




Santrauka? FFFFFF

Pavaizdavimai? E6E6FF

Asmeniškai? BA9696

Klausimai FFFFC0

Išsiaiškinimai D8F1D8

Duomenys? FFE6E6

Užrašai EEEEEE

Nuojauta? AAAAAA

Kitų mintys? ECD9EC

Dievas man? FFECC0

Mieli dalyviai! Visa mano kūryba ir kartu visi šie puslapiai yra visuomenės turtas, kuriuo visi kviečiami laisvai naudotis, dalintis, visaip perkurti. - Andrius


Užrašai.Šviesuoliai istorija

Rodyti nežymius pakeitimus - Rodyti kodo pakeitimus

2018 sausio 17 d., 17:50 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 133 eilutė iš:
  • Dievo meilę išplėčiame paklusdami, tikėdami, rūpindamiesi, tad 4 lygmenys
  • Dievo meilę išplečiame paklusdami, tikėdami, rūpindamiesi, tad 4 lygmenys
2013 vasario 03 d., 19:36 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 16-17 eilutės:

Šv.Pauliaus himnas meilei pasako, jog visa Jėzaus dangaus karalystė nieko nereiškia be meilės. Tačiau būtent meilė leidžia išminčiai, tikėjimui, atjautai reikštis smulkiausiais mąstais, vietoj kad didžiausiais. Iš tiesų, meilė leidžia mąstams siekti nulį, tai yra, nieką (jis bene palygintinas viskam, betkam, kažkam, mažėjančiai apimčiai, kaip kad veiksmu +2). Tai yra kaip su neigiamais išgyvenimais, kylančiais iš nieko. Ir nors mes be meilės esame niekas, bet būtent iš nieko viskas yra sukurta. Šv.Paulius taip pat sieja meilę su tobulumu, tai reikėtų šitą ištirti šia prasme, koks jos ryšys su tobulumu ir netobulumu, ir taip pat, koks atitinkamas ryšys tikėjimo ir vilties, ir taip pat kitų nuspalvintų dorybių.

2013 sausio 12 d., 14:43 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 273-278 eilutės:
  • Kaip mūsų vertybės sutampa meile?
  • Kaip širdingai bendrauti?
  • Ar Dievas pakenčia bendrystę? (Taip ir ne) Dievo valia, į kurią viskas susiveda, yra kad Dievas augtų, bręstų, tad leistų bendrystę, bendrakūrybą, bet užtat viskas išplaukia iš vieno Dievo, nes jisai yra Dievas, jo valia už viską atsako.
  • Kaip puoselėjame visuomenę, šviesuolių, amžino gyvenimo bendrystę? Ko reikia, kad ji vystytųsi?
  • Kaip tarnaujame vienas kitam?
2013 sausio 11 d., 23:03 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 242-272 eilutės:

Kaip susikalbėti kertine vertybe, gvildenimu?

  • Kertinė vertybė, tai žmogaus siela.
  • Suvokti žmonių įvairias vertybes, klausimus.
  • Kaip išsiskiriam vertybėm, klausimais? Kaip sutampam?
  • Kaip kertinės vertybės išreiškia vienumą? ir kaip jos viena su kita susijusios, kaip įvairiai išreiškia vienumą?
  • Ką reiškia žmonėms tikrovė, visuomenė, kertinė vertybė?

Kaip būti viena su nebendraujančiais?

  • Gera širdimi
  • Malda
  • Mylėti priešą

Kaip ugdyti, ugdytis?

  • Kaip juos paskatinti gvildenti?
  • Kaip žaidimais palaikyti?
  • Atsiremti į kertinę vertybę, gvildenimus, sieti su išsiaiškinimais, su žmogaus jausmais, lūkesčiais, žinojimo rūmais, su asmens dorove.

Kaip pristatyti svetimas sąvokas?

  • Dievas matematikos žinojimo rūmuose.
  • Dievo ryšys su kertine vertybe.

Kaip bendradarbiauti dalinai?

  • Pripažinti betką (vienumo pagrindas?) jei priimt asmeniškai, širdingai
  • Kaip bet kokia sritis, bet koks mokslas, bet koks žmogus išsireiškia žinojimo rūmais?
  • Geros valios patikrinimas, laidoti tiesą.
2013 sausio 11 d., 23:00 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 228-241 eilutės:

Kaip sieti Dievu ir kertinėmis vertybėmis?

  • Kaip pereiti tarp Dievo kertinės vertybės (meilės) ir kito žmogaus kertinės vertybės?
  • Kaip sieti vertybes su Dievu?

Kaip sieti gvildenimais ir išsiaiškinimais?

  • Kaip sieti gvildenimus su išsiaiškinimais?
  • Aplinkybių išraiška žinojimo rūmais.
  • Atrinkti pavyzdinius išsiaiškinimus: mano, Jėzaus, matematikos.
  • Lyginti Dievo, Jėzaus, mano žinojimo rūmus.
  • Kaip mano? Kito? Matematikos? išmintis prieinama žinojimo rūmais?
  • Kaip Jėzaus lūkestis būti viena reiškiasi jo žinojimo rūmuose?
2013 sausio 11 d., 22:30 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 227 eilutė iš:
  • Kaip klausimai mus perkuria? Kurlink mus veda? Klausimais asmuo pasitraukia, išverčiamas į bendruomenę.
  • Kaip klausimai mus perkuria? Kurlink mus veda? Klausimais asmuo pasitraukia, išverčiamas į bendruomenę.
2013 sausio 11 d., 22:29 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 221-227 eilutės:


  • Kaip klausimas susijęs su branda, su amžinu gyvenimu? Kaip tai iškyla?
  • Kaip žmogus atsiskleidžia savo klausimu? ir kaip jo klausimas jį sieja su Dievu?
  • Dievu suprasti žmonių klausimus.
  • Savo klausimus galiu sieti su žmonių gvildenimais ir mano jų paveikslu bei brėžiniu. Kaip mano ir Dievo klausimai įeina į žmonių keliamus klausimus?
  • Kaip klausimai mus perkuria? Kurlink mus veda? Klausimais asmuo pasitraukia, išverčiamas į bendruomenę.
2013 sausio 11 d., 22:27 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 208-219 eilutės:


  • Kaip susikalbame iš širdies?
  • Kaip kalbame nuoširdžiai?
  • Kaip širdies tiesa susijusi su širdimi?
  • Kaip įvairūs klausimai susiję su širdimi?
  • Kaip kalbame iš širdies, aš ir kiti ir Dievas? vadinas, nuoširdžiai?
  • Ką reiškia primesti savo tiesą? ar melą?
  • Kaip širdingai bendrauti? Kaip prieiti prie kito žmogaus, su juo bendrauti? Kaip pačiam gyventi amžiną gyvenimą? Kaip kitą skatinti ir įtraukti?
  • Kas yra širdis? Gera širdis? Kaip ji susijusi su gera valia? Kaip jinai susijusi su šešiom vienumo kryptim? Kaip jos susijusios su gėrio kryptimis?
  • Kaip žaidimais, vaidyba, menais paskatinti bendravimą iš širdies?
2013 sausio 11 d., 22:25 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 178-208 eilutės:

Šviesuolių bendrystė?

  • Kaip pavaizduoti naują bendrystę, visuomenę, už upės, Užupį?
  • Kaip Jėzus suvokė Dangaus karalystę??
  • Kas yra šviesuolių bendrystė? Ką moko Minčių sodo patirtis? Kokie yra pagrindiniai bendrystės dėsniai? Kokia yra bendrystės derinių kalba?
  • Kaip dvylika klausimų išsako šviesuolių bendrystę? Kaip jie susiję su išsiaiškinimais?
  • Kaip šviesuolių bendrystė išgyvenama ir išsakoma? ... Išsiaiškinimais
  • Kas ir kam yra bendrystė?
  • Kokia mūsų bendrystės kalba?
  • Kaip išreikšti žaidimais?
  • Kaip bendryste įveikiame skirtumus tarp Dievo ir žmonių ir esame viena?
  • Koks pasąmonės vaidmuo bendravime? Pasąmonė tai langas į Dievą. Kiek bendravimo vyksta ne vien sąmone? Kaip galim atsiremti pasąmone bendraujant, bendrai ją kurti? Bendravimas tai bendra santvarkos kūryba, tiek dviejų žmonių, tiek ištisos visuomenės. Kaip bendraujama bendrai su Dievu? Kaip bendravimo dalyviai viršija savo ribotumus ir pripažįsta kažką už save daugiau?


  • Ištirti ir pavaizduoti mūsų kertinių vertybių geometriją, jas išdėstyti kambaryje kartu su susijusiais klausimais. Kaip klausimas veda iš vienos vertybės į kitą, kaip jas sieja?
  • Kaip išsiskiriam vertybėm, klausimais? Kaip sutampame?
  • Kaip vertybės mums padeda derinti požiūrius, derinti vertybes?
  • Koks mylimosios ir šventųjų vaidmuo? Mylimoji gali būti ir jauna mama, ieškanti, šaukianti pasiklydusio vaiko. Jai jisai yra "blogas" vaikas, kaip Kristus, kuris pasimetė.
  • Ištirti ar visus gvildenimus galima rūšiuoti, kaip kad juos rūšiavau savo meno kūriniu. Kas gaunasi? Ir kaip tai susiję su kertinėmis vertybėmis. Koks ryšys? Kaip gvildenimai susiję su savęs supratimu? Kuo skiriasi savęs žinojimas (kertinė vertybė) ir savęs supratimas (gvildenimas)?
  • Nagrinėti Occupy Chicago veiklą. Aprašyti pagrindines vertybes (ką žinome) ir jų pagrindą ir juose ieškoti vieningumo (kaip žinome). Kaip jos susijusios su kertinėm vertybėm. Kaip kertinės vertybės susijusios su vieningumais?
  • Kiekvienas ugdosi savo kertinės vertybės pagrindu, užtat savo stiliumi, savo asmeniškais būdais, ir gvildendami ieško atsakymų, kurie juos asmeniškai tenktintų. Tad galim savo ugdymosi būdu perprasti, susipažinti su kitų ugdymosi būdais, juos atjausti, užtat amžinai mokytis. Kiekvieno kertinė vertybė yra jo siela, o dvasia yra tai kas leidžia mums atsiplėšti nuo savo kertinės vertybės, nuo savo priėjimo, savo ugdymosi būdo, ir vertinti kitų. O atsiplėšdami vėl savo prisiimame, įsijungdami. Vienas iš mano trūkumų bene, kad tikiuos, jog kiti gali naudotis būtent mano išsiaiškinimo būdais.


  • Matematiką pristatyti savišvietos drobėmis Juneteenth šventei
  • Kaip matematiką ir literatūrą išreikšti sąlygų ir besąlygiškumo santykiais?
  • Kaip esame viena Šventąja Dvasia, bendrai suvokta išmintimi?
  • Ko verta mokytis?
2013 sausio 11 d., 22:18 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 108-177 eilutės:

Kaip esame viena bendryste?

Kaip viską išreikšti rūpesčiais?

Kas yra skurdžiadvasių bendrystė?

  • Kas yra bendrystė?
  • Bendrystė tai, kas lieka, išėmus paskirus žmones
  • Bendrystė atskiria buvimą, veikimą, mąstymą.
  • Atskiria kūrybą ir meilę.
  • Rėmai mūsų nuostatom, remtis atskiriant buvimą, veikimą, mąstymą.
  • Sąvokos palaikančios skirtingas įsitraukimo sąlygas: paklusimą, tikėjimą, rūpėjimą.
  • Skurdžiadvasių bendrystė: kaip tiki, taip bus. Amžina branda čia ir dabar.
  • Kaip su Dievu bendraujame bendrystėje?
  • Bendrystės pagrindas šv.Trejybe, Dievo sąmoningumas.

Kam yra bendrystė?

  • Ką Dievas man kalba apie bendrystę?
  • Koks matematikos vaidmuo?
  • Dievo meilę išplėčiame paklusdami, tikėdami, rūpindamiesi, tad 4 lygmenys
  • Sąlygas išgyventi vis platesniu požiūriu, tad suvokimu apversti dvejybę.

Kaip palaikyti skurdžiadvasių bendrystę?

  • Kokia mūsų bendrystės kalba?
  • Ima rūpėti, tikėti (reikšti), paklusti (įvykti).
  • Suvokti Jėzaus požiūrį ir puoselėti jo siekiamos bendrystės.
  • Vieningumas, solidarumas.
  • Kaip bendryste įveikiam skirtumus?
  • Koks yra doras darbas?
  • Neigiamas požiūris (6 tarpai) yra platesnis požiūris
  • Kaip iš kertinių vertybių išplaukia bendrystė?

Kokie yra rūpesčiai?

  • Poreikius ir kitus 24 visaregio rūpesčius
  • ir juos išplėsti amžinybe, kad kad Jėzaus pasakymais, "Esu..."

Ką reiškia mokytis, bręsti?

  • Ką reiškia amžinai mokytis, bręsti, gyventi?
  • Ko verta mokytis?
  • Manau, svarbu gyventi taip ir mokytis to, kad patys ko labiau atsivertumėme.

Kaip žmones ugdyti?

  • Kas paskatina žmones gvildenti?
  • Kaip kitus įtraukti į bendrystę?
  • Palaikyti kitų vertybes, gvildenimus, juos sieti su išsiaiškinimais
  • Priimti kitų sąlygas
  • Kaip išreikšti žaidimais?
  • Nagrinėti juokus, linksmybes, žaidimus. Gamestorming.

Kaip bendrystė suvokia žmogų?

  • Kas yra skurdžiadvasiai?
  • Kas yra skurdžiadvasių bendrystė?
  • Kaip bendrystė, bendrybės palaiko vienumą?


  • How are we one?,
  • and as part of that, How can we interact heart-to-heart?
  • and What fosters heart-to-heart interactions?
2013 sausio 11 d., 20:20 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 12-17 eilutės:

Klausiu žmonių, ką jie gvildena? Kurį klausimą dar nėra atsakę, bet norėtų atsakyti? Klausimus išdėsčiau dviem matais: Nuo paskiro asmens Aš iki bendruomenės. Tai bene didėjantis laisvumas, gerėjimas, branda. Nuo teigiamo (dvasios perteklius - bendra dvasia mumyse) iki neigiamo (dvasios stygius - žmogus be dvasios). Tai bene mažėjantis laisvumas.

2013 sausio 11 d., 19:53 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 15 eilutė iš:

2013 sausio 07 d., 20:04 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 9-12 eilutės iš

Rasti atitikmenį... "Krikštas", savo vardo atradimas, atgimimas.

Baden-Powell, skautybė

Ištrintos 71-72 eilutės:
2013 sausio 07 d., 19:50 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 8-10 eilutės:

Įterpti: klausimyną: 12 klausimų šviesuoliams.

2013 sausio 07 d., 19:13 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 17-18 eilutės:

Find out for myself Conversing with: limits set by constraints From 1998 to 2010, I sought clients for Minciu Sodas and gained first hand experience of sorts in business.687 F-1

Pridėtos 29-30 eilutės:

Reinterpret the system I used to think that I should be generous to the government with my money and pay it willingly and err on the side of paying more taxes. I wouldn't take the standard meal deductions because they seemed unrealistically large. But after having such a hard time with my business and realizing that there is nobody to care for me, I started to take them. I figured that this was the system's way of supporting me. 970 O-1

Pridėtos 33-34 eilutės:

What is fruitful is positive Sometimes, as my debts grew, I would wonder if I should have foresworn from ever going into debt. But time and again I realized that the pressure of my debts kept me from sitting still, from stagnating, and forced me to be enormously creative in ways that I probably would not have been otherwise. I realized that it was good, just as negative numbers are good, because they open up more possibilities.1108 R-0

Pakeistos 48-69 eilutės iš

Get out of my comfort zone Conversing with: self-check At times, I made an effort to go outside my comfort zone, especially to reach out to those who are marginalized. In 2006, I stayed for three weeks in Nablus, Israeli-occupied Palestine, and taught nonviolence there.704 F-1

Accept feedback from failure I was working to promote an import export standard through the Infrared Data Association. After a difficult start there was a meeting where we had a good chance of making it happen. However, as Rob Lockhart explained to me afterwards, I oversold, I tried too hard, I was too vocal and aggressive, and members backed away, and then afterwards the chance was gone for the whole endeavor. So that is where I learned what it means to oversell. Yet in my mind I felt that if that's what it all amounted to, then it was not a very important matter, and I would not fret that.971 R-0


Recognize that I have nothing better to do Conversing with: causes Why do I want to know everything? Why am I organizing the kingdom of heaven? The most relevant answer that I have found is simply that I have nothing better to do.796 20-0 Pastaba: Užtat gal Minčių sodas negalėjo tikti, nes tikslas visgi pragyventi.

Vouch for my beliefs with my own life Conversing with: my rightness As I developed the good will exercises, I wanted to learn from other people's experiences, and I wanted to foster a shared culture. But I thought it would be wrong to lead people to do what I wouldn't do myself. That would be to abuse them. So I've always looked to experiment on my own life, and especially in spiritual matters, to vouch for my beliefs with my own life. That helps me be in touch with my own beliefs.647 0-1

Center conversation within their expertise Conversing with: people's wisdom People aren't generally interested in my philosophical thinking or can't engage me regarding it. So I've learned it to speak with people about their subjects of expertise or interest, especially with my friends, such as psychology with Shu-Hong Zhu, math and physics with John Harland, cognitive science and neuroscience with Giedrius Buracas, and subsequently, with thinkers at up to twenty working groups at my online lab, Minciu Sodas. Through these fields I'm able to express and develop my philosophical ideas and find where they are relevant.783 1-0

Example (34) Caring about thinking I organized the Minciu Sodas laboratory in terms of ten online spaces to support ten different goals, four of re-caring and six of re-thinking, towards our overall goal of "caring about thinking".1706 AL

Structure laboratory around endeavors based on metaphysical categories Early on, I organized Minciu Sodas around a system of ten categories (four for supporting caring, six for supporting thinking) much as in the absolute learning of the House of Knowledge. I was hoping that what we learn from our activity would yield insights to the metaphysical structures and vice versa. Ultimately, I abandoned this to organize around individuals and their deepest values.1471 CB-1

Express in Lithuanian Conversing with: meaning of an expression Lithuanian words are transparent in meaning. So I try to express concepts in Lithuanian to understand them. I thus expressed "culture" as "commonality".760 CB-1

Pridėtos 73-78 eilutės:

Ranking first hand experience Conversing with: value I have collected distinct answers from more than 600 people to the question, What is your deepest value in life which includes all of your other values? In 2006, I tried to make a map of these values by asking my lab's leaders to rank 30 values as to which they personally felt closer to, and which farther from. I thought of these different scales as sonar readings from which I could reconstruct the underlying geometry.634 31-1

Appreciate a person's weakness Conversing with: obstacles I once asked a colleague what their deepest value was and, when they told me, I was taken aback, because I thought it personally happened to be their weak point. As I thought about myself and others, I decided that a person's deepest value is both their strong point and their weak point.751 21-1

Accumulating first hand experiences*** What is the variety of experience? Conversing with: others' experiences I've asked hundreds of people, What is their deepest value in life which includes all of their other values? I learned that some people have a deepest value and have formulated it, others feel it but haven't expressed it in words, and others don't have one that they know of. I learned that whether or not they have one seems to relate to their maturity as independent thinkers; that the deepest value seems to arise from the challenge of integrating competing values; that two people may give it the same name, but when asked further, mean different things; thus that each person seems to have a unique deepest value. Similarly, I've interviewed people about their questions that they don't know the answer to, but wish to answer, as well as their endeavors and dreams. I've also collected episodes in my life, such as ways that I addressed doubts with counterquestions. 612 C2-1

Pridėtos 83-84 eilutės:

Relate endeavors Conversing with: might In 2007, I asked participants of Minciu Sodas, my online laboratory, what did they want to achieve? Then I organized the endeavors with a diagram, a map, where broader endeavors led to narrower endeavors. The broadest endeavor I took to be God's endeavor, to reach the hard to reach.732 B3-1

Pakeistos 87-91 eilutės iš

Relate endeavors Conversing with: might In 2007, I asked participants of Minciu Sodas, my online laboratory, what did they want to achieve? Then I organized the endeavors with a diagram, a map, where broader endeavors led to narrower endeavors. The broadest endeavor I took to be God's endeavor, to reach the hard to reach.732 B3-1

Accumulating first hand experiences*** What is the variety of experience? Conversing with: others' experiences I've asked hundreds of people, What is their deepest value in life which includes all of their other values? I learned that some people have a deepest value and have formulated it, others feel it but haven't expressed it in words, and others don't have one that they know of. I learned that whether or not they have one seems to relate to their maturity as independent thinkers; that the deepest value seems to arise from the challenge of integrating competing values; that two people may give it the same name, but when asked further, mean different things; thus that each person seems to have a unique deepest value. Similarly, I've interviewed people about their questions that they don't know the answer to, but wish to answer, as well as their endeavors and dreams. I've also collected episodes in my life, such as ways that I addressed doubts with counterquestions. 612 C2-1


Compare perspectives Conversing with: dialogue I compared my answers to the 12 questions with what I imagine God answers to be. I realized that I live in circumstances but God does not; and that I myself wish for God to be, but God need not wish to be. My perspective sometimes differs from my parents' and other people's.593 21-0

Distill the essence*** What are the constituent elements? Conversing with: ideal interlocutor Andrius's and God's answers to the 12 questions. 598 CB-1

Pakeistos 97-139 eilutės iš

Find out for myself Conversing with: limits set by constraints Sometimes I'm able to observe and learn first hand rather than through books and schools. In Lithuania, in 1988 and 1989, I was able to observe up close Lithuania's reform movement which achieved independence from the Soviet Union. In 1980, I visited Lithuania as a 15 year old, and was able to talk to relatives of various backgrounds. I walked the streets of Vilnius and saw how different buildings that I recognized from Saturday school all fit together spatially with regard to each other. I traveled through Europe in the summer of 1989 and saw with my own eyes the plaza of Venice which Marco Polo departed from. From 1998 to 2010, I sought clients for Minciu Sodas and gained first hand experience of sorts in business.687 F-1

Get out of my comfort zone Conversing with: self-check At times, I made an effort to go outside my comfort zone, especially to reach out to those who are marginalized. I chose to live with my grandmother in her neighborhood, Marquette Park, which had become primarily Black American. I would practice engaging the youth hanging out on the corner. I ventured into the Black American community to join a Catholic church there, St. Benedict the African. In 2006, I stayed for three weeks in Nablus, Israeli-occupied Palestine, and taught nonviolence there.704 F-1

Accept feedback from failure I was working to promote an import export standard through the Infrared Data Association. After a difficult start there was a meeting where we had a good chance of making it happen. However, as Rob Lockhart explained to me afterwards, I oversold, I tried too hard, I was too vocal and aggressive, and members backed away, and then afterwards the chance was gone for the whole endeavor. So that is where I learned what it means to oversell. Yet in my mind I felt that if that's what it all amounted to, then it was not a very important matter, and I would not fret that.971 R-0

What is fruitful is positive Sometimes, as my debts grew, I would wonder if I should have foresworn from ever going into debt. But time and again I realized that the pressure of my debts kept me from sitting still, from stagnating, and forced me to be enormously creative in ways that I probably would not have been otherwise. I realized that it was good, just as negative numbers are good, because they open up more possibilities.1108 R-0

Express in Lithuanian Conversing with: meaning of an expression Lithuanian words are transparent in meaning. So I try to express concepts in Lithuanian to understand them. I thus expressed "culture" as "commonality".760 CB-1

Structure laboratory around endeavors based on metaphysical categories Early on, I organized Minciu Sodas around a system of ten categories (four for supporting caring, six for supporting thinking) much as in the absolute learning of the House of Knowledge. I was hoping that what we learn from our activity would yield insights to the metaphysical structures and vice versa. Ultimately, I abandoned this to organize around individuals and their deepest values.1471 CB-1

Distill the essence*** What are the constituent elements? Conversing with: ideal interlocutor Good will exercises. Andrius's and God's answers to the 12 questions. Deep ideas in math, algebra. Doubts and counterquestions. The truth of the world proceeds from the truth of the heart.598 CB-1

Vouch for my beliefs with my own life Conversing with: my rightness As I developed the good will exercises, I wanted to learn from other people's experiences, and I wanted to foster a shared culture. But I thought it would be wrong to lead people to do what I wouldn't do myself. That would be to abuse them. So I've always looked to experiment on my own life, and especially in spiritual matters, to vouch for my beliefs with my own life. That helps me be in touch with my own beliefs.647 0-1

Center conversation within their expertise Conversing with: people's wisdom People aren't generally interested in my philosophical thinking or can't engage me regarding it. So I've learned it to speak with people about their subjects of expertise or interest, especially with my friends, such as psychology with Shu-Hong Zhu, math and physics with John Harland, cognitive science and neuroscience with Giedrius Buracas, and subsequently, with thinkers at up to twenty working groups at my online lab, Minciu Sodas. Through these fields I'm able to express and develop my philosophical ideas and find where they are relevant.783 1-0

Example (34) Caring about thinking I organized the Minciu Sodas laboratory in terms of ten online spaces to support ten different goals, four of re-caring and six of re-thinking, towards our overall goal of "caring about thinking".1706 AL

Recognize that I have nothing better to do Conversing with: causes Why do I want to know everything? Why am I organizing the kingdom of heaven? The most relevant answer that I have found is simply that I have nothing better to do.796 20-0

Compare perspectives Conversing with: dialogue I compared my answers to the 12 questions with what I imagine God answers to be. I realized that I live in circumstances but God does not; and that I myself wish for God to be, but God need not wish to be. My perspective sometimes differs from my parents' and other people's.593 21-0

Ranking first hand experience Conversing with: value I have collected distinct answers from more than 600 people to the question, What is your deepest value in life which includes all of your other values? In 2006, I tried to make a map of these values by asking my lab's leaders to rank 30 values as to which they personally felt closer to, and which farther from. I thought of these different scales as sonar readings from which I could reconstruct the underlying geometry.634 31-1

Reinterpret the system I used to think that I should be generous to the government with my money and pay it willingly and err on the side of paying more taxes. I wouldn't take the standard meal deductions because they seemed unrealistically large. But after having such a hard time with my business and realizing that there is nobody to care for me, I started to take them. I figured that this was the system's way of supporting me. 970 O-1

Appreciate a person's weakness Conversing with: obstacles I once asked a colleague what their deepest value was and, when they told me, I was taken aback, because I thought it personally happened to be their weak point. As I thought about myself and others, I decided that a person's deepest value is both their strong point and their weak point.751 21-1

Taking to heart people's perspective Conversing with: people's inclinations People weren't very interested in my laboratory's services. I keep their interests in mind to know that my activities aren't central or basic in most people's lives and that I may be fundamentally on the wrong track.643 B2-1


Taking to heart people's perspective Conversing with: people's inclinations People weren't very interested in my laboratory's services. I keep their interests in mind to know that my activities aren't central or basic in most people's lives and that I may be fundamentally on the wrong track.643 B2-1

2013 sausio 07 d., 18:57 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 5-6 eilutės:

Bendrystės, kurios siekiu, yra susikalbėjimas tiesa, būtent Dievo tiesa, visuotine, besąlygiška tiesa. Manau, ši tiesa prieinama kiekvienam savarankiškai mąstančiam.

Pridėtos 11-16 eilutės:

Užmojis, pobūdis ir saviugda

Apply my discoveries Conversing with: significance of knowledge In Lithuania, I needed a way to make a living, so I started up Minciu Sodas, a laboratory for independent thinkers, where I tried to make use of conceptual structures to structure our online space and activity. In fostering a culture of truth, I am sharing, documenting and structuring ways of figuring things out. My practical impulse has thus focused me on questions that engage what's at the heart of my personal life.775 F-0

Be naive Conversing with: my assumptions As I studied, I supposed that the more I learned in school, the more kinds of jobs I could do and find when the time came. I thought that math was practical and that I would find many ways to apply a Ph.D. Later, as I took loans and risks to start my lab, Minciu Sodas, I thought that I could always find a regular job if I failed. I thought so, accepting tenants of my environment. Now, I see differently, but my wholehearted naivete then, my lack of doubt then helps me as I now reflect and conclude.695 F-0

Ištrintos 18-27 eilutės:

Increase God's possibilities Conversing with: God's will In 2002, I had reached my limits financially. I had failed to generate interest in an import/export standard for tools for organizing thoughts. I was in Chicago, and I had to think of finding any job. Indeed, my plan had been that, having a mathematics Ph.D. and some programming skills, I could always find a job. However, the US was in a recession. And I realized that my resume did not reflect a standard career and, with hundreds of people applying for each job, I would be weeded out early on for almost all jobs. Yet my own rationalizations could keep me from finding work, too. How could I know what to do? So I decided to increase God's possibilities by taking a fourfold approach. I applied for some full time positions. I applied for work through temp agencies (but the little work they had went to their earlier workers). I wrote some ambitious proposals for my lab (including writing a paper which won a travel award and took me to India and then home to Lithuania). I looked for part-time work through my network and was hired by Shannon Clark for a few months of corporate work that paid well. By taking all approaches I felt that I kept myself open to God's plans for me.693 B2-0

Taking to heart people's perspective Conversing with: people's inclinations People weren't very interested in my laboratory's services. I keep their interests in mind to know that my activities aren't central or basic in most people's lives and that I may be fundamentally on the wrong track.643 B2-1

Note what is interesting to others Conversing with: their attention I learn more with and from others by being open to what they are interested. In looking for participants for good will exercises, I would ask what issues riled them. In looking for work or clients, I look for who I might serve, and how. In organizing online groups, I center them around the deepest value of a leader. That way I hope that at least two of us, they and I, will be active. In general, I learn that there are people who are fascinated by things that I am not, but could be, and so they help me stretch and grow.650 B2-1

Correspond openly Conversing with: extensions By corresponding openly, through mailing groups with public archives, I am able to learn to what extent I shape a new culture or clash with an existing one. I learn how others maintain or influence a culture. I saw how Janet Feldman felt offended by my righteousness when I openly criticized Peter Ongele for asking me for funds rather than explaining when he would repay me the money I loaned him.734 B2-1

Dialogue with another Conversing with: others as they understand themselves In speaking with others, I developed 12 questions that I thought were especially useful for understanding, engaging and supporting them.630 B2-1

Ištrintos 20-29 eilutės:

Writing letters in my mind I remember writing many letters in my mind, notably while I would ride my bike through the orchards of California's Central Valley and towards the Sierra mountains, when I worked in Visalia in 2001 as a software developer. Often, I never had a chance to write these letters, so they kept evolving. 1851 B3-0

Collect investigatory questions Conversing with: person's vitality What is a question that you don't know the answer to, but wish to answer? I have collected such investigatory questions from about 200 people. They are deep, beautiful, profound, inspiring questions. They have enormous variety. They are related to people's deepest values. They show how a person is growing. They can be studied in terms of their structure.731 B3-1

Collecting endeavors Conversing with: aims In 2007-2009, in leading the Minciu Sodas laboratory, I collected endeavors from more than 100 participants. This helped me know who actually wanted support and how we might organized around them. What endeavors were key, strategically? I noticed how narrower endeavors supported broader endeavors.604 B3-1

Identify strategic endeavors Conversing with: productiveness I drew a map of endeavors for the Minciu Sodas laboratory and our participants to show how they can all be related. Then, as Direktorius, I chose strategic endeavors which I should invest my efforts in because they would best leverage our efforts on behalf of all of our endeavors, including my quest to make Minciu Sodas viable so that I could make a living.733 B3-1

Relate endeavors Conversing with: might In 2007, I asked participants of Minciu Sodas, my online laboratory, what did they want to achieve? Then I organized the endeavors with a diagram, a map, where broader endeavors led to narrower endeavors. The broadest endeavor I took to be God's endeavor, to reach the hard to reach.732 B3-1

Pakeistos 23-24 eilutės iš

Accumulating first hand experiences*** What is the variety of experience? Conversing with: others' experiences I've asked hundreds of people, What is their deepest value in life which includes all of their other values? I learned that some people have a deepest value and have formulated it, others feel it but haven't expressed it in words, and others don't have one that they know of. I learned that whether or not they have one seems to relate to their maturity as independent thinkers; that the deepest value seems to arise from the challenge of integrating competing values; that two people may give it the same name, but when asked further, mean different things; thus that each person seems to have a unique deepest value. Similarly, I've interviewed people about their questions that they don't know the answer to, but wish to answer, as well as their endeavors and dreams. I've also collected episodes in my life, such as ways that I addressed doubts with counterquestions. 612 C2-1


Note what is interesting to others Conversing with: their attention I learn more with and from others by being open to what they are interested. In looking for work or clients, I look for who I might serve, and how. In organizing online groups, I center them around the deepest value of a leader. That way I hope that at least two of us, they and I, will be active. In general, I learn that there are people who are fascinated by things that I am not, but could be, and so they help me stretch and grow.650 B2-1

Pridėtos 27-28 eilutės:

Make a back up plan Conversing with: support In embarking on my business, Minciu Sodas, to organize independent thinkers, I hedged myself and my debts with the thought that I would find work if my efforts failed. But then later I came to learn that, having taken my path, it was not so likely that I could get a job or that it could be honest work.697 T-0

Pakeistos 31-32 eilutės iš

Make a back up plan Conversing with: support In embarking on my business, Minciu Sodas, to organize independent thinkers, I hedged myself and my debts with the thought that I would find work if my efforts failed. But then later I came to learn that, having taken my path, it was not so likely that I could get a job or that it could be honest work.697 T-0


Increase God's possibilities Conversing with: God's will In 2002, I had reached my limits financially. I had failed to generate interest in an import/export standard for tools for organizing thoughts. I was in Chicago, and I had to think of finding any job. Indeed, my plan had been that, having a mathematics Ph.D. and some programming skills, I could always find a job. However, the US was in a recession. And I realized that my resume did not reflect a standard career and, with hundreds of people applying for each job, I would be weeded out early on for almost all jobs. Yet my own rationalizations could keep me from finding work, too. How could I know what to do? So I decided to increase God's possibilities by taking a fourfold approach. I applied for some full time positions. I applied for work through temp agencies (but the little work they had went to their earlier workers). I wrote some ambitious proposals for my lab (including writing a paper which won a travel award and took me to India and then home to Lithuania). I looked for part-time work through my network and was hired by Shannon Clark for a few months of corporate work that paid well. By taking all approaches I felt that I kept myself open to God's plans for me.693 B2-0


Correspond openly Conversing with: extensions By corresponding openly, through mailing groups with public archives, I am able to learn to what extent I shape a new culture or clash with an existing one. I learn how others maintain or influence a culture. I saw how Janet Feldman felt offended by my righteousness when I openly criticized Peter Ongele for asking me for funds rather than explaining when he would repay me the money I loaned him.734 B2-1

Writing letters in my mind I remember writing many letters in my mind, notably while I would ride my bike through the orchards of California's Central Valley and towards the Sierra mountains, when I worked in Visalia in 2001 as a software developer. Often, I never had a chance to write these letters, so they kept evolving. 1851 B3-0

Dialogue with another Conversing with: others as they understand themselves In speaking with others, I developed 12 questions that I thought were especially useful for understanding, engaging and supporting them.630 B2-1


Collect investigatory questions Conversing with: person's vitality What is a question that you don't know the answer to, but wish to answer? I have collected such investigatory questions from about 200 people. They are deep, beautiful, profound, inspiring questions. They have enormous variety. They are related to people's deepest values. They show how a person is growing. They can be studied in terms of their structure.731 B3-1

Collecting endeavors Conversing with: aims In 2007-2009, in leading the Minciu Sodas laboratory, I collected endeavors from more than 100 participants. This helped me know who actually wanted support and how we might organized around them. What endeavors were key, strategically? I noticed how narrower endeavors supported broader endeavors.604 B3-1

Identify strategic endeavors Conversing with: productiveness I drew a map of endeavors for the Minciu Sodas laboratory and our participants to show how they can all be related. Then, as Direktorius, I chose strategic endeavors which I should invest my efforts in because they would best leverage our efforts on behalf of all of our endeavors, including my quest to make Minciu Sodas viable so that I could make a living.733 B3-1

Relate endeavors Conversing with: might In 2007, I asked participants of Minciu Sodas, my online laboratory, what did they want to achieve? Then I organized the endeavors with a diagram, a map, where broader endeavors led to narrower endeavors. The broadest endeavor I took to be God's endeavor, to reach the hard to reach.732 B3-1

Accumulating first hand experiences*** What is the variety of experience? Conversing with: others' experiences I've asked hundreds of people, What is their deepest value in life which includes all of their other values? I learned that some people have a deepest value and have formulated it, others feel it but haven't expressed it in words, and others don't have one that they know of. I learned that whether or not they have one seems to relate to their maturity as independent thinkers; that the deepest value seems to arise from the challenge of integrating competing values; that two people may give it the same name, but when asked further, mean different things; thus that each person seems to have a unique deepest value. Similarly, I've interviewed people about their questions that they don't know the answer to, but wish to answer, as well as their endeavors and dreams. I've also collected episodes in my life, such as ways that I addressed doubts with counterquestions. 612 C2-1


Pakeistos 62-65 eilutės iš

Apply my discoveries Conversing with: significance of knowledge I have not simply wanted to know everything, but also to apply that knowledge usefully. This has shaped the questions that I've chosen to take up. In 1995, encouraged by Joe Damal, I set upon applying my philosophy practically. I addressed situations where we believe one thing in our heart, and the world teaches us differently, and we feel riled. As I meant to lead and influence people, I sought for a way to pray to God that I might listen to him. With the good will exercises, I found ways to capture and express people's intution. In Lithuania, I needed a way to make a living, so I started up Minciu Sodas, a laboratory for independent thinkers, where I tried to make use of conceptual structures to structure our online space and activity. In fostering a culture of truth, I am sharing, documenting and structuring ways of figuring things out. My practical impulse has thus focused me on questions that engage what's at the heart of my personal life.775 F-0

Be naive Conversing with: my assumptions As I studied, I supposed that the more I learned in school, the more kinds of jobs I could do and find when the time came. I thought that math was practical and that I would find many ways to apply a Ph.D. Later, as I took loans and risks to start my lab, Minciu Sodas, I thought that I could always find a regular job if I failed. I thought so, accepting tenants of my environment. Now, I see differently, but my wholehearted naivete then, my lack of doubt then helps me as I now reflect and conclude.695 F-0

Pakeistos 97-104 eilutės iš

Appreciate a person's weakness Conversing with: obstacles I once asked a colleague what their deepest value was and, when they told me, I was taken aback, because I thought it personally happened to be their weak point. As I thought about myself and others, I decided that a person's deepest value is both their strong point and their weak point.751 21-1


Appreciate a person's weakness Conversing with: obstacles I once asked a colleague what their deepest value was and, when they told me, I was taken aback, because I thought it personally happened to be their weak point. As I thought about myself and others, I decided that a person's deepest value is both their strong point and their weak point.751 21-1

Taking to heart people's perspective Conversing with: people's inclinations People weren't very interested in my laboratory's services. I keep their interests in mind to know that my activities aren't central or basic in most people's lives and that I may be fundamentally on the wrong track.643 B2-1

2013 sausio 07 d., 18:30 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 1-8 eilutės:

Koks yra žinojimo tikslas? Kaip jį taikyti gražiai ir prasmingai?

Žinojimas leidžia mums išsakyti aplinkybes, kurių tikimės. Jos yra mūsų kultūra, jos tampa mūsų tikrovė. Ji gali būti mums bendra kultūra, bendra tikrovė, užtat ją lietuviškai vadinu bendryste.

Kada atsikėliau gyventi į Lietuvą, sugalvojau pragyventi įmone "Minčių sodą".

Pakeista 13 eilutė iš:

Taking to heart people's perspective Conversing with: people's inclinations People weren't very interested to do good will exercises with me. They aren't very interested in my laboratory's services. I keep their interests in mind to know that my activities aren't central or basic in most people's lives and that I may be fundamentally on the wrong track.643 B2-1


Taking to heart people's perspective Conversing with: people's inclinations People weren't very interested in my laboratory's services. I keep their interests in mind to know that my activities aren't central or basic in most people's lives and that I may be fundamentally on the wrong track.643 B2-1

2013 sausio 07 d., 18:15 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 67-69 eilutės iš

Reinterpret the system I used to think that I should be generous to the government with my money and pay it willingly and err on the side of paying more taxes. I wouldn't take the standard meal deductions because they seemed unrealistically large. But after having such a hard time with my business and realizing that there is nobody to care for me, I started to take them. I figured that this was the system's way of supporting me. 970 O-1


Reinterpret the system I used to think that I should be generous to the government with my money and pay it willingly and err on the side of paying more taxes. I wouldn't take the standard meal deductions because they seemed unrealistically large. But after having such a hard time with my business and realizing that there is nobody to care for me, I started to take them. I figured that this was the system's way of supporting me. 970 O-1

Appreciate a person's weakness Conversing with: obstacles I once asked a colleague what their deepest value was and, when they told me, I was taken aback, because I thought it personally happened to be their weak point. As I thought about myself and others, I decided that a person's deepest value is both their strong point and their weak point.751 21-1

2013 sausio 02 d., 06:28 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 1-67 eilutės:

Have rapid cycles of learning When I started my laboratory, Minciu Sodas, in 1998, I was living month-to-month, even week-to-week, not certain what I would try next. I think I learned a lot this way because I had very rapid and flexible cycles of learning. I had long term rhythms in my life for what I knew was important, but a snappy cycle for responding to opportunities.1106 A-0

Increase God's possibilities Conversing with: God's will In 2002, I had reached my limits financially. I had failed to generate interest in an import/export standard for tools for organizing thoughts. I was in Chicago, and I had to think of finding any job. Indeed, my plan had been that, having a mathematics Ph.D. and some programming skills, I could always find a job. However, the US was in a recession. And I realized that my resume did not reflect a standard career and, with hundreds of people applying for each job, I would be weeded out early on for almost all jobs. Yet my own rationalizations could keep me from finding work, too. How could I know what to do? So I decided to increase God's possibilities by taking a fourfold approach. I applied for some full time positions. I applied for work through temp agencies (but the little work they had went to their earlier workers). I wrote some ambitious proposals for my lab (including writing a paper which won a travel award and took me to India and then home to Lithuania). I looked for part-time work through my network and was hired by Shannon Clark for a few months of corporate work that paid well. By taking all approaches I felt that I kept myself open to God's plans for me.693 B2-0

Taking to heart people's perspective Conversing with: people's inclinations People weren't very interested to do good will exercises with me. They aren't very interested in my laboratory's services. I keep their interests in mind to know that my activities aren't central or basic in most people's lives and that I may be fundamentally on the wrong track.643 B2-1

Note what is interesting to others Conversing with: their attention I learn more with and from others by being open to what they are interested. In looking for participants for good will exercises, I would ask what issues riled them. In looking for work or clients, I look for who I might serve, and how. In organizing online groups, I center them around the deepest value of a leader. That way I hope that at least two of us, they and I, will be active. In general, I learn that there are people who are fascinated by things that I am not, but could be, and so they help me stretch and grow.650 B2-1

Correspond openly Conversing with: extensions By corresponding openly, through mailing groups with public archives, I am able to learn to what extent I shape a new culture or clash with an existing one. I learn how others maintain or influence a culture. I saw how Janet Feldman felt offended by my righteousness when I openly criticized Peter Ongele for asking me for funds rather than explaining when he would repay me the money I loaned him.734 B2-1

Dialogue with another Conversing with: others as they understand themselves In speaking with others, I developed 12 questions that I thought were especially useful for understanding, engaging and supporting them.630 B2-1

Create public space Conversing with: principles By organizing Minciu Sodas, an online laboratory, entirely public, I had the chance to watch people grow, mature, learn as they acted on their beliefs and reflected on the consequences.736 B3-0

Writing letters in my mind I remember writing many letters in my mind, notably while I would ride my bike through the orchards of California's Central Valley and towards the Sierra mountains, when I worked in Visalia in 2001 as a software developer. Often, I never had a chance to write these letters, so they kept evolving. 1851 B3-0

Collect investigatory questions Conversing with: person's vitality What is a question that you don't know the answer to, but wish to answer? I have collected such investigatory questions from about 200 people. They are deep, beautiful, profound, inspiring questions. They have enormous variety. They are related to people's deepest values. They show how a person is growing. They can be studied in terms of their structure.731 B3-1

Collecting endeavors Conversing with: aims In 2007-2009, in leading the Minciu Sodas laboratory, I collected endeavors from more than 100 participants. This helped me know who actually wanted support and how we might organized around them. What endeavors were key, strategically? I noticed how narrower endeavors supported broader endeavors.604 B3-1

Identify strategic endeavors Conversing with: productiveness I drew a map of endeavors for the Minciu Sodas laboratory and our participants to show how they can all be related. Then, as Direktorius, I chose strategic endeavors which I should invest my efforts in because they would best leverage our efforts on behalf of all of our endeavors, including my quest to make Minciu Sodas viable so that I could make a living.733 B3-1

Relate endeavors Conversing with: might In 2007, I asked participants of Minciu Sodas, my online laboratory, what did they want to achieve? Then I organized the endeavors with a diagram, a map, where broader endeavors led to narrower endeavors. The broadest endeavor I took to be God's endeavor, to reach the hard to reach.732 B3-1

Invite all people Conversing with: God's will In my activities, I've tried to be and stay open to everybody and not be exclusive. I have tried not to worry about people's intelligence, competence, reliability, wealth or niceness. This has helped me to be more flexible with regard to what might happened, how things might develop, and be more appreciative as to what other people might contribute. It has also gotten me to develop relevant filters, such as expecting certain behavior. I've focused on "independent thinkers", expected people to be accountable to their own deepest value in life, or to engage me based on their own question that they wish to answer.699 B4-0

Accumulating first hand experiences*** What is the variety of experience? Conversing with: others' experiences I've asked hundreds of people, What is their deepest value in life which includes all of their other values? I learned that some people have a deepest value and have formulated it, others feel it but haven't expressed it in words, and others don't have one that they know of. I learned that whether or not they have one seems to relate to their maturity as independent thinkers; that the deepest value seems to arise from the challenge of integrating competing values; that two people may give it the same name, but when asked further, mean different things; thus that each person seems to have a unique deepest value. Similarly, I've interviewed people about their questions that they don't know the answer to, but wish to answer, as well as their endeavors and dreams. I've also collected episodes in my life, such as ways that I addressed doubts with counterquestions. 612 C2-1

Try out all possible solutions Conversing with: impossibility In avoiding bankruptcy, I'm trying to take every reasonable step along the way. In trying to make a living from my business, Minciu Sodas, I kept looking for the most promising and sensible opportunity. In pursuing my sweetheart, I'm trying to show that I care about her in every way. In trying to save David's home, and especially, in encouraging him to take action to save it, I've tried to show that I'm ever interested. These are all areas where I can't assure my own success yet must try to do my part.755 C3-0

Jesus focused on what is natural Sometimes, as my debts grew, I would wonder if I should have foresworn from ever going into debt. However, I realized the positive aspects of my debts. And I recalled that Jesus discouraged saving, but had much to say about debtors, which he seemed to take as the natural human condition, and which makes sense, given that we're created by God and raised by our parents.1109 C4-0

Make a back up plan Conversing with: support In embarking on my business, Minciu Sodas, to organize independent thinkers, I hedged myself and my debts with the thought that I would find work if my efforts failed. But then later I came to learn that, having taken my path, it was not so likely that I could get a job or that it could be honest work.697 T-0

Comprehending my role Conversing with: everybody After I concluded my quest to know everything with my video summary, "I Wish to Know", and after I failed to make Minciu Sodas a viable business because our culture was too weak, I thought about my own role. I had worked to include others as equals in a culture, although of evidently different levels of maturity. But now I thought that, given my goal to apply my findings and foster a culture, I should appreciate my own role in that. I myself might be more central to such a culture than I had supposed.642 T-1

Apply my discoveries Conversing with: significance of knowledge I have not simply wanted to know everything, but also to apply that knowledge usefully. This has shaped the questions that I've chosen to take up. In 1995, encouraged by Joe Damal, I set upon applying my philosophy practically. I addressed situations where we believe one thing in our heart, and the world teaches us differently, and we feel riled. As I meant to lead and influence people, I sought for a way to pray to God that I might listen to him. With the good will exercises, I found ways to capture and express people's intution. In Lithuania, I needed a way to make a living, so I started up Minciu Sodas, a laboratory for independent thinkers, where I tried to make use of conceptual structures to structure our online space and activity. In fostering a culture of truth, I am sharing, documenting and structuring ways of figuring things out. My practical impulse has thus focused me on questions that engage what's at the heart of my personal life.775 F-0

Be naive Conversing with: my assumptions As I studied, I supposed that the more I learned in school, the more kinds of jobs I could do and find when the time came. I thought that math was practical and that I would find many ways to apply a Ph.D. Later, as I took loans and risks to start my lab, Minciu Sodas, I thought that I could always find a regular job if I failed. I thought so, accepting tenants of my environment. Now, I see differently, but my wholehearted naivete then, my lack of doubt then helps me as I now reflect and conclude.695 F-0

Find out for myself Conversing with: limits set by constraints Sometimes I'm able to observe and learn first hand rather than through books and schools. In Lithuania, in 1988 and 1989, I was able to observe up close Lithuania's reform movement which achieved independence from the Soviet Union. In 1980, I visited Lithuania as a 15 year old, and was able to talk to relatives of various backgrounds. I walked the streets of Vilnius and saw how different buildings that I recognized from Saturday school all fit together spatially with regard to each other. I traveled through Europe in the summer of 1989 and saw with my own eyes the plaza of Venice which Marco Polo departed from. From 1998 to 2010, I sought clients for Minciu Sodas and gained first hand experience of sorts in business.687 F-1

Get out of my comfort zone Conversing with: self-check At times, I made an effort to go outside my comfort zone, especially to reach out to those who are marginalized. I chose to live with my grandmother in her neighborhood, Marquette Park, which had become primarily Black American. I would practice engaging the youth hanging out on the corner. I ventured into the Black American community to join a Catholic church there, St. Benedict the African. In 2006, I stayed for three weeks in Nablus, Israeli-occupied Palestine, and taught nonviolence there.704 F-1

Accept feedback from failure I was working to promote an import export standard through the Infrared Data Association. After a difficult start there was a meeting where we had a good chance of making it happen. However, as Rob Lockhart explained to me afterwards, I oversold, I tried too hard, I was too vocal and aggressive, and members backed away, and then afterwards the chance was gone for the whole endeavor. So that is where I learned what it means to oversell. Yet in my mind I felt that if that's what it all amounted to, then it was not a very important matter, and I would not fret that.971 R-0

What is fruitful is positive Sometimes, as my debts grew, I would wonder if I should have foresworn from ever going into debt. But time and again I realized that the pressure of my debts kept me from sitting still, from stagnating, and forced me to be enormously creative in ways that I probably would not have been otherwise. I realized that it was good, just as negative numbers are good, because they open up more possibilities.1108 R-0

Express in Lithuanian Conversing with: meaning of an expression Lithuanian words are transparent in meaning. So I try to express concepts in Lithuanian to understand them. I thus expressed "culture" as "commonality".760 CB-1

Structure laboratory around endeavors based on metaphysical categories Early on, I organized Minciu Sodas around a system of ten categories (four for supporting caring, six for supporting thinking) much as in the absolute learning of the House of Knowledge. I was hoping that what we learn from our activity would yield insights to the metaphysical structures and vice versa. Ultimately, I abandoned this to organize around individuals and their deepest values.1471 CB-1

Distill the essence*** What are the constituent elements? Conversing with: ideal interlocutor Good will exercises. Andrius's and God's answers to the 12 questions. Deep ideas in math, algebra. Doubts and counterquestions. The truth of the world proceeds from the truth of the heart.598 CB-1

Vouch for my beliefs with my own life Conversing with: my rightness As I developed the good will exercises, I wanted to learn from other people's experiences, and I wanted to foster a shared culture. But I thought it would be wrong to lead people to do what I wouldn't do myself. That would be to abuse them. So I've always looked to experiment on my own life, and especially in spiritual matters, to vouch for my beliefs with my own life. That helps me be in touch with my own beliefs.647 0-1

Center conversation within their expertise Conversing with: people's wisdom People aren't generally interested in my philosophical thinking or can't engage me regarding it. So I've learned it to speak with people about their subjects of expertise or interest, especially with my friends, such as psychology with Shu-Hong Zhu, math and physics with John Harland, cognitive science and neuroscience with Giedrius Buracas, and subsequently, with thinkers at up to twenty working groups at my online lab, Minciu Sodas. Through these fields I'm able to express and develop my philosophical ideas and find where they are relevant.783 1-0

Example (34) Caring about thinking I organized the Minciu Sodas laboratory in terms of ten online spaces to support ten different goals, four of re-caring and six of re-thinking, towards our overall goal of "caring about thinking".1706 AL

Recognize that I have nothing better to do Conversing with: causes Why do I want to know everything? Why am I organizing the kingdom of heaven? The most relevant answer that I have found is simply that I have nothing better to do.796 20-0

Compare perspectives Conversing with: dialogue I compared my answers to the 12 questions with what I imagine God answers to be. I realized that I live in circumstances but God does not; and that I myself wish for God to be, but God need not wish to be. My perspective sometimes differs from my parents' and other people's.593 21-0

Ranking first hand experience Conversing with: value I have collected distinct answers from more than 600 people to the question, What is your deepest value in life which includes all of your other values? In 2006, I tried to make a map of these values by asking my lab's leaders to rank 30 values as to which they personally felt closer to, and which farther from. I thought of these different scales as sonar readings from which I could reconstruct the underlying geometry.634 31-1

Reinterpret the system I used to think that I should be generous to the government with my money and pay it willingly and err on the side of paying more taxes. I wouldn't take the standard meal deductions because they seemed unrealistically large. But after having such a hard time with my business and realizing that there is nobody to care for me, I started to take them. I figured that this was the system's way of supporting me. 970 O-1


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