Iš Gvildenu svetainės

Mintys: Aštuonerybė

Klaidos, Rūpesčiai, Branda, Septynerybė, Bendra sandara

Kaip aštuonerybė grindžia tarpą?


Aštuonerybe vadinu Dievo sūnaus sandarą Dievo šokyje. Ją sieju su padalinimų ratu, taip pat su aštuongubu keliu ir kitais netroškimais.

Aštuonerybė yra tuo pačiu visko padalinimas į aštuonis požiūrius, tad jinai prieštarauja sau ir prilygsta nulybei. Jinai susidaro iš ketverybės ir gyvenimo lygties kryžiaus. Šias dvi sandaras atskyrus galima bene apriboti prieštaravimą. Jinai išsako klaidų rūšis.



Bendra sandara

Kadaise (maždaug 1999-2002?) keletą metų nesėkmingai ieškojau bendros sandaros (general structure) grindžiančios keturias pirmines sandaras. Galiausiai nusprendžiau, kad ta bendra sandara tėra +0 lygmens pirminė sandara, būtent poreikių sandara. Taip pat pamąstydavau, kad tai yra aštuonerybė. Kada pirmines sandaras suprantame kaip mūsų santykius, Dievo troškimais, su Dievu, ir jeigu pasišaliname, tai gali likti visaregis, kuriuo Dievas per mus regi viską.

2016 m. apžvelgiau ir surūšiavau savo klaidas, gavosi dvi poros Toulmin ketverybės. 2017 m. surūšiavau rūpesčius, atpažinau šešis atvaizdus ir dar dvi papildomas rūšis. Rūpesčius susiejau su klaidomis. Panašiai, brandą surūšiavau ir įžvelgiau Dievo rūpesčius. Susiejau su aštuonerybe - su ketverybe ir gyvenimo lygtimi. Paskui bemąstydamas ryšį tarp Dievo šokio ir žmogaus elgesio, supratau, kad Sūnaus aštuongubą kelią verčiau suprasčiau, kaip šią aštuonerybę, susidedančią iš ketverybės ir gyvenimo lygties, ir esančią bendrą santvarką, iš kurios kildenamos pirminės sandaros.

I noticed the EightfoldWay and its three canonical forms in 1987-1988. In 1994 I noticed the OperatingPrinciples and then in 1995 I related them to the IAmStatements. In 1995 I came up with a model for the EmotionalResponses. In 1996 I noticed the Counterquestions and came up with a model for them. All of these models consisted of seven/eight perspectives and I presumed that they were related to the eightfold way. But it was all so complex that I couldn't find a general approach. Then in 1998 I decided to think of all the structures in terms of their purposes, what they were accomplishing. I was able to distinguish between that were useful in their own right (which I called the PrimaryStructures) and those that were auxiliary, useful as part of a structural language (and I called them SecondaryStructures). I noted that there were four primary and six secondary structures. In 1999, I realized that the latter six could be thought of as injections of the other four, in that the Divisions can be derived by way of God taking up the Counterquestions. I needed to find a general approach. So I rethought the EmotionalResponses by doing a study of Jesus' emotions in the Gospel of Mark, and thereby coming up with his speaking to the good, which I related to the DirectionsFromTheGood. I then looked for a GeneralStructure that would have what is common to all four PrimaryStructures. I was able to work out diagrams which made clear the similarity in structures. These were thought through by thinking about the roles of why, how and what, for example, in the counterquestions as opposed to the eightfold way. But it appeared that any general structure would simply be the simplest of the four structures, EverythingWishesForNothing. Meanwhile, some key ideas fell into place: the distinction between Life and EternalLife, the idea that the structures are what allows others to see themselves through us, and an AlgebraOfViews. Now a helpful distinction is between the observer and their observational plane.


God has four representations:

A "structural framework" expresses what is beyond a representation of God. They describe the life that we find ourselves in. There are four such frameworks, one for each representation.

Each of these structural frameworks has much in common, so we might speak of a Structural Framework. Each framework consists of eight perspectives.

God goes beyond himself. They give God's view.

General structure

Here are properties of general structure, they are common to all four primary structures:


Aštuonerybė sieja ketverybę ir požiūrio lygtį

Aštuonerybėje glūdi trejybės ratas

7+1=0, 6+2=0 (dvejybė yra pasirinkimas), 5+3=0 (trejybė yra trejybės ratas, trys matai erdvės, o penkerybėje glūdi vienas matas, laiko matas)

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Puslapis paskutinį kartą pakeistas 2024 balandžio 18 d., 20:20