






Mintys.NoreikaPristatymasEiga istorija

Rodyti nežymius pakeitimus - Rodyti kodo pakeitimus

2019 vasario 07 d., 19:20 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 18-19 eilutės iš
  • Near the end of the avenue, close to Babrungo River, stood a bookstore that had been a printing shop at the time of the uprising. Damijonas recounted that, three months before the rebellion, he and two other men had taken a mimeograph machine (rotatorius) from this shop, to print proclamations. An employee had set the machine on a basement window sill, to allow it to be carried to the home of Damijonas’s aunt at Vaižganto 63, four blocks away. Damijonas obtained a thousand sheets of paper, which he said he’d purchased by soliciting donations from Plungė residents. Later, I wondered if he had, in fact, received the paper from the Germans.
  • Using a stencil (trafaretas) to copy the proclamation’s text, the three-person team took turns throughout the night, hand-cranking the thousand sheets. Afterward, they wiped the stencil with kerosene (žibalu), “so that not even a dog could smell that it was used during the night.” At dawn, one man returned the mimeograph machine (rotatorius) to the windowsill while another stuffed copies into strategically placed bundles of straw throughout town. The next morning, the townspeople searched the bundles for directives. Sometimes they’d find a snake that had crawled into the straw, said Damijonas, chuckling. “What did the directives say?” I inquired. “I don’t remember. The proclamations came from the LAF in Berlin.” He was unusually quiet for several seconds. “Don’t you have any copies in your archives?” I persisted. “You made a thousand copies! That big wall in your apartment, behind the curtain, that’s filled with paper? Didn’t you save at least one of the directives?” “Unfortunately, I didn’t.” “What a shame.”

Žr.Silvios knygą apie atsišaukimo spausdinimą.

2019 sausio 14 d., 04:29 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 19-24 eilutės iš
  • Using a stencil (trafaretas) to copy the proclamation’s text, the three-person team took turns throughout the night, hand-cranking the thousand sheets. Afterward, they wiped the stencil with kerosene (žibalu), “so that not even a dog could smell that it was used during the night.” At dawn, one man returned the mimeograph machine (rotatorius) to the windowsill while another stuffed copies into strategically placed bundles of straw throughout town. The next morning, the townspeople searched the bundles for directives. Sometimes they’d find a snake that had crawled into the straw, said Damijonas, chuckling. “What did the directives say?” I inquired. “I don’t remember. The proclamations came from the LAF in Berlin.” He was unusually quiet for several seconds. “Don’t you have any copies in your archives?” I persisted. “You made a thousand copies! That big wall in your apartment, behind the curtain, that’s filled with paper? Didn’t you save at least one of the directives?” “Unfortunately, I didn’t.” “What a shame.”
  • Using a stencil (trafaretas) to copy the proclamation’s text, the three-person team took turns throughout the night, hand-cranking the thousand sheets. Afterward, they wiped the stencil with kerosene (žibalu), “so that not even a dog could smell that it was used during the night.” At dawn, one man returned the mimeograph machine (rotatorius) to the windowsill while another stuffed copies into strategically placed bundles of straw throughout town. The next morning, the townspeople searched the bundles for directives. Sometimes they’d find a snake that had crawled into the straw, said Damijonas, chuckling. “What did the directives say?” I inquired. “I don’t remember. The proclamations came from the LAF in Berlin.” He was unusually quiet for several seconds. “Don’t you have any copies in your archives?” I persisted. “You made a thousand copies! That big wall in your apartment, behind the curtain, that’s filled with paper? Didn’t you save at least one of the directives?” “Unfortunately, I didn’t.” “What a shame.”

LKP fonde f.3377, a.55, b.126

  • l.233-241 Antano Girčiaus parodymai Buvo Rietavo TDA būrio narys. Būryje buvo 300 narių. Tarp kitų būrio narių mini Remeikį kuris pratustėjęs iš žydų turto 1942 atidarė savo parduotuvę. 238-239 pasakoja kaip prie sinagogos kapitono Juozaičio įsakytas sušaudė du žydus Plungėje.
  • Pridavęs areštantą, aš nuėjau pietauti ir tuo metu pamačiau, kad visa Rietavo gatvė apimta gaisro. Aš nubėgau Rietavo gatve ir pamačiau du nežinomus žydus, kurie slėpėsi prie kalvės. Aš pasiėmiau juos su savimio ir nuėjau į žydų maldos namus, kur buvo saugomi visi areštuoti žydai. Prie sinagogos mane sustabdė, buvusios Lietuvos kariuomenės kapitonas Juozaitis ir įsakė sušaudyti vietoje mano areštuotus du žydus. Tada mes žydus pastatėmė prie žydų sinagogos sienos, patys stovėjome 20 metrų ir salve iššovėme. . Sušaudyme mūsų dalyvavo viso 8 žmonės,t.y. aš, kapitonas Juozaitis ir dar šeši žmonės baltųjų banditų iš Plungės miesto. Aš buvau ginkluotas rusišku šautuvu ir iš jo šaudžiau. Iš 20 metrų atstumo šaudamas iš šautuvo aš prašauti negalėjau, nes šaudžiau neprastai ir šautuvas buvo prišaudytas. Aš įsitikinęs , kad mano paleista kulka, pataikė į tikslą ir atėmė vieno žmogaus gyvybę. Po sušaudymo aš susiradau savo arklius ir išvažuiavau namo, Kelyje į Rietavą aš sutikau mūsų baltųjų banditų būrio dalyvį Bronių Durką ir su juo parvažiavau namo. Apie mano sušaudytus žydus aš niekam niekada nepasakojau.
2019 sausio 14 d., 03:00 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 18-19 eilutės iš
  • Near the end of the avenue, close to Babrungo River, stood a bookstore that had been a printing shop at the time of the uprising. Damijonas recounted that, three months before the rebellion, he and two other men had taken a mimeograph machine from this shop, to print proclamations. An employee had set the machine on a basement window sill, to allow it to be carried to the home of Damijonas’s aunt at Vaižganto 63, four blocks away. Damijonas obtained a thousand sheets of paper, which he said he’d purchased by soliciting donations from Plungė residents. Later, I wondered if he had, in fact, received the paper from the Germans.
  • Using a stencil to copy the proclamation’s text, the three-person team took turns throughout the night, hand-cranking the thousand sheets. Afterward, they wiped the stencil with kerosene, “so that not even a dog could smell that it was used during the night.” At dawn, one man returned the mimeograph machine to the windowsill while another stuffed copies into strategically placed bundles of straw throughout town. The next morning, the townspeople searched the bundles for directives. Sometimes they’d find a snake that had crawled into the straw, said Damijonas, chuckling. “What did the directives say?” I inquired. “I don’t remember. The proclamations came from the LAF in Berlin.” He was unusually quiet for several seconds. “Don’t you have any copies in your archives?” I persisted. “You made a thousand copies! That big wall in your apartment, behind the curtain, that’s filled with paper? Didn’t you save at least one of the directives?” “Unfortunately, I didn’t.” “What a shame.”
  • Near the end of the avenue, close to Babrungo River, stood a bookstore that had been a printing shop at the time of the uprising. Damijonas recounted that, three months before the rebellion, he and two other men had taken a mimeograph machine (rotatorius) from this shop, to print proclamations. An employee had set the machine on a basement window sill, to allow it to be carried to the home of Damijonas’s aunt at Vaižganto 63, four blocks away. Damijonas obtained a thousand sheets of paper, which he said he’d purchased by soliciting donations from Plungė residents. Later, I wondered if he had, in fact, received the paper from the Germans.
  • Using a stencil (trafaretas) to copy the proclamation’s text, the three-person team took turns throughout the night, hand-cranking the thousand sheets. Afterward, they wiped the stencil with kerosene (žibalu), “so that not even a dog could smell that it was used during the night.” At dawn, one man returned the mimeograph machine (rotatorius) to the windowsill while another stuffed copies into strategically placed bundles of straw throughout town. The next morning, the townspeople searched the bundles for directives. Sometimes they’d find a snake that had crawled into the straw, said Damijonas, chuckling. “What did the directives say?” I inquired. “I don’t remember. The proclamations came from the LAF in Berlin.” He was unusually quiet for several seconds. “Don’t you have any copies in your archives?” I persisted. “You made a thousand copies! That big wall in your apartment, behind the curtain, that’s filled with paper? Didn’t you save at least one of the directives?” “Unfortunately, I didn’t.” “What a shame.”
2019 sausio 14 d., 02:56 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 19-25 eilutės iš

Using a stencil to copy the proclamation’s text, the three-person team took turns throughout the night, hand-cranking the thousand sheets. Afterward, they wiped the stencil with kerosene, “so that not even a dog could smell that it was used during the night.” At dawn, one man returned the mimeograph machine to the windowsill while another stuffed copies into strategically placed bundles of straw throughout town. The next morning, the townspeople searched the bundles for directives. Sometimes they’d find a snake that had crawled into the straw, said Damijonas, chuckling. “What did the directives say?” I inquired. “I don’t remember. The proclamations came from the LAF in Berlin.” He was unusually quiet for several seconds. “Don’t you have any copies in your archives?” I persisted. “You made a thousand copies! That big wall in your apartment, behind the curtain, that’s filled with paper? Didn’t you save at least one of the directives?” “Unfortunately, I didn’t.” “What a shame.”

  • Using a stencil to copy the proclamation’s text, the three-person team took turns throughout the night, hand-cranking the thousand sheets. Afterward, they wiped the stencil with kerosene, “so that not even a dog could smell that it was used during the night.” At dawn, one man returned the mimeograph machine to the windowsill while another stuffed copies into strategically placed bundles of straw throughout town. The next morning, the townspeople searched the bundles for directives. Sometimes they’d find a snake that had crawled into the straw, said Damijonas, chuckling. “What did the directives say?” I inquired. “I don’t remember. The proclamations came from the LAF in Berlin.” He was unusually quiet for several seconds. “Don’t you have any copies in your archives?” I persisted. “You made a thousand copies! That big wall in your apartment, behind the curtain, that’s filled with paper? Didn’t you save at least one of the directives?” “Unfortunately, I didn’t.” “What a shame.”
2019 sausio 14 d., 02:56 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 22-23 eilutės iš

“I don’t remember. The proclamations came from the LAF in Berlin.”

 He was unusually quiet for several seconds. 

“I don’t remember. The proclamations came from the LAF in Berlin.” He was unusually quiet for several seconds.

2019 sausio 14 d., 02:32 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 15-26 eilutės iš

17) PRESENTATION We then go through the chronology of the crimes, showing the documents that pinpoint Noreika's activity, and describing how the crimes unfolded day by day. As we do this, we point out the absurdity of the Genocide Center's counterarguments. And we note time and time again how Noreika could have intervened but how instead he united the community in crime. We note the absurdity of claiming his ignorance of what was going on. We show that he was appointed as Šiauliai District Chief precisely because of his experience in the Holocaust. We go through his activity up until the Žagarė killings.


17) PRESENTATION We then go through the chronology of the crimes, showing the documents that pinpoint Noreika's activity, and describing how the crimes unfolded day by day. As we do this, we point out the absurdity of the Genocide Center's counterarguments. And we note time and time again how Noreika could have intervened but how instead he united the community in crime. We note the absurdity of claiming his ignorance of what was going on. We show that he was appointed as Šiauliai District Chief precisely because of his experience in the Holocaust. We go through his activity up until the Žagarė killings.

  • Near the end of the avenue, close to Babrungo River, stood a bookstore that had been a printing shop at the time of the uprising. Damijonas recounted that, three months before the rebellion, he and two other men had taken a mimeograph machine from this shop, to print proclamations. An employee had set the machine on a basement window sill, to allow it to be carried to the home of Damijonas’s aunt at Vaižganto 63, four blocks away. Damijonas obtained a thousand sheets of paper, which he said he’d purchased by soliciting donations from Plungė residents. Later, I wondered if he had, in fact, received the paper from the Germans.

Using a stencil to copy the proclamation’s text, the three-person team took turns throughout the night, hand-cranking the thousand sheets. Afterward, they wiped the stencil with kerosene, “so that not even a dog could smell that it was used during the night.” At dawn, one man returned the mimeograph machine to the windowsill while another stuffed copies into strategically placed bundles of straw throughout town. The next morning, the townspeople searched the bundles for directives. Sometimes they’d find a snake that had crawled into the straw, said Damijonas, chuckling. “What did the directives say?” I inquired. “I don’t remember. The proclamations came from the LAF in Berlin.”

 He was unusually quiet for several seconds. 

“Don’t you have any copies in your archives?” I persisted. “You made a thousand copies! That big wall in your apartment, behind the curtain, that’s filled with paper? Didn’t you save at least one of the directives?” “Unfortunately, I didn’t.” “What a shame.”

2019 sausio 13 d., 19:15 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 2-7 eilutės:

LAF Telšiai - anot Rukšėno - 3 pagrindiniai įvykiai, įtvirtinantys Lietuvos laimėjimus

  • Žemaičių žemės delegacija - Laikinosios vyriausybės pasveikinimas
  • karo lauko teismai - priešų persekiojimas
  • LNP ir LAF sutaikymas
2019 sausio 12 d., 12:31 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 2-7 eilutės:

Svarbiausi įvykiai

  • LAF atsiradimas - Škirpos sukurti melagingi padavimai
  • Brangūs vergaujantys broliai - Lietuvos mokesčių mokėtojų - vokiečiai nepatenkinti
2019 sausio 12 d., 12:19 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 1-3 eilutės:

Žr. Noreika pristatymas

17) PRESENTATION We then go through the chronology of the crimes, showing the documents that pinpoint Noreika's activity, and describing how the crimes unfolded day by day. As we do this, we point out the absurdity of the Genocide Center's counterarguments. And we note time and time again how Noreika could have intervened but how instead he united the community in crime. We note the absurdity of claiming his ignorance of what was going on. We show that he was appointed as Šiauliai District Chief precisely because of his experience in the Holocaust. We go through his activity up until the Žagarė killings.


Naujausi pakeitimai



Įvadas #E9F5FC

Klausimai #FFFFC0

Teiginiai #FFFFFF

Kitų mintys #EFCFE1

Dievas man #FFECC0

Iš ankščiau #CCFFCC

Mieli skaitytojai, visa mano kūryba ir kartu visi šie puslapiai yra visuomenės turtas, kuriuo visi kviečiami laisvai naudotis, dalintis, visaip perkurti. - Andrius


Puslapis paskutinį kartą pakeistas 2019 vasario 07 d., 19:20