




Santrauka? FFFFFF

Pavaizdavimai? E6E6FF

Asmeniškai? BA9696

Klausimai FFFFC0

Išsiaiškinimai D8F1D8

Duomenys? FFE6E6

Užrašai EEEEEE

Nuojauta? AAAAAA

Kitų mintys? ECD9EC

Dievas man? FFECC0

Mieli dalyviai! Visa mano kūryba ir kartu visi šie puslapiai yra visuomenės turtas, kuriuo visi kviečiami laisvai naudotis, dalintis, visaip perkurti. - Andrius


Užrašai.Kalbos istorija

Rodyti nežymius pakeitimus - Rodyti kodo pakeitimus

2013 sausio 12 d., 09:48 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 75-87 eilutės iš
  • Kokios yra trys kalbos? Kokia jų svarba?
  • Kaip meniškai pavaizduoti tris kalbas ir jų ryšį su paklusimu, tikėjimu, rūpėjimu? ir tylėjimu
  • Atsakymai (kaip kad David'o pasakojimas, kaip jį pamokė gorila Bušmanas) yra pasakojimai, tai jų pavidalas mūsų prote, kaip mus paveikia ir perauklėja. Kaip pasakojimai yra atsakymai? ir kuom tai skiriasi nuo pagrindimo ar įvardijimo?
  • Kaip įvardijimas, širdies ir pasaulio tiesos, išsako klausimus?
  • Suvokti tris kalbas: susieti klausimus su įvardijimu; išsiaiškinimus su pagrindimu; ir kaip suprasti ir pavaizduoti pasakojimą?
  • Kaip kalbos sudaro sąlygas saviraidai?
  • Kaip išsakyti tris kalbas?
    • Dievas, paklusimas, pasakojimas
    • Aš, gyvenimas klausimais, įvardijimas
    • Tu, gyvenimas išsiaiškinimais, rūpėjimas
  • Išnagrinėti įrodymų geometrijos dėsnius.
2013 sausio 11 d., 19:52 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 11-12 eilutės:
Pridėtos 74-75 eilutės:
2013 sausio 07 d., 15:27 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 7 eilutė iš:

Išnagrinėjęs pasakojimo kalbą, keliolika metų stengiausi geriau suprasti sandarų ir apskritai žinojimo visumą, iš kurios galėčiau išvesti įvardijimo ir pagrindimo kalbų nors bendrus bruožus. Tada turėtų paaiškėti, kaip jas ištirti. Šią knygutę rašydamas artėju prie to. Tikriausiai, šios dvi kalbos bus susiję su man per tą laiką iškilusiais reiškiniais, kuriuos ištyriau: įvardijimo su geros valios pratimais ir su išgyvenimais, o pagrindimo su išsiaiškinimais ir žinojimo rūmais.


Išnagrinėjęs pasakojimo kalbą, keliolika metų stengiausi geriau suprasti sandarų ir apskritai žinojimo visumą, iš kurios galėčiau išvesti įvardijimo ir pagrindimo kalbų nors bendrus bruožus. Tada turėtų paaiškėti, kaip jas ištirti. Šią knygutę rašydamas artėju prie to. Tikriausiai, šios dvi kalbos bus susiję su man per tą laiką iškilusiais reiškiniais, kuriuos ištyriau: įvardijimo su geros valios pratimais, išgyvenimais, vertybėmis ir klausimais, o pagrindimo su išsiaiškinimais ir žinojimo rūmais.

2013 sausio 07 d., 10:57 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 1-10 eilutės:

Gyvenimas yra kintantis. Mano aptartos sandaros yra nekintančios. Jos pačios negali gyvenimą išreikšti. Tačiau gyvenimą išreikšti gali sandarų kaita. Ją vadinu kalba. Bendrai, ji yra ta sąvokų kalba, kuria trokštu susikalbėti.

Aštuongubas kelias, tai gyvenimo santvarka, tai kalbos rėmai. Jis skirtingai reiškiasi trijomis maldomis: "Tėve Mūsų", "šv.Petro raktais į dangų" ir "Palaiminimais". Šios maldos, manau, iš esmės skiriasi tiktai trejybės atvaizdo (buvimo, veikimo ir mąstymo) rato pasukimais. Manau, atitinkamai yra trys kalbos: pagrindimo, įvardijimo ir pasakojimo. Jos išsako, atitinkamai, kaip kas ima rūpėti, kaip kas įgauna reikšmę ir kaip kas įvyksta.

Kol kas tesu nuodugniai ištyręs pasakojimo kalbą. Ji veda sąmonę iš šešių atvaizdų į aštuonis padalinimus. Manau, įvardijimo kalba turėtų vesti iš aštuonių padalinimų į dvylika aplinkybių, o pagrindimo kalba turėtų vesti iš dvylikos aplinkybių į šešis atvaizdus.

Išnagrinėjęs pasakojimo kalbą, keliolika metų stengiausi geriau suprasti sandarų ir apskritai žinojimo visumą, iš kurios galėčiau išvesti įvardijimo ir pagrindimo kalbų nors bendrus bruožus. Tada turėtų paaiškėti, kaip jas ištirti. Šią knygutę rašydamas artėju prie to. Tikriausiai, šios dvi kalbos bus susiję su man per tą laiką iškilusiais reiškiniais, kuriuos ištyriau: įvardijimo su geros valios pratimais ir su išgyvenimais, o pagrindimo su išsiaiškinimais ir žinojimo rūmais.

Šiame skyrelyje pristatysiu pasakojimo kalbą, taip pat apžvelgsiu kelias pastangas ištirti anas dvi kalbas.

2013 sausio 04 d., 18:01 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 1-2 eilutės iš

Example (612) Stories about the money mind 2006.09.03 Earlier this year I thought through with John Rogers an online learning environment for community currency design that was based on first hand knowledge of the money mind. In particular, we expected personal stories to play a key role. I had made for myself a list of my own personal experiences with money. Today I wrote up more than 60 of these vignettes and am sorting through them and analyzing them. I wanted to see how the data compared to the theory. These stories are little episodes in life that I recall and that I learn from. It seems to me that each of them focuses on one of three emotional dimensions: Calm vs. Riled; Positive vs. Negative; Sensitive vs. Insensitive. Each episode seems to help distinguish between the opposites in some way. 888 C2-1



Immersing myself in a single example I spent much time analyzing the folk story "Ragana and Jonukas" as a representative example of folk stories in general. I wanted to understand the details and be able to explain their relevance.1544 30-0

What a structure must do, at a minimum In 1988, in Vilnius, I was studying Lithuanian folk tales in order to develop a theory of narration. I realized that I should break down a tale in terms of atomic units. I wondered, what is the nature of such a unit? What is its purpose? And I realized that, at a minimum, it must be able to keep our attention. I noticed that it must create tension, but soon enough, it must relax that tension. Only so can it keep our attention, by switching back and forth. This made it possible to define the unit. And I could it define it directly with regard to the listener or reader (!) and only indirectly, slightly arbitrarily, with regard to the teller or writer.1302 32-1

Pulling structures together Conversing with: totality I considered how the Beatitudes (and Maslow's hierarchy of needs) served as a framework for the language of Narration.623 O-1

Identifying regularities*** What are independent factors? Conversing with: regularity In studying narration and Lithuanian folk tales, I noticed that the tone of voice creating tension (forcing, commanding, explaining, caring) was constant in the beginning of the story and constant at the end. The voice receiving the tension was unfolded to involve ever more levels of Maslow's hierarchy, until the climax of the story was reached when the need for self-fulfillment was attacked, and then the character was folded back up again. This was all true in each story. In studying the counterquestions, I expressed each as a pair of a perspective and a situation.637 3-0

Pridėtos 13-20 eilutės:

Completing a structure with an eighth perspective*** What is the bigger picture? I am familiar with many structures that have seven-eight perspectives. The seven perspectives form a complete system, yet there is an eighth perspective that looks from beyond the system. Thus I conjectured that there is an eight narrative that takes us from Caring to Commanding, and thus is a story of Creation. Likewise, I conjectured that there must be an eighth counterquestion that stands aside from any doubt, namely, What do I truly want?1446 20-1


Hear from God in a dream Conversing with: God's perspective In dreams, I heard God say, "Those things are which show themselves to be" and "This is the fundamental unit of information" (a tableaux of large and small slashes)787 O-0

Ask God a question Conversing with: answer In 1985, at the University of Chicago, I asked God, what kind of mathematics was important, and I understood him to say: walks on trees made of the elements of the threesome, which I denoted at the time as I (individual action), C (communal existence), U (universal thought), and I thought related to an infinite binary tree, which would be the case if I, C, U refered to the edges. I never quite knew what to make of that although I did prove a result about counting walks on trees and my thesis could be used to think further about this. I asked God, why did I have feelings for a woman who was too young for me, and he said it was because I will marry her. Also, when I prayed in the mornings, I would ask God a philosophical question and , which were very intense and generally more helpful indirectly. Now I mostly just listen to God, what does he have to say.712O-0

Ištrintos 22-23 eilutės:

Inverting conclusions Conversing with: conclusions As I considered the truths of the heart and of the world from some forty goodwill exercises, I noticed that both were related to their topic, but in different ways. Given a deep issue such as "helping", there was a truth of the heart, "I should help those who ask for help", and a truth of the world, "My help should not make things worse", each teaching something about "helping". I thought of the former as "accomodating of helping" and the latter as "helping of reprioritizing", and in general, I noticed that each truth was such a "double gerund". In the truth of the heart, the issue "helping" was qualified by "accomodating", whereas in the truth of the world, "helping" was a qualifier for "reprioritizing". I realized that "helping" could be defined as "accomodating of reprioritizing" and then realized that I could turn this process around. I could work backwards to ask, what are the truths of the heart and of the world about "accomodating"? how does it break down as a pair of gerunds? and work my way backwards to the most basic issue. And I knew the six most basic issues in that the truths of the heart and of the world took up different levels of the foursome, making for six pairs in all. So I had a method for working backwards from real life examples "in the field" to a theoretical foundation for them.624 3-0

Pridėtos 27-30 eilutės:


Analyzing examples Conversing with: wholeness I studied the language of Argumentation by diagramming the principles that I took up over time as I pursued my business and laboratory, Minciu Sodas.613 30-0

Pakeistos 33-36 eilutės iš

Identifying regularities*** What are independent factors? Conversing with: regularity In studying narration and Lithuanian folk tales, I noticed that the tone of voice creating tension (forcing, commanding, explaining, caring) was constant in the beginning of the story and constant at the end. The voice receiving the tension was unfolded to involve ever more levels of Maslow's hierarchy, until the climax of the story was reached when the need for self-fulfillment was attacked, and then the character was folded back up again. This was all true in each story. In studying the counterquestions, I expressed each as a pair of a perspective and a situation.637 3-0

Expressing the essence as a relation of concepts*** What are the elements of an experience? Conversing with: concepts I formulated the seven counterquestions as perspectives placed in situations. I recognized the qualities of signs as pairs of levels from the foursome. Similarly, I recognized that I could express the secondary structures as injections of God of one level into a primary structure of another level. In studying verbalization, I realized that the deep issue of a good will exercise could be considered as built up from two concepts which are put together differently by the truth of the heart and the truth of the world.682 3-0


Distinguish different kinds of nodes in a diagram In studying argumentation, I analyzed how my principles unfolded in organizing my Minciu Sodas laboratory. In my diagram, I used different colors to distinguish different kinds of "driving ideas":

  • Black is for my personal principles. Those are reasonings that might not apply to other people, but seem to be fixed in my life, they are the definition of who I am. I'm morally bound to be true to them, to the extent that they express my person.
  • Blue is for my personal opinions. They are the conclusions I have drawn from my own experiences in my own situation. They might actually be wrong, but I live with them as the best that I can draw from my real life experience so far. They are practical observations about the world I live in.
  • Red is for my personal decisions. They are the choices that I have made to try to solve the pressures and conflicts of my principles and opinions. Usually it's the only positive choice that I can think of. But it's a choice that is optional, it's a step that I could have simply not taken.
  • Green is for my personal inspirations. They are the extra ideas that weren't necessary but I wanted to throw into my life. They are the ideas that represent the most freedom that I exercise.

I think that assigning the colors helped me think further, how does one thought extend another thought?1694 30-0

Pakeistos 55-74 eilutės iš

Completing a structure with an eighth perspective*** What is the bigger picture? I am familiar with many structures that have seven-eight perspectives. The seven perspectives form a complete system, yet there is an eighth perspective that looks from beyond the system. Thus I conjectured that there is an eight narrative that takes us from Caring to Commanding, and thus is a story of Creation. Likewise, I conjectured that there must be an eighth counterquestion that stands aside from any doubt, namely, What do I truly want?1446 20-1

What a structure must do, at a minimum In 1988, in Vilnius, I was studying Lithuanian folk tales in order to develop a theory of narration. I realized that I should break down a tale in terms of atomic units. I wondered, what is the nature of such a unit? What is its purpose? And I realized that, at a minimum, it must be able to keep our attention. I noticed that it must create tension, but soon enough, it must relax that tension. Only so can it keep our attention, by switching back and forth. This made it possible to define the unit. And I could it define it directly with regard to the listener or reader (!) and only indirectly, slightly arbitrarily, with regard to the teller or writer.1302 32-1

Analyzing examples Conversing with: wholeness I studied the language of Argumentation by diagramming the principles that I took up over time as I pursued my business and laboratory, Minciu Sodas.613 30-0

Distinguish different kinds of nodes in a diagram In studying argumentation, I analyzed how my principles unfolded in organizing my Minciu Sodas laboratory. In my diagram, I used different colors to distinguish different kinds of "driving ideas":

  • Black is for my personal principles. Those are reasonings that might not apply to other people, but seem to be fixed in my life, they are the definition of who I am. I'm morally bound to be true to them, to the extent that they express my person.
  • Blue is for my personal opinions. They are the conclusions I have drawn from my own experiences in my own situation. They might actually be wrong, but I live with them as the best that I can draw from my real life experience so far. They are practical observations about the world I live in.
  • Red is for my personal decisions. They are the choices that I have made to try to solve the pressures and conflicts of my principles and opinions. Usually it's the only positive choice that I can think of. But it's a choice that is optional, it's a step that I could have simply not taken.
  • Green is for my personal inspirations. They are the extra ideas that weren't necessary but I wanted to throw into my life. They are the ideas that represent the most freedom that I exercise.

I think that assigning the colors helped me think further, how does one thought extend another thought?1694 30-0

Immersing myself in a single example I spent much time analyzing the folk story "Ragana and Jonukas" as a representative example of folk stories in general. I wanted to understand the details and be able to explain their relevance.1544 30-0

Ask God a question Conversing with: answer In 1985, at the University of Chicago, I asked God, what kind of mathematics was important, and I understood him to say: walks on trees made of the elements of the threesome, which I denoted at the time as I (individual action), C (communal existence), U (universal thought), and I thought related to an infinite binary tree, which would be the case if I, C, U refered to the edges. I never quite knew what to make of that although I did prove a result about counting walks on trees and my thesis could be used to think further about this. I asked God, why did I have feelings for a woman who was too young for me, and he said it was because I will marry her. Also, when I prayed in the mornings, I would ask God a philosophical question and , which were very intense and generally more helpful indirectly. Now I mostly just listen to God, what does he have to say.712O-0

Hear from God in a dream Conversing with: God's perspective In dreams, I heard God say, "Those things are which show themselves to be" and "This is the fundamental unit of information" (a tableaux of large and small slashes)787 O-0

Pulling structures together Conversing with: totality I considered how to pull together all the conceptual structures I found, in my overview. I likewise considered how the Beatitudes (and Maslow's hierarchy of needs) served as a framework for the language of Narration.623 O-1



Example (612) Stories about the money mind 2006.09.03 Earlier this year I thought through with John Rogers an online learning environment for community currency design that was based on first hand knowledge of the money mind. In particular, we expected personal stories to play a key role. I had made for myself a list of my own personal experiences with money. Today I wrote up more than 60 of these vignettes and am sorting through them and analyzing them. I wanted to see how the data compared to the theory. These stories are little episodes in life that I recall and that I learn from. It seems to me that each of them focuses on one of three emotional dimensions: Calm vs. Riled; Positive vs. Negative; Sensitive vs. Insensitive. Each episode seems to help distinguish between the opposites in some way. 888 C2-1

Expressing the essence as a relation of concepts*** What are the elements of an experience? Conversing with: concepts In studying verbalization, I realized that the deep issue of a good will exercise could be considered as built up from two concepts which are put together differently by the truth of the heart and the truth of the world.682 3-0

Inverting conclusions Conversing with: conclusions As I considered the truths of the heart and of the world from some forty goodwill exercises, I noticed that both were related to their topic, but in different ways. Given a deep issue such as "helping", there was a truth of the heart, "I should help those who ask for help", and a truth of the world, "My help should not make things worse", each teaching something about "helping". I thought of the former as "accomodating of helping" and the latter as "helping of reprioritizing", and in general, I noticed that each truth was such a "double gerund". In the truth of the heart, the issue "helping" was qualified by "accomodating", whereas in the truth of the world, "helping" was a qualifier for "reprioritizing". I realized that "helping" could be defined as "accomodating of reprioritizing" and then realized that I could turn this process around. I could work backwards to ask, what are the truths of the heart and of the world about "accomodating"? how does it break down as a pair of gerunds? and work my way backwards to the most basic issue. And I knew the six most basic issues in that the truths of the heart and of the world took up different levels of the foursome, making for six pairs in all. So I had a method for working backwards from real life examples "in the field" to a theoretical foundation for them.624 3-0

2013 sausio 02 d., 06:27 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 1-53 eilutės:

Example (612) Stories about the money mind 2006.09.03 Earlier this year I thought through with John Rogers an online learning environment for community currency design that was based on first hand knowledge of the money mind. In particular, we expected personal stories to play a key role. I had made for myself a list of my own personal experiences with money. Today I wrote up more than 60 of these vignettes and am sorting through them and analyzing them. I wanted to see how the data compared to the theory. These stories are little episodes in life that I recall and that I learn from. It seems to me that each of them focuses on one of three emotional dimensions: Calm vs. Riled; Positive vs. Negative; Sensitive vs. Insensitive. Each episode seems to help distinguish between the opposites in some way. 888 C2-1

Assume self-consistency My study of narration, and Lithuanian folk tales in particular, yielded an interesting result, that the tone of voice (forcing, commanding, explaining or caring) at the the beginning of a story was constant, as well as at the end of the story, but the two tones of voice were different, which meant that something noteworthy happened in between. This theory was very fruitful because in each unit of narrative (where tension was created and relaxed) I could consider the tone of voice. Sometimes it was clear, and in the cases where it was note, I could infer it from the constancy. For example, I could deduce that crying was a form of commanding. Thus I built up a catalog of ways the tones of voice manifested themselves and then test that catalog to see if it indeed held true. I could build up such catalogs for various cultures and genres and even write computer programs to make such inferences, tests and deductions.1666 F-0

Restating structures Conversing with: science I was inspired by the works of Christopher Alexander and Stephen Toulmin, but I rethought and accepted their ideas from my own point of view.622 CB-1

Inverting conclusions Conversing with: conclusions As I considered the truths of the heart and of the world from some forty goodwill exercises, I noticed that both were related to their topic, but in different ways. Given a deep issue such as "helping", there was a truth of the heart, "I should help those who ask for help", and a truth of the world, "My help should not make things worse", each teaching something about "helping". I thought of the former as "accomodating of helping" and the latter as "helping of reprioritizing", and in general, I noticed that each truth was such a "double gerund". In the truth of the heart, the issue "helping" was qualified by "accomodating", whereas in the truth of the world, "helping" was a qualifier for "reprioritizing". I realized that "helping" could be defined as "accomodating of reprioritizing" and then realized that I could turn this process around. I could work backwards to ask, what are the truths of the heart and of the world about "accomodating"? how does it break down as a pair of gerunds? and work my way backwards to the most basic issue. And I knew the six most basic issues in that the truths of the heart and of the world took up different levels of the foursome, making for six pairs in all. So I had a method for working backwards from real life examples "in the field" to a theoretical foundation for them.624 3-0

Phenomena coincide in that they appear together Conversing with: identity In phonology, semiotics and other structural disciplines, there is a principle that two phenomena are the same if they appear together, so that no change in meaning is ever signified should one stay the same, but the other change. 795 3-0

Phenomena coincide in that they never appear together Conversing with: continuity In phonology, semiotics and other structural disciplines, there is a principle that two phenomena are the same if they never appear together. For example, Superman and Clark Kent must be the same person because they are never seen together.794 3-0

Diagram what follows from what Conversing with: assumptions In studying argumentation, I drew diagrams to track which principle builds on which principle. In studying ways of figuring things out, I likewise considered, which way depended on which.773 3-0

Identifying regularities*** What are independent factors? Conversing with: regularity In studying narration and Lithuanian folk tales, I noticed that the tone of voice creating tension (forcing, commanding, explaining, caring) was constant in the beginning of the story and constant at the end. The voice receiving the tension was unfolded to involve ever more levels of Maslow's hierarchy, until the climax of the story was reached when the need for self-fulfillment was attacked, and then the character was folded back up again. This was all true in each story. In studying the counterquestions, I expressed each as a pair of a perspective and a situation.637 3-0

Expressing the essence as a relation of concepts*** What are the elements of an experience? Conversing with: concepts I formulated the seven counterquestions as perspectives placed in situations. I recognized the qualities of signs as pairs of levels from the foursome. Similarly, I recognized that I could express the secondary structures as injections of God of one level into a primary structure of another level. In studying verbalization, I realized that the deep issue of a good will exercise could be considered as built up from two concepts which are put together differently by the truth of the heart and the truth of the world.682 3-0

How one thought extends another thought In studying argumentation, I drew a diagram of how my principles unfolded in organizing my Minciu Sodas laboratory. I then considered the ways in which one thought extends another thought, especially on that part Z given by God. I related them to the twelve topologies.

  • I can maintain a state Z. be; refuge for spirit
  • There are situations where I can address Z. do; opportunity to do good
  • Freedom is needed to resolve Z. think; good heart
  • Others have it different than me with regard to Z. one; existential question
  • I need to consider everybody regarding Z. all; collaborating fate
  • I can complete Z. many; peace
  • I focus on the essence of Z. object; knowledge from obedience
  • I admit my dependence regarding Z. process; duty to obey
  • I may wrongly pursue Z. subject; answered prayer
  • I am unrestrained with regard to Z. necessary; limits of mind
  • I take partial responsibility for Z. actual; inhuman wisdom
  • I must appreciate the opportunity of Z. possible; self-contradiction

They may relate to ways of figuring things out. 1695 10-1

Completing a structure with an eighth perspective*** What is the bigger picture? I am familiar with many structures that have seven-eight perspectives. The seven perspectives form a complete system, yet there is an eighth perspective that looks from beyond the system. Thus I conjectured that there is an eight narrative that takes us from Caring to Commanding, and thus is a story of Creation. Likewise, I conjectured that there must be an eighth counterquestion that stands aside from any doubt, namely, What do I truly want?1446 20-1

What a structure must do, at a minimum In 1988, in Vilnius, I was studying Lithuanian folk tales in order to develop a theory of narration. I realized that I should break down a tale in terms of atomic units. I wondered, what is the nature of such a unit? What is its purpose? And I realized that, at a minimum, it must be able to keep our attention. I noticed that it must create tension, but soon enough, it must relax that tension. Only so can it keep our attention, by switching back and forth. This made it possible to define the unit. And I could it define it directly with regard to the listener or reader (!) and only indirectly, slightly arbitrarily, with regard to the teller or writer.1302 32-1

Analyzing examples Conversing with: wholeness I studied the language of Argumentation by diagramming the principles that I took up over time as I pursued my business and laboratory, Minciu Sodas.613 30-0

Distinguish different kinds of nodes in a diagram In studying argumentation, I analyzed how my principles unfolded in organizing my Minciu Sodas laboratory. In my diagram, I used different colors to distinguish different kinds of "driving ideas":

  • Black is for my personal principles. Those are reasonings that might not apply to other people, but seem to be fixed in my life, they are the definition of who I am. I'm morally bound to be true to them, to the extent that they express my person.
  • Blue is for my personal opinions. They are the conclusions I have drawn from my own experiences in my own situation. They might actually be wrong, but I live with them as the best that I can draw from my real life experience so far. They are practical observations about the world I live in.
  • Red is for my personal decisions. They are the choices that I have made to try to solve the pressures and conflicts of my principles and opinions. Usually it's the only positive choice that I can think of. But it's a choice that is optional, it's a step that I could have simply not taken.
  • Green is for my personal inspirations. They are the extra ideas that weren't necessary but I wanted to throw into my life. They are the ideas that represent the most freedom that I exercise.

I think that assigning the colors helped me think further, how does one thought extend another thought?1694 30-0

Immersing myself in a single example I spent much time analyzing the folk story "Ragana and Jonukas" as a representative example of folk stories in general. I wanted to understand the details and be able to explain their relevance.1544 30-0

Ask God a question Conversing with: answer In 1985, at the University of Chicago, I asked God, what kind of mathematics was important, and I understood him to say: walks on trees made of the elements of the threesome, which I denoted at the time as I (individual action), C (communal existence), U (universal thought), and I thought related to an infinite binary tree, which would be the case if I, C, U refered to the edges. I never quite knew what to make of that although I did prove a result about counting walks on trees and my thesis could be used to think further about this. I asked God, why did I have feelings for a woman who was too young for me, and he said it was because I will marry her. Also, when I prayed in the mornings, I would ask God a philosophical question and , which were very intense and generally more helpful indirectly. Now I mostly just listen to God, what does he have to say.712O-0

Hear from God in a dream Conversing with: God's perspective In dreams, I heard God say, "Those things are which show themselves to be" and "This is the fundamental unit of information" (a tableaux of large and small slashes)787 O-0

Pulling structures together Conversing with: totality I considered how to pull together all the conceptual structures I found, in my overview. I likewise considered how the Beatitudes (and Maslow's hierarchy of needs) served as a framework for the language of Narration.623 O-1


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