






Mintys.GodsMind istorija

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2024 sausio 31 d., 19:55 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 17 eilutė iš:

More photos and info at http://www.selflearners.net


More photos and info at ...

2020 gegužės 21 d., 14:06 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 1 eilutė iš:
2020 gegužės 21 d., 14:06 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 3-4 eilutės:

Mano paroda vyko 2012 m. balandio mėn. 1 d., South Side Community Art Center. Executive Director Heather Robinson.

Pridėtos 11-18 eilutės:

"God's Mind" is the sum of Andrius Kulikauskas's life work to know everything. He covers the walls with large canvases illustrating the world views of God, I, You and Other. How do we cross the river, the idea that God doesn't have to be good? Do we hop from rock to rock, or hold hands, or get hurled across? We arrive at Uzhupis, which means "across the river". And so we also celebrate the Independence Day of the Republic of Uzhupis, an artist neighborhood in Vilnius, Lithuania.

"God's Mind" opens Sunday, April 1, 3:00pm-6:00pm, at the historic South Side Community Art Center, 3831 S Michigan Ave, Bronzeville, Chicago. "God's Mind" closes April 29.

More photos and info at http://www.selflearners.net

Pridėtos 20-22 eilutės:

Čikagoje bus minima Užupio nepriklausomybės diena

2020 gegužės 21 d., 13:47 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėta 9 eilutė:

Pridėtos 12-13 eilutės:

Mintys pabendravus su Lou Kauffman ir kitais.

Ištrintos 37-38 eilutės:

2020 gegužės 21 d., 13:44 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 7-68 eilutės iš

Come to our opening on Palm Sunday, April 1, 3:00 pm at the historic Southside Community Art Center, 3831 S.Michigan Ave.. We celebrate the 15th Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence of the Republic of Uzhupis, an artist neighborhood in Vilnius, Lithuania. Uzhupis means "across the river" and is the utopic state of heart which we live in Bronzeville as well. Our festivities include induction of new ambassadors, a sip of Uzhupis beer, brewed in Chicago, and a video bridge with our friends in Uzhupis.


Come to our opening on Palm Sunday, April 1, 3:00 pm at the historic Southside Community Art Center, 3831 S.Michigan Ave.. We celebrate the 15th Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence of the Republic of Uzhupis, an artist neighborhood in Vilnius, Lithuania. Uzhupis means "across the river" and is the utopic state of heart which we live in Bronzeville as well. Our festivities include induction of new ambassadors, a sip of Uzhupis beer, brewed in Chicago, and a video bridge with our friends in Uzhupis.

Susijusios mintys

Using art to think through my prejudices, biases. Reflecting them with the colors.

You can't lie if you don't care. You must assent.

Understanding is segregating our thinking from our doing, thus planning, being conscious, unlike God. God becomes conscious through God's will latent within God.

Fundamental choice: When we look at God's eyes (or my eyes) we can choose to look at them or see through them.

  • there is more to see
  • seeing through an example
  • seeing through the eyes of a hypothetical person (other) - good will - try out a point of view - unity
  • how you bring the wedge in

Avoid evil - don't take up perspectives that won't let you take (your) perspectives, avoid getting trapped - Russel's paradox?

God is looking in the right direction, I is looking in the wrong direction, and so I is the "child" and God is the "parent", and recognizing this allows I to be the "lost child" who goes where his parents would look for him. I's looking is or would be "correct" if I looked through God's eyes.

God doesn't have expectations because God is not conscious and so prefers peace; but we have expectations because we are conscious and so we prefer happiness.

The blue child wants freedom, gap, slack to think on their own, figure things out, take small leaps, go on their own.

Human has rising consciousness (I,You,Other) compared with God and then allow God to be conscious through God's will.

Live by looking through people, not at them.

How is it possible for the world to evolve in such a way that people's absolutism evaporates?

How could society evolve to become more open?

We are "feeling ends" of God in this world. Don't assume God is complete. God as God's potential. God wishes. God can be represented only through his wishes, through his equivalence with his potentiality. God's potentiality is Love or God's Will?

How for people to see where they are stuck? and want to be unstuck? (Įvardijimas, širdies ir pasaulio tiesos. Palyginti su nesusivedimais) How to see what truth various worldviews contribute and what truth doesn't it?

God helps those who help themselves...

Absolute evil is not part of Jewish theology; nor is there a deification of absolute evil.

Do they think about the culture?

Buddhism deals with suffering

Art as a means for creating this culture.

Simi: Getting people to listen to themselves (silence allows for thoughts coming to the surface). Lou mentioned meditation.

You = not wishes?

God is headstrong... so why and how is God's trinity based on understanding? Is there a reverse engineering of God, from his potentiality, endowing him with "intelligence", "understanding" through the operation +1 ? Or is this consciousness (+3) of God, perhaps God's self-consciousness?

God, I, You, Other - persons - get turned around as God, Goodness, Life, Eternal Life.

You is outside of God's growing, I is inside of God's growing, Other is God's growing.

Is God's potential given by Good Will? or by Love? I think by Good Will.

Is God open to a wider fellowship from beyond God?

2020 gegužės 21 d., 13:43 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 1-7 eilutės:

Šviesuolių veikla

God's Mind

"God's Mind" is thinker/artist Andrius Kulikauskas's transformation of one room into the sum of all knowledge. God starts and ends with the question, "Am I necessary? ... to them all?" It is the story of the good kid and the bad kid, of God inside and God outside, of how they and we are one or not. We must cross the river, the idea that "God does not have to be good!", whether by hopping from rock to rock in the shallows, or holding hands in a human chain, or "hitting bottom" and getting thrown across the rapids. We end up with a mind to learn, grow, live forever, here and now! Andrius engages our minds and provokes our hearts by engulfing us with black, white, blue, red and yellow fabrics; big, bright, bold paint strokes; dramatic scenes of himself and those he loves; and the many structures that frame our lives. God moves us to reach out beyond ourselves and do all the good we may do.

Come to our opening on Palm Sunday, April 1, 3:00 pm at the historic Southside Community Art Center, 3831 S.Michigan Ave.. We celebrate the 15th Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence of the Republic of Uzhupis, an artist neighborhood in Vilnius, Lithuania. Uzhupis means "across the river" and is the utopic state of heart which we live in Bronzeville as well. Our festivities include induction of new ambassadors, a sip of Uzhupis beer, brewed in Chicago, and a video bridge with our friends in Uzhupis.


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Įvadas #E9F5FC

Klausimai #FFFFC0

Teiginiai #FFFFFF

Kitų mintys #EFCFE1

Dievas man #FFECC0

Iš ankščiau #CCFFCC

Mieli skaitytojai, visa mano kūryba ir kartu visi šie puslapiai yra visuomenės turtas, kuriuo visi kviečiami laisvai naudotis, dalintis, visaip perkurti. - Andrius


Puslapis paskutinį kartą pakeistas 2024 sausio 31 d., 19:55