Iš Gvildenu svetainės

Mintys: JėzausPasisakymai

Dievas Sūnus, Aštuonerybė, Poreikiai

I studied the gospel of Matthew, which has many of Christ's parables, to see what are the contents of Christ's sayings . I found them to be the following eight:

I think they express the same ideas as [IAmStatements Christ's statements "I am..."], but as practical precepts, for us to follow. Christ states them neutrally - the middle six precepts are useful for people both good and bad - because they simply point out the consequences of how we apply our operating principles, with respect to the entirety (as in the case of Christ's statements "I am..." ), or with respect to ourselves.

They also relate to the DirectionsFromTheGood.

What you believe is what happens - this is the fact that there is one truth and so the truth we believe and the truth that happens must be the same truth.

What you find is what you love - this is the fact that there is one love and so God's love for us (through what we find) and our love is the same love.

The other six statements are perhaps extrapolations from love to truth.


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Puslapis paskutinį kartą pakeistas 2022 lapkričio 04 d., 14:57