






Mintys.VilniausGaonoIšsiaiškinimoBūdai istorija

Rodyti nežymius pakeitimus - Rodyti galutinio teksto pakeitimus

2019 lapkričio 15 d., 15:12 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 194-233 eilutės:

Vilniaus Gaono vienišumas kaip Lietuvos civilizacijos šviesybė.

The Vilna Gaon as "the ordinary person", the upshot of all the Torah knowledge. Lithuanian civilization - Lithuanian ethnic characteristic - Litvak characteristic - the ordinary person.

Three aspects of reclusivity - absolute devotion to the Torah, complete removal of distractions, being an ordinary person

* Vilniaus Gaono išsiaiškinimo būdai, kaip raktas į Lietuvos šviesybę.
* Kaip Vilniaus Gaonas gali įsipinti į mūsų laikus.
* Per jo išgyvenimus, susipažinti su jo mintimis, ir su šventuoju raštu.
* Per savo išgyvenimus, ir savo šeimų išgyvenimus, susipažinti su mūsų laikmečio išgyvenimais.
* Augant susidomėjimu jo gyvenimu, ir žydų kultūra, padaryti tai labiau prieinama.
* Žydų kultūra ir ypač Vilniaus Gaonas kaip raktas į Lietuvos didžiąją kunigaikštystę.
* "Palikti ramybėje" - ramybės reikšmė, jos suveikimas pasrovėmis - kaip veikia pasrovės - šventraščiuose ir gyvenimuose.
* Kaip žydų kapinės galėtų būti židiniu tokio mokslo.
* Kaip ir kodėl litvakai paveikti lietuvių.
* Vytautas Didysis? spektras aktyvumo ir pasyvumo. Jie vienas kitą atsveria. Panašiai, Voldemaro ir Smetonos aktyvumas ir pasyvumas.
* Sukurti lietuvišką civilizaciją.
* Reclusivity - Lietuva pelkėse, didžiųjų migracijų nepaliesta.
* Jin ir jang - Alpha Zero smauglys ar Stockfish
* Ką reiškia ekskomunikaciją žmogui, kuris vertina vienatvę?
* Torą suprasti mokslo pagrindu - tad ir išgyvenimų mokslu
* Hierarchija išgyvenimų, nuo mūsų iki šventraščio - bandant juos naujai suprasti
* Pasyvumas Holokausto akivaizdoje
* [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pardes_(Jewish_exegesis) | Jewish exegesis]] - [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peshat | Peshat]] over [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pilpul | Pilpul]].
* [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Misnagdim | Misnagdim]]
* [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perushim | Perushim]]
* Gaono santykis su Dievu, kaip jis su juo bendravo.

the Gaon returned to Vilna and his family. It was 1748, and he was only twenty-eight years old. The leaders of the community allotted him a small weekly sum from the fund established by his great-great-grandfather, Rabbi Moshe Rivkas, for the support of men who dedicated themselves completely to Torah study. BL 41


* [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vilna_Gaon | Wikipedia: Vilna Gaon]]
* [[https://www.etzion.org.il/en/separation-worldly-perishut | The Vilna Gaon. Rav Elyakim Krumbein Shiur #10: Separation from the worldly: Perishut.]]
* [[https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Translation:Ayil_Meshulash | Ayil Meshulash]] matematika ir astronomija
* [[Attach:TheGenius.pdf | The Genius]]
2019 lapkričio 15 d., 12:42 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Ištrintos 52-55 eilutės:

POLYNOMIAL (Look from different sides.) Discussing the issue with somebody (also: Noting contradictions. Completing a half-formed thought.)
* "Reb Chaim expressed astonishment at the idea that he could possibly offer enlightenment on anything that had eluded the Gaon, but the Gaon insisted that two heads are always better than one and that he would benefit from having someone with whom to discuss the issue. As the Gaon began to present all the contradictions that he had found in this particular topic, Reb Chaim listened carefully. Suddenly a possible approach to resolving difficulties appeared to him, but he found himself unable to express it fully. At that moment, the Gaon's eyes lit up, and he completed the half-formed thought that Reb Chaim had begun. BL-44
* General method (against pilpul): Understand what they say and take them for what they mean. And identify errors in a text. (Takes wide shoulders.) Would fast before ever undertaking a change in the text.
Pridėtos 55-58 eilutės:

POLYNOMIAL (Look from different sides.) Discussing the issue with somebody (also: Noting contradictions. Completing a half-formed thought.)
* "Reb Chaim expressed astonishment at the idea that he could possibly offer enlightenment on anything that had eluded the Gaon, but the Gaon insisted that two heads are always better than one and that he would benefit from having someone with whom to discuss the issue. As the Gaon began to present all the contradictions that he had found in this particular topic, Reb Chaim listened carefully. Suddenly a possible approach to resolving difficulties appeared to him, but he found himself unable to express it fully. At that moment, the Gaon's eyes lit up, and he completed the half-formed thought that Reb Chaim had begun. BL-44
* General method (against pilpul): Understand what they say and take them for what they mean. And identify errors in a text. (Takes wide shoulders.) Would fast before ever undertaking a change in the text.
2019 lapkričio 14 d., 23:24 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 169 eilutė iš:
* What is not conceivable or expressible to the human mind - the divine unity of the Torah, beyond human language.
* What is not conceivable or expressible to the human mind - the underlying divine unity of the Torah, beyond human language - which we can appreciate by recognizing our mind's insufficiencies.
2019 lapkričio 14 d., 23:19 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėta 134 eilutė:
* The various "forms" of the Torah, as when Moses wrote the "hidden" form regarding his death, but Joshua wrote the literal form. Could not have disagreement on the same level: could not have Moses write about his future death as if it already happened.
2019 lapkričio 14 d., 23:14 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėta 168 eilutė:
* What is not conceivable or expressible to the human mind - the divine unity of the Torah, beyond human language.
2019 lapkričio 14 d., 23:02 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 133 eilutė iš:
* Three layers of commentary. (On Esther). PaRDeS is an acronym for Pshat, Remez, Drush and Sod. Pshat is the most basic literal, traditional meaning. Remez searches for hints and allusions, using linguistic analysis and gematria. Drush, is the homiletic exposition, and derivation of legal rulings. Sod is the secret, esoteric interpretation, the subject of Kabbalah.
* Three layers of commentary. (On Esther: Pshat, Remez, Sod). PaRDeS is an acronym for Pshat, Remez, Drush and Sod. Pshat is the most basic literal, traditional meaning. Remez searches for hints and allusions, using linguistic analysis and gematria. Drush, is the homiletic exposition, and derivation of legal rulings. Sod is the secret, esoteric interpretation, the subject of Kabbalah.
2019 lapkričio 14 d., 23:00 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėta 133 eilutė:
* Three layers of commentary. (On Esther). PaRDeS is an acronym for Pshat, Remez, Drush and Sod. Pshat is the most basic literal, traditional meaning. Remez searches for hints and allusions, using linguistic analysis and gematria. Drush, is the homiletic exposition, and derivation of legal rulings. Sod is the secret, esoteric interpretation, the subject of Kabbalah.
2019 lapkričio 14 d., 22:50 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėta 56 eilutė:
* General method (against pilpul): Understand what they say and take them for what they mean. And identify errors in a text. (Takes wide shoulders.) Would fast before ever undertaking a change in the text.
Ištrinta 57 eilutė:
* General method (against pilpul): Understand what they say and take them for what they mean. And identify errors in a text. (Takes wide shoulders.) Would fast before ever undertaking a change in the text.
2019 lapkričio 14 d., 22:49 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėta 57 eilutė:
* General method (against pilpul): Understand what they say and take them for what they mean. And identify errors in a text. (Takes wide shoulders.) Would fast before ever undertaking a change in the text.
2019 lapkričio 14 d., 22:41 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 124-126 eilutės iš
* "If you don't know math, and you don't know science, how can you be a master of the Torah?"
* He got everything he needed from the Torah.
Pridėta 155 eilutė:
* Wrote books about math, astrology, linguistics in the bathroom.
2019 lapkričio 14 d., 22:39 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėta 162 eilutė:
* Where are you in the Torah? "Honest weights and measures".
2019 lapkričio 14 d., 22:25 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 161 eilutė iš:
* I'm not worthy to be called the Hassidim of Vilna because all I do is obey the law.
* I'm not worthy to be called the Hassidim of Vilna because all I do is obey the law. Was offended at being called such.
2019 lapkričio 14 d., 22:25 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 160-161 eilutės:
Not worthy
* I'm not worthy to be called the Hassidim of Vilna because all I do is obey the law.
2019 lapkričio 14 d., 22:08 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 144-146 eilutės:
* His hopes were sparked when he saw a wagon coming, piled with a full load of cooking pots. Flagging down the wagon, he begged the driver to take him to the nearest town with a Jewish population. BL-40
Ištrintos 149-151 eilutės:

* His hopes were sparked when he saw a wagon coming, piled with a full load of cooking pots. Flagging down the wagon, he begged the driver to take him to the nearest town with a Jewish population. BL-40
2019 lapkričio 14 d., 21:48 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėta 27 eilutė:
* Set challenges for himself
2019 lapkričio 14 d., 21:47 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 28-32 eilutės:
FOLLOWING THROUGH Strenuous efforts
* Torah scholars achieve an honored place in Heaven by dint of their strenuous efforts. BL-42
Refrain from sleeping
* In his younger days, he studied in an unheated room, with his feet in a basin of cold water, to prevent himself from falling asleep. ... He did not sleep for more than two hours a night. And even this brief sleep was broken up into snatches of no more than half an hour at a time. BL-45
Ištrintos 51-54 eilutės:
Strenuous efforts
* Torah scholars achieve an honored place in Heaven by dint of their strenuous efforts. BL-42
Refrain from sleeping
* In his younger days, he studied in an unheated room, with his feet in a basin of cold water, to prevent himself from falling asleep. ... He did not sleep for more than two hours a night. And even this brief sleep was broken up into snatches of no more than half an hour at a time. BL-45
2019 lapkričio 14 d., 21:46 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 7-9 eilutės:
What is the life-source?
* A man must know that Torah is our life-source. Just as fish live in water, and if they are separated from the water the die, so too a person who separates from the Torah, even for a moment, is as if dead. That is why we say in the blessing over Torah study, '... and He has implanted eternal life within us...'" BL
Pakeistos 25-26 eilutės iš
'''Looking behind'''
TAKE A STAND Set expectations
* In order to increase his powers of concentration and diligence, he would set learning quotas for himself which had to be met within a fixed time. BL-33
Pakeistos 77-79 eilutės iš
Be influenced by holy intention
* When the early masters wanted to meet together in order that the Divine Presence (Shechinah) should rest upon them, they did not do so in a man-made house, since it might contain some part which was not made with holy intention. Therefore they took shelter among the trees, which are the work of Hashem, for the [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shekhinah | Shechinah]] rests only upon a righteous work.
Pakeistos 86-88 eilutės iš
Whose portion is greater (and surplus, beyond what is needed)
* Channah died in 1783. In his eulogy for her, the Gaon said: "How could I add anything to her praises? But this much I will say. Her portion is greater than mine, for she knew how to bear the suffering of poverty." BL-37
Pridėtos 142-151 eilutės:
* A man must know that Torah is our life-source. Just as fish live in water, and if they are separated from the water the die, so too a person who separates from the Torah, even for a moment, is as if dead. That is why we say in the blessing over Torah study, '... and He has implanted eternal life within us...'" BL
* "Wouldn't it be right for us to go 'from strength to strength' and promptly drive in the first peg of the succah, in accord with the custom of all Israel?" ... "We've driven the first peg in exactly the right place." BL-46

* His hopes were sparked when he saw a wagon coming, piled with a full load of cooking pots. Flagging down the wagon, he begged the driver to take him to the nearest town with a Jewish population. BL-40

Be forbidden to think about the Torah
* He became so absorbed in the Torah that he completely forgot his family. Only a month later, upon entering a bathhouse, where it is forbidden to think about the Torah, did the Gaon focus on more mundane matters. He suddenly recalled his son's illness and returned home to inquire after his condition.
Ištrintos 161-189 eilutės:

* His hopes were sparked when he saw a wagon coming, piled with a full load of cooking pots. Flagging down the wagon, he begged the driver to take him to the nearest town with a Jewish population. BL-40

Whose portion is greater
* Channah died in 1783. In his eulogy for her, the Gaon said: "How could I add anything to her praises? But this much I will say. Her portion is greater than mine, for she knew how to bear the suffering of poverty." BL-37

Be forbidden to think about the Torah
* He became so absorbed in the Torah that he completely forgot his family. Only a month later, upon entering a bathhouse, where it is forbidden to think about the Torah, did the Gaon focus on more mundane matters. He suddenly recalled his son's illness and returned home to inquire after his condition.

Be influenced by holy intention
* When the early masters wanted to meet together in order that the Divine Presence (Shechinah) should rest upon them, they did not do so in a man-made house, since it might contain some part which was not made with holy intention. Therefore they took shelter among the trees, which are the work of Hashem, for the [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shekhinah | Shechinah]] rests only upon a righteous work.

* A man must know that Torah is our life-source. Just as fish live in water, and if they are separated from the water the die, so too a person who separates from the Torah, even for a moment, is as if dead. That is why we say in the blessing over Torah study, '... and He has implanted eternal life within us...'" BL
* "Wouldn't it be right for us to go 'from strength to strength' and promptly drive in the first peg of the succah, in accord with the custom of all Israel?" ... "We've driven the first peg in exactly the right place." BL-46

What is the life-source?
* A man must know that Torah is our life-source. Just as fish live in water, and if they are separated from the water the die, so too a person who separates from the Torah, even for a moment, is as if dead. That is why we say in the blessing over Torah study, '... and He has implanted eternal life within us...'" BL

In order to increase his powers of concentration and diligence, he would set learning quotas for himself which had to be met within a fixed time. BL-33
2019 lapkričio 14 d., 21:27 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 37-38 eilutės iš

BALANCE (Balanced
by God) Preference for conscious efforts. Singlemindedness
Noting divine warnings
* "Surely you noticed, my sister, that my hair has turned white, a warning from the Heavenly Court that my end is near." BL-47

BALANCE (Be off-balanced and thus balanced
by God) Preference for conscious efforts. Singlemindedness
Pakeista 48 eilutė iš:
POLYNOMIAL Look from different sides. Discussing the issue with somebody (also: Noting contradictions. Completing a half-formed thought.)
POLYNOMIAL (Look from different sides.) Discussing the issue with somebody (also: Noting contradictions. Completing a half-formed thought.)
Pakeistos 69-73 eilutės iš
Being maximally prepared. Take the commands to heart and be prepared accordingly
* In this way, he will be able to fulfill the command, "You shall meditate upon it day and night." BL-51
Keep the highest standards (to minimize risk of distraction)
* A short time before Pesach, he presented himself at the door of Rabbi Mordechai Zev, rav of the city, and asked to be his guest for the duration of the festival. "Why do you prefer me over others?" asked the rav. The Gaon answered, "With Your Honor I can be sure that the matzah and all the other needs of Pesach will be of the highest standard of kashrus, as they should be." BL-39
Pridėtos 138-140 eilutės:
Be taken for an ordinary person
* He kept his identity hidden though his genius was often detected by local scholars and rabbis. However, as soon as his identity became known, he would flee. BL-38
Pakeistos 144-166 eilutės iš
'''Looking ahead'''

Noting divine warnings
* "Surely you noticed, my sister, that my hair has turned white, a warning from the Heavenly Court that my end is near." BL-47

Take the commands to heart and be prepared accordingly
* In this way, he will be able to fulfill the command, "You shall meditate upon it day and night." BL-51

Keep the highest standards
* A short time before Pesach, he presented himself at the door of Rabbi Mordechai Zev, rav of the city, and asked to be his guest for the duration of the festival. "Why do you prefer me over others?" asked the rav. The Gaon answered, "With Your Honor I can be sure that the matzah and all the other needs of Pesach will be of the highest standard of kashrus, as they should be." BL-39
Pakeistos 150-151 eilutės iš
Be taken for an ordinary person
* He kept his identity hidden though his genius was often detected by local scholars and rabbis. However, as soon as his identity became known, he would flee. BL-38
2019 lapkričio 14 d., 21:24 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Ištrintos 6-8 eilutės:
Returning to the answer
* a number of very challenging questions were posed. Rather than respond to each of the questions in turn, the Gaon simply repeated the class he had given, neither adding nor subtracting anything. The assembled scholars were still not satisfied that their questions had been answered, so the Gaon repeated the shiur several more times. Only after the tenth repetition did it become clear that all the difficulties were accounted for and resolved by his original interpretation. BL-49
Pakeistos 27-29 eilutės iš
Sorrow from failure after intense efforts
* He was greatly pained at the thought that he would not be able to hear Megillas Esther with a minyan that night. ...one of the wheels hit a rock, overturning the overloaded wagon and sending passenger and cargo crashing to the ground ... the wagon driver ... began to beat the Gaon with all his strength ... the money already in their pockets, the Gaon's minyan decided to play a trick on him. Soon after he began the reading, they disappeared. ... For the rest of his life, the Gaon felt intense sorrow over this "failure". He retold the story on a number of occasions, and each time he wept long and hard. BL-40-41
Pakeistos 32-33 eilutės iš
'''ALGEBRA: Fear God absolutely'''
'''ALGEBRA: Take the law to heart absolutely'''
Pakeistos 38-46 eilutės iš
BALANCE Discussing the issue with somebody (also: Noting contradictions. Completing a half-formed thought.)
BALANCE (Balanced by God) Preference for conscious efforts. Singlemindedness
* When unable to clarify some aspect of Torah to his complete satisfaction, the Gaon would stop "eating and drinking for days and nights in a row, and drive sleep from his eyes until his complexion grew dark from weariness. He gave up his very life until Hashem enlightened him on the topic he wished to fathom." BL-42-43
* "Now I can restore my spirits with a bite to eat" ... since he had first encountered his difficulty in the Yerushalmi three days earlier, the Gaon had not eaten
Strenuous efforts
* Torah scholars achieve an honored place in Heaven by dint of their strenuous efforts. BL-42
Refrain from sleeping
* In his younger days, he studied in an unheated room, with his feet in a basin of cold water, to prevent himself from falling asleep. ... He did not sleep for more than two hours a night. And even this brief sleep was broken up into snatches of no more than half an hour at a time. BL-45

POLYNOMIAL Look from different sides.
Discussing the issue with somebody (also: Noting contradictions. Completing a half-formed thought.)
Pakeistos 48-55 eilutės iš
Compulsion that overcomes embarassment
* He interprets the Hebrew words (beggar) and (pauper) as referring to two types of poor people - and their poverty as poverty in the Torah. The beggar is starving and past the point of embarrassment at being forced to go begging from door to door - i.e., traveling from one beis midrash to another, even one land to another, to learn Torah. By contrast the pauper remains at home and strives to grow in Torah. But he is too embarassed to go forth to seek it, and therefore does not grow in Torah learning, as the Sages say, "A shy person cannot learn". BL-38

VECTOR SPACE (Levels of understanding) Divine assistance
* He frequently quoted the Gemara in Megillah (6b): "True understanding comes only with Divine assistance." BL-42
Harnessing the unconscious (also: Finding the purpose in everything)
* The Gaon told Reb Chaim that the entire purpose of sleep was to allow a person to grasp certain matters which are beyond his capacity to understand while awake. During a person's waking hours, his soul is attached to his body, which constitutes and impenetrable barrier to certain levels of understanding. BL-45
Pridėtos 90-92 eilutės:
Occupy one's mind with what one must be prepared to do
* As a kohen, you will be called upon to perform the sacrifices in that great House to which all eyes and hearts are turned. How can you fail to occupy yourself every day with the laws of the Temple services?
Pakeistos 117-134 eilutės iš

Returning to the answer as a distillation
* a number of very challenging questions were posed. Rather than respond to each of the questions in turn, the Gaon simply repeated the class he had given, neither adding nor subtracting anything. The assembled scholars were still not satisfied that their questions had been answered, so the Gaon repeated the shiur several more times. Only after the tenth repetition did it become clear that all the difficulties were accounted for and resolved by his original interpretation. BL-49

Thoroughly chew
* the Gaon was capable of spending as much time on a short sugya in the Gemara as it would have taken him to complete the entire Babylonian Talmud. The Gaon himself used to say that just as when one eats he must grind the food with his teeth if the body is to benefit, so must one thoroughly chew words of Torah. Without such effort, a person cannot arrive at the truth. "If there is no flour, there is no Torah" (Pirkei Avos 3:21). If the Torah is not ground into fine flour, through relentless mental exertion, it cannot be truly comprehended. BL 43-44

Read widely the holy books
* Among those places which the Gaon is said to have visited are the cities of Germany in which unpublished manuscripts of the Rishonim were housed in archives. BL-38



Pakeistos 146-178 eilutės iš
'''Preference for conscious efforts'''

* When unable to clarify some aspect of Torah to his complete satisfaction, the Gaon would stop "eating and drinking for days and nights in a row, and drive sleep from his eyes until his complexion grew dark from weariness. He gave up his very life until Hashem enlightened him on the topic he wished to fathom." BL-42-43
* "Now I can restore my spirits with a bite to eat" ... since he had first encountered his difficulty in the Yerushalmi three days earlier, the Gaon had not eaten

Strenuous efforts
* Torah scholars achieve an honored place in Heaven by dint of their strenuous efforts. BL-42

Refrain from sleeping
* In his younger days, he studied in an unheated room, with his feet in a basin of cold water, to prevent himself from falling asleep. ... He did not sleep for more than two hours a night. And even this brief sleep was broken up into snatches of no more than half an hour at a time. BL-45

Harnessing the unconscious (also: Finding the purpose in everything)
* The Gaon told Reb Chaim that the entire purpose of sleep was to allow a person to grasp certain matters which are beyond his capacity to understand while awake. During a person's waking hours, his soul is attached to his body, which constitutes and impenetrable barrier to certain levels of understanding. BL-45


Divine assistance
* He frequently quoted the Gemara in Megillah (6b): "True understanding comes only with Divine assistance." BL-42

Thoroughly chew
* the Gaon was capable of spending as much time on a short sugya in the Gemara as it would have taken him to complete the entire Babylonian Talmud. The Gaon himself used to say that just as when one eats he must grind the food with his teeth if the body is to benefit, so must one thoroughly chew words of Torah. Without such effort, a person cannot arrive at the truth. "If there is no flour, there is no Torah" (Pirkei Avos 3:21). If the Torah is not ground into fine flour, through relentless mental exertion, it cannot be truly comprehended. BL 43-44

Sorrow from failure after intense efforts
* He was greatly pained at the thought that he would not be able to hear Megillas Esther with a minyan that night. ...one of the wheels hit a rock, overturning the overloaded wagon and sending passenger and cargo crashing to the ground ... the wagon driver ... began to beat the Gaon with all his strength ... the money already in their pockets, the Gaon's minyan decided to play a trick on him. Soon after he began the reading, they disappeared. ... For the rest of his life, the Gaon felt intense sorrow over this "failure". He retold the story on a number of occasions, and each time he wept long and hard. BL-40-41

Pakeistos 161-165 eilutės iš

Read widely the holy books
* Among those places which the Gaon is said to have visited are the cities of Germany in which unpublished manuscripts of the Rishonim were housed in archives. BL-38

Be taken for an ordinary person
Be taken for an ordinary person
Pakeistos 164-168 eilutės iš
Occupy one's mind with what one must be prepared to do
* As a kohen, you will be called upon to perform the sacrifices in that great House to which all eyes and hearts are turned. How can you fail to occupy yourself every day with the laws of the Temple services?

Compulsion that overcomes embarassment
* He interprets the Hebrew words (beggar) and (pauper) as referring to two types of poor people - and their poverty as poverty in the Torah. The beggar is starving and past the point of embarrassment at being forced to go begging from door to door - i.e., traveling from one beis midrash to another, even one land to another, to learn Torah. By contrast the pauper remains at home and strives to grow in Torah. But he is too embarassed to go forth to seek it, and therefore does not grow in Torah learning, as the Sages say, "A shy person cannot learn". BL-38

2019 lapkričio 14 d., 21:11 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 95 eilutė iš:
VARIABLE Noting contradictions (also: Counting)
VARIABLE Noting points of disagreement (also: Counting)
2019 lapkričio 14 d., 21:11 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 86 eilutė iš:
MODEL Counting (bookkeeping)
MODEL (Internal cohesion) Counting (bookkeeping)
Pridėtos 95-97 eilutės:
VARIABLE Noting contradictions (also: Counting)
* How many disagreements are there between R' Meir and R' Yehudah? How many between R' Akiva and R' Mishael? BL-51
Pridėtos 114-120 eilutės:
* When unable to clarify some aspect of Torah to his complete satisfaction, the Gaon would stop "eating and drinking for days and nights in a row, and drive sleep from his eyes until his complexion grew dark from weariness. He gave up his very life until Hashem enlightened him on the topic he wished to fathom." BL-42-43
* "Now I can restore my spirits with a bite to eat" ... since he had first encountered his difficulty in the Yerushalmi three days earlier, the Gaon had not eaten

Strenuous efforts
* Torah scholars achieve an honored place in Heaven by dint of their strenuous efforts. BL-42
Pakeistos 130-133 eilutės iš
Noting contradictions (also: Counting)
* How many disagreements are there between R' Meir and R' Yehudah? How many between R' Akiva and R' Mishael? BL-51
Pakeistos 136-141 eilutės iš
Strenuous efforts
* Torah scholars achieve an honored place in Heaven by dint of their strenuous efforts. BL-42

* When unable to clarify some aspect of Torah to his complete satisfaction, the Gaon would stop "eating and drinking for days and nights in a row, and drive sleep from his eyes until his complexion grew dark from weariness. He gave up his very life until Hashem enlightened him on the topic he wished to fathom." BL-42-43
* "Now I can restore my spirits with a bite to eat" ... since he had first encountered his difficulty in the Yerushalmi three days earlier, the Gaon had not eaten
2019 lapkričio 14 d., 21:04 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 3-20 eilutės:

'''INDEPENDENT TRIAL: Keep putting Scripture to memory'''

Returning to the answer
* a number of very challenging questions were posed. Rather than respond to each of the questions in turn, the Gaon simply repeated the class he had given, neither adding nor subtracting anything. The assembled scholars were still not satisfied that their questions had been answered, so the Gaon repeated the shiur several more times. Only after the tenth repetition did it become clear that all the difficulties were accounted for and resolved by his original interpretation. BL-49

Repeatedly covering vast amounts of material
* ...found him studying Chullin. He noticed that with one sweeping glance the Gaon covered a whole page and then proceeded immediately to the next. Within half an hour, he finished seventy blatt. ... His shock only increased when the Gaon began to explain his chiddushim of the previous half-hour concerning a number of disputes between the Rif and the Rosh throughout Chullin.
* Every day he reviewed one hundred blatt (folios) of Gemara, completing the entire Babylonian Talmud each month. Every Shabbos he completed tractates Shabbos and Eruvin; on Pesach, tractate Pesachim; on Yom Kippur, Yoma; and on Rosh Hashanah, tractate Rosh Hashanah. BL-46

Know by heart backwards and forwards
* We say Ashrei, and all of us know it by heart. ... But if someone were to ask us what word precedes this verse, the answer might not come so quickly. ... Not only did he know by heart every teaching of the Holy Torah, everything revealed and hidden that has come down to us from the Tanaaim and Amoraim - but every single word stood clearly in front of his eyes, so that he also knew without hesitation the word that comes before it. BL-50
Know all of the associations
* the Gaon excelled above all others not only in his knowledge of every aspect of the Torah but also in his knowledge of how the Talmud, its commentaries, and the other works of the Oral Torah are hinted at in the words of the Written Torah. BL-50
* Every letter and vocalization mark was familiar to him like a treasured possession. ... what could be learned from the way in which certain words are spelled ... "In this passage there are so many alephs, so many vavs, and so many yuds." BL-50
* Everyone should have a particular tractate that he knows perfectly so that he is able to recite it even when he finds himself in a place where no seforim are available. BL-51
Pridėtos 86-94 eilutės:
MODEL Counting (bookkeeping)
* the Gaon began to enumerate the teachings of the various Tannaim and Amoraim in the tractate like someone counting out precious pearls.BL-51
* He counted the number of distinct issues discussed and enumerated the different approaches to the topics in the Rishonim. BL-51
Linguistic and orthographic relationships
* He pointed out that the number of invalid succos was eighty-five, written as (hvs) and the number of valid succos was ninety-one, written as (hvus). BL-51-52

IMPLICATION Observing the progression of topics
* He outlined the progression of topics and showed their interrelationship, pointing out the areas of dispute and clarifying which opinion the halachah follows. BL-51
Pakeistos 107-122 eilutės iš
'''Return to the material'''

Returning to the answer
* a number of very challenging questions were posed. Rather than respond to each of the questions in turn, the Gaon simply repeated the class he had given, neither adding nor subtracting anything. The assembled scholars were still not satisfied that their questions had been answered, so the Gaon repeated the shiur several more times. Only after the tenth repetition did it become clear that all the difficulties were accounted for and resolved by his original interpretation. BL-49

Repeatedly covering vast amounts of material
* ...found him studying Chullin. He noticed that with one sweeping glance the Gaon covered a whole page and then proceeded immediately to the next. Within half an hour, he finished seventy blatt. ... His shock only increased when the Gaon began to explain his chiddushim of the previous half-hour concerning a number of disputes between the Rif and the Rosh throughout Chullin.
* Every day he reviewed one hundred blatt (folios) of Gemara, completing the entire Babylonian Talmud each month. Every Shabbos he completed tractates Shabbos and Eruvin; on Pesach, tractate Pesachim; on Yom Kippur, Yoma; and on Rosh Hashanah, tractate Rosh Hashanah. BL-46

Know by heart backwards and forwards
* We say Ashrei, and all of us know it by heart. ... But if someone were to ask us what word precedes this verse, the answer might not come so quickly. ... Not only did he know by heart every teaching of the Holy Torah, everything revealed and hidden that has come down to us from the Tanaaim and Amoraim - but every single word stood clearly in front of his eyes, so that he also knew without hesitation the word that comes before it. BL-50
Know all of the associations
* the Gaon excelled above all others not only in his knowledge of every aspect of the Torah but also in his knowledge of how the Talmud, its commentaries, and the other works of the Oral Torah are hinted at in the words of the Written Torah. BL-50
* Every letter and vocalization mark was familiar to him like a treasured possession. ... what could be learned from the way in which certain words are spelled ... "In this passage there are so many alephs, so many vavs, and so many yuds." BL-50
* Everyone should have a particular tractate that he knows perfectly so that he is able to recite it even when he finds himself in a place where no seforim are available. BL-51
Pakeistos 118-119 eilutės iš
Ištrintos 122-130 eilutės:
Counting (bookkeeping)
* the Gaon began to enumerate the teachings of the various Tannaim and Amoraim in the tractate like someone counting out precious pearls.BL-51
* He counted the number of distinct issues discussed and enumerated the different approaches to the topics in the Rishonim. BL-51

Linguistic and orthographic relationships
* He pointed out that the number of invalid succos was eighty-five, written as (hvs) and the number of valid succos was ninety-one, written as (hvus). BL-51-52

Observing the progression of topics
* He outlined the progression of topics and showed their interrelationship, pointing out the areas of dispute and clarifying which opinion the halachah follows. BL-51
2019 lapkričio 14 d., 20:58 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 15-16 eilutės iš
'''ALGEBRA: Fear God absolutely'''
Pridėtos 21-23 eilutės:
BALANCE Discussing the issue with somebody (also: Noting contradictions. Completing a half-formed thought.)
* "Reb Chaim expressed astonishment at the idea that he could possibly offer enlightenment on anything that had eluded the Gaon, but the Gaon insisted that two heads are always better than one and that he would benefit from having someone with whom to discuss the issue. As the Gaon began to present all the contradictions that he had found in this particular topic, Reb Chaim listened carefully. Suddenly a possible approach to resolving difficulties appeared to him, but he found himself unable to express it fully. At that moment, the Gaon's eyes lit up, and he completed the half-formed thought that Reb Chaim had begun. BL-44
Ištrintos 105-107 eilutės:

Discussing the issue with somebody (also: Noting contradictions. Completing a half-formed thought.)
* "Reb Chaim expressed astonishment at the idea that he could possibly offer enlightenment on anything that had eluded the Gaon, but the Gaon insisted that two heads are always better than one and that he would benefit from having someone with whom to discuss the issue. As the Gaon began to present all the contradictions that he had found in this particular topic, Reb Chaim listened carefully. Suddenly a possible approach to resolving difficulties appeared to him, but he found himself unable to express it fully. At that moment, the Gaon's eyes lit up, and he completed the half-formed thought that Reb Chaim had begun. BL-44
2019 lapkričio 14 d., 20:56 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 23 eilutė iš:
'''ANALYSIS: Satisfying the law'''
'''ANALYSIS: Be smart in satisfying the law'''
2019 lapkričio 14 d., 20:53 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 3-26 eilutės iš

Avoid distractions
* The shutters of his room were always closed, so that he would not be distracted by the sights of the outside world. BL-33
* He continued to devote his days and nights to Torah study and steadfastly refused all the communal positions that were offered him. BL-48

Total concentration
* The Gaon was so absorbed in his learning that he did not notice that anyone had entered. R'Hillel waited and waited, but the Gaon only became more deeply involved in the matter at hand. ... Only when R'Hillel placed himself directly in the Gaon's path did he notice the younger man's presence. BL-46

Devoting time
* Every single moment that could be devoted to Torah study was precious to the Gaon. BL-47
* "I must count every minute of the time that remains". BL-47

Studying together (also: make the principles clear in one's mind)
* the Gaon sent for his disciple, R' David Shmuel Tzeiges, and said to him, "Wouldn't it be right for us to go 'from strength to strength' and promptly drive in the first peg of the succah, in accord with the custom of all Israel?" ... they did not budge from the room until they had finished the entire tractate and the halachos of Succos were clear in their minds.

'''Looking ahead'''

Noting divine warnings
* "Surely you noticed, my sister, that my hair has turned white, a warning from the Heavenly Court that my end is near." BL-47

Take the commands to heart and be prepared accordingly
* In this way, he will be able to fulfill the command, "You shall meditate upon it day and night." BL-51

Pakeista 9 eilutė iš:
Noting one's own faults
REFLECTING Noting one's own faults
Pridėtos 13-22 eilutės:


CENTER Fear God (also: Unrestrained positivity)
* Immediately, he would rise like a lion, in fear and dread of his Creator, wash his hands, and recite the morning blessings with a mighty joy and love which are beyond description. BL-45
* In the World to Come, I will be called to account for all my deeds. BL-47

Ištrintos 24-26 eilutės:
CONTRADICTION It is not impossible to follow the law
* The basic commandment to pronounce the words of Torah day and night can be discharged in an infinitesimal amount of time. If this were not so, one would never be able to fulfill the other commandments incumbent upon him because the mitzvah of learning Torah would always take precedence.
Pakeistos 40-76 eilutės iš


Avoid distractions
* The shutters of his room were always closed, so that he would not be distracted by the sights of the outside world. BL-33
* He continued to devote his days and nights to Torah study and steadfastly refused all the communal positions that were offered him. BL-48

Total concentration
* The Gaon was so absorbed in his learning that he did not notice that anyone had entered. R'Hillel waited and waited, but the Gaon only became more deeply involved in the matter at hand. ... Only when R'Hillel placed himself directly in the Gaon's path did he notice the younger man's presence. BL-46

Devoting time
* Every single moment that could be devoted to Torah study was precious to the Gaon. BL-47
* "I must count every minute of the time that remains". BL-47

Studying together (also: make the principles clear in one's mind)
* the Gaon sent for his disciple, R' David Shmuel Tzeiges, and said to him, "Wouldn't it be right for us to go 'from strength to strength' and promptly drive in the first peg of the succah, in accord with the custom of all Israel?" ... they did not budge from the room until they had finished the entire tractate and the halachos of Succos were clear in their minds.



CONTRADICTION It is not impossible to follow the law
* The basic commandment to pronounce the words of Torah day and night can be discharged in an infinitesimal amount of time. If this were not so, one would never be able to fulfill the other commandments incumbent upon him because the mitzvah of learning Torah would always take precedence.


'''Looking ahead'''

Noting divine warnings
* "Surely you noticed, my sister, that my hair has turned white, a warning from the Heavenly Court that my end is near." BL-47

Take the commands to heart and be prepared accordingly
* In this way, he will be able to fulfill the command, "You shall meditate upon it day and night." BL-51
Ištrintos 101-104 eilutės:

Fear God (also: Unrestrained positivity)
* Immediately, he would rise like a lion, in fear and dread of his Creator, wash his hands, and recite the morning blessings with a mighty joy and love which are beyond description. BL-45
* In the World to Come, I will be called to account for all my deeds. BL-47
2019 lapkričio 14 d., 20:50 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 38-41 eilutės iš
What is necessary and what is optional (Also: considering gain vs. risk)
* Big kuntz (accomplishment) it is to sit in your room and be the great man you are. ... "Who says one must be a Kuntz macher (someone who accomplishes something out of the ordinary)?" BL-49
* did not consider that the risks involved were worth the possible gain. He told the Maggid that he was unwilling to take those risks, for spiritual danger lies in wait for a man when he turns away from eternal life and becomes involved in temporal matters.
INDUCTION Valuing what offers a further reward above what is a reward in itself (also: Making efforts)
* Revelations while asleep are themselves a reward for one's toil in Torah - a small taste of the World to Come - but for insights gained in this fashion one receives no further reward. Thus the Gaon always placed a much higher value on the insights obtained directly through his own efforts. He comments on Mishlei (19:23): "From these insights one receives no reward at all [in the World to Come]. Rather they are themselves the reward [for previous wakeful learning]. On the other hand, that which one learns during the day makes on worthy of life in the World to Come."
* "It's hard to believe that there is anyone in our family who would take off time from learning to pursue lost valuables." BL-47
Ištrintos 45-48 eilutės:
Valuing what offers a further reward above what is a reward in itself (also: Making efforts)
* Revelations while asleep are themselves a reward for one's toil in Torah - a small taste of the World to Come - but for insights gained in this fashion one receives no further reward. Thus the Gaon always placed a much higher value on the insights obtained directly through his own efforts. He comments on Mishlei (19:23): "From these insights one receives no reward at all [in the World to Come]. Rather they are themselves the reward [for previous wakeful learning]. On the other hand, that which one learns during the day makes on worthy of life in the World to Come." BL-45
* "It's hard to believe that there is anyone in our family who would take off time from learning to pursue lost valuables." BL-47
Pakeistos 49-51 eilutės iš
LIMIT What is necessary and what is optional (Also: considering gain vs. risk)
* Big kuntz (accomplishment) it is to sit in your room and be the great man you are. ... "Who says one must be a Kuntz macher (someone who accomplishes something out of the ordinary)?" BL-49
* did not consider that the risks involved were worth the possible gain. He told the Maggid that he was unwilling to take those risks, for spiritual danger lies in wait for a man when he turns away from eternal life and becomes involved in temporal matters. BL-49
2019 lapkričio 14 d., 20:48 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 33-34 eilutės iš
'''Satisfying the law'''
'''ANALYSIS: Satisfying the law'''
Pakeista 42 eilutė iš:
Noting the minimum to satisfy the law
MINIMUM / MAXIMUM Noting the minimum to satisfy the law
Pakeista 50 eilutė iš:
Comparable value - what takes precedence
LEAST UPPER BOUND / GREATEST LOWER BOUND Comparable value - what takes precedence
2019 lapkričio 14 d., 20:40 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 16-18 eilutės:
Studying together (also: make the principles clear in one's mind)
* the Gaon sent for his disciple, R' David Shmuel Tzeiges, and said to him, "Wouldn't it be right for us to go 'from strength to strength' and promptly drive in the first peg of the succah, in accord with the custom of all Israel?" ... they did not budge from the room until they had finished the entire tractate and the halachos of Succos were clear in their minds.
Pakeistos 33-34 eilutės iš
'''Fulfilling the law'''
'''Satisfying the law'''

CONTRADICTION It is not impossible to follow the law
* The basic commandment to pronounce the words of Torah day and night can be discharged in an infinitesimal amount of time. If this were not so, one would never be able to fulfill the other commandments incumbent upon him because the mitzvah of learning Torah would always take precedence.
Pakeistos 42-55 eilutės iš
Noting the minimum to satisfy the law
* His morning and evening meal consisted of a piece of dry bread soaked in water. He swallowed it without chewing, eating only the minimum amount necessary to recite the blessing over the washing of the hands. BL-44
* The mitzvah of Torah learning has no minimum shiur. BL-52

Valuing what offers a further reward above what is a reward in itself (also: Making efforts)
* Revelations while asleep are themselves a reward for one's toil in Torah - a small taste of the World to Come - but for insights gained in this fashion one receives no further reward. Thus the Gaon always placed a much higher value on the insights obtained directly through his own efforts. He comments on Mishlei (19:23): "From these insights one receives no reward at all [in the World to Come]. Rather they are themselves the reward [for previous wakeful learning]. On the other hand, that which one learns during the day makes on worthy of life in the World to Come." BL-45
* "It's hard to believe that there is anyone in our family who would take off time from learning to pursue lost valuables." BL-47

Comparable value - what takes precedence
* Every single word of Torah that one learns constitutes an independent mitzvah. This is part of the reason that one is not permitted to interrupt his Torah learning to do another mitzvah unless there is no one else capable of doing the other mitzvah. Since every word of learning constitutes an independent mitzvah, in the time it takes to perform the other mitzvah one can perform many mitzvos of talmud Torah. BL-52

Pakeistos 72-76 eilutės iš

Studying together (also: make the principles clear in one
's mind)
* the Gaon sent for his disciple, R
' David Shmuel Tzeiges, and said to him, "Wouldn't it be right for us to go 'from strength to strength' and promptly drive in the first peg of the succah, in accord with the custom of all Israel?" ... they did not budge from the room until they had finished the entire tractate and the halachos of Succos were clear in their minds.
'''Preference for conscious efforts'''
Pakeistos 80-89 eilutės iš
CONTRADICTION It is not impossible to follow the law
* The basic commandment to pronounce the words of Torah day and night can be discharged in an infinitesimal amount of time. If this were not so, one would never be able to fulfill the other commandments incumbent upon him because the mitzvah of learning Torah would always take precedence.

Comparable value - what takes precedence
* Every single word of Torah that one learns constitutes an independent mitzvah. This is part of the reason that one is not permitted to interrupt his Torah learning to do another mitzvah unless there is no one else capable of doing the other mitzvah. Since every word of learning constitutes an independent mitzvah, in the time it takes to perform the other mitzvah one can perform many mitzvos of talmud Torah. BL-52

Valuing what offers a further reward above what is a reward in itself (also: Making efforts)
* Revelations while asleep are themselves a reward for one's toil in Torah - a small taste of the World to Come - but for insights gained in this fashion one receives no further reward. Thus the Gaon always placed a much higher value on the insights obtained directly through his own efforts. He comments on Mishlei (19:23): "From these insights one receives no reward at all [in the World to Come]. Rather they are themselves the reward [for previous wakeful learning]. On the other hand, that which one learns during the day makes on worthy of life in the World to Come." BL-45
* "It's hard to believe that there is anyone in our family who would take off time from learning to pursue lost valuables." BL-47
Ištrintos 85-87 eilutės:
Noting the minimum to satisfy the law
* His morning and evening meal consisted of a piece of dry bread soaked in water. He swallowed it without chewing, eating only the minimum amount necessary to recite the blessing over the washing of the hands. BL-44
* The mitzvah of Torah learning has no minimum shiur. BL-52
2019 lapkričio 14 d., 20:37 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 3-4 eilutės iš
Pridėtos 16-17 eilutės:
'''Looking ahead'''
Pridėtos 21-25 eilutės:
Take the commands to heart and be prepared accordingly
* In this way, he will be able to fulfill the command, "You shall meditate upon it day and night." BL-51

'''Looking behind'''
Pridėtos 30-31 eilutės:
'''Fulfilling the law'''
Pridėtos 36-38 eilutės:

'''Return to the material'''
Pakeistos 40-41 eilutės iš
* a number of very challening questions were posed. Rather than respond to each of the questions in turn, the Gaon simply repeated the class he had given, neither adding nor subtracting anything. The assembled scholars were still not satisfied that their questions had been answered, so the Gaon repeated the shiur several more times. Only after the tenth repetition did it become clear that all the difficulties were accounted for and resolved by his original interpretation. BL-49
* a number of very challenging questions were posed. Rather than respond to each of the questions in turn, the Gaon simply repeated the class he had given, neither adding nor subtracting anything. The assembled scholars were still not satisfied that their questions had been answered, so the Gaon repeated the shiur several more times. Only after the tenth repetition did it become clear that all the difficulties were accounted for and resolved by his original interpretation. BL-49
Pakeistos 53-55 eilutės iš
Take the commands to heart and be prepared accordingly
* In this way, he will be able to fulfill the command, "You shall meditate upon it day and night." BL-51
Pridėta 162 eilutė:
* Misanthropism
2019 lapkričio 14 d., 20:32 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 53-58 eilutės:
CONTRADICTION It is not impossible to follow the law
* The basic commandment to pronounce the words of Torah day and night can be discharged in an infinitesimal amount of time. If this were not so, one would never be able to fulfill the other commandments incumbent upon him because the mitzvah of learning Torah would always take precedence.

Comparable value - what takes precedence
* Every single word of Torah that one learns constitutes an independent mitzvah. This is part of the reason that one is not permitted to interrupt his Torah learning to do another mitzvah unless there is no one else capable of doing the other mitzvah. Since every word of learning constitutes an independent mitzvah, in the time it takes to perform the other mitzvah one can perform many mitzvos of talmud Torah. BL-52
Pakeista 67 eilutė iš:
Noting the minimum
Noting the minimum to satisfy the law
Pridėta 69 eilutė:
* The mitzvah of Torah learning has no minimum shiur. BL-52
2019 lapkričio 14 d., 20:16 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
2019 lapkričio 14 d., 20:15 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 34-43 eilutės:
Know by heart backwards and forwards
* We say Ashrei, and all of us know it by heart. ... But if someone were to ask us what word precedes this verse, the answer might not come so quickly. ... Not only did he know by heart every teaching of the Holy Torah, everything revealed and hidden that has come down to us from the Tanaaim and Amoraim - but every single word stood clearly in front of his eyes, so that he also knew without hesitation the word that comes before it. BL-50
Know all of the associations
* the Gaon excelled above all others not only in his knowledge of every aspect of the Torah but also in his knowledge of how the Talmud, its commentaries, and the other works of the Oral Torah are hinted at in the words of the Written Torah. BL-50
* Every letter and vocalization mark was familiar to him like a treasured possession. ... what could be learned from the way in which certain words are spelled ... "In this passage there are so many alephs, so many vavs, and so many yuds." BL-50
* Everyone should have a particular tractate that he knows perfectly so that he is able to recite it even when he finds himself in a place where no seforim are available. BL-51

Take the commands to heart and be prepared accordingly
* In this way, he will be able to fulfill the command, "You shall meditate upon it day and night." BL-51
Pridėtos 66-78 eilutės:

Noting contradictions (also: Counting)
* How many disagreements are there between R' Meir and R' Yehudah? How many between R' Akiva and R' Mishael? BL-51

Counting (bookkeeping)
* the Gaon began to enumerate the teachings of the various Tannaim and Amoraim in the tractate like someone counting out precious pearls.BL-51
* He counted the number of distinct issues discussed and enumerated the different approaches to the topics in the Rishonim. BL-51

Linguistic and orthographic relationships
* He pointed out that the number of invalid succos was eighty-five, written as (hvs) and the number of valid succos was ninety-one, written as (hvus). BL-51-52

Observing the progression of topics
* He outlined the progression of topics and showed their interrelationship, pointing out the areas of dispute and clarifying which opinion the halachah follows. BL-51
2019 lapkričio 14 d., 19:45 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 22-28 eilutės:

What is necessary and what is optional (Also: considering gain vs. risk)
* Big kuntz (accomplishment) it is to sit in your room and be the great man you are. ... "Who says one must be a Kuntz macher (someone who accomplishes something out of the ordinary)?" BL-49
* did not consider that the risks involved were worth the possible gain. He told the Maggid that he was unwilling to take those risks, for spiritual danger lies in wait for a man when he turns away from eternal life and becomes involved in temporal matters. BL-49

Returning to the answer
* a number of very challening questions were posed. Rather than respond to each of the questions in turn, the Gaon simply repeated the class he had given, neither adding nor subtracting anything. The assembled scholars were still not satisfied that their questions had been answered, so the Gaon repeated the shiur several more times. Only after the tenth repetition did it become clear that all the difficulties were accounted for and resolved by his original interpretation. BL-49
2019 lapkričio 14 d., 19:38 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėta 21 eilutė:
* The Dubno Maggid, whom the Gaon used to invite to Vilna in order to hear his words of reproof, once criticized him for this refusal to accept any public position. BL-48
2019 lapkričio 14 d., 19:37 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėta 7 eilutė:
* He continued to devote his days and nights to Torah study and steadfastly refused all the communal positions that were offered him. BL-48
2019 lapkričio 14 d., 19:36 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėta 36 eilutė:
* "It's hard to believe that there is anyone in our family who would take off time from learning to pursue lost valuables." BL-47
2019 lapkričio 14 d., 19:34 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 13-14 eilutės iš
* "I must count every minute of the time that remains". BL-47
Pakeistos 16-17 eilutės iš
* "Surely you noticed, my sister
* "Surely you noticed, my sister, that my hair has turned white, a warning from the Heavenly Court that my end is near." BL-47
Pakeistos 38-39 eilutės iš
* Immediately, he would rise like a lion, in fear and dread of his Creator, wash his hands, and recite the morning blessings with a mighty joy and love which are beyond description.
* Immediately, he would rise like a lion, in fear and dread of his Creator, wash his hands, and recite the morning blessings with a mighty joy and love which are beyond description. BL-45
* In the World to Come, I will be called to account for all my deeds. BL-47
2019 lapkričio 14 d., 19:23 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 10-18 eilutės:

Devoting time
* Every single moment that could be devoted to Torah study was precious to the Gaon. BL-47

Noting divine warnings
* "Surely you noticed, my sister

Noting one's own faults
* Any moment taken away from Torah learning was noted in a ledger, and on Yom Kippur the Gaon would cry copious tears over the moments he was not involved in Torah study. The total never exceeded three hours in any given year. BL-47
2019 lapkričio 14 d., 19:20 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 12-13 eilutės iš
* Every day he reviewed one hundred blatt (folios) of Gemara, completing the entire Babylonian Talmud each month. Every Shabbos he completed tractates Shabbos and Eruvin; on Pesach, tractate Pesachim; on Yom Kippur, Yoma; and on Rosh Hashanah, tractate Rosh Hashanah.
* ...found him studying Chullin. He noticed that with one sweeping glance the Gaon covered a whole page and then proceeded immediately to the next. Within half an hour, he finished seventy blatt. ... His shock only increased when the Gaon began to explain his chiddushim of the previous half-hour concerning a number of disputes between the Rif and the Rosh throughout Chullin.
* Every day he reviewed one hundred blatt (folios) of Gemara, completing the entire Babylonian Talmud each month. Every Shabbos he completed tractates Shabbos and Eruvin; on Pesach, tractate Pesachim; on Yom Kippur, Yoma; and on Rosh Hashanah, tractate Rosh Hashanah. BL-46

Studying together (also: make the principles clear in one's mind)
* the Gaon sent for his disciple, R' David Shmuel Tzeiges, and said to him, "Wouldn't it be right for us to go 'from strength to strength' and promptly drive in the first peg of the succah, in accord with the custom of all Israel?" ... they did not budge from the room until they had finished the entire tractate and the halachos of Succos were clear in their minds
Pridėta 82 eilutė:
* "Wouldn't it be right for us to go 'from strength to strength' and promptly drive in the first peg of the succah, in accord with the custom of all Israel?" ... "We've driven the first peg in exactly the right place." BL-46
2019 lapkričio 14 d., 19:06 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 11 eilutė iš:
Covering vast amounts of material
Repeatedly covering vast amounts of material
2019 lapkričio 14 d., 19:06 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 12 eilutė iš:
* Every day he reviewed one hundred blatt (folios) of Gemara, completing the entire Babylonian Talmud each month. Every Shabbos he completed tractates Shabbos and Eruvin; on Pesach, tractate Pesachim; on Yom Kippur, Yoma; and on Rosh Hashanah, tractate Rosh Hashanah.
2019 lapkričio 14 d., 17:47 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėta 5 eilutė:
Avoid distractions
Pakeistos 8-11 eilutės iš
Total concentration
Total concentration
* The Gaon was so absorbed in his learning that he did not notice that anyone had entered. R'Hillel waited and waited, but the Gaon only became more deeply involved in the matter at hand. ... Only when R'Hillel placed himself directly in the Gaon's path did he notice the younger man's presence. BL-46

Covering vast amounts of material
2019 lapkričio 14 d., 17:34 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 6-23 eilutės:

Total concentration

Refrain from sleeping
* In his younger days, he studied in an unheated room, with his feet in a basin of cold water, to prevent himself from falling asleep. ... He did not sleep for more than two hours a night. And even this brief sleep was broken up into snatches of no more than half an hour at a time. BL-45

Harnessing the unconscious (also: Finding the purpose in everything)
* The Gaon told Reb Chaim that the entire purpose of sleep was to allow a person to grasp certain matters which are beyond his capacity to understand while awake. During a person's waking hours, his soul is attached to his body, which constitutes and impenetrable barrier to certain levels of understanding. BL-45

Valuing what offers a further reward above what is a reward in itself (also: Making efforts)
* Revelations while asleep are themselves a reward for one's toil in Torah - a small taste of the World to Come - but for insights gained in this fashion one receives no further reward. Thus the Gaon always placed a much higher value on the insights obtained directly through his own efforts. He comments on Mishlei (19:23): "From these insights one receives no reward at all [in the World to Come]. Rather they are themselves the reward [for previous wakeful learning]. On the other hand, that which one learns during the day makes on worthy of life in the World to Come." BL-45

Fear God (also: Unrestrained positivity)
* Immediately, he would rise like a lion, in fear and dread of his Creator, wash his hands, and recite the morning blessings with a mighty joy and love which are beyond description.

Noting the minimum
* His morning and evening meal consisted of a piece of dry bread soaked in water. He swallowed it without chewing, eating only the minimum amount necessary to recite the blessing over the washing of the hands. BL-44
2019 lapkričio 14 d., 17:21 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 7-9 eilutės:
Discussing the issue with somebody (also: Noting contradictions. Completing a half-formed thought.)
* "Reb Chaim expressed astonishment at the idea that he could possibly offer enlightenment on anything that had eluded the Gaon, but the Gaon insisted that two heads are always better than one and that he would benefit from having someone with whom to discuss the issue. As the Gaon began to present all the contradictions that he had found in this particular topic, Reb Chaim listened carefully. Suddenly a possible approach to resolving difficulties appeared to him, but he found himself unable to express it fully. At that moment, the Gaon's eyes lit up, and he completed the half-formed thought that Reb Chaim had begun. BL-44
Pridėta 18 eilutė:
* "Now I can restore my spirits with a bite to eat" ... since he had first encountered his difficulty in the Yerushalmi three days earlier, the Gaon had not eaten
2019 lapkričio 14 d., 17:10 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 6-17 eilutės:

Divine assistance
* He frequently quoted the Gemara in Megillah (6b): "True understanding comes only with Divine assistance." BL-42

Strenuous efforts
* Torah scholars achieve an honored place in Heaven by dint of their strenuous efforts. BL-42

* When unable to clarify some aspect of Torah to his complete satisfaction, the Gaon would stop "eating and drinking for days and nights in a row, and drive sleep from his eyes until his complexion grew dark from weariness. He gave up his very life until Hashem enlightened him on the topic he wished to fathom." BL-42-43

Thoroughly chew
* the Gaon was capable of spending as much time on a short sugya in the Gemara as it would have taken him to complete the entire Babylonian Talmud. The Gaon himself used to say that just as when one eats he must grind the food with his teeth if the body is to benefit, so must one thoroughly chew words of Torah. Without such effort, a person cannot arrive at the truth. "If there is no flour, there is no Torah" (Pirkei Avos 3:21). If the Torah is not ground into fine flour, through relentless mental exertion, it cannot be truly comprehended. BL 43-44
2019 lapkričio 14 d., 16:56 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 6-8 eilutės:

Sorrow from failure after intense efforts
* He was greatly pained at the thought that he would not be able to hear Megillas Esther with a minyan that night. ...one of the wheels hit a rock, overturning the overloaded wagon and sending passenger and cargo crashing to the ground ... the wagon driver ... began to beat the Gaon with all his strength ... the money already in their pockets, the Gaon's minyan decided to play a trick on him. Soon after he began the reading, they disappeared. ... For the rest of his life, the Gaon felt intense sorrow over this "failure". He retold the story on a number of occasions, and each time he wept long and hard. BL-40-41
2019 lapkričio 14 d., 16:50 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 10-11 eilutės:
* His hopes were sparked when he saw a wagon coming, piled with a full load of cooking pots. Flagging down the wagon, he begged the driver to take him to the nearest town with a Jewish population. BL-40
2019 lapkričio 14 d., 16:46 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 6-10 eilutės:

Keep the highest standards
* A short time before Pesach, he presented himself at the door of Rabbi Mordechai Zev, rav of the city, and asked to be his guest for the duration of the festival. "Why do you prefer me over others?" asked the rav. The Gaon answered, "With Your Honor I can be sure that the matzah and all the other needs of Pesach will be of the highest standard of kashrus, as they should be." BL-39
2019 lapkričio 13 d., 20:02 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 2-3 eilutės:

2019 lapkričio 13 d., 15:03 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 8 eilutė iš:
Be taken for an ordinary person
CENTER Be taken for an ordinary person
2019 lapkričio 13 d., 15:02 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 4-12 eilutės:

Read widely the holy books
* Among those places which the Gaon is said to have visited are the cities of Germany in which unpublished manuscripts of the Rishonim were housed in archives. BL-38

Be taken for an ordinary person
* He kept his identity hidden though his genius was often detected by local scholars and rabbis. However, as soon as his identity became known, he would flee. BL-38

Occupy one's mind with what one must be prepared to do
* As a kohen, you will be called upon to perform the sacrifices in that great House to which all eyes and hearts are turned. How can you fail to occupy yourself every day with the laws of the Temple services?
2019 lapkričio 13 d., 14:56 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 5-7 eilutės:
Compulsion that overcomes embarassment
* He interprets the Hebrew words (beggar) and (pauper) as referring to two types of poor people - and their poverty as poverty in the Torah. The beggar is starving and past the point of embarrassment at being forced to go begging from door to door - i.e., traveling from one beis midrash to another, even one land to another, to learn Torah. By contrast the pauper remains at home and strives to grow in Torah. But he is too embarassed to go forth to seek it, and therefore does not grow in Torah learning, as the Sages say, "A shy person cannot learn". BL-38
Pakeista 9 eilutė iš:
* Channah died in 1783. In his eulogy for her, the Gaon said: "How could I add anything to her praises? But this much I will say. Her portion is greater than mine, for she knew how to bear the suffering of poverty."
* Channah died in 1783. In his eulogy for her, the Gaon said: "How could I add anything to her praises? But this much I will say. Her portion is greater than mine, for she knew how to bear the suffering of poverty." BL-37
2019 lapkričio 13 d., 14:49 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 4-6 eilutės:

Whose portion is greater
* Channah died in 1783. In his eulogy for her, the Gaon said: "How could I add anything to her praises? But this much I will say. Her portion is greater than mine, for she knew how to bear the suffering of poverty."
2019 lapkričio 13 d., 14:47 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 4-6 eilutės:

Be forbidden to think about the Torah
* He became so absorbed in the Torah that he completely forgot his family. Only a month later, upon entering a bathhouse, where it is forbidden to think about the Torah, did the Gaon focus on more mundane matters. He suddenly recalled his son's illness and returned home to inquire after his condition.
2019 lapkričio 13 d., 14:41 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 4-6 eilutės:

Be influenced by holy intention
* When the early masters wanted to meet together in order that the Divine Presence (Shechinah) should rest upon them, they did not do so in a man-made house, since it might contain some part which was not made with holy intention. Therefore they took shelter among the trees, which are the work of Hashem, for the [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shekhinah | Shechinah]] rests only upon a righteous work.
2019 lapkričio 13 d., 14:34 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 4-6 eilutės:

* A man must know that Torah is our life-source. Just as fish live in water, and if they are separated from the water the die, so too a person who separates from the Torah, even for a moment, is as if dead. That is why we say in the blessing over Torah study, '... and He has implanted eternal life within us...'" BL
2019 lapkričio 13 d., 14:33 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 3-7 eilutės:
* The shutters of his room were always closed, so that he would not be distracted by the sights of the outside world. BL-33

What is the life-source?
* A man must know that Torah is our life-source. Just as fish live in water, and if they are separated from the water the die, so too a person who separates from the Torah, even for a moment, is as if dead. That is why we say in the blessing over Torah study, '... and He has implanted eternal life within us...'" BL
Pridėtos 11-12 eilutės:

* Betzalel Landau. The Vilna Gaon. The Life and Teachings of Rabbi Eliyahu the Gaon of Vilna. 1994.
2019 lapkričio 13 d., 14:28 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 3-11 eilutės iš

Is it praiseworthy? Does it sanctify G-d's name?
* If one returns the lost item to the non-Jew in order
to sanctify the Name of G-d, so that [the gentiles] will admire Israel and know that they are faithful, this is praiseworthy... BL-29

The consequences of actions
* I have seen many men who became great and rich by taking advantage of mistakes by non-Jews. But [in the end] they did not succeed, and they lost their wealth and were ruined, leaving no blessing behind ... And [I have seen] many who sanctified G-d's Name, returning significant sums of money which came to them from non-Jews by mistake, and they became great and wealthy, and left an inheritance for their children. BL-29

Did they leave an inheritance?
* I have seen many men who became great and rich by taking advantage of mistakes by non-Jews. But [in the end] they did not succeed, and they lost their wealth and were ruined, leaving no blessing behind ... And [I have seen] many who sanctified G-d's Name, returning significant sums of money which came to them from non-Jews by mistake, and they became great and wealthy, and left an inheritance for their children. BL-29
In order to increase his powers of concentration and diligence, he would set learning quotas for himself which had to be met within a fixed time. BL-33
2019 lapkričio 13 d., 14:17 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 2-11 eilutės:

Is it praiseworthy? Does it sanctify G-d's name?
* If one returns the lost item to the non-Jew in order to sanctify the Name of G-d, so that [the gentiles] will admire Israel and know that they are faithful, this is praiseworthy... BL-29

The consequences of actions
* I have seen many men who became great and rich by taking advantage of mistakes by non-Jews. But [in the end] they did not succeed, and they lost their wealth and were ruined, leaving no blessing behind ... And [I have seen] many who sanctified G-d's Name, returning significant sums of money which came to them from non-Jews by mistake, and they became great and wealthy, and left an inheritance for their children. BL-29

Did they leave an inheritance?
* I have seen many men who became great and rich by taking advantage of mistakes by non-Jews. But [in the end] they did not succeed, and they lost their wealth and were ruined, leaving no blessing behind ... And [I have seen] many who sanctified G-d's Name, returning significant sums of money which came to them from non-Jews by mistake, and they became great and wealthy, and left an inheritance for their children. BL-29
2019 lapkričio 03 d., 22:41 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 10-11 eilutės iš
* [[https://books.google.lt/books?hl=lt&lr=&id=mGolDQAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PP7&dq=Vilna+Gaon&ots=3ezk7oYBDg&sig=MTv6rAfo_yvuuNcFkoQwlSjtOPA&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=Vilna%20Gaon&f=false | The Gaon of Vilna – The Man and His Image.]] Imanuʾel Eṭḳes, Immanuel Etkes.
Jo raštai
Pridėtos 12-17 eilutės:

Knygos apie jį
* [[https://books.google.lt/books?hl=lt&lr=&id=mGolDQAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PP7&dq=Vilna+Gaon&ots=3ezk7oYBDg&sig=MTv6rAfo_yvuuNcFkoQwlSjtOPA&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=Vilna%20Gaon&f=false | The Gaon of Vilna – The Man and His Image.]] Imanuʾel Eṭḳes, Immanuel Etkes.

Straipsniai apie jį
* [[https://brill.com/view/journals/jjtp/3/1/article-p131_5.xml | The Mystical Path of the Vilna Gaon.]] Alan Brill. The Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy.
2019 lapkričio 03 d., 22:39 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 5-6 eilutės:
Raštų paieškos
* [[https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=lt&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=Vilna+Gaon&btnG= | Vilna Gaon - Google Scholar]]
Pakeistos 8-13 eilutės iš
* [[https://books.google.lt/books?hl=lt&lr=&id=mGolDQAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PP7&dq=Vilna+Gaon&ots=3ezk7oYBDg&sig=MTv6rAfo_yvuuNcFkoQwlSjtOPA&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=Vilna%20Gaon&f=false | The Gaon of Vilna – The Man and His Image.]] Imanuʾel Eṭḳes, Immanuel Etkes.
* [[https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Vilna+Gaon&i=stripbooks-intl-ship&ref=nb_sb_noss_2 | Vilna Gaon - Amazon]]

* [[https://books
.google.lt/books?hl=lt&lr=&id=mGolDQAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PP7&dq=Vilna+Gaon&ots=3ezk7oYBDg&sig=MTv6rAfo_yvuuNcFkoQwlSjtOPA&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=Vilna%20Gaon&f=false | The Gaon of Vilna – The Man and His Image.]] Imanuʾel Eṭḳes, Immanuel Etkes.
* [[https://www.amazon.com/Vilna-Gaon-Haggadah-Passover-Commentaries/dp/0899064485/ref=sr_1_6?keywords=Vilna+Gaon&qid=1572811393&s=books&sr=1-6 | Vilna Gaon Haggadah: The Passover Haggadah With Commentaries by the Vilna Gaon and His Son R'Avraham]]
2019 lapkričio 03 d., 22:37 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 1-6 eilutės iš
[[Vilniaus Gaonas]]
[[Vilniaus Gaonas]]


* [[https://virtualibiblioteka.vu.lt/primo-explore/search?vid=VU&search_scope=VU_IG_ALL&lang=lt_LT&tab=default_tab&query=any,contains,Vilna%20Gaon | Vilna Gaon - Vilniaus universiteto bibliotekoje]]
* [[https://books.google.lt/books?hl=lt&lr=&id=mGolDQAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PP7&dq=Vilna+Gaon&ots=3ezk7oYBDg&sig=MTv6rAfo_yvuuNcFkoQwlSjtOPA&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=Vilna%20Gaon&f=false | The Gaon of Vilna – The Man and His Image.]] Imanuʾel Eṭḳes, Immanuel Etkes.
2019 lapkričio 03 d., 21:41 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėta 1 eilutė:
[[Vilniaus Gaonas]]


Naujausi pakeitimai



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Mieli skaitytojai, visa mano kūryba ir kartu visi šie puslapiai yra visuomenės turtas, kuriuo visi kviečiami laisvai naudotis, dalintis, visaip perkurti. - Andrius


Puslapis paskutinį kartą pakeistas 2019 lapkričio 15 d., 15:12