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Mintys: Sandaros

Žemėlapynas, Sandarų raida, Sandarų tyrimas, Sandara, Požiūriai, Išgyvenimo apytaka, Gyvenimo lygtis

Kas yra sandara?


Kas yra sandara?


Ką bendro turi visos sandaros? Kiekviena savyje prisiima požiūrį atstojanti tai kas už sandaros, už santvarkos. Ko labiau išsakyta santvarka, to giliau jose įstatytas šis požiūris.

Ankstesnės mintys: Sandara

Mintys apie sandarą



Dievo būtinumas

Gyvenimo lygtis


Sandarų atsiskleidimas

Sandarų nustatymas

Įsijausdamas į savo santykius su Dievu ir kitais, juos atjausdamas, tikiu gyviau suvokti, išplėsti, patikslinti ir suvesti man pažįstamas sandaras.

Pagrindinės sandaros

Sandara ir veikla

Sandara neturi apimties ir yra besąlygiška, tuo tarpu veikla vyskta santykinai su apimtimi. Bendras suvokimas yra santykinis, o susikalbėjimas yra besąlygiškas.


Sandaros išsako ribas. Viskas yra Dievo ribos.

Divergences, distinctions, divisions - kaip išmąsčiau, kokia jų reikšmė.

Accumulate thoughts Conversing with: my mind I have kept notes of my philosophical thoughts. In high school, I jotted down scribbles of my thoughts on physical reality, energy and matter and light. In college and graduate school, I would jot notes on paper, but my thoughts were so murky, and headed off in so many directions, I found it impossible to write them up. Then I purchased an Amstad word processor with memory and I started writing up my ideas. I continued with my father's old Macintosh which he gave me. I also kept sketch books with my notes and ideas. Then I put the papers in presentation books with transparent pockets. I programmed a FoxPro database for collecting examples of structures. Later I created Microsoft Access databases for recording data from my good will exercises, my conversations with God, and my structures and diagrams. I used Windows Paint to create diagrams. Later I used Dia diagram editor for Linux. I used Stephen Danic's Lucid Fried Eggs. Ultimately, the best tool for accumulating and organizing my notes was a wiki. I used PmWiki and ProWiki. Now I have created a database for collecting ways of figuring things out. Since I graduated in 1993, I work almost every morning on my philosophy. I try to come up with at least one new idea every day. I remember my ideas by connecting them with my overall system and also by phrasing relevant questions which I can keep in mind. Writing down my thoughts and organizing them helps me to see where they fit within the overall system. I would forget them if I didn't write them down because there are so many.592 C2-1

Sorting thoughts Conversing with: limits of my mind I've written my thoughts as notes on paper, in sketchbooks, and on index cards and in presentation books. I've stored them in various databases, including FoxPro, Access and OpenOffice Base. But I've found it especially helpful to write them down on HTML pages, especially wiki pages. I've used Lucid Fried Eggs, PmWiki, ProWiki and my own interface. Sometimes I work on them on one humongous page, sorting and resorting my thoughts and notes, making hundreds and hundreds of edits. Other times I work with several hundred different wiki pages. Working with the master page helps me look for and develop the overall view.638 C2-1

Exhaustive review Conversing with: significance In 2009, to my surprise, I completed my quest "to know everything" with a 10 minute video summary, "I Wish to Know". I needed to find my bearings afterwards. I considered, in the broadest sense, what did I learn from my quest? And what came next? I learned two things. I need not be cold or distant to God as I had been, I need not keep God at arm's length, for God's point of view had made sense of absolutely every structure that I had uncovered in my search. I realized also that the useful application of this knowledge would be to foster a culture of truth, of self-learning, of figuring things out, which from my experience at Minciu Sodas was very much Jesus' vision of the Kingdom of Heaven. 707 C4-1

Consider how a word is used in other passages Is God good? Jesus in the Gospels seems to speak in a private language, a personal code, much as I think in my philosophy. I find that about a third of his sayings are unclear as to their meaning. I look for other passages where he uses the same word or image or idea and that helps me decode what I think he means. In the Gospel of John, I traced down that the "Son of Man" means one who is taught by man, and man teaches by making an example out of him. I did a comprehensive review of Jesus's words in the Gospel of John and how he uses and explains his words, I chased them down and found that they centered on doing the will of God, which is that we have eternal life. With further contemplation, I concluded that "life is the fact that God is good, but eternal life is understanding that fact, that God need not be good." Similarly, I've tried to decode Kant's Critique of Pure Reason and the beginning of Heidegger's Being and Time. As I do that, I look for approaches and structures that I myself have uncovered in my own thinking. I think a similar approach led to the decoding of the Rosetta stone and of the Egyptian hieroglyphics as well as many others.1725 CB-0

Turn a question on its head Conversing with: circumstances Given a question, such as, Why is there evil? I may invert it, assume "there is evil" and ask, What does that say about God? Rather than pretend that there is no evil, or that it only appears to be evil, or presume that God is good, I allow myself to think more simply that God isn't primarily concerned with evil, that God wants absolutely all of the good, and is willing to allow for evil if that's what it takes to include every least bit of good. In this way, I can say that there is some good that comes with evil, yet there is other good that need not, and so evil is not necessary in general.770 0-1

Making sense of a statement through personal intuition Is God good? I was contemplating God and the idea that he was both inside us and outside of us, yet the same God. I remembered an idea of Jesus from the Gospel of John and, in contemplating both, I made sense of its meaning: that life is the fact that God is good, uniting them, but understanding that fact, distinguishing them, is eternal life, by which God need not be good. I believed there was meaning in a statement, and by leveraging my personal intuition, I was able to get that meaning. I think that Father Dave Martin prepared his sermons similarly, relating his personal intuition to a passage from the Gospel, noting how it differed, and contemplating the difference.2258 1-0

How are two concepts different? I thought "life is will" and I asked, what is the difference? At first, I supposed that life is the "unity" of the "representations" of "anything", whereas will is the "unity" of the "representations of anything". Subsequently, I concluded that anything is the structure of life, choosing is the representations of anything, and will is the unity of choosing, thus the will is the unity of the representations of the structure of life. 1699 2-0

Identifying the issue Conversing with: conditionality I may solve an issue by appealing to the heart of it. For example, I may wonder whether God would let me hear him, whether God would allow for that. Yet of all the things that I could ask for, isn't that the most ordinary one for God to grant? If Jesus encourages us to ask God for things, then isn't this the one that he can't credibly deny me?652 2-1

Define a concept in terms of other concepts I wanted to be sure to include and define all of the basic concepts in life. I wanted to do that in terms of the most basic concepts, and ultimately, ground them in the structures that I was discovering. I defined life as "the fact that God is good" and love as "support for life" and also as "the unity of the representations of the structure of God", thus "the unity of wishing", "the unity of the representations of everything". I organized these definitions using TheBrain and then later exported that to an HTML hierarchy. I knew that this kind of definition was, by itself, problematic and so I looked for other ways of defining as well, such as by way of "mind games" as with the topologies.1698 3-0

Expressing the essence as a relation of concepts*** What are the elements of an experience? Conversing with: concepts I formulated the seven counterquestions as perspectives placed in situations. I recognized the qualities of signs as pairs of levels from the foursome. Similarly, I recognized that I could express the secondary structures as injections of God of one level into a primary structure of another level. In studying verbalization, I realized that the deep issue of a good will exercise could be considered as built up from two concepts which are put together differently by the truth of the heart and the truth of the world.682 3-0

Absolute Learning In real life, we address our doubts (surface problems) with counterquestions (deep solutions). I may doubt, How do I know I'm not a robot? and because that has me question all of my experiential knowledge, I can't resolve that by staying in the same level as my problem. Instead, I ask a counterquestion that takes me to my metalevel: Would it make any difference? If there's a difference, then I can check if I'm a robot. If there's not a difference, then it's just semantic and I'm fine with being a robot (by analogy, #3 and #4 may actually be equivalent in some total order). My counterquestion in this case forced you to pin down your variable, like forcing an "arbitrary" epsilon to be fixed so that I could choose my delta accordingly. There are six doubts answered by six counterquestions:

Consider also the qualities of signs:

And consider the "ten commandments". Note that these six "rooms" correspond to the six divisions of everything as generated by God taking up the counterquestions. The zeroth division corresponds to What do I truly want? and obeying God, and the seventh division corresponds to Am I doing anything about this? and caring=believing, living as a person-in-general, thus relating (Obeying) God the Father and (Believing) Jesus. Consider how the other secondary structures likewise arise in the house of knowledge from God's taking up the primary structures.34 AL

Example (34) Investigation of 6+4 I'm investigating the conceptual structure of 6+4. I'll be keeping some notes here as I find convenient. I'm wondering if error may play a role in pairing two levels. Directed, cyclic, causal graphs may allow for the study of whether there are errors and how they may be corrected.1834 AL

Example (34) Primary and Secondary Structures I came to realize that the six secondary structures (divisions, representations, topologies, argumentation, verbalization, narration) were given by pairs of levels of the foursome that injected God into primary structures.1707 AL

Example (34) Symmetric functions I wrote my Ph.D. on the combinatorics of the symmetric functions of the eigenvalues of a matrix. I think it may well be relevant here because it gives the foundations of all matrix combinatorics including walks, cycles, words, Lyndon words, and surely all manner of trees and priorities. The usual symmetric functions may also be relevant.1713 AL

Contemplating revelation Conversing with: greater than human perspective I studied the Gospel of John to try to decode what he was saying, specifically in his "I am..." statements, but also more generally, for in that gospel he speaks as if in an algebraic code. He keeps defining abstract words in terms of other abstract words, on and on, and I chased them as if they were equations. At the heart of that seemed to be the will of God that we have eternal life. And that perspective helped me appreciate the tension between presuming God to be good or not. And thus I realized that life is the fact that God is good, which conflates God and good as if they were the same, but eternal life is the understanding that God does not have to be good, so that God and good are separate, and there is an eternal life in reconciling God beyond the system and good within the system.605 10-0

Survey all of the structures that I know I made a survey of all of the conceptual structures that I had found and was familiar with. I was able to put them together in a system 1 + 6 + 4 + 1 that is much like half of the House of Knowledge.1708 20-0

Leveraging hypotheses of structural symmetry I often make large and fruitful leaps by considering the structures that operate at the highest meta level, assuming that they work as efficiently, elegantly, effectively as possible, thus supposing that they make profound use of symmetry. In 1988, in noting the role of the threesome in the eightfold way, I looked for and found three variants (Lord's prayer, St.Peter's Keys to Heaven, Beatitudes). I expected that each served as a framework for a language and that there were, accordingly, three languages: argumentation, verbalization and narration. I saw that Maslow's hierarchy was a backbone for the Beatitudes and I expected it to play a key role in narration, which I found to be the case. I discovered that there were eight divisions, six representations and twelve topologies, and that narration moved us from the divisions to the representations. I also saw that these structures along with argumentation and verbalization could be considered as negations of the representations of the onesome (no internal structure, simplest algorithm, no external context) and negations of the representations of the nullsome (significant, constant, direct) and so these six structures were themselves a spine for the eightfold way. This allowed me to deduce by symmetry that argumentation moves us from topologies to representations, and verbalization moves us from topologies to divisions. Such thinking helps me be alert as to what to look for.1696 20-1

Compatibility with structures I know In Scripture I sometimes find references to images and numbers that bring to mind the conceptual structures that I have been documenting. I noticed how the seven days of creation could mean events for God, thus the seven divisions of everything, which they match in number. And so I think of creation as an operation +1 of reflection. And I notice with interest that the creations of the first three days are governed by the creations of the next three days, as noted by bishop Skvireckas in his notes to his translation of the Bible into Lithuanian. Similarly, I notice that Ezekiel's chariot of God is carried by four creatures, like the four representations of the nullsome, or the four representations of everything. I notice that there are 24 elders in Revelations. Such coincidences spark my mind and encourage me to think that I may be on track, overall.1954 21-0

Pregnant structure A structure may be able to say more than I know it to say, especially along with other structures. When I realized that I could think of the secondary structures could be expressed as God of one level of the foursome injected into a primary structure from another level, I noticed in particular in 2003 what happened to the seventh perspective of the primary structures. They showed an interesting variety of behavior, which I thought of as six expressions of the will, six representations of anything:

Subsequently, I related them to six of the ten commandments, and to Jesus' logic of the woes.1697 32-1

Define structure in terms of itself Conversing with: expression, language Structure is complete when it can define itself in terms of itself. This is the case with the threesome, and with the totality of structure, including the three languages.633 30-1

Pulling structures together Conversing with: totality I considered how to pull together all the conceptual structures I found, in my overview. I likewise considered how the Beatitudes (and Maslow's hierarchy of needs) served as a framework for the language of Narration.623 O-1

Sąvokų siejimas, apibrėžimas - naudojau TheBrain, bandžiau išnarplioti visas sąvokas, iškylančias - tas padėjo geriau susigaudyti, bet nelabai padėjo aprėpti visumos

Prasmingas sąvokas - bandydavau surašyti, aprėpti, apmąstyti, užtikrinti, jog jas įtraukiu ir jos iškyla

Pripažinti, įtraukti ir savo, gvildentojo, požiūrį - tai padėjo išmąstyti visaregį pagal savo troškimą

Asmens lygčių trikampis - kokia jo reikšmė, svarba?

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Puslapis paskutinį kartą pakeistas 2024 vasario 20 d., 22:35