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Užrašai: Išsiaiškinimai

Žr. Andrius ways

Galvoju savo raštu surašyti įvairiausius būdus, kaip ką esu išsiaiškinęs. Juos esu anglų kalba įvardinęs ir surūšiavęs. Dabar juos ketinu suprantamiau surašyti lietuvių kalba. Galvoju, kaip juos išdėstyti.

Kiekvienu išsiaiškinimu kalbinu kažką - Dievą, kažkurio pavidalo - ar mumyse, ar už mūsų - ir jį kalbinu sąvokų kalba.

Ieškojau, kaip visi išsiaiškinimai išsidėsto. Pastebėjau, kad vieni atsiremia kitais. Yra visgi du paprasčiausi, tačiau skirtingo būdo - ko daugiau atmesti, ir anaiptol, viską priimti.

Pastebėjau, kad išaugant išsiaiškinimams, ryškėja pašnekovas, kol galiausiai tampa pilnaverčiu, mums lygiaverčiu žmogumi, o toliau jau šnekiname pačią kalbą, sąvokų kalbą, žmogų atstojančią.

Žinojimo rūmai išsako kaip viskas tampa žinoma bet kokiam asmeniui, bet kokiam dalykui. Vadinas, kaip jam ar juo viskas susiveda. Žinojimo rūmais veiksmu +3 suvedami veiksmai +1 (pirm sandarų - pašnekovas yra asmuo) ir +2 (po sandaros - pašnekovas yra sąvokų kalba). Jais iškyla, ką žmogui reiškia Dievo įsakymas ir Dievo valios vykdymas. Jais išsakomas amžinas gyvenimas, tai kad Dievas būtinas, bet nebūtinai geras.

Considering inseparability of perspectives I am hypothesizing, based on my results with just a few rooms, that for each room of the House of Knowledge there are two groups of ways, one that relates to the heart and another to the world. I'm wondering if those two groups are inseparable, if they somehow must go together and thus fit together, for otherwise there could be 48 rooms and not 24 rooms, but there are many structural reasons why there should be only and exactly 24 rooms, but especially because the omniscope has 24 perspectives, and also because it matches well with the number of divisions 24/3=8, topologies 24/2=12 and representations 24/4=6. Furthermore, inseparability would be an intriguing notion. It would also relate to what I call anti-structure or the division of everything into -1 perspectives, which is given by an opposite, as in the perspective of free will, where good and bad coexist and are inseparable, unable to stand alone. 1304 CB-1

Diagram what follows from what Conversing with: assumptions In studying argumentation, I drew diagrams to track which principle builds on which principle. In studying ways of figuring things out, I likewise considered, which way depended on which.773 3-0

Building my own collection of examples I reflect on my own activity and study it. I developed and conducted about 40 good will exercises. As I collected them, I studied how they fell into groups, and analyzed the nature of the system as a whole. Similarly, I am studying the ways of figuring things out and organizing them in a House of Knowledge which turned out to have 24 rooms.1444 20-0

Survey all of the structures that I know I made a survey of all of the conceptual structures that I had found and was familiar with. I was able to put them together in a system 1 + 6 + 4 + 1 that is much like half of the House of Knowledge.1708 20-0

Noting a familiar structure In developing the good will exercises, I was alert to the relevance of structures that I was familiar with, such as the foursome (which arose as the four tests of the truth of the heart and the truth of the world) and the threesome (which gave the structure of the exercises). Similarly, in organizing the ways of figuring thing out with the House of Knowledge, I recalled the structure 4 + 6 where there are 6 pairs of 4 levels.617 21-0

Recognize the significance of a concept Conversing with: combination The importance of faith in every aspect of the "ways of figuring things out".791 32-1

Consider the significance Conversing with: fruitfulness As I collected more than 100 "ways of figuring things out", I wanted to analyze them in more detail, so I needed to focus on a sample. I decided to choose the most important, the most characteristic ones. First, I considered which ones were important "nodes" in my diagram of how they unfolded in my thinking, from start to finish. Later, I looked at ways that belonged to more than one thread in my life. Finally, I went through all of them and noted for each, what did they achieve? I grouped them into categories accordingly. Then I rated the importance of each way on a scale from 2 to 5 and got the average for the group. I put the most important groups in the center of a diagram. It seemed that the most important ways were the ones that I lived subjectively, from the inside, and the less important ways I lived objectively, from the outside.772 32-1

Survey the evolution of a perspective Conversing with: goal of evolution As I analyzed the "ways of figuring things out", I noticed that several of them seemed to be dialogues with God or myself or others. Indeed, I saw that I could think of each of them as a dialogue with some quality. I went through my list of ways and wrote down the quality that I imagined it had me be in dialogue with. Then I grouped those qualities. I had a chart of the first 55 ways that I had noted, especially from my philosophical work, where I had organized them by how they had become relevant as my inquiry unfolded. After studying the ways in terms of their various aspects, I finally tuned into how the "conversant" evolved, from very abstract "inner depths" or "infinity beyond" to a full-fledged "human-in-general", as we presumed ever more aspects. The "human-in-general" conflates us with our conversant. I noticed then that at that point the conversant was no longer imagined, but became presumed, and so instead, the ways were dialogues with a shared conceptual language, which seemed to require us to presume God as well. (I realize now that this also marks the distinction between defining ourselves beyond any system and then defining the system that we are in.) We start to dialogue with our conversant's circumstances, consider them from God's point of view. Subsequently, I saw how the four tests for the heart and the world were bridges between us and our conversant, and how the ways related to structural questions were perhaps six groups of pairs of these four tests, and that taking up God's point of view was the ultimate way.790 32-1

Noticing patterns As I write up my ways of figuring things out that I've associated with the various rooms in the House of Knowledge, there seem to be two groups for each room. I've noticed a pattern. And how the groups relate, for example, the purpose of a structure (which may have no subject to experience it) vs. the purpose of my circumstances (which have a subject who lives them). I wonder if that is true, in general, and if that relates to the truths of the heart and the world. After writing out some of these examples in a diagram, I wonder whether these are two viewpoints on the same way, and whether both viewpoints are necessary aspects of each way of figuring things out, so that they are both in play in each way, to a greater or lesser extent, creating a tension, as with question and answer, or theory and practice, that is essential to every way, and that here draws on an internal structure (of the way of figuring things out) that is externalized.1303 31-1

Listen to God Conversing with: God's wishes God told me, as I listened to him, to investigate God's love in the ways of figuring things out.713 O-0

As I document ways of figuring things out, I am considering how each way is structured internally.

Consider also: How we find and engage God? conditions and unconditionality, morality, faith, scope, commonality, culture, threads, multiplicity of perspectives, negation of assumptions, importance, education, progression, the will of God.

I am looking especially for representative ways, one for each room in the House of Knowledge. I'm also wondering, what are compositions of ways of figuring things out? And how do the ways of figuring things out relate to languages of how thing come to matter (argumentation), come to have meaning (verbalization), and come to happen (narration).

Žinojimo rūmai

Pavyzdiniai išsiaiškinimai

Dievo išsiaiškinimai

Žmonių išsiaiškinimai

Išsiaiškinimų nagrinėjimas

Paskiro išsiaiškinimo sandara


Klausimų išsiaiškinimas

Išsiaiškinimų išsiaiškinimas

Išsiaiškinimų kalba

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Išsiaiškinimais puoselėti bendrystę

Parsiųstas iš http://www.ms.lt/sodas/U%c5%bera%c5%a1ai/I%c5%a1siai%c5%a1kinimai
Puslapis paskutinį kartą pakeistas 2013 sausio 24 d., 12:36