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Mintys: Mintis

Žr. Žinynas, Mąstymo matai, Suvokimas


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From my paper (with Saulius Maskeliunas), [http://www.ms.lt/ms/projects/structurekinds/paper052499.html Organizing Thoughts Into Sequences, Hierarchies and Networks]: A thought is a capsule of information. It can carry a meaning inside of itself, but it can also be related to other thoughts in a sequence, hierarchy, or network regardless of whether this meaning is understood correctly, if at all. A thought is a shell for distinguishing the meaning inside from the context outside.


Thoughts become important once we have {{Languages}}, that is, once we have well founded systems in which they can be organized. Thoughts imply a thinker to whom they are subject to. Therefore, thoughts most generally arise after a system is founded. Whereas the term {{Concept}} is meant to suggest that concepts are self-standing and may serve as the foundations of a system. This GlossaryOfStructure focuses on how the foundations of a system grow manifest until they have given rise to the system.


In this approach, much more basic than any particular thoughts is the faculty of {{Thinking}}, and even more basic is the faculty of {{Reflecting}}. The division of everything into three perspectives (the {{Threesome}}) is: taking a stand, following through and reflecting. There is a RepresentationOfTheThreesome which represents this as: being, doing and thinking. Such representations generate the {{Topologies}}, and so {{Thinking}} is one of the twelve topologies.

It may seem strange that {{Thoughts}} are less fundamental than {{Thinking}}. But that is because this GlossaryOfStructure is anchored in our subjective view. Thinking - and more fundamentally, reflecting - is a very basic part of our subjective view. Whereas thoughts imply an objective description of thinking. But thinking can take place without taking notice of thoughts as such.

Thinking is central to the [{{MinciuSodas/MinciuSodas}} Minciu Sodas] laboratory as it serves and organizes independent thinkers. I found it helpful to present the information that we wanted to gather as [http://www.ms.lt/ms/results.html twelve archives] related to thinking. Also, I first organized our laboratory in terms of six WaysOfThinking and four WaysOfCaring that seemed to encompass the breadth of our potential activity, and could also be grounded as a structure. But it turned out to be more effective to organize ourselves around [{{MinciuSodas/DeepestValue}} key concepts] that manifest the worldviews of individual thinkers.

Thoughts will be key to the language of {{Verbalization}}, and perhaps, in a different sense, {{Argumentation}} and {{Narration}}.


Helmut: Andrius, to what extent would you agree on:


Helmut: How does the concept of {{Thought}} fit into the {{GOS}} and how does it relate to the concept {{God}}? What is a thought philosophically? How can a thought be represented technically? Is the framework of MindSet sufficient to represent all thoughts?

{{Benoit}}: I suggest that thought fits as the currency between the Begining and the End or, to put it differently, thought is the live activation of reality's materialization from the Alpha to the Omega or, from a purely selfish view, thought is the sensual pleasure of eternal life 's completing expression in the joy of Being and of working with God. Hope it helps!

Helmut: Benoit, thank you for your consoling words, but I'm not seeking answers in the context of religious contemplation. The context is that of the mathematically strict philosophical framework of the GlossaryOfStructure that contains many fundamental concepts, their relationships and symmetries. It seem weird to me that the concept of thought should be missing. Probably I've overlooked it somewhere. Ahh, perhaps {{Thinking}} is the page.

EdJonas: I don't think we can at this point say G O D does not exist because it is a contradiction cause if this thing does not exist then what is it we are talking about or thus are we simply contradicting or continuing a pointless insanity by talking about existing things that do not exist except in our talking. G O D therefore has to exist even if its only as a vague thing we simply talk about. I think the question is GOD more than talk might be more valid and what is the proof of that besides talk. What I suppose then does it mean to exist then is a question that comes up and does mere talk, discussion, debate or ? ordain, embue or endow something with existence? but or cause...

"The Best philosophy is about profound problems not word meanings."

 Karl Popper

more... Dec 9, 2006 Ha ha that reminds me of a funny story by a male comedian. His parents were both philosophy professors and when he was bad they would send him to his room and not let him out till he could prove he existed.



AndriusKulikauskas: Yes, Ed, I think that's a key point - that God as a concept (or at least Everything as a concept) is required for us, so what does it mean for us?

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Puslapis paskutinį kartą pakeistas 2019 gruodžio 12 d., 22:33