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Mintys: Smegenys


Muzika sutampa dvi atmintys: Implicit system (system 1) and explicit system (system 2). Atpažįstame kažką įprasto (system 1) ir atpažįstame kažką neįprasto (system 2). Familiar implicitly and surprising explicitly. Expectations are built up by verses, and surprises in the chords that bridge to the chorus.


Kevin Mitchell blog: Wiring the Brain.

Knyga: The Neuroscience of Emotion: A New Synthesis, by Ralph Adolphs and David J. Anderson

John E. Dowling

Tikslų tikrumas: tikrovėje, smegenų sandaroje, neuronų veikloje, minties sąsajose.

Smegenų triukšmas tampa proto mąstymu (protas įprasmina keisčiausias mintis ir jų sąsajas.).

Frontal pole: Brodmann area 10 žmonijai būdingas

Smegenų dalys

Ledoux. David Rosenthal - rerepresentation involves prefrontal cortex.

Notable gyri

Studijuoti: "Aphasiology" (knyga)

Autism: The Movement Perspective page 105: Socially synchronous movements and unison singing during group music activities evoke the MNS [Mirror Neuron System] activity in the brain. MNS has been postulated as the neural basis for social abilities of shared attention, affect, and empathy (Molnar-Szakacs and Overy, 2006; Cattaneo and Rizzolatti, 2009). The MNS include a group of neurons thought to be present in the inferior frontal cortex, inferior parietal lobule, and superior temporal sulcus of the human brain (Buccino et al., 2004; Cattaneo and Rizzolatti, 2009). These neurons are activated both during action production and during observation of actions performed by others. There is mounting evidence that individuals with autism have a dysfunctional MNS which might underlie some of the social-emotional and motor imitation deficits observed in this population (Williams et al., 2001; Dapretto et al., 2005; Wan et al., 2010a, b).

Language vs. visual spatial (not satisfactory from the point of view of evolutionary continuities)

Elkhonon Goldberg



Kahneman claims that System 1 is in the amygdala, System 2 in the frontal lobes.

Remembering self vs. experiencing self

Main ideas:

The robust and necessary multiplicity and ambiguity in implementation is why evolution is thus necessarily repeated in our personal genesis in the womb.

Flexible soft-wiring gives way to hard-wiring (creating "fixed action patterns"?) which we then have to rationalize.

Sixsome expresses how we internalize fixed action patterns.

Smegenų dalys

Smegenų žievę sudaro šeši sluoksniai - taip pat lateral geniculate nucleus (regėjimui) sudaro šeši sluoksniai. Šie sluoksniai bene atitinka laipsnyną, skiria homologijos pirminę trejybę ir kohomologijos patikslinančią trejybę, tad pasąmonę ir sąmonę, žinojimą ir nežinojimą.

Žinojimą ir nežinojimą derina pusrutuliai. Jų neatitikimas yra svarbus dėl predictive processing - nes tai remiasi nežinojimu - tariamu žinojimu - ir pasitikrinimu.

Galvojau rašyti pranešimą Lietuvių filosofijos draugijos konferencijai apie materializmą.

Materializmo ir Idealizmo Neurologija

Tai mano enciklopedijos darbas.


Išnagrinėti Aristotelio ketverybę - tiksliai kaip ją suvokti ir kaip suprasti būtent galutinį tikslą ir medžiaginį tikslą? Kodėl supratau priešingai?

Taip pat Platono ketverybę - rodyti citatas.

Įžvalgos iš smegenų mokslo

Graziano - reikia pridėti ryšį tarp dėmesio ir nuovokos nes sąmonė supranta skirtumą tarp jų ir tikslina vieną ar kitą.

Išskirti idealizmo ir materializmo susikirtimą - ar idealistinės mintys kyla iš materializmo, ar materialistiniai faktai kyla iš idealizmo?

Materialistams nėra jokio kodėl neribota prasme. Tačiau ribota prasme, stebint ribotą santvarką, gali būti vidinės priežastys (kaip) ir išorinės priežastys (kodėl). Panašiai, idealistams ribotose santvarkose gali būti išorinės pasekmės (ar) ir vidinės pasekmės (koks). Užtat labai svarbi dangaus karalystė skurdžiadvasiams, kad būtų galima riboti tikėjimą ir vieningai žinoti.

Other terms

Susipažinti su: Amygdala network, mentalizing network, empathy network, mirror network ir kitais smegenų apytakomis.

Daniel Kahneman

Pamąstyti, kaip vystosi smegenų išteklių tvarkymas, jų taupymas ir našesnis panaudojimas:

Robert Cummins - The World in the Head

Evolution of human cognition - Terrace Deacon.

cortex is for anticipation creating a world of images a simulation of the world for predictions all parts of nervous system go to cortex

The role of "what is not" (holes) can be the basis for implementing a theory of mind that is not strictly materialistic - the mind can be extended

E-turn: extended, embodied, embedded, enacted mind

conscious and unconscious - divide the mind

The conceptual map - is the extension of the conscious - by way of Peirce's "symbols"

The importance of a gap between the realm of the conscious (its conceptual map) and the unconscious (information from beyond) and this segregation must be kept - like level and metalevel.

Embodied cognition is based on what we know. Body is based on what we know. We know recurring activity. We don't know novel activity.

Fragmented consciousness is the flip side of extended consciousness. Extended consciousness requires both an extended conceptual map (as with science or math) and an extension of experience (as with participation in a larger world). And then an extension of consciousness further requires an empathy where we participate in a broader group (like a family) that can frame our fragmentary consciousness and give sense to it (like our will - the social contract). Or a faith. Or a relationship with God.

A blind man's cane changes both the conceptual map and the experiential feedback.

Extended consciousness - sieja extended conceptual map (papildomos žinios) with extended experience (papildomi patyrimai) - užtat svarbi yra atjauta

Default mode network

Philosophy and Predictive Processing

http://www.fil.ion.ucl.ac.uk/~karl/ cognition

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_J._Friston "Life as we know it" "free energy" computational model for predictions.

From an evolutionary point of view, the free energy principle that we use as few states as possible, is compatible with the division of everything - as few perspectives as possible.

"What the frog's eye tells the frog's brain"

Predictive coding.

Matching of two systems: conceptual organizing of prediction - a complete conceptual map, conceptual model of the world - and a connectivist processing of the world - and a third system (consciousness) that looks for disparity between the two and percolates it bottom up. Thus duality of conscious (the mind) and unconscious (the body). And the connectivist is trained by the conceptual map to look for things, so that, for example, it can learn to read an E - and recognize that quickly - but we may have a bottleneck where we can't match it to our conceptual map and remember it - for lack of time. Or our unconscious may distinguish between human built and natural environments.

Conceptual model of the world - extension of the conscious - but is different from the unconscious experiential input. Is that conceptual model "unconscious"? in what sense? Also, is there an advocate that represents an overview of that entire world? Is that advocate the unconscious? The spider is the conscious, and the web is the conceptual model.

Schizophrenia - one of two extremes - one is independent thinking, universal self, detached from any experience of the world - and one that localizes oneself in the neural signals from the world, and thus is very fragile, and different blindspots appear that can be interpreted.

Learning and inference in the brain.

Six layers in the cortical system are related to the divisions?

Adriana Sampaio & Joana Coutinho - Is your personality inscribed in the dynamics of your brain at rest?

Weber's law for timing.

Smegenų (pasąmonės) triukšmas - protas mąsto trenktas mintis.

Mintis - atsparos taškas - svertas, tampa nuliniu elementu, tad ketverybės pagrindu (protu). O smegenys dalyvauja tiesiogiai trejybės ratu.

Smegenų žievė - ištisai spėlioja, koks mūsų pasaulis

Jeff Hawkins's "On Intelligence". Jeff Hawkins is particularly interested in the cerebral cortex as a scrunched-up napkin-sized sheet which our mind uses for drawing its conclusions. This sheet can be used for all manner of purposes, so that, for example, the portion that normally would be used for sight gets repurposed in the blind for reading braille. Giedrius added that every function of the brain takes place both on this sheet but also in the structures beneath it. I imagine that the heterogeneous structure of our "reptilian" brain gets projected onto this sheet.

This means that our mind is ever checking on "old" information and not just "new" information. Imagine being in a completely quiet room, and then suppose that everything stayed quiet even as you entered a busy street. You would know that something is very wrong - that you are not hearing anything! Indeed, you would probably notice even as you opened the door. Yet you have not received any "new" information or any signal at all. Instead, you are checking on what you already expect from before. But furthermore, your mind continues to function even when very strange things are happening.



Parsiųstas iš http://www.ms.lt/sodas/Mintys/Smegenys
Puslapis paskutinį kartą pakeistas 2023 rugsėjo 19 d., 12:02