Iš Gvildenu svetainės

Taika: Kaunas

Kaune, šeštadienį

Olava Strikulytė, Vakaro žinios

Virginija Skučaitė

Partizanų būstinės, Darbo rūmai..., Vietinė apsauga

Vietinės apsaugos štabas

Stankeras: Kaune vadovaujantys policijos pareigūnai su savo vadu Antanu Žarskumi kaip tik buvo voldemarininkai. Buvusiose Lietuvos vidaus reikalų ministerijos (VRM) patalpose Policijos departamentą organizavo kitas jų veikėjas Povilas Dirkis, iš kurio policininkas Antanas Michelevičius visko dar nebuvo spėjęs perimti. Perversmo išvakarėse vyriausybės nariai sužinojo, kad majoras Jonas Pyragius ir kiti perversmo rengėjai A.Žarskų buvo paraginę pasirūpinti, kad naktį iš liepos 23-iosios policijos nuovadose budėtų patikimi jų pareigūnai. ... Tačiau netrukus pats Kauno miesto ir apskrities policijos vadas A.Žarskus atvyko į A.Michelevičiaus butą ir jį suėmė. Veikiai buvo suimtas ir vidaus reikalų ministras pulkininkas J.Šlepetys.

Stahlecker, liepos 4 d.

2 groups of partisans (1) in Kaunas: (a) under leadership of Klimaitis, 600 men, mainly civilian workers (b) under leadership of the physician Dr. Zigonys, about 200 men

In Kaunas four fairly large groups of partisans had formed with whom the advance party had immediately established contact. These groups had not been organized under one coherent leadership. Instead, each group tried to gain superiority over the others and to enter into closer association with the Wehrmacht so that they would be included in a military operation against the Soviet army and as a result the dominant group would be able to capitalize on the changes in the government of Lithuania and thus be able to form a new [Lithuanian] army. Whilst for political reasons military deployment of the partisans could not be considered, within a short time a 300-strong auxiliary group fit for action was formed from the reliable members of the undisciplined partisan groups under the leadership of the Lithuanian journalist Klimatis. This group, as it proved itself satisfactory, was deployed not only in Kaunas itself but also in numerous parts of Lithuania where it performed its duties, in particular preparation of and participation in the execution of large liquidation actions, under the constant supervision of the Einsatzkommando with no significant problems.

In Lithuania this goal was achieved for the first time in Kaunas through the deployment of partisans. It was initially surprisingly difficult to set a fairly large-scale pogrom in motion there. The leader of the above-mentioned partisan group, Klimatis, who was the first to be recruited, succeeded in starting a pogrom on the basis of instructions he had been given by the small advance party that had been deployed in Kovno without any German orders or incitement being discernible. During the first pogrom, in the night of 25/26 June, more then 1,500 Jews were eliminated by the Lithuanian partisans, several synagogues were set on fire or destroyed by other methods and a Jewish quarter of about sixty houses was burnt down. On following nights 2,300 Jews were rendered harmless in the same way. In other parts of Lithuania there were similar actions following the example of Kaunas, albeit on a smaller scale, but which included Communists that had remained in the area.

Stahlecker, liepos 6 d.

Partisans in Kaunas and its surroundings have been disarmed on June 28 by order of the German Feldkommandatur. An auxillary police force consisting of 5 companies has been created from reliable partisans. Two of these companies were subordinated to the Einsatzkommando. Of these, one company guards the Jewish concentration camp. In the meantime, In Kaunas, Fort VII has been established where executions are carried out. The other company, with the agreement of the Field Commander of the Einsatzkommando, is to be employed for regular police tasks.

In Kaunas reserves of meat and flour will last for 6 more weeks. Fort VII in Kaunas will be organized as a Jewish concentration camp with two sections: 1. male Jews 2. female Jews and children.

Presently about 1,500 Jews are kept in the fort. Guard duty is performed by Lithuanian guard formations. In the central prisons there are: 1860 Jews 214 Lithuanians 134 Russians 1 Latvian 16 Poles



Parsiųstas iš http://www.ms.lt/sodas/Taika/Kaunas
Puslapis paskutinį kartą pakeistas 2020 sausio 16 d., 19:24