divine assistance. In keeping the commandments, he is smart, valuing those insights which offer further insights, maximally preparing to satisfy the minimum the law requires, understanding what takes precedence, and distinguishing the mandatory from the optional. This all comes together in his reclusivity, protecting him from all distractions so that he can focus on the law. He understands the law as never being impossible to follow, as internally, arithmetically, linguistically, thematically cohesive, as proceeding through a progression of topics, and as consisting of points of disagreement at the four levels of PaRDeS. He harmonizes these four levels in six ways by appreciating a distillation, working out each distinct sugya, seeking out unpublished books, respecting common sense, formulating perfect metaphors, and not thinking about the Torah when the law forbids it. This all brings him to look at the Torah as an ordinary person, who as such appreciates why human words only hint at the divine unity of the Torah. Hasidism hails the extraordinary, whereas traditionally the Litvak, like the ethnic Lithuanian, is ordinary, down-to-earth, skeptical, factual, open, stubborn, bitter, modest, simple, common folk. The Vilna Gaon's reclusivity was possible in a lovingly tolerant family, community, culture and state. They let him be. He was the crown jewel of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

2019 lapkričio 15 d., 13:41 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 5 eilutė iš:

Our epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon manifests the virtues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in the Torah as well as in his own life. He begins by ever putting Scripture to memory. His learning cycle has him set challenges, make strenuous efforts, and record his shortcomings. He takes the law to heart, fearing God, harassing Scripture, respecting its disagreements, and accepting divine assistance. In keeping the commandments, he is smart, valuing those insights which offer further insights, being maximally prepared to satisfy the minimum the law requires, understanding what takes precedence, and distinguishing the mandatory from the optional. This all comes together in his reclusivity, protecting him from all distractions so that he can focus on the law. He understands the law as never being impossible to follow, as internally, arithmetically, linguistically, thematically cohesive, as proceeding through a progression of topics, and as consisting of points of disagreement at the four levels of PaRDeS. He harmonizes these four levels in six ways by appreciating a distillation, working out each distinct sugya, seeking out unpublished books, respecting common sense, formulating perfect metaphors, and not thinking about the Torah when the law forbids it. This all brings him to look at the Torah as an ordinary person, who as such appreciates why human words only hint at the divine unity of the Torah. Hasidism hails the extraordinary, whereas traditionally the Litvak, like the ethnic Lithuanian, is ordinary, down-to-earth, skeptical, factual, stubborn, modest, simple, common folk. The Vilna Gaon's reclusivity was possible in a lovingly tolerant family, community, culture and state. They let him be. He was the crown jewel of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.


Our epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon manifests the virtues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in the Torah as well as in his own life. He begins by ever putting Scripture to memory. His learning cycle has him set challenges, make strenuous efforts, and record his shortcomings. He takes the law to heart, fearing God, harassing Scripture, respecting its disagreements, and accepting divine assistance. In keeping the commandments, he is smart, valuing those insights which offer further insights, maximally preparing to satisfy the minimum the law requires, understanding what takes precedence, and distinguishing the mandatory from the optional. This all comes together in his reclusivity, protecting him from all distractions so that he can focus on the law. He understands the law as never being impossible to follow, as internally, arithmetically, linguistically, thematically cohesive, as proceeding through a progression of topics, and as consisting of points of disagreement at the four levels of PaRDeS. He harmonizes these four levels in six ways by appreciating a distillation, working out each distinct sugya, seeking out unpublished books, respecting common sense, formulating perfect metaphors, and not thinking about the Torah when the law forbids it. This all brings him to look at the Torah as an ordinary person, who as such appreciates why human words only hint at the divine unity of the Torah. Hasidism hails the extraordinary, whereas traditionally the Litvak, like the ethnic Lithuanian, is ordinary, down-to-earth, skeptical, factual, stubborn, modest, simple, common folk. The Vilna Gaon's reclusivity was possible in a lovingly tolerant family, community, culture and state. They let him be. He was the crown jewel of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

2019 lapkričio 15 d., 13:40 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Ištrintos 5-11 eilutės:
 that let him be.

exemplifies the heritage and territory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

2019 lapkričio 15 d., 13:38 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 5 eilutė iš:

Our epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon manifests the virtues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in the Torah as well as in his own life. He begins by ever putting Scripture to memory. His learning cycle has him set challenges, make strenuous efforts, and record his shortcomings. He takes the law to heart, fearing God, harassing Scripture, respecting its disagreements, and accepting divine assistance. In keeping the commandments, he is smart, valuing those insights which offer further insights, being maximally prepared to satisfy the minimum the law requires, understanding what takes precedence, and distinguishing the mandatory from the optional. This all comes together in his reclusivity, protecting him from all distractions so that he can focus on the law. He understands the law as never being impossible to follow, as internally, arithmetically, linguistically, thematically cohesive, as proceeding through a progression of topics, and as consisting of points of disagreement at the four levels of PaRDeS. He harmonizes these four levels in six ways by appreciating a distillation, working out each distinct sugya, seeking out unpublished books, respecting common sense, formulating perfect metaphors, and not thinking about the Torah when the law forbids it. This all brings him to look at the Torah as an ordinary person, who as such appreciates why human words only hint at the divine unity of the Torah. Hasidism hails the extraordinary, whereas traditionally the Litvak, like the ethnic Lithuanian, is ordinary, down-to-earth, skeptical, factual, stubborn, simple, common folk. The Vilna Gaon's reclusivity was possible in a lovingly tolerant family, community, culture and state. They let him be. He was the crown jewel of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.


Our epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon manifests the virtues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in the Torah as well as in his own life. He begins by ever putting Scripture to memory. His learning cycle has him set challenges, make strenuous efforts, and record his shortcomings. He takes the law to heart, fearing God, harassing Scripture, respecting its disagreements, and accepting divine assistance. In keeping the commandments, he is smart, valuing those insights which offer further insights, being maximally prepared to satisfy the minimum the law requires, understanding what takes precedence, and distinguishing the mandatory from the optional. This all comes together in his reclusivity, protecting him from all distractions so that he can focus on the law. He understands the law as never being impossible to follow, as internally, arithmetically, linguistically, thematically cohesive, as proceeding through a progression of topics, and as consisting of points of disagreement at the four levels of PaRDeS. He harmonizes these four levels in six ways by appreciating a distillation, working out each distinct sugya, seeking out unpublished books, respecting common sense, formulating perfect metaphors, and not thinking about the Torah when the law forbids it. This all brings him to look at the Torah as an ordinary person, who as such appreciates why human words only hint at the divine unity of the Torah. Hasidism hails the extraordinary, whereas traditionally the Litvak, like the ethnic Lithuanian, is ordinary, down-to-earth, skeptical, factual, stubborn, modest, simple, common folk. The Vilna Gaon's reclusivity was possible in a lovingly tolerant family, community, culture and state. They let him be. He was the crown jewel of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

2019 lapkričio 15 d., 13:37 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 5-7 eilutės iš

Our epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon manifests the virtues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in the Torah as well as in his own life. He begins by ever putting Scripture to memory. His learning cycle has him set challenges, make strenuous efforts, and record his shortcomings. He takes the law to heart, fearing God, harassing Scripture, respecting its disagreements, and accepting divine assistance. In keeping the commandments, he is smart, valuing those insights which offer further insights, being maximally prepared to satisfy the minimum the law requires, understanding what takes precedence, and distinguishing the mandatory from the optional. This all comes together in his reclusivity, protecting him from all distractions so that he can focus on the law. He understands the law as never being impossible to follow, as internally, arithmetically, linguistically, thematically cohesive, as proceeding through a progression of topics, and as consisting of points of disagreement at the four levels of PaRDeS. He harmonizes these four levels in six ways by appreciating a distillation, working out each distinct sugya, seeking out unpublished books, respecting common sense, formulating perfect metaphors, and not thinking about the Torah when the law forbids it. This all brings him to look at the Torah as an ordinary person, who as such appreciates why human words only hint at the divine unity of the Torah. Hasidism hails the extraordinary, whereas traditionally the Litvak, like the ethnic Lithuanian, is ordinary, down-to-earth, skeptical, factual, stubborn, simple, common folk. The Vilna Gaon's reclusivity was possible in a lovingly tolerant family, community, culture and state that let him be.


Our epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon manifests the virtues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in the Torah as well as in his own life. He begins by ever putting Scripture to memory. His learning cycle has him set challenges, make strenuous efforts, and record his shortcomings. He takes the law to heart, fearing God, harassing Scripture, respecting its disagreements, and accepting divine assistance. In keeping the commandments, he is smart, valuing those insights which offer further insights, being maximally prepared to satisfy the minimum the law requires, understanding what takes precedence, and distinguishing the mandatory from the optional. This all comes together in his reclusivity, protecting him from all distractions so that he can focus on the law. He understands the law as never being impossible to follow, as internally, arithmetically, linguistically, thematically cohesive, as proceeding through a progression of topics, and as consisting of points of disagreement at the four levels of PaRDeS. He harmonizes these four levels in six ways by appreciating a distillation, working out each distinct sugya, seeking out unpublished books, respecting common sense, formulating perfect metaphors, and not thinking about the Torah when the law forbids it. This all brings him to look at the Torah as an ordinary person, who as such appreciates why human words only hint at the divine unity of the Torah. Hasidism hails the extraordinary, whereas traditionally the Litvak, like the ethnic Lithuanian, is ordinary, down-to-earth, skeptical, factual, stubborn, simple, common folk. The Vilna Gaon's reclusivity was possible in a lovingly tolerant family, community, culture and state. They let him be. He was the crown jewel of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

 that let him be.
2019 lapkričio 15 d., 13:35 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 5 eilutė iš:

Our epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon manifests the virtues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in the Torah as well as in his own life. He begins by ever putting Scripture to memory. His learning cycle has him set challenges, make strenuous efforts, and record his shortcomings. He takes the law to heart, fearing God, harassing Scripture, respecting its disagreements, and accepting divine assistance. In keeping the commandments, he is smart, valuing those insights which offer further insights, being maximally prepared to satisfy the minimum the law requires, understanding what takes precedence, and distinguishing the mandatory from the optional. This all comes together in his reclusivity, protecting him from all distractions so that he can focus on the law. He understands the law as never being impossible to follow, as internally, arithmetically, linguistically, thematically cohesive, as proceeding through a progression of topics, and as consisting of points of disagreement at the four levels of PaRDeS. He harmonizes these four levels in six ways by appreciating a distillation, working out each distinct sugya, seeking out unpublished books, respecting common sense, formulating perfect metaphors, and not thinking about the Torah when the law forbids it. This all brings him to look at the Torah as an ordinary person, who as such appreciates why human words only hint at the divine unity of the Torah. Hasidism hails the extraordinary, whereas traditionally the Litvak, like the ethnic Lithuanian, is ordinary, down-to-earth, skeptical, factual, stubborn, simple, common folk. The


Our epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon manifests the virtues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in the Torah as well as in his own life. He begins by ever putting Scripture to memory. His learning cycle has him set challenges, make strenuous efforts, and record his shortcomings. He takes the law to heart, fearing God, harassing Scripture, respecting its disagreements, and accepting divine assistance. In keeping the commandments, he is smart, valuing those insights which offer further insights, being maximally prepared to satisfy the minimum the law requires, understanding what takes precedence, and distinguishing the mandatory from the optional. This all comes together in his reclusivity, protecting him from all distractions so that he can focus on the law. He understands the law as never being impossible to follow, as internally, arithmetically, linguistically, thematically cohesive, as proceeding through a progression of topics, and as consisting of points of disagreement at the four levels of PaRDeS. He harmonizes these four levels in six ways by appreciating a distillation, working out each distinct sugya, seeking out unpublished books, respecting common sense, formulating perfect metaphors, and not thinking about the Torah when the law forbids it. This all brings him to look at the Torah as an ordinary person, who as such appreciates why human words only hint at the divine unity of the Torah. Hasidism hails the extraordinary, whereas traditionally the Litvak, like the ethnic Lithuanian, is ordinary, down-to-earth, skeptical, factual, stubborn, simple, common folk. The Vilna Gaon's reclusivity was possible in a lovingly tolerant family, community, culture and state that let him be.

2019 lapkričio 15 d., 13:32 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 5-7 eilutės iš

Our epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon manifests the virtues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in the Torah as well as in his own life. He begins by ever putting Scripture to memory. His learning cycle has him set challenges, make strenuous efforts, and record his shortcomings. He takes the law to heart, fearing God, harassing Scripture, respecting its disagreements, and accepting divine assistance. In keeping the commandments, he is smart, valuing those insights which offer further insights, being maximally prepared to satisfy the minimum the law requires, understanding what takes precedence, and distinguishing the mandatory from the optional. This all comes together in his reclusivity, protecting him from all distractions so that he can focus on the law. He understands the law as never being impossible to follow, as internally, arithmetically, linguistically, thematically cohesive, as proceeding through a progression of topics, and as consisting of points of disagreement at the four levels of PaRDeS. He harmonizes these four levels in six ways by appreciating a distillation, working out each distinct sugya, seeking out unpublished books, respecting common sense, formulating perfect metaphors, and not thinking about the Torah when the law forbids it. This all brings him to look at the Torah as an ordinary person, who as such appreciates why human words only hint at the divine unity of the Torah.


Our epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon manifests the virtues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in the Torah as well as in his own life. He begins by ever putting Scripture to memory. His learning cycle has him set challenges, make strenuous efforts, and record his shortcomings. He takes the law to heart, fearing God, harassing Scripture, respecting its disagreements, and accepting divine assistance. In keeping the commandments, he is smart, valuing those insights which offer further insights, being maximally prepared to satisfy the minimum the law requires, understanding what takes precedence, and distinguishing the mandatory from the optional. This all comes together in his reclusivity, protecting him from all distractions so that he can focus on the law. He understands the law as never being impossible to follow, as internally, arithmetically, linguistically, thematically cohesive, as proceeding through a progression of topics, and as consisting of points of disagreement at the four levels of PaRDeS. He harmonizes these four levels in six ways by appreciating a distillation, working out each distinct sugya, seeking out unpublished books, respecting common sense, formulating perfect metaphors, and not thinking about the Torah when the law forbids it. This all brings him to look at the Torah as an ordinary person, who as such appreciates why human words only hint at the divine unity of the Torah. Hasidism hails the extraordinary, whereas traditionally the Litvak, like the ethnic Lithuanian, is ordinary, down-to-earth, skeptical, factual, stubborn, simple, common folk. The

exemplifies the heritage and territory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

2019 lapkričio 15 d., 13:16 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 5 eilutė iš:

Our epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon manifests the virtues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in the Torah as well as in his own life. He begins by ever putting Scripture to memory. His learning cycle has him set challenges, make strenuous efforts, and record his shortcomings. He takes the law to heart, fearing God, harassing Scripture, respecting its disagreements, and accepting divine assistance. In keeping the commandments, he is smart, valuing those insights which offer further insights, being maximally prepared to satisfy the minimum the law requires, understanding what takes precedence, and distinguishing the mandatory from the optional. This all comes together in his reclusivity, protecting him from all distractions so that he can focus on the law. He understands the law as never being impossible to follow, as internally, arithmetically, linguistically, thematically cohesive, as proceeding through a progression of topics, and as consisting of points of disagreement at the four levels of PaRDeS. He harmonizes these four levels in six ways by appreciating a distillation, working out each distinct sugya, seeking out unpublished books, respecting common sense, formulating perfect metaphors, and not thinking about the Torah when the law forbids it. This all brings him to look at the Torah as an ordinary person, who as such can appreciate why human words can only hint at the divine unity of the Torah.


Our epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon manifests the virtues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in the Torah as well as in his own life. He begins by ever putting Scripture to memory. His learning cycle has him set challenges, make strenuous efforts, and record his shortcomings. He takes the law to heart, fearing God, harassing Scripture, respecting its disagreements, and accepting divine assistance. In keeping the commandments, he is smart, valuing those insights which offer further insights, being maximally prepared to satisfy the minimum the law requires, understanding what takes precedence, and distinguishing the mandatory from the optional. This all comes together in his reclusivity, protecting him from all distractions so that he can focus on the law. He understands the law as never being impossible to follow, as internally, arithmetically, linguistically, thematically cohesive, as proceeding through a progression of topics, and as consisting of points of disagreement at the four levels of PaRDeS. He harmonizes these four levels in six ways by appreciating a distillation, working out each distinct sugya, seeking out unpublished books, respecting common sense, formulating perfect metaphors, and not thinking about the Torah when the law forbids it. This all brings him to look at the Torah as an ordinary person, who as such appreciates why human words only hint at the divine unity of the Torah.

2019 lapkričio 15 d., 13:15 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 5 eilutė iš:

Our epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon manifests the virtues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in the Torah as well as in his own life. He begins by ever putting Scripture to memory. His learning cycle has him set challenges, make strenuous efforts, and record his shortcomings. He takes the law to heart, fearing God, harassing Scripture, respecting its disagreements, and accepting divine assistance. In keeping the commandments, he is smart, valuing those insights which offer further insights, being maximally prepared to satisfy the minimum the law requires, understanding what takes precedence, and distinguishing the mandatory from the optional. This all comes together in his reclusivity, protecting him from all distractions so that he can focus on the law. He understands the law as never being impossible to follow, as internally, arithmetically, linguistically, thematically cohesive, as proceeding through a progression of topics, and as consisting of points of disagreement at the four levels of PaRDeS. He harmonizes these four levels in six ways by appreciating a distillation, working out each distinct sugya, seeking out unpublished books, respecting common sense, formulating perfect metaphors, and not thinking about the Torah when the law forbids it. This all brings him to look at the Torah as an ordinary man, who as such can appreciate why human words can only hint at the divine unity of the Torah.


Our epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon manifests the virtues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in the Torah as well as in his own life. He begins by ever putting Scripture to memory. His learning cycle has him set challenges, make strenuous efforts, and record his shortcomings. He takes the law to heart, fearing God, harassing Scripture, respecting its disagreements, and accepting divine assistance. In keeping the commandments, he is smart, valuing those insights which offer further insights, being maximally prepared to satisfy the minimum the law requires, understanding what takes precedence, and distinguishing the mandatory from the optional. This all comes together in his reclusivity, protecting him from all distractions so that he can focus on the law. He understands the law as never being impossible to follow, as internally, arithmetically, linguistically, thematically cohesive, as proceeding through a progression of topics, and as consisting of points of disagreement at the four levels of PaRDeS. He harmonizes these four levels in six ways by appreciating a distillation, working out each distinct sugya, seeking out unpublished books, respecting common sense, formulating perfect metaphors, and not thinking about the Torah when the law forbids it. This all brings him to look at the Torah as an ordinary person, who as such can appreciate why human words can only hint at the divine unity of the Torah.

2019 lapkričio 15 d., 13:15 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 5 eilutė iš:

Our epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon manifests the virtues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in the Torah as well as in his own life. He begins by ever putting Scripture to memory. His learning cycle has him set challenges, make strenuous efforts, and record his shortcomings. He takes the law to heart, fearing God, harassing Scripture, respecting its disagreements, and accepting divine assistance. In keeping the commandments, he is smart, valuing those insights which offer further insights, being maximally prepared to satisfy the minimum the law requires, understanding what takes precedence, and distinguishing the mandatory from the optional. This all comes together in his reclusivity, protecting him from all distractions so that he can focus on the law. He understands the law as never being impossible to follow, as internally, arithmetically, linguistically, thematically cohesive, as proceeding through a progression of topics, and as consisting of points of disagreement at the four levels of PaRDeS. He harmonizes these four levels in six ways by appreciating a distillation, working out each distinct sugya, seeking out unpublished books, respecting common sense, formulating perfect metaphors, and not thinking about the Torah when the law forbids it.


Our epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon manifests the virtues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in the Torah as well as in his own life. He begins by ever putting Scripture to memory. His learning cycle has him set challenges, make strenuous efforts, and record his shortcomings. He takes the law to heart, fearing God, harassing Scripture, respecting its disagreements, and accepting divine assistance. In keeping the commandments, he is smart, valuing those insights which offer further insights, being maximally prepared to satisfy the minimum the law requires, understanding what takes precedence, and distinguishing the mandatory from the optional. This all comes together in his reclusivity, protecting him from all distractions so that he can focus on the law. He understands the law as never being impossible to follow, as internally, arithmetically, linguistically, thematically cohesive, as proceeding through a progression of topics, and as consisting of points of disagreement at the four levels of PaRDeS. He harmonizes these four levels in six ways by appreciating a distillation, working out each distinct sugya, seeking out unpublished books, respecting common sense, formulating perfect metaphors, and not thinking about the Torah when the law forbids it. This all brings him to look at the Torah as an ordinary man, who as such can appreciate why human words can only hint at the divine unity of the Torah.

2019 lapkričio 15 d., 13:11 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 5 eilutė iš:

Our epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon manifests the virtues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in the Torah as well as in his own life. He begins by ever putting Scripture to memory. His learning cycle has him set challenges, make strenuous efforts, and record his shortcomings. He takes the law to heart, fearing God, harassing Scripture, respecting its disagreements, and accepting divine assistance. In keeping the commandments, he is smart, valuing those insights which offer further insights, being maximally prepared to satisfy the minimum the law requires, understanding what takes precedence, and distinguishing the mandatory from the optional. This all comes together in his reclusivity, protecting him from all distractions so that he can focus on the law. He understands the law as never being impossible to follow, as internally, arithmetically, linguistically, thematically cohesive, as proceeding through a progression of topics, and as consisting of points of disagreement at the four levels of PaRDeS. He relates these four levels in six ways by appreciating a distillation, working out each distinct sugya, seeking out unpublished books, respecting common sense, formulating perfect metaphors, and not thinking about the Torah when the law forbids it.


Our epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon manifests the virtues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in the Torah as well as in his own life. He begins by ever putting Scripture to memory. His learning cycle has him set challenges, make strenuous efforts, and record his shortcomings. He takes the law to heart, fearing God, harassing Scripture, respecting its disagreements, and accepting divine assistance. In keeping the commandments, he is smart, valuing those insights which offer further insights, being maximally prepared to satisfy the minimum the law requires, understanding what takes precedence, and distinguishing the mandatory from the optional. This all comes together in his reclusivity, protecting him from all distractions so that he can focus on the law. He understands the law as never being impossible to follow, as internally, arithmetically, linguistically, thematically cohesive, as proceeding through a progression of topics, and as consisting of points of disagreement at the four levels of PaRDeS. He harmonizes these four levels in six ways by appreciating a distillation, working out each distinct sugya, seeking out unpublished books, respecting common sense, formulating perfect metaphors, and not thinking about the Torah when the law forbids it.

2019 lapkričio 15 d., 13:10 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 5 eilutė iš:

Our epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon manifests the virtues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in the Torah as well as in his own life. He begins by ever putting Scripture to memory. His learning cycle has him set challenges, make strenuous efforts, and record his shortcomings. He takes the law to heart, fearing God, harassing Scripture, respecting its disagreements, and accepting divine assistance. In keeping the commandments, he is smart, valuing those insights which offer further insights, being maximally prepared to satisfy the minimum the law requires, understanding what takes precedence, and distinguishing the mandatory from the optional. This all comes together in his reclusivity, protecting him from all distractions so that he can focus on the law. He understands the law as never being impossible to follow, as internally, arithmetically, linguistically, thematically cohesive, as proceeding through a progression of topics, and as consisting of points of disagreement at the four levels of PaRDeS. He relates these four levels in six ways by appreciating a distillation, working out each distinct sugya, seeking out unpublished books, respecting common sense, selecting perfect metaphors, and not thinking about the Torah when the law forbids it.


Our epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon manifests the virtues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in the Torah as well as in his own life. He begins by ever putting Scripture to memory. His learning cycle has him set challenges, make strenuous efforts, and record his shortcomings. He takes the law to heart, fearing God, harassing Scripture, respecting its disagreements, and accepting divine assistance. In keeping the commandments, he is smart, valuing those insights which offer further insights, being maximally prepared to satisfy the minimum the law requires, understanding what takes precedence, and distinguishing the mandatory from the optional. This all comes together in his reclusivity, protecting him from all distractions so that he can focus on the law. He understands the law as never being impossible to follow, as internally, arithmetically, linguistically, thematically cohesive, as proceeding through a progression of topics, and as consisting of points of disagreement at the four levels of PaRDeS. He relates these four levels in six ways by appreciating a distillation, working out each distinct sugya, seeking out unpublished books, respecting common sense, formulating perfect metaphors, and not thinking about the Torah when the law forbids it.

2019 lapkričio 15 d., 13:10 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 5 eilutė iš:

Our epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon manifests the virtues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in the Torah as well as in his own life. He begins by ever putting Scripture to memory. His learning cycle has him set challenges, make strenuous efforts, and record his shortcomings. He takes the law to heart, fearing God, harassing Scripture, respecting its disagreements, and accepting divine assistance. In keeping the commandments, he is smart, valuing those insights which offer further insights, being maximally prepared to satisfy the minimum the law requires, understanding what takes precedence, and distinguishing the mandatory from the optional. This all comes together in his reclusivity, protecting him from all distractions so that he can focus on the law. He understands the law as never being impossible to follow, as internally, arithmetically, linguistically, thematically cohesive, as proceeding through a progression of topics, and as consisting of points of disagreement at the four levels of PaRDeS. He relates these four levels in six ways by appreciating a distillation, working out each distinct sugya, seeking out unpublished books, respecting common sense, vivid metaphors, and not thinking about the Torah when the law forbids it.


Our epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon manifests the virtues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in the Torah as well as in his own life. He begins by ever putting Scripture to memory. His learning cycle has him set challenges, make strenuous efforts, and record his shortcomings. He takes the law to heart, fearing God, harassing Scripture, respecting its disagreements, and accepting divine assistance. In keeping the commandments, he is smart, valuing those insights which offer further insights, being maximally prepared to satisfy the minimum the law requires, understanding what takes precedence, and distinguishing the mandatory from the optional. This all comes together in his reclusivity, protecting him from all distractions so that he can focus on the law. He understands the law as never being impossible to follow, as internally, arithmetically, linguistically, thematically cohesive, as proceeding through a progression of topics, and as consisting of points of disagreement at the four levels of PaRDeS. He relates these four levels in six ways by appreciating a distillation, working out each distinct sugya, seeking out unpublished books, respecting common sense, selecting perfect metaphors, and not thinking about the Torah when the law forbids it.

2019 lapkričio 15 d., 13:10 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 5 eilutė iš:

Our epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon manifests the virtues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in the Torah as well as in his own life. He begins by ever putting Scripture to memory. His learning cycle has him set challenges, make strenuous efforts, and record his shortcomings. He takes the law to heart, fearing God, harassing Scripture, respecting its disagreements, and accepting divine assistance. In keeping the commandments, he is smart, valuing those insights which offer further insights, being maximally prepared to satisfy the minimum the law requires, understanding what takes precedence, and distinguishing the mandatory from the optional. This all comes together in his reclusivity, protecting him from all distractions so that he can focus on the law. He understands the law as never being impossible to follow, as internally, arithmetically, linguistically, thematically cohesive, as proceeding through a progression of topics, and as consisting of points of disagreement at the four levels of PaRDeS. He relates these four levels by appreciating a distillation, working out each distinct sugya, seeking out unpublished books,


Our epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon manifests the virtues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in the Torah as well as in his own life. He begins by ever putting Scripture to memory. His learning cycle has him set challenges, make strenuous efforts, and record his shortcomings. He takes the law to heart, fearing God, harassing Scripture, respecting its disagreements, and accepting divine assistance. In keeping the commandments, he is smart, valuing those insights which offer further insights, being maximally prepared to satisfy the minimum the law requires, understanding what takes precedence, and distinguishing the mandatory from the optional. This all comes together in his reclusivity, protecting him from all distractions so that he can focus on the law. He understands the law as never being impossible to follow, as internally, arithmetically, linguistically, thematically cohesive, as proceeding through a progression of topics, and as consisting of points of disagreement at the four levels of PaRDeS. He relates these four levels in six ways by appreciating a distillation, working out each distinct sugya, seeking out unpublished books, respecting common sense, vivid metaphors, and not thinking about the Torah when the law forbids it.

2019 lapkričio 15 d., 13:04 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 5 eilutė iš:

Our epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon manifests the virtues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in the Torah as well as in his own life. He begins by ever putting Scripture to memory. His learning cycle has him set challenges, make strenuous efforts, and record his shortcomings. He takes the law to heart, fearing God, harassing Scripture, respecting its disagreements, and accepting divine assistance. In keeping the commandments, he is smart, valuing those insights which offer further insights, being maximally prepared to satisfy the minimum the law requires, understanding what takes precedence, and distinguishing the mandatory from the optional. This all comes together in his reclusivity, protecting him from all distractions so that he can focus on the law. He understands the law as never being impossible to follow, as internally, arithmetically, linguistically, thematically cohesive, as proceeding through a progression of topics, and as consisting of points of disagreement at various levels. He


Our epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon manifests the virtues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in the Torah as well as in his own life. He begins by ever putting Scripture to memory. His learning cycle has him set challenges, make strenuous efforts, and record his shortcomings. He takes the law to heart, fearing God, harassing Scripture, respecting its disagreements, and accepting divine assistance. In keeping the commandments, he is smart, valuing those insights which offer further insights, being maximally prepared to satisfy the minimum the law requires, understanding what takes precedence, and distinguishing the mandatory from the optional. This all comes together in his reclusivity, protecting him from all distractions so that he can focus on the law. He understands the law as never being impossible to follow, as internally, arithmetically, linguistically, thematically cohesive, as proceeding through a progression of topics, and as consisting of points of disagreement at the four levels of PaRDeS. He relates these four levels by appreciating a distillation, working out each distinct sugya, seeking out unpublished books,

2019 lapkričio 15 d., 12:55 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 5 eilutė iš:

Our epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon manifests the virtues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in the Torah as well as in his own life. He begins by ever putting Scripture to memory. His learning cycle has him set challenges, make strenuous efforts, and record his shortcomings. He takes the law to heart, fearing God, harassing Scripture, respecting its disagreements, and accepting divine assistance. In keeping the commandments, he is smart, valuing those insights which offer further insights, being maximally prepared to satisfy the minimum the law requires, understanding what takes precedence, and distinguishing the mandatory from the optional. This all comes together in his reclusivity, protecting him from all distractions so that he can focus on the law. He understands the law as never being impossible to follow, as internally, arithmetically, linguistically, thematically cohesive, as proceeding through a progression of topics, and as consisting of points of disagreement.


Our epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon manifests the virtues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in the Torah as well as in his own life. He begins by ever putting Scripture to memory. His learning cycle has him set challenges, make strenuous efforts, and record his shortcomings. He takes the law to heart, fearing God, harassing Scripture, respecting its disagreements, and accepting divine assistance. In keeping the commandments, he is smart, valuing those insights which offer further insights, being maximally prepared to satisfy the minimum the law requires, understanding what takes precedence, and distinguishing the mandatory from the optional. This all comes together in his reclusivity, protecting him from all distractions so that he can focus on the law. He understands the law as never being impossible to follow, as internally, arithmetically, linguistically, thematically cohesive, as proceeding through a progression of topics, and as consisting of points of disagreement at various levels. He

2019 lapkričio 15 d., 12:53 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 5 eilutė iš:

Our epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon manifests the virtues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in the Torah as well as in his own life. He begins by ever putting Scripture to memory. His learning cycle has him set challenges, make strenuous efforts, and record his shortcomings. He takes the law to heart, fearing God, harassing Scripture, respecting its disagreements, and accepting divine assistance. In keeping the commandments, he is smart, valuing those insights which offer further insights, being maximally prepared to satisfy the minimum the law requires, understanding what takes precedence, and distinguishing the mandatory from the optional. This all comes together in his reclusivity, protecting him from all distractions so that he can focus on the law. He understands the law as never being impossible to follow, as internally, arithmetically, linguistically cohesive, as proceeding through a progression of topics, and as consisting of points of disagreement.


Our epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon manifests the virtues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in the Torah as well as in his own life. He begins by ever putting Scripture to memory. His learning cycle has him set challenges, make strenuous efforts, and record his shortcomings. He takes the law to heart, fearing God, harassing Scripture, respecting its disagreements, and accepting divine assistance. In keeping the commandments, he is smart, valuing those insights which offer further insights, being maximally prepared to satisfy the minimum the law requires, understanding what takes precedence, and distinguishing the mandatory from the optional. This all comes together in his reclusivity, protecting him from all distractions so that he can focus on the law. He understands the law as never being impossible to follow, as internally, arithmetically, linguistically, thematically cohesive, as proceeding through a progression of topics, and as consisting of points of disagreement.

2019 lapkričio 15 d., 12:53 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 5 eilutė iš:

Our epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon manifests the virtues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in the Torah as well as in his own life. He begins by ever putting Scripture to memory. His learning cycle has him set challenges, make strenuous efforts, and record his shortcomings. He takes the law to heart, fearing God, harassing Scripture, respecting its disagreements, and accepting divine assistance. In keeping the commandments, he is smart, valuing those insights which offer further insights, being maximally prepared to satisfy the minimum the law requires, understanding what takes precedence, and distinguishing the mandatory from the optional. This all comes together in his reclusivity, protecting him from all distractions. He understands the law as never being impossible to follow, as internally, arithmetically, linguistically cohesive, as proceeding through a progression of topics, and as consisting of points of disagreement.


Our epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon manifests the virtues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in the Torah as well as in his own life. He begins by ever putting Scripture to memory. His learning cycle has him set challenges, make strenuous efforts, and record his shortcomings. He takes the law to heart, fearing God, harassing Scripture, respecting its disagreements, and accepting divine assistance. In keeping the commandments, he is smart, valuing those insights which offer further insights, being maximally prepared to satisfy the minimum the law requires, understanding what takes precedence, and distinguishing the mandatory from the optional. This all comes together in his reclusivity, protecting him from all distractions so that he can focus on the law. He understands the law as never being impossible to follow, as internally, arithmetically, linguistically cohesive, as proceeding through a progression of topics, and as consisting of points of disagreement.

2019 lapkričio 15 d., 12:52 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 5 eilutė iš:

Our epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon manifests the virtues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in the Torah as well as in his own life. He begins by ever putting Scripture to memory. His learning cycle has him set challenges, make strenuous efforts, and record his shortcomings. He takes the law to heart, fearing God, harassing Scripture, respecting its disagreements, and accepting divine assistance. In keeping the commandments, he is smart, valuing those insights which offer further insights, being maximally prepared to satisfy the minimum the law requires, understanding what takes precedence, and distinguishing the mandatory from the optional. This all comes together in his reclusivity, protecting him from all distractions.


Our epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon manifests the virtues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in the Torah as well as in his own life. He begins by ever putting Scripture to memory. His learning cycle has him set challenges, make strenuous efforts, and record his shortcomings. He takes the law to heart, fearing God, harassing Scripture, respecting its disagreements, and accepting divine assistance. In keeping the commandments, he is smart, valuing those insights which offer further insights, being maximally prepared to satisfy the minimum the law requires, understanding what takes precedence, and distinguishing the mandatory from the optional. This all comes together in his reclusivity, protecting him from all distractions. He understands the law as never being impossible to follow, as internally, arithmetically, linguistically cohesive, as proceeding through a progression of topics, and as consisting of points of disagreement.

2019 lapkričio 15 d., 12:46 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 5 eilutė iš:

Our epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon manifests the virtues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in the Torah as well as in his own life. He begins by ever putting Scripture to memory. His learning cycle has him set challenges, make strenuous efforts, and record his shortcomings. He takes the law to heart, fearing God, harassing Scripture, respecting its disagreements, and accepting divine assistance. In keeping the commandments, he is smart, valuing those insights which offer further insights, being maximally prepared to satisfy the minimum the law requires, understanding what takes precedence, and distinguishing the mandatory from the optional. This all comes together in his reclusivity, protecting himself from all distractions.


Our epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon manifests the virtues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in the Torah as well as in his own life. He begins by ever putting Scripture to memory. His learning cycle has him set challenges, make strenuous efforts, and record his shortcomings. He takes the law to heart, fearing God, harassing Scripture, respecting its disagreements, and accepting divine assistance. In keeping the commandments, he is smart, valuing those insights which offer further insights, being maximally prepared to satisfy the minimum the law requires, understanding what takes precedence, and distinguishing the mandatory from the optional. This all comes together in his reclusivity, protecting him from all distractions.

2019 lapkričio 15 d., 12:45 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 5 eilutė iš:

Our epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon manifests the virtues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in the Torah as well as in his own life. He begins by ever putting Scripture to memory. His learning cycle has him set challenges, make strenuous efforts, and record his shortcomings. He takes the law to heart, fearing God, harassing Scripture, respecting its disagreements, and accepting divine assistance. In keeping the commandments, he is smart, valuing those insights which offer further insights, being maximally prepared to satisfy the minimum the law requires, understanding what takes precedence, and distinguishing the necessary from the optional. This all comes together in his reclusivity, protecting himself from all distractions.


Our epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon manifests the virtues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in the Torah as well as in his own life. He begins by ever putting Scripture to memory. His learning cycle has him set challenges, make strenuous efforts, and record his shortcomings. He takes the law to heart, fearing God, harassing Scripture, respecting its disagreements, and accepting divine assistance. In keeping the commandments, he is smart, valuing those insights which offer further insights, being maximally prepared to satisfy the minimum the law requires, understanding what takes precedence, and distinguishing the mandatory from the optional. This all comes together in his reclusivity, protecting himself from all distractions.

2019 lapkričio 15 d., 12:41 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 5 eilutė iš:

Our epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon manifests the virtues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in the Torah as well as in his own life. He begins by ever putting Scripture to memory. His learning cycle has him set challenges, make strenuous efforts, and record his shortcomings. He takes the law to heart, fearing God, harassing Scripture, respecting its disagreements, and accepting divine assistance. In keeping the commandments, he is smart, valuing those insights which offer further insights, being maximally prepared to satisfy the minimum the law requires,


Our epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon manifests the virtues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in the Torah as well as in his own life. He begins by ever putting Scripture to memory. His learning cycle has him set challenges, make strenuous efforts, and record his shortcomings. He takes the law to heart, fearing God, harassing Scripture, respecting its disagreements, and accepting divine assistance. In keeping the commandments, he is smart, valuing those insights which offer further insights, being maximally prepared to satisfy the minimum the law requires, understanding what takes precedence, and distinguishing the necessary from the optional. This all comes together in his reclusivity, protecting himself from all distractions.

2019 lapkričio 15 d., 12:39 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 5-6 eilutės iš

Our epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon manifests the virtues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in the Torah as well as in his own life. He begins by ever putting Scripture to memory. His learning cycle has him set challenges, make strenuous efforts, and record his shortcomings. He takes the law to heart, fearing God, harassing Scripture, respecting its disagreements, and accepting divine assistance. He is smart in satisfying the law,


Our epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon manifests the virtues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in the Torah as well as in his own life. He begins by ever putting Scripture to memory. His learning cycle has him set challenges, make strenuous efforts, and record his shortcomings. He takes the law to heart, fearing God, harassing Scripture, respecting its disagreements, and accepting divine assistance. In keeping the commandments, he is smart, valuing those insights which offer further insights, being maximally prepared to satisfy the minimum the law requires,

2019 lapkričio 15 d., 12:31 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 5 eilutė iš:

Our epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon manifests the virtues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in the Torah as well as in his own life. He begins by ever putting Scripture to memory. His learning cycle has him set challenges, make strenuous efforts, and record his shortcomings. He takes the law to heart, fearing God, harassing Scripture, respecting its disagreements, and accepting divine assistance. He is shrewd in satisfying the law,


Our epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon manifests the virtues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in the Torah as well as in his own life. He begins by ever putting Scripture to memory. His learning cycle has him set challenges, make strenuous efforts, and record his shortcomings. He takes the law to heart, fearing God, harassing Scripture, respecting its disagreements, and accepting divine assistance. He is smart in satisfying the law,

2019 lapkričio 15 d., 12:30 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 5 eilutė iš:

Our epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon manifests the virtues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in the Torah as well as in his own life.


Our epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon manifests the virtues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in the Torah as well as in his own life. He begins by ever putting Scripture to memory. His learning cycle has him set challenges, make strenuous efforts, and record his shortcomings. He takes the law to heart, fearing God, harassing Scripture, respecting its disagreements, and accepting divine assistance. He is shrewd in satisfying the law,

2019 lapkričio 15 d., 12:09 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 5 eilutė iš:

Our epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon manifests the virtues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in the Torah and in his own life.


Our epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon manifests the virtues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in the Torah as well as in his own life.

2019 lapkričio 15 d., 12:09 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 5 eilutė iš:

An epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon manifests the virtues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in the Torah and in his own life.


Our epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon manifests the virtues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in the Torah and in his own life.

2019 lapkričio 15 d., 12:09 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 5-6 eilutės iš

An epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon reveals the nature of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in his life and in the Torah.


An epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon manifests the virtues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in the Torah and in his own life.

2019 lapkričio 15 d., 00:06 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 5 eilutė iš:

An epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon reveals him as a key to understanding the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in his life and in the Torah.


An epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon reveals the nature of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in his life and in the Torah.

2019 lapkričio 15 d., 00:05 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 5 eilutė iš:

An epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon reveals him as a key to understanding Lithuanian civilization. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in his life and in the Torah.


An epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon reveals him as a key to understanding the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in his life and in the Torah.

2019 lapkričio 15 d., 00:04 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 4-11 eilutės:

An epistemological portrait of the Vilna Gaon reveals him as a key to understanding Lithuanian civilization. We systematize 24 ways that he figured things out in his life and in the Torah.

2019 lapkričio 14 d., 22:33 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 9 eilutė iš:

Three aspects of reclusivity - ever returning to the Torah, removal of distractions, being an ordinary person


Three aspects of reclusivity - absolute devotion to the Torah, complete removal of distractions, being an ordinary person

2019 lapkričio 14 d., 22:03 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 9 eilutė iš:

Three aspects of reclusivity - ever returing to the Torah, removal of distractions, being an ordinary person


Three aspects of reclusivity - ever returning to the Torah, removal of distractions, being an ordinary person

2019 lapkričio 14 d., 22:03 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 9 eilutė iš:

Three aspects of reclusivity - obsession with Torah, removal of distractions, being an ordinary person


Three aspects of reclusivity - ever returing to the Torah, removal of distractions, being an ordinary person

2019 lapkričio 14 d., 22:03 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 8-9 eilutės:

Three aspects of reclusivity - obsession with Torah, removal of distractions, being an ordinary person

2019 lapkričio 14 d., 21:58 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 7 eilutė iš:

The Vilna Gaon as "the ordinary person". Lithuanian civilization - Lithuanian ethnic characteristic - Litvak characteristic - the ordinary person.


The Vilna Gaon as "the ordinary person", the upshot of all the Torah knowledge. Lithuanian civilization - Lithuanian ethnic characteristic - Litvak characteristic - the ordinary person.

2019 lapkričio 14 d., 21:54 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 6-7 eilutės:

The Vilna Gaon as "the ordinary person". Lithuanian civilization - Lithuanian ethnic characteristic - Litvak characteristic - the ordinary person.

2019 lapkričio 14 d., 16:59 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 29-30 eilutės:

the Gaon returned to Vilna and his family. It was 1748, and he was only twenty-eight years old. The leaders of the community allotted him a small weekly sum from the fund established by his great-great-grandfather, Rabbi Moshe Rivkas, for the support of men who dedicated themselves completely to Torah study. BL 41

2019 lapkričio 12 d., 16:37 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 35-36 eilutės iš
  • Ayil Meshulash matematika ir astronomija
2019 lapkričio 03 d., 21:40 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 1-2 eilutės:
2019 spalio 31 d., 11:45 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 1 eilutė iš:

The Vilna Gaon's Reclusivity as the Magnificence of the Lithuanian Civilization


The Vilna Gaon's Reclusivity as the Magnificence of Lithuanian Civilization

2019 spalio 31 d., 11:44 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 1-4 eilutės iš

The Vilna Gaon's Reclusivity as a Key to Lithuanian Civilization

Vilniaus Gaonas kaip raktas į Lietuvos didžiosios kunigaikštystės civilizaciją.


The Vilna Gaon's Reclusivity as the Magnificence of the Lithuanian Civilization

Vilniaus Gaono vienišumas kaip Lietuvos civilizacijos šviesybė.

Pridėta 6 eilutė:
  • Vilniaus Gaono išsiaiškinimo būdai, kaip raktas į Lietuvos šviesybę.
Pridėta 26 eilutė:
  • Gaono santykis su Dievu, kaip jis su juo bendravo.
2019 spalio 30 d., 23:34 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 23-24 eilutės:
  • Misnagdim
  • Perushim
2019 spalio 30 d., 23:30 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėta 22 eilutė:
  • Jewish exegesis - Peshat over Pilpul.
2019 spalio 30 d., 23:27 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėta 21 eilutė:
  • Pasyvumas Holokausto akivaizdoje
2019 spalio 30 d., 23:24 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 26-27 eilutės iš
  • The Vilna Gaon. Rav Elyakim Krumbein Shiur #10: Separation from the worldly: Perishut.
  • The Vilna Gaon. Rav Elyakim Krumbein Shiur #10: Separation from the worldly: Perishut.
  • Ayil Meshulash matematika ir astronomija
2019 spalio 30 d., 23:14 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 20 eilutė iš:
  • Hierarchija išgyvenimų, nuo mūsų iki šventraščio
  • Hierarchija išgyvenimų, nuo mūsų iki šventraščio - bandant juos naujai suprasti
2019 spalio 30 d., 23:14 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėta 20 eilutė:
  • Hierarchija išgyvenimų, nuo mūsų iki šventraščio
2019 spalio 30 d., 23:14 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėta 19 eilutė:
  • Torą suprasti mokslo pagrindu - tad ir išgyvenimų mokslu
2019 spalio 30 d., 23:13 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėta 18 eilutė:
  • Ką reiškia ekskomunikaciją žmogui, kuris vertina vienatvę?
2019 spalio 30 d., 23:11 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėta 17 eilutė:
  • Jin ir jang - Alpha Zero smauglys ar Stockfish
2019 spalio 30 d., 23:10 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 14 eilutė iš:
  • Vytautas Didysis? spektras aktyvumo ir pasyvumo
  • Vytautas Didysis? spektras aktyvumo ir pasyvumo. Jie vienas kitą atsveria. Panašiai, Voldemaro ir Smetonos aktyvumas ir pasyvumas.
2019 spalio 30 d., 23:10 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 14 eilutė iš:
  • Vytautas Didysis?
  • Vytautas Didysis? spektras aktyvumo ir pasyvumo
2019 spalio 30 d., 23:09 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 1-2 eilutės iš

The Vilna Gaon as a Key to Lithuanian Civilization


The Vilna Gaon's Reclusivity as a Key to Lithuanian Civilization

Pridėta 16 eilutė:
  • Reclusivity - Lietuva pelkėse, didžiųjų migracijų nepaliesta.
2019 spalio 30 d., 23:08 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 20 eilutė iš:
  • Wikipedia: Vilna Gaon
2019 spalio 30 d., 23:07 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 20-21 eilutės iš

The Vilna Gaon. Rav Elyakim Krumbein Shiur #10: Separation from the worldly: Perishut.

  • The Vilna Gaon. Rav Elyakim Krumbein Shiur #10: Separation from the worldly: Perishut.
2019 spalio 30 d., 22:54 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 1 eilutė iš:

The Vilna Gaon as a Key to Lithuanian Civilization


The Vilna Gaon as a Key to Lithuanian Civilization

2019 spalio 30 d., 22:54 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 1-2 eilutės:

The Vilna Gaon as a Key to Lithuanian Civilization

Pridėtos 13-14 eilutės:
  • Kaip ir kodėl litvakai paveikti lietuvių.
  • Vytautas Didysis?
2019 spalio 30 d., 22:52 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 1-2 eilutės:

Vilniaus Gaonas kaip raktas į Lietuvos didžiosios kunigaikštystės civilizaciją.

Pridėtos 7-9 eilutės:
  • Augant susidomėjimu jo gyvenimu, ir žydų kultūra, padaryti tai labiau prieinama.
  • Žydų kultūra ir ypač Vilniaus Gaonas kaip raktas į Lietuvos didžiąją kunigaikštystę.
  • "Palikti ramybėje" - ramybės reikšmė, jos suveikimas pasrovėmis - kaip veikia pasrovės - šventraščiuose ir gyvenimuose.
2019 spalio 30 d., 22:48 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 1-10 eilutės:


  • Kaip Vilniaus Gaonas gali įsipinti į mūsų laikus.
  • Per jo išgyvenimus, susipažinti su jo mintimis, ir su šventuoju raštu.
  • Per savo išgyvenimus, ir savo šeimų išgyvenimus, susipažinti su mūsų laikmečio išgyvenimais.
  • Kaip žydų kapinės galėtų būti židiniu tokio mokslo.
  • Sukurti lietuvišką civilizaciją.


2019 spalio 30 d., 22:45 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėta 1 eilutė:

The Vilna Gaon. Rav Elyakim Krumbein Shiur #10: Separation from the worldly: Perishut.


Naujausi pakeitimai



Įvadas #E9F5FC

Klausimai #FFFFC0

Teiginiai #FFFFFF

Kitų mintys #EFCFE1

Dievas man #FFECC0

Iš ankščiau #CCFFCC

Mieli skaitytojai, visa mano kūryba ir kartu visi šie puslapiai yra visuomenės turtas, kuriuo visi kviečiami laisvai naudotis, dalintis, visaip perkurti. - Andrius


Puslapis paskutinį kartą pakeistas 2019 lapkričio 15 d., 15:17