






Mintys.Suvokimas istorija

Rodyti nežymius pakeitimus - Rodyti galutinio teksto pakeitimus

2023 rugsėjo 19 d., 12:59 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 127-129 eilutės:

* Koks ryšys tarp atskyrimo, šventumo ir suvokimo? Šventumas yra suvokimo galimybė.
* Šventumas yra atskirtumas, tad tai kas suvokta. Ir tai yra paskyrimas Dievui, pavyzdžiui, žydų tautos arba švento žmogaus.
2022 rugsėjo 29 d., 11:03 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėta 21 eilutė:
* Suvokimas, tai atskyrimas ir išskyrimas.
2022 gegužės 06 d., 21:14 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 103-105 eilutės:

Santvarka subliukšta kuomet suvokimas yra Visų suvokimas nes tuomet Visi yra atskirti nuo išgyvenimo, bet tuo pačiu Visi išgyvena. Visuose neišskyrimas ir išskyrimas yra tas pats, tad santvarka subliukšta.
2022 sausio 28 d., 15:49 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 130 eilutė iš:
* Susivokiantis: The Sangha, the monastic order of Buddhism that practice Dharmas. (iš kitos pusės: tai Darna)
* Susivokiantis: The Sangha, the monastic order of Buddhism that practice Dharmas. (iš kitos pusės: tai Darna)(betgi tai taikantys, tad susivokiantys)
2022 sausio 28 d., 15:49 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 128-130 eilutės iš
* Suvokiantis: The Buddha, the fully enlightened one
* Suvoktas: The Dharma, the teachings expounded by the Buddha
* Susivokiantis: The Sangha, the monastic order of Buddhism that practice Dharmas.
* Suvokiantis: The Buddha, the fully enlightened one (tai Išakos?)
* Suvoktas: The
Dharma, the teachings expounded by the Buddha (tai Akistata?)
* Susivokiantis: The
Sangha, the monastic order of Buddhism that practice Dharmas. (iš kitos pusės: tai Darna)
Three things that Buddhists take refuge in: the Buddha, his teachings (Dharma) and the community of realized practitioners (Sangha), and in return look toward for guidance
2022 sausio 28 d., 14:52 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėta 125 eilutė:
2022 sausio 28 d., 14:52 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 124-129 eilutės:

[[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three_Jewels_and_Three_Roots | Three Jewels]]
* Suvokiantis: The Buddha, the fully enlightened one
* Suvoktas: The Dharma, the teachings expounded by the Buddha
* Susivokiantis: The Sangha, the monastic order of Buddhism that practice Dharmas.
2022 sausio 19 d., 20:37 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 109-111 eilutės:

* Suvokimui reikia bent 3 kampų.
* Suvokimas reikalauja 3 veiksmų.
2021 rugsėjo 10 d., 11:10 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 59-60 eilutės:

Suvokimas suveda į vieną (suvoktąjį) dviem požiūriais (besąlygišku suvokiančiuoju ir sąlygišku susivokiančiuoju), tad reikia trijų. O tuomet yra jų vidinis (nulinis) susiderinimas, tad trys sutampa su nuliu. Tai grindžia tiek ketverybę (1, 2, 3, 0) tiek trejybės ratą (0, 1, 2). Taip pat gali paaiškinti seką 1, 2, 3, 0.
2021 gegužės 26 d., 13:13 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 9-10 eilutės:
* What is Separate? kept separate?
* How to think of No as Or from the opposite point of view? the view of God in Not God, for example? as opposed to the view of God?
2021 kovo 05 d., 15:02 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 101-102 eilutės:

* Understanding is given by the Distinctness of the one who understands and the one who is understood.
2021 kovo 04 d., 15:01 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 56-57 eilutės iš
* Key to the LevelsOfUnderstanding are {{Operations}} which express such relationships with {{God}}.
* Key to the LevelsOfUnderstanding are Operations which express such relationships with God.
Pakeista 59 eilutė iš:
* Understanding is one of four LevelsOfUnderstanding: {{Understanding}}, SelfUnderstanding, SharedUnderstanding, GoodUnderstanding. Understanding comes from both inside one and outside one. Therefore there are various LevelsOfUnderstanding depending on where it comes from, from one or the other or neither or both. Understanding is a level of consciousness, awareness. And taken together there is Consciousness in general and the Person goes beyond themselves, their Self, their limits to God beyond us. Thus choose not one's level of consciousness, but consciousness in general. This happens through Love, when we care to understand a Person prior to their Conditions.
* Understanding is one of four LevelsOfUnderstanding: Understanding, SelfUnderstanding, SharedUnderstanding, GoodUnderstanding. Understanding comes from both inside one and outside one. Therefore there are various LevelsOfUnderstanding depending on where it comes from, from one or the other or neither or both. Understanding is a level of consciousness, awareness. And taken together there is Consciousness in general and the Person goes beyond themselves, their Self, their limits to God beyond us. Thus choose not one's level of consciousness, but consciousness in general. This happens through Love, when we care to understand a Person prior to their Conditions.
Pakeista 69 eilutė iš:
* is the arisal of {{Structure}} from non-structure; likewise, {{Love}} = {{View}} is the arisal of activity from non-activity; in this way they are related to the operation [AddThree +3].
* is the arisal of Structure from non-structure; likewise, Love = View is the arisal of activity from non-activity; in this way they are related to the operation [AddThree +3].
Pakeista 76 eilutė iš:
* Understanding is having a {{View}}.
* Understanding is having a View.
Pakeistos 78-79 eilutės iš
* Understanding is looking {{Forwards}} in the direction of the {{Indefinite}}.
* Understanding is with regard to a {{Scope}} - the smaller the scope - the more intense the understanding - the fewer the concepts and the more the perspectives.
* Understanding is looking Forwards in the direction of the Indefinite.
* Understanding is with regard to a Scope - the smaller the scope - the more intense the understanding - the fewer the concepts and the more the perspectives.
Pakeistos 84-85 eilutės iš
* Understanding is the matter which the {{Threesome}} establishes.
* Understanding is what results from the operation [AddOne +1] and allows for the {{World}} by understanding {{Spirit}}.
* Understanding is the matter which the Threesome establishes.
* Understanding is what results from the operation [AddOne +1] and allows for the World by understanding Spirit.
Pakeistos 136-144 eilutės iš

2021 kovo 04 d., 13:49 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 108-114 eilutės:

What is Separate? Not Coinciding - Ne tapatumas.

(Benoit?) Sanctification means separated by God for God

Andrius: Benoit, thank you for your great contributions to our lab. I appreciate the many Scriptural references you have made to basic concepts that I want to focus on. You have saved me a lot of work! It is hard to ponder these things, but I think these concepts are good to ponder. In your note above you reveal the importance of allowing for ''separate'' even as we wish to be ''unified''. So I am very interested to understand that dynamic and our personal testimony is very relevant. I myself want to point first to the reality of Jesus which makes him relevant - perhaps as the ''one for all'' as you mention, which is also related to how the separate and the unified are related. I think that the ''name of Jesus'' becomes important to us when we can agree as to what we mean by that, and at that point we can speak as ''believers''. But I feel that it's to look for that reality because I have much to learn regarding that and I also doubt whether most people really know what they mean when they say Jesus. How would you explain it to a Muslim, for example?
2021 kovo 04 d., 13:43 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 106-107 eilutės:
* All of this to say that this is the machinery that lets us consider matters of "same", "different", "separate", "one", "equal", "difference" that are key to an algebra of views.
* The ability to have a dual point of view is what lets us "keep separate" concepts like God and good, and that ability is at the heart of understanding.
2021 kovo 04 d., 13:43 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 100-102 eilutės iš
Suvokti, tai apibrėžti
* Visus asmenis apibrėžia tai, ką jie patys apibrėžia (suvokia). Ir Dvasia pati save apsibrėžia.
* Suvokti, tai apibrėžti.
Pridėtos 103-105 eilutės:

* Suppositions are kept separate by placing them in different Scopes. What does this mean?
* Separateness is the indirectness of view - that it is possible to have not a direct view.
2021 sausio 29 d., 00:06 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Ištrintos 8-9 eilutės:
* Koks suvokimo lygmenų vaidmuo suvokiant sąvokas?
* Ar savęs suvokimas yra susivokimas?
2021 sausio 28 d., 22:25 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 5-6 eilutės iš
'''Kuo svarbus suvokimas?'''
'''Kokia suvokimo svarba?'''
Ištrintos 105-357 eilutės:

'''Gyvenimo lygties išsakyti Dievo pažinimai'''

Dievo pažinimai: Amžinas gyvenimas, Išmintis, Gera valia, Dievo valia
* are Understanding
* relate NotGod and Scope
* is how we find Position and we hold on to it
* is how the potential for God chooses God over itself and is indeed God
* is the foundation for going beyond oneself because it separates where we have come from and where we are going to
* gives the centering and the context that are relevant to support Person. For example, GoodWill centers us through I on You, whereas GodsWill centers us through God on Other. Centering places us within the zone for a feedback loop and context is the zone where there can be an answer rooted in a wider perspective.
* opens space for the Freedom of the next Person.
* is what is assumed because it is beyond the extent of assumptions
* being alone beyond Knowledge, the possibility of being not alone, the unity of being alone beyond System, the unity of BeingOneWith (beyond and within Scope) that takes place beyond Scope, before Negation and makes Scope for it, for Other. Thus Person can go beyond themselves, BeingOneWith beyond Scope (EternalLife, Wisdom, GoodWill, GodsWill), beyond System, in consciousness, out to God, thus choose God, coinciding in Position. Distinguishes between Knowledge and Definition. It is what is taken up, lived by God: Perspective (GodsWill), Position (Good Will), Vantage Point (Wisdom).

Suvokimo pavyzdžiai
* EternalLife - God vs Good
* Wisdom - Everything vs Slack
* GoodWill - Wishing vs Coinciding
* GodsWill - Love vs Perfection
* ? Everything - I vs Slack
* ? Wishing - You vs Coinciding
* ? Love - Other vs Perfection

[+Suvokimo lygmenys+]

These are the levels of structure that are necessary for us to experience structure. In that sense they are related to the Levels Of Understanding. We start with the widest and immerse ourselves into narrower scopes. These may be thought of as the RepresentationsOfEverything, in which case they do not degenerate, but are specified:
* ''spirit to spirit'' is EverythingWishesForEverything
* ''spirit to structure'' is EverythingWishesForAnything
* ''structure to spirit'' is EverythingWishesForSomething
* ''structure to structure'' is EverythingWishesForNothing
(I need to check on the order of the above). These representations result from considering ''spirit'' and ''structure'' as Equals and letting them manifest themselves as Unequals in four ways, yielding four representations (wishes). They are unequal in terms of the distance between themselves, from everything (spirit to spirit) to nothing (structure to structure). Alternatively, we may consider them as unequals, and let them manifest themselves equals, in which case we have two representations (scopes):Beginning and End, see: BeginningVEnd.

Currently, my overview is in terms of Levels Of Understanding. The concept of Good Understanding allows me to focus on Eternal Life and not only Life. It's important that not only is life the fact that God is good, but moreover, eternal life is understanding this fact. Structurally, my new account derives the secondary structures first, and only then the primary structures. It also allows for the divisions to be used from the very beginning.

'''Suvokimo lygmenys'''

* [[Suvokimas]]
* [[Savęs suvokimas]]
* [[Bendras suvokimas]]
* [[Susikalbėjimas]]

Visos sandaros kyla iš kurio nors iš šitų lygmenų. Pirminės sandaros iš bendro suvokimo, o antrinės sandaros iš susikalbėjimo.

Each level arises when we note it for the sake of the distinction of Concepts. We make them explicit as God's view and human's view. Thus there are the following levels:

* Understanding - one level: God's
* Self-understanding - two levels: God's, human's
* SharedUnderstanding - three levels: God's, human's, God's
* GoodUnderstanding - four levels: God's, human's, God's, human's

[[Bendras suvokimas]] žr. [[Dorovė]]
* Tai suvoktumas (Dvasia).
* Bendros [[sąlygos]] yra pagrindas bendram suvokimui. Aplinkybės apreiškia bendras sąlygas. O atvaizdai apibrėžia mūsų santykį su sąlygomis, apimtimi ir laisvumu.
* Bendras požiūris yra bendro suvokimo pasekmė
* Lygiaverčių požiūrių santykis.

* Žmogaus požiūris į Dievo požiūrį į žmogaus požiūrį į Dievo požiūrį į žmogaus požiūrį.
* Nelygiaverčių požiūrių santykis.

One way to think of the levels is as the unity of the representations of the structure of spirit:

* [AddOne +1] Understanding allows for the World by understanding Spirit.
* [AddTwo +2] Self-understanding allows for a Person-in-particular by understanding Structure (Self). Self-understanding determines a scope (with regard to nobody, somebody, anybody, everybody) which says how far away we are from the end.
* [AddThree +3] SharedUnderstanding allows for a Person-in-general by understanding Representations.
* [AddNull +0] GoodUnderstanding allows for God by understanding Unity. Good understanding (rapport) is when the narrower concept gives way to the broader concept - when the two understand each other.

Each level may be understood as introducing an additional operation which runs in parallel to the existing ones. These [ThisWiki:Operation operations] may be thought of as operations +1, +2, +3 on [ThisWiki:Divisions divisions of everything] (each adding 1, 2 or 3 perspectives, respectively). Each operation is a ''going beyond oneself''.

*+1 ''going beyond oneself'' ''Structure: (Perspective: )'' First there is going beyond oneself from the unbounded into the bounded, ever adding an additional comprehensive perspective that reinterprets all the others.
*+2 ''shift in perspective'' ''Activity: (ShiftInPerspective: )'' Then there is a three-cycle which, in parallel, goes beyond by shifting from perspective to perspective.
*+3 ''recurring activity'' ''RecurringActivity: (Slack: )'' (generalized shift in perspective) Next, this three-cycle starts to cover old ground - here what is new is the recurring shift, the ''recurring activity''. This recurring activity is now localized in the shift (without the nodes, which are ever new). So we have a ''general shift''.
*+0 ''unity of origin'' ''RecurringStructure: (Everything: )'' (generalized perspective) - collapse of framework. Finally, there is unity in that the recurring activity can align itself around that which goes beyond.

Each level engenders more structure, until the final layer has it collapse.

* [[Suvokimas]] (Tėvas). Atskyrimas kas sąlygose (asmeniškumas) ir kas besąlygiška (be asmens). [[Neigimas | Neigimo]] pagrindimas. Žmogaus požiūris į Dievo požiūrį.
* [[Savęs pažinimas]], susigaudymas, savęs suvokimas (Sūnus). Žmogaus požiūris į Dievo požiūrį į žmogaus požiūrį.


In describing an absolute, relative, shared, subordinate perspective: consider what truth means for understanding, self-understanding, shared understanding, good understanding:

* understanding - for there to be an absolute perspective we need: no internal structure, no external context (no reframing), accept all things. Here ''all things are true''.
* self-understanding - for a relative perspective we need to separate the threesome for activity (a relative stand) from the threesome for structure (an absolute stand), +2, no overlapping so 3 + 3, notion of ''required concept''
* shared understanding - factoring (''other'' between God and heart through which they coincide) zero structure, seventh perspective, concept, anything (+3). Factor act on the whole - from whole to whole (redefining the absolute whole as a particular stand, which is to say, selecting a perspective) - factors: +2=the focus (structure or spirit, which moves), +3=the movments of spirit with regard to structure (how moving), +4=the separation of spirit and structure (how far apart). Recall: people, words, Qualities. Shared point is: (everything becomes anything - this is perhaps what is needed for sharing - and is what we mean by something - that everything becomes anything, as per +2, defining activity as shift in structure).
* good understanding - zero activity - other is unity of the six levels by which God and heart coincide (secondary structures as embeddings).


I am trying to think of this in terms of love and understanding and concepts, the taking up of perspectives. Some thoughts:

* First God goes beyond himself, through the operation [AddOne +1], again and again, until he has opened up enough slack that his self - the heart - may be independent, on its own. So now there is the heart, and the question is, will God find his way into this heart?
* Then the heart goes beyond itself out to some level where it coincides with God who loves it, is one with it. But the heart considers this God as a mirror to itself. Just as structure is a mirror to activity, so the levels of structure by which God reaches out are taken as a mirror of the levels of activity by which the heart reaches out. The heart reaches out as either +1 or +2 or +3 (foursome, fivesome, sixsome). The heart thinks of God as arising in the gaps. (How does that relate to Factoring?)
* God arises in the gaps where the heart reaches out +0 and thus has zero structure. This structural gap is what allows the factors to be composed, and hence thought of as factors: 1 + 1 = 2, 1 + 2 = 3 and 1 + 3 = 4.
* This allows that the heart has a zero activity 1 + 0 = 1 - and that plants God within the heart as +0, so that they coincide.

''So I need to try to understand the foursome, fivesome, sixsome as the heart reaching back out with +1, +2 or +3 perspectives, respectively, presumably through the operation +2.''


We may also think of this as:

* ''self-Structure'' = ''Relationship with Self as Unequals''
* ''self-Activity'' = ''Relationship with Self as Equals''
* ''RecurringActivity'' = ''Relationship with Other as Equals''
* ''RecurringStructure'' = ''Relationship with Other as Unequals''

Structure has no scope and is Absolute, whereas Activity is Relative to some Scope. In particular, SharedUnderstanding is relative with regard to some scope, but GoodUnderstanding is absolute.

Each level seems to relate to a division of everything:

*+1 from Nullsome to Onesome, Twosome, Threesome
*+2 from onesome, twosome, threesome to Foursome, Fivesome, Sixsome
*+3 from sixsome to Sevensome
*+0 from sevensome to Eightsome/nullsome


On this page I gather various parallels across these four levels.

*relationship with God is given by Onesome, Twosome, Threesome
*relationship with other is given by Foursome, Fivesome, Sixsome
*other is given by Sevensome
*God is given by Nullsome

*+1 Caring about relationship with God
*+2 Caring about relationship with other
*+3 Caring about other
*+0 Caring about God

''Caring about'' apparently means ''going beyond to''. Other is in the SeventhPerspective. God is in the ZerothPerspective.

*+1 Nothing's outlook
*+2 Something's outlook
*+3 Anything's outlook
*+0 Everything's outlook

*Understanding relates to the Threesome
*Self-understanding relates to the Foursome
*SharedUnderstanding relates to the Fivesome
*GoodUnderstanding relates to the Sixsome

This makes for one level of understanding for each of the PrimaryStructures, and also for each VoiceOfTension in Narration. The fivesome relates the two directions: looking forward (from beginning to end) and looking backwards (from end to beginning) and this is perhaps relevant for shared understanding.

[+Kitos mintys+]

* Refactor - kiekvieną sandarą mąstome, kuriame vienu požiūriu, tačiau ją perkuriame, permąstome kitu asmeniu. Tokiu būdu jos visos susiveda. Tai grindžia dviprasmybę ir laisvę.
* -1x0x1 galima suvokti kaip įsijautimą, sąmoningumą ir atsitokėjimą. Įsijautimas -1 ir atsitokėjimas +1 nustato skirtingas kryptis apie padalinimų ratą.

'''God's view (from our view) = dividing himself - the God who knows'''

What may God do, if there is nothing but God? The only thing that I can imagine is that God might divide himself. He may differentiate parts of himself, and those parts may have relationships. In this way, he may give rise to structure. We may imagine these as the events, or the days, in the life of God. They bring to mind the days in the Book of [http://www.ebible.org/bible/web/Genesis.htm Genesis].

'''God's view (from his view) = going beyond himself - the God who does not know'''

{{God}} is TheBeginning. This is to say, God is unbounded.

God, unbounded, goes beyond himself, into the bounded. This gives rise to {{Everything}}. Everything is the {{Structure}} of God. God is the {{Spirit}} of everything.

'''Vienybė, dvejybė, trejybė'''

'''taken together: the operation +1'''

Going beyond oneself is an {{Operation}}. We term this ''+1'' because it adds a perspective, taking us from:
*the {{Nullsome}} - everything divided into no perspectives, which is to say, God prior to everything
*the {{Onesome}} - everything divided into one perspective

God ever goes beyond himself. He keeps adding a perspective through this operation +1. This gives rise to ever more structure. God goes beyond himself into the {{Onesome}}, then the {{Twosome}} and then the {{Threesome}}.

The operation +1 - going beyond oneself - is what drives all of the unfolding of structure. It is the rethinking (as in "repent"?) of all the perspectives, their unity by a new perspective, a delving backwards, inwards and deeper into structure.

There are three equations that ultimately yield the threesome and understanding, as God goes beyond himself:

*[NullAddOne 0+1=1] God goes beyond himself, out of the unboundable and into the boundable, giving rise to everything, where all things are the same.
*[OneAddOne 1+1=2] God goes beyond himself again, noting that if he is - then he is, but add in a perspective whereby even if he is not - then he still is.
*[TwoAddOne 2+1=3] God goes beyond himself again, noting that the God who is (one perspective) and the God who arises (another perspective) are the same God - what they understand is the same (this is a third perspective).

The threesome is the structure for understanding - for returning to the beginning. This is the completion from God's point of view. There is God who understands (the Father), God who figures himself out (the Son), and their shared understanding (the Spirit) by which they are indeed the same God.


What is Separate? Not Coinciding - Ne [[tapatumas]].

See also: {{Overview}}, KeepSeparate

(Benoit?) Sanctification means separated by God for God

{{Andrius}}: Benoit, thank you for your great contributions to our lab. I appreciate the many Scriptural references you have made to basic concepts that I want to focus on. You have saved me a lot of work! It is hard to ponder these things, but I think these concepts are good to ponder. In your note above you reveal the importance of allowing for ''separate'' even as we wish to be ''unified''. So I am very interested to understand that dynamic and our personal testimony is very relevant. I myself want to point first to the reality of Jesus which makes him relevant - perhaps as the ''one for all'' as you mention, which is also related to how the separate and the unified are related. I think that the ''name of Jesus'' becomes important to us when we can agree as to what we mean by that, and at that point we can speak as ''believers''. But I feel that it's to look for that reality because I have much to learn regarding that and I also doubt whether most people really know what they mean when they say Jesus. How would you explain it to a Muslim, for example?

Thought: Understanding is the activity of God; not understanding is the activity of human. The human perspective reflects the structure of understanding: take a stand - not understood, but rather creates understood; follow through - not understanding, but rather creates understanding; reflect - not understander, but rather creates understander. The human perspective is bounded: closed upon itself (but open to itself). God's perspective is unbounded: open upon itself it goes beyond itself. We therefore know it by the extent that it goes to view the human perspective: through 0, 1, 2 or 3 nodes. First of itself, and then futher out: why, how, what - each going beyond the previous and deeper into the human perspective. Threesome + null = division = framework for structure = empathize with God's perspective.

* Why does the system collapse because understanding is the understanding of all? Because All is separated from experiencing, yet All is experiencing. In All, indistinction and distinction are the same, and thus the system collapses.
* What does it mean that God is understanding of God, Everything is understanding of I, and so forth? What is I combining? In each case, God is being combined with the spirit of the system for a particular level.

'''Atskyrimo lygmenys'''

Suppositions are kept separate by placing them in different Scopes. What does this mean?

Separateness is the indirectness of view - that it is possible to have not a direct view.

A view (or outlook) that separates:
* all perspectives is Spirit
* any perspective is Structure
* a perspective is Representation
* no perspective is Unity

The point is to keep reducing scope so as to have complete coincidence.

Separateness is a key idea and somehow the adding of a perspective (the taking up of a perspective) introduces separateness, perhaps:
* self separates God from God
* heart is separateness of self from God
* other is separateness of heart from God
* God is separateness of other from God

The division of everything into four perspectives is the place where the algebra of views starts to matter. The four levels give us a scale from "oneness" to "separateness". Why asserts that the observer and situation are one, and whether asserts that they are completely separate. How and what are somewhere in between and allow for a nontrivial relationship between the observer and situation. So these are all levels that are relevant as we consider matters of "same" and "different".

The four levels may also be thought in terms of scopes:
* why - knowledge of everything
* how - knowledge of anything
* what - knowledge of something
* whether - knowledge of nothing
And the knowledge may be thought of as what the observer and situation share, which is to say, the extent to which the observer is one with the situation.

Furthermore, the four levels may be thought of as relating structure and activity. "Structure channels activity" expresses what is definite, what that means. "Activity evokes structure" expresses what is specified. We may think of structure as a function and activity as the flow through it. The function may be definite or not, and the inflow
may be specified or not. (In particular, the specification of input is akin to its partial calculation.) This yields four possibilities:
* why - indefinite and unspecified - structure and activity are uncoupled
* how - definite and unspecified - top down: structure yields activity
* what - definite and specified - structure and activity are in a loop
* whether - indefinite and specified - bottom up: activity yields structure

We may think of structure as arising from God and activity as arising from godlet, and then the four levels give the possible relationships. These relationships may be thought of in terms of the distance between structure and activity. Here activity is that which finds itself within structure and is inspired by it.
* At first the distance, the separation between structure and activity is "everything"
* Then structure determines activity, so structure must be definite, and the separation is "anything"
* Then structure and activity feed off each other, and so the separation is "something" which keeps them yet separate
* Finally, activity directs structure, which is to say, they are the same, the structure embodies the activity, and so they are separated by "nothing".
It is this last level which extends the "threesome" by saying that, above and beyond God, there might be something in the situation of God which is not distinct from it, as God is, but rather determined by it. This material level "whether" is the source of the Foursome and exemplifies God's ever going beyond himself.

Another very important idea is that what separates the "viewer" (observer) and the "viewed" (situation) is the Nullsome (the division of everything into zero perspectives). This separation manifests itself through the four RepresentationsOfTheNullsome:
* significant (not encompassable - Negation of why)
* constant (not changeable - negation of how)
* direct (not representable - negation of what)
* true (not hideable - negation of whether)
So I think that in the "original outlook" the distinction between viewer and viewed is kept latent. But with the new outlook - and once Representations becomes relevant - it is possible to think of viewer and viewed as separate and even self-standing.

All of this to say that this is the machinery that lets us consider matters of "same", "different", "separate", "one", "equal", "difference" that are key to an algebra of views.

The ability to have a dual point of view is what lets us "keep separate" concepts like God and good, and that ability is at the heart of understanding.
2021 sausio 28 d., 22:14 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 3-6 eilutės iš
[[Dievo šokis]], [[Sąvoka]], [[Žinynas]], [[Dievo šokio išdavos]], [[Įvardijimas]]

'''Kaip sąvokos suvokiamos?
[[Dievo šokis]], [[Suvokimo lygmenys]], [[Sąvoka]], [[Žinynas]], [[Dievo šokio išdavos]], [[Įvardijimas]]

'''Kuo svarbus suvokimas
Ištrintos 106-135 eilutės:
'''Ką suvokiame'''

Ką suvokiame?
* Esmę.
* Nepažymėtą priešingybę, tai kas lieka pašalinus pažymėtą priešingybę, tai su kuo patys sutampame tokiu būdu.
* Išvadą iš sąlygų.
* Skirtumą tarp (skirtingų) sąlygų ir (besąlygiškų) išvadų.
* Nepriskirtą.
* Turinį (nepažymėtą priešingybę).
* Skirti nepažymėtą priešingybę nuo pažymėtos priešingybės.
* Suvoktą turinį (nepažymėtą priešingybę) atskirti nuo raiškos (pažymėtos priešingybės). Nepažymėta priešingybė, kaip kad Dvasia, atskirta nuo pažymėtos priešingybės, jinai glūdi joje, jinai yra jos turinys. Nepažymėta priešingybė, kaip lapo tuštuma, glūdi sąlygose nors jinai yra už bet kokių sąlygų.
* of God and NotGod for a certain level
* of God for Person (what is greater) and NotGod for Scope (what has be equal)
* of the Willing and the Nonwilling.
* of an Observer from their context, which is their ObservationalPlane.
* of Concepts
** their Activity and Structure
** their relationship with self (their independence) and their relationship with the default (as in the Omniscope)
** their collection with regard to a supposition (its "I").
** so that as they grow in independence they expand slack, they generate IncreasingSlack. We understand that which is bound, which is to say, the binding of concepts whereby they grow in dependence, making for DecreasingSlack. For example, {{Life}} is the fact (the binding) that {{God}} is {{Good}}, whereas EternalLife is the understanding that {{God}} is {{Good}}.
* the DefaultPerspective and the IndependentPerspective
* the essential from the superfluous (so that they are NotBeingOneWith).
* the one who understands and the one who is understood (God) and the latter is understood as a Person (God, I, You, Other)
* Or with regard to And. And is unconditional BeingOneWith and Or is conditional BeingOneWith. In a sense, Or maybe thought of as Not And.
* Understanding is given by the separation of concepts, as in: EternalLife is the understanding that God is Good.

Suvokimo pavyzdžiai
* Understanding is by the System of a Person.
* Understanding is by Position of Perspective.
* Understanding is God, Everything, Wishing, Love.
2021 sausio 27 d., 14:36 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 21-24 eilutės:

Suvokimu įžvelgiame tiesą
* Suvokimu atsiplėšiame nuo savęs ir įsijaučiame į save, tad išryškiname tiesą siejančią buvimo ir nebuvimo aplinkybes.
* Suvokimo įvairiais lygmenimis vis turiningiau įžvelgiame tiesą.
2021 sausio 20 d., 22:38 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 3 eilutė iš:
[[Dievo šokis]], [[Sąvoka]], [[Dievo šokio išdavos]], [[Įvardijimas]]
[[Dievo šokis]], [[Sąvoka]], [[Žinynas]], [[Dievo šokio išdavos]], [[Įvardijimas]]
2021 sausio 20 d., 22:38 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 3 eilutė iš:
[[Dievo šokis]], [[Sąvokos]], [[Dievo šokio išdavos]], [[Įvardijimas]]
[[Dievo šokis]], [[Sąvoka]], [[Dievo šokio išdavos]], [[Įvardijimas]]
2021 sausio 20 d., 22:37 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 3 eilutė iš:
[[Dievo šokio išdavos]]
[[Dievo šokis]], [[Sąvokos]], [[Dievo šokio išdavos]], [[Įvardijimas]]
2021 sausio 20 d., 22:36 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėta 11 eilutė:
* Kaip muzikinės sąvokos suvokiamos?
2021 sausio 20 d., 21:18 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėta 9 eilutė:
* Koks suvokimo lygmenų vaidmuo suvokiant sąvokas?
2021 sausio 20 d., 21:17 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Ištrinta 8 eilutė:
Pridėta 10 eilutė:
2021 sausio 20 d., 21:17 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 1-2 eilutės iš
Žr. [[Dievo šokio išdavos]]
[[Dievo šokio išdavos]]

'''Kaip sąvokos suvokiamos?'''

Pakeista 9 eilutė iš:
2019 rugsėjo 20 d., 19:47 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 15-16 eilutės iš
Understanding is self-separation:
* conditionally BeingOneWith
Suvokimas yra savęs atskyrimas
* sąlygiškas buvimas viena
Pakeista 18 eilutė iš:
* GoingBeyondOneself into conditions
* išėjimas už savęs į sąlygas
Pakeistos 29-30 eilutės iš
* Understanding is the opposite of Experiencing.
* Išgyvenimo, patyrimo priešingybė.
* Didėjantis laisvumas
. (Išgyvenimas yra mažėjantis laisvumas.)
Pakeistos 34-36 eilutės iš
* Understanding is IncreasingSlack. Experiencing is DecreasingSlack.
Suvokinys (išsakantis suvokimo esmę)
* Meilė eina pirm tiesos
2019 rugsėjo 20 d., 11:59 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėta 3 eilutė:
Ištrinta 4 eilutė:
Ištrintos 5-6 eilutės:

Pridėta 7 eilutė:
2019 rugsėjo 20 d., 11:58 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 12-25 eilutės iš
Understanding is separation, keeping Separate, distinct:
* of God and NotGod for a certain level
* of God for Person (what is greater) and NotGod for Scope (what has be equal)
* of the Willing and the Nonwilling
* of an Observer from their context, which is their ObservationalPlane.
* of Concepts
** their Activity and Structure
** their relationship with self (their independence) and their relationship with the default (as in the Omniscope)
** their collection with regard to a supposition (its "I").
** so that as they grow in independence they expand slack, they generate IncreasingSlack. We understand that which is bound, which is to say, the binding of concepts whereby they grow in dependence, making for DecreasingSlack. For example, {{Life}} is the fact (the binding) that {{God}} is {{Good}}, whereas EternalLife is the understanding that {{God}} is {{Good}}.
* the DefaultPerspective and the IndependentPerspective
* the essential from the superfluous (so that they are NotBeingOneWith).
* the one who understands and the one who is understood (God) and the latter is understood as a Person (God, I, You, Other)
* Or with regard to And. And is unconditional BeingOneWith and Or is conditional BeingOneWith. In a sense, Or maybe thought of as Not And.
Suvokimas yra atskyrimas, laikymas atskirai.
Pakeistos 14-16 eilutės iš
* Understanding is given by the separation of concepts, as in: EternalLife is the understanding that God is Good.
* Understanding
The considering of suppositions as different, the stepping back from one view out into another (atsitokėjimas)
* The considering of suppositions as different, the stepping back from one view out into another (atsitokėjimas)
Pakeista 36 eilutė iš:
Understanding is the relationship with God:
Suvokimas yra santykis su Dievu
Ištrinta 54 eilutė:
Ištrintos 70-74 eilutės:
Here are examples of Understanding:
* Understanding is by the System of a Person.
* Understanding is by Position of Perspective.
* Understanding is God, Everything, Wishing, Love.
Pakeistos 89-93 eilutės iš
Ką reiškia suvokti?
* Apibrėžti. Visus asmenis apibrėžia tai, ką jie patys apibrėžia (suvokia). Ir Dvasia pati save apsibrėžia.
* Skirti nepažymėtą priešingybę nuo pažymėtos priešingybės.
* Suvoktą turinį (nepažymėtą priešingybę) atskirti nuo raiškos (pažymėtos priešingybės). Nepažymėta priešingybė, kaip kad Dvasia, atskirta nuo pažymėtos priešingybės, jinai glūdi joje, jinai yra jos turinys. Nepažymėta priešingybė, kaip lapo tuštuma, glūdi sąlygose nors jinai yra už bet kokių sąlygų.
Suvokti, tai apibrėžti
* Visus asmenis apibrėžia tai, ką jie patys apibrėžia (suvokia). Ir Dvasia pati save apsibrėžia.
Pridėtos 94-95 eilutės:
'''Ką suvokiame'''
Pakeistos 103-123 eilutės iš
* Skirti nepažymėtą priešingybę nuo pažymėtos priešingybės.
* Suvoktą turinį (nepažymėtą priešingybę) atskirti nuo raiškos (pažymėtos priešingybės). Nepažymėta priešingybė, kaip kad Dvasia, atskirta nuo pažymėtos priešingybės, jinai glūdi joje, jinai yra jos turinys. Nepažymėta priešingybė, kaip lapo tuštuma, glūdi sąlygose nors jinai yra už bet kokių sąlygų.
* of God and NotGod for a certain level
* of God for Person (what is greater) and NotGod for Scope (what has be equal)
* of the Willing and the Nonwilling.
* of an Observer from their context, which is their ObservationalPlane.
* of Concepts
** their Activity and Structure
** their relationship with self (their independence) and their relationship with the default (as in the Omniscope)
** their collection with regard to a supposition (its "I").
** so that as they grow in independence they expand slack, they generate IncreasingSlack. We understand that which is bound, which is to say, the binding of concepts whereby they grow in dependence, making for DecreasingSlack. For example, {{Life}} is the fact (the binding) that {{God}} is {{Good}}, whereas EternalLife is the understanding that {{God}} is {{Good}}.
* the DefaultPerspective and the IndependentPerspective
* the essential from the superfluous (so that they are NotBeingOneWith).
* the one who understands and the one who is understood (God) and the latter is understood as a Person (God, I, You, Other)
* Or with regard to And. And is unconditional BeingOneWith and Or is conditional BeingOneWith. In a sense, Or maybe thought of as Not And.
* Understanding is given by the separation of concepts, as in: EternalLife is the understanding that God is Good.

Suvokimo pavyzdžiai
* Understanding is by the System of a Person.
* Understanding is by Position of Perspective.
* Understanding is God, Everything, Wishing, Love.
2019 rugsėjo 20 d., 11:54 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 3-7 eilutės:
* Ar savęs suvokimas yra susivokimas?

2019 rugsėjo 14 d., 16:42 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 103-118 eilutės:

Ką reiškia suvokti?
* Apibrėžti. Visus asmenis apibrėžia tai, ką jie patys apibrėžia (suvokia). Ir Dvasia pati save apsibrėžia.
* Skirti nepažymėtą priešingybę nuo pažymėtos priešingybės.
* Suvoktą turinį (nepažymėtą priešingybę) atskirti nuo raiškos (pažymėtos priešingybės). Nepažymėta priešingybė, kaip kad Dvasia, atskirta nuo pažymėtos priešingybės, jinai glūdi joje, jinai yra jos turinys. Nepažymėta priešingybė, kaip lapo tuštuma, glūdi sąlygose nors jinai yra už bet kokių sąlygų.

Suvokimas atstato nepažymėtą priešingybę kaip platesnį pagrindą.

Ką suvokiame?
* Esmę.
* Nepažymėtą priešingybę, tai kas lieka pašalinus pažymėtą priešingybę, tai su kuo patys sutampame tokiu būdu.
* Išvadą iš sąlygų.
* Skirtumą tarp (skirtingų) sąlygų ir (besąlygiškų) išvadų.
* Nepriskirtą.
* Turinį (nepažymėtą priešingybę).
2019 rugsėjo 14 d., 15:26 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 2-376 eilutės:


[+Kas yra suvokimas?+]

Understanding is separation, keeping Separate, distinct:
* of God and NotGod for a certain level
* of God for Person (what is greater) and NotGod for Scope (what has be equal)
* of the Willing and the Nonwilling.
* of an Observer from their context, which is their ObservationalPlane.
* of Concepts
** their Activity and Structure
** their relationship with self (their independence) and their relationship with the default (as in the Omniscope)
** their collection with regard to a supposition (its "I").
** so that as they grow in independence they expand slack, they generate IncreasingSlack. We understand that which is bound, which is to say, the binding of concepts whereby they grow in dependence, making for DecreasingSlack. For example, {{Life}} is the fact (the binding) that {{God}} is {{Good}}, whereas EternalLife is the understanding that {{God}} is {{Good}}.
* the DefaultPerspective and the IndependentPerspective
* the essential from the superfluous (so that they are NotBeingOneWith).
* the one who understands and the one who is understood (God) and the latter is understood as a Person (God, I, You, Other)
* Or with regard to And. And is unconditional BeingOneWith and Or is conditional BeingOneWith. In a sense, Or maybe thought of as Not And.
* Understanding is both immersed (in that concepts are in themselves) and abstracted (in that it keeps the concepts separate)
* Understanding is given by the separation of concepts, as in: EternalLife is the understanding that God is Good.
* Understanding The considering of suppositions as different, the stepping back from one view out into another (atsitokėjimas)

Understanding is self-separation:
* conditionally BeingOneWith
* NotBeingOneWith As ...
* GoingBeyondOneself into conditions
* Understanding applies a definition of NotBeingOneWith and thus establishes the meaning of BeingOneWith.
* Understanding is the independence of ourselves from a concept and that which relates us. It is the reverse of identification. Instead of identifying with a concept an presuming that which relates us, we keep them all independent.
* Understanding is the relationship between Love, which evokes Self, and Truth, which introduces Other.
* Understanding is the degree of SelfCoinciding as given by the separation which there can be between one and their Self when the latter is taken as Other.
* Understanding is this separation between the one who coincides (and is prior to context and beyond it) and the one they coincide with (and is after context and within it). They share the question Who is coinciding? which calls them both to go to coincide with an Other beyond themselves. The other is the slack they share as the love which reaches out to context and the Life which reaches in to what is prior to context. We thus open up new vantage points but also make ever more explicit the Other until we reach the point that the Other is in fact the coinciding which is implicit within us.
* Understanding is coinciding with the Truth beyond the system, thus the Truth beyond a System
* Understanding is is to see oneself.
* Understanding is what is allowed for by Other.
* Understanding is We.
* Understanding is that Love precedes Truth.
* Understanding is the opposite of Experiencing.
* Understanding is what has us ever focus our empathy.
* Understanding is the position of Other as the choice between the DefaultObserver (GodTheFather, GodTheSon, HolySpirit, God) and the ActualContext (Self). See the diagram of the EquationOfLife at SelfVOther.
* Understanding proceeds from Definition.
* Understanding is IncreasingSlack. Experiencing is DecreasingSlack.

Understanding is the relationship with God:
* Understanding is the return to (and out of) the Beginning. In this sense, understanding is ultimately with regard to God, who is the beginning.
* Conditions for BeingOneWith God, the default perspective that is one with and has no conditions
* [ThisWiki:Contexts Context] for BeingOneWith
* the quality of God (conditionally BeingOneWith) that (under the conditions) allows for its opposite, NotUnderstanding (conditionally NotBeingOneWith), which allows for its generalization (unconditionally NotBeingOneWith). This separates the one who understands and the one who comes to understand. This is the threesome and it is from the beginning, as is the foursome, which gives the level of understanding.
* Understanding opens God to others beyond him, outside of his context, who thus interpret him as a particular Spirit: God, I, You, Other. God arises and participates as Love which supports this spirit: God, Everything, Wishing, Love. By that love God is accessible to those beyond him. Understanding is that by which one beyond God can be one with him. He commands us to love for by love we are one with all and by loving at any level we come together in understanding for we love as one.
* Understanding is relationship with God in Structure, as given by the divergence, distinction, division, thus there are levels of Understanding.
* Understanding is the DefaultPerspective.
* Understanding is relationship of DefaultPerspective (God) and IndependentPerspective (Person).
* Key to the LevelsOfUnderstanding are {{Operations}} which express such relationships with {{God}}.

Understanding is the relationship between IncreasingSlack (Understanding) and DecreasingSlack (Understood) by way of Scope (coming to understand)
* Understanding is one of four LevelsOfUnderstanding: {{Understanding}}, SelfUnderstanding, SharedUnderstanding, GoodUnderstanding. Understanding comes from both inside one and outside one. Therefore there are various LevelsOfUnderstanding depending on where it comes from, from one or the other or neither or both. Understanding is a level of consciousness, awareness. And taken together there is Consciousness in general and the Person goes beyond themselves, their Self, their limits to God beyond us. Thus choose not one's level of consciousness, but consciousness in general. This happens through Love, when we care to understand a Person prior to their Conditions.
** God - understanding of whether - Understanding
** I - understanding of what - SelfUnderstanding
** You - understanding of how - SharedUnderstanding
** Other - understanding of why - GoodUnderstanding
* what relates Knowledge and Definition

Understanding is adding superfluous structure or removing superfluous activity:
* removing superfluous activity as channeled by structure (operation -A removes activity)
* removing the DefaultPerspective from the definition of BeingOneWith
* is the arisal of {{Structure}} from non-structure; likewise, {{Love}} = {{View}} is the arisal of activity from non-activity; in this way they are related to the operation [AddThree +3].
* defines NotBeingOneWith by applying superfluous structure.
* the addition of superfluous structure.

Understanding is the transformation of the nonwilling into the willing.

Understanding is having a view:
* Understanding is having a {{View}}.
* Understanding is a Definite View of an Indefinite View.
* Understanding is looking {{Forwards}} in the direction of the {{Indefinite}}.
* Understanding is with regard to a {{Scope}} - the smaller the scope - the more intense the understanding - the fewer the concepts and the more the perspectives.
* Understanding is a difference between views, what is gained as one view takes up an other.

Here are examples of Understanding:
* Understanding is by the System of a Person.
* Understanding is by Position of Perspective.
* Understanding is God, Everything, Wishing, Love.

Understanding is also:
* negative law as in Love your neighbor as yourself
* Understanding is the matter which the {{Threesome}} establishes.
* Understanding is what results from the operation [AddOne +1] and allows for the {{World}} by understanding {{Spirit}}.
* Understanding and love are forms of consciousness - each of them adds three perspectives (as with the operation +3) to the domain so as to have separateness. The three perspectives allow for concept, quality and separateness (as in God, good and eternal life - where the domain is life, the goodness of God).
* Understanding may be taken as of a concept - and the first "understanding" is "truth-understanding", understanding of truth. (Where God is the concept of truth). And the understanding adds three perspectives. They distinguish the concept (in this case blank - transparent - like a hole) from any qualities (which are taken care of by the perspectives, as three extra levels - think of the foursome.) So these three extra levels allow us to keep a concept in check, enclosed, with decreasing slack.

Understanding brings us together with God because it has us acknowledge him and distinguish him from circumstances and thus ourselves from circumstances, and so we can coincide if our circumstances coincide, if we are Good or have Slack or are Coinciding or have Perfection. When we acknowledge something greater than our circumstances, expressed as NullActivity, noncircumstances, then we can separate ourselves from our circumstances and coincide with God.

Understanding is the separation of ourselves from our relationship. Understanding keeps separate who we have our relationship with (ultimately, God) and our relationship itself. This is I think general structure and relates to the Threesome.

Understanding is common to all and is how we understand each other and how we empathize with a Person and with God beyond all Persons. For circumstances belong to a LevelOfUnderstanding, but God is beyond all levels of understanding, and that is EternalLife. So we should choose God over Self. God will not let us down. Understanding expands Definition because it encompasses NotGod's not being beyond NotGod, and God's being beyond NotGod. Thus Understanding circumscribes Scopes, for it acknowledges God and NotGod and our relationship. Whereas Experiencing acknowledges only that relationship, what they have in common. Thus Understanding expands on Experiencing. Experience and live, but Understand and live with God, with all, not just oneself. Living with God one supports all and each with Love.
* Understanding is common to all but through each, thus include every one. For God is in everyone. But everyone is free, and so may not be, and one's circumstances depend not on God but on all of us together, and so we as such arise in understanding, as all understand together. Thus we can support this possibility which is started by God. How can Person and God be together? When their perspectives coincide, God's wider perspective and Person's narrower perspective, and this happens when Person chooses God over Self. God waits for us to choose.

This means that perspectives are kept distinct, they are kept track of. In particular, God's view and human's view are not ignored, as they easily might. Each such view is kept track of as a separate LevelOfUnderstanding. In this way, as we keep track of more levels, we may speak of a deeper understanding (which is yet no less complete than the broader understanding, but simply has made clear the levels involved).

For example, life is the goodness of God, but eternal life is understanding the goodness of God, keeping them distinct. In this sense, understanding is God's view. It is also returning to the beginning, which makes clear that God is prior.

'''Gyvenimo lygties išsakyti Dievo pažinimai'''

Dievo pažinimai: Amžinas gyvenimas, Išmintis, Gera valia, Dievo valia
* are Understanding
* relate NotGod and Scope
* is how we find Position and we hold on to it
* is how the potential for God chooses God over itself and is indeed God
* is the foundation for going beyond oneself because it separates where we have come from and where we are going to
* gives the centering and the context that are relevant to support Person. For example, GoodWill centers us through I on You, whereas GodsWill centers us through God on Other. Centering places us within the zone for a feedback loop and context is the zone where there can be an answer rooted in a wider perspective.
* opens space for the Freedom of the next Person.
* is what is assumed because it is beyond the extent of assumptions
* being alone beyond Knowledge, the possibility of being not alone, the unity of being alone beyond System, the unity of BeingOneWith (beyond and within Scope) that takes place beyond Scope, before Negation and makes Scope for it, for Other. Thus Person can go beyond themselves, BeingOneWith beyond Scope (EternalLife, Wisdom, GoodWill, GodsWill), beyond System, in consciousness, out to God, thus choose God, coinciding in Position. Distinguishes between Knowledge and Definition. It is what is taken up, lived by God: Perspective (GodsWill), Position (Good Will), Vantage Point (Wisdom).

Suvokimo pavyzdžiai
* EternalLife - God vs Good
* Wisdom - Everything vs Slack
* GoodWill - Wishing vs Coinciding
* GodsWill - Love vs Perfection
* ? Everything - I vs Slack
* ? Wishing - You vs Coinciding
* ? Love - Other vs Perfection

[+Suvokimo lygmenys+]

These are the levels of structure that are necessary for us to experience structure. In that sense they are related to the Levels Of Understanding. We start with the widest and immerse ourselves into narrower scopes. These may be thought of as the RepresentationsOfEverything, in which case they do not degenerate, but are specified:
* ''spirit to spirit'' is EverythingWishesForEverything
* ''spirit to structure'' is EverythingWishesForAnything
* ''structure to spirit'' is EverythingWishesForSomething
* ''structure to structure'' is EverythingWishesForNothing
(I need to check on the order of the above). These representations result from considering ''spirit'' and ''structure'' as Equals and letting them manifest themselves as Unequals in four ways, yielding four representations (wishes). They are unequal in terms of the distance between themselves, from everything (spirit to spirit) to nothing (structure to structure). Alternatively, we may consider them as unequals, and let them manifest themselves equals, in which case we have two representations (scopes):Beginning and End, see: BeginningVEnd.

Currently, my overview is in terms of Levels Of Understanding. The concept of Good Understanding allows me to focus on Eternal Life and not only Life. It's important that not only is life the fact that God is good, but moreover, eternal life is understanding this fact. Structurally, my new account derives the secondary structures first, and only then the primary structures. It also allows for the divisions to be used from the very beginning.

'''Suvokimo lygmenys'''

* [[Suvokimas]]
* [[Savęs suvokimas]]
* [[Bendras suvokimas]]
* [[Susikalbėjimas]]

Visos sandaros kyla iš kurio nors iš šitų lygmenų. Pirminės sandaros iš bendro suvokimo, o antrinės sandaros iš susikalbėjimo.

Each level arises when we note it for the sake of the distinction of Concepts. We make them explicit as God's view and human's view. Thus there are the following levels:

* Understanding - one level: God's
* Self-understanding - two levels: God's, human's
* SharedUnderstanding - three levels: God's, human's, God's
* GoodUnderstanding - four levels: God's, human's, God's, human's

[[Bendras suvokimas]] žr. [[Dorovė]]
* Tai suvoktumas (Dvasia).
* Bendros [[sąlygos]] yra pagrindas bendram suvokimui. Aplinkybės apreiškia bendras sąlygas. O atvaizdai apibrėžia mūsų santykį su sąlygomis, apimtimi ir laisvumu.
* Bendras požiūris yra bendro suvokimo pasekmė
* Lygiaverčių požiūrių santykis.

* Žmogaus požiūris į Dievo požiūrį į žmogaus požiūrį į Dievo požiūrį į žmogaus požiūrį.
* Nelygiaverčių požiūrių santykis.

One way to think of the levels is as the unity of the representations of the structure of spirit:

* [AddOne +1] Understanding allows for the World by understanding Spirit.
* [AddTwo +2] Self-understanding allows for a Person-in-particular by understanding Structure (Self). Self-understanding determines a scope (with regard to nobody, somebody, anybody, everybody) which says how far away we are from the end.
* [AddThree +3] SharedUnderstanding allows for a Person-in-general by understanding Representations.
* [AddNull +0] GoodUnderstanding allows for God by understanding Unity. Good understanding (rapport) is when the narrower concept gives way to the broader concept - when the two understand each other.

Each level may be understood as introducing an additional operation which runs in parallel to the existing ones. These [ThisWiki:Operation operations] may be thought of as operations +1, +2, +3 on [ThisWiki:Divisions divisions of everything] (each adding 1, 2 or 3 perspectives, respectively). Each operation is a ''going beyond oneself''.

*+1 ''going beyond oneself'' ''Structure: (Perspective: )'' First there is going beyond oneself from the unbounded into the bounded, ever adding an additional comprehensive perspective that reinterprets all the others.
*+2 ''shift in perspective'' ''Activity: (ShiftInPerspective: )'' Then there is a three-cycle which, in parallel, goes beyond by shifting from perspective to perspective.
*+3 ''recurring activity'' ''RecurringActivity: (Slack: )'' (generalized shift in perspective) Next, this three-cycle starts to cover old ground - here what is new is the recurring shift, the ''recurring activity''. This recurring activity is now localized in the shift (without the nodes, which are ever new). So we have a ''general shift''.
*+0 ''unity of origin'' ''RecurringStructure: (Everything: )'' (generalized perspective) - collapse of framework. Finally, there is unity in that the recurring activity can align itself around that which goes beyond.

Each level engenders more structure, until the final layer has it collapse.

* [[Suvokimas]] (Tėvas). Atskyrimas kas sąlygose (asmeniškumas) ir kas besąlygiška (be asmens). [[Neigimas | Neigimo]] pagrindimas. Žmogaus požiūris į Dievo požiūrį.
* [[Savęs pažinimas]], susigaudymas, savęs suvokimas (Sūnus). Žmogaus požiūris į Dievo požiūrį į žmogaus požiūrį.


In describing an absolute, relative, shared, subordinate perspective: consider what truth means for understanding, self-understanding, shared understanding, good understanding:

* understanding - for there to be an absolute perspective we need: no internal structure, no external context (no reframing), accept all things. Here ''all things are true''.
* self-understanding - for a relative perspective we need to separate the threesome for activity (a relative stand) from the threesome for structure (an absolute stand), +2, no overlapping so 3 + 3, notion of ''required concept''
* shared understanding - factoring (''other'' between God and heart through which they coincide) zero structure, seventh perspective, concept, anything (+3). Factor act on the whole - from whole to whole (redefining the absolute whole as a particular stand, which is to say, selecting a perspective) - factors: +2=the focus (structure or spirit, which moves), +3=the movments of spirit with regard to structure (how moving), +4=the separation of spirit and structure (how far apart). Recall: people, words, Qualities. Shared point is: (everything becomes anything - this is perhaps what is needed for sharing - and is what we mean by something - that everything becomes anything, as per +2, defining activity as shift in structure).
* good understanding - zero activity - other is unity of the six levels by which God and heart coincide (secondary structures as embeddings).


I am trying to think of this in terms of love and understanding and concepts, the taking up of perspectives. Some thoughts:

* First God goes beyond himself, through the operation [AddOne +1], again and again, until he has opened up enough slack that his self - the heart - may be independent, on its own. So now there is the heart, and the question is, will God find his way into this heart?
* Then the heart goes beyond itself out to some level where it coincides with God who loves it, is one with it. But the heart considers this God as a mirror to itself. Just as structure is a mirror to activity, so the levels of structure by which God reaches out are taken as a mirror of the levels of activity by which the heart reaches out. The heart reaches out as either +1 or +2 or +3 (foursome, fivesome, sixsome). The heart thinks of God as arising in the gaps. (How does that relate to Factoring?)
* God arises in the gaps where the heart reaches out +0 and thus has zero structure. This structural gap is what allows the factors to be composed, and hence thought of as factors: 1 + 1 = 2, 1 + 2 = 3 and 1 + 3 = 4.
* This allows that the heart has a zero activity 1 + 0 = 1 - and that plants God within the heart as +0, so that they coincide.

''So I need to try to understand the foursome, fivesome, sixsome as the heart reaching back out with +1, +2 or +3 perspectives, respectively, presumably through the operation +2.''


We may also think of this as:

* ''self-Structure'' = ''Relationship with Self as Unequals''
* ''self-Activity'' = ''Relationship with Self as Equals''
* ''RecurringActivity'' = ''Relationship with Other as Equals''
* ''RecurringStructure'' = ''Relationship with Other as Unequals''

Structure has no scope and is Absolute, whereas Activity is Relative to some Scope. In particular, SharedUnderstanding is relative with regard to some scope, but GoodUnderstanding is absolute.

Each level seems to relate to a division of everything:

*+1 from Nullsome to Onesome, Twosome, Threesome
*+2 from onesome, twosome, threesome to Foursome, Fivesome, Sixsome
*+3 from sixsome to Sevensome
*+0 from sevensome to Eightsome/nullsome


On this page I gather various parallels across these four levels.

*relationship with God is given by Onesome, Twosome, Threesome
*relationship with other is given by Foursome, Fivesome, Sixsome
*other is given by Sevensome
*God is given by Nullsome

*+1 Caring about relationship with God
*+2 Caring about relationship with other
*+3 Caring about other
*+0 Caring about God

''Caring about'' apparently means ''going beyond to''. Other is in the SeventhPerspective. God is in the ZerothPerspective.

*+1 Nothing's outlook
*+2 Something's outlook
*+3 Anything's outlook
*+0 Everything's outlook

*Understanding relates to the Threesome
*Self-understanding relates to the Foursome
*SharedUnderstanding relates to the Fivesome
*GoodUnderstanding relates to the Sixsome

This makes for one level of understanding for each of the PrimaryStructures, and also for each VoiceOfTension in Narration. The fivesome relates the two directions: looking forward (from beginning to end) and looking backwards (from end to beginning) and this is perhaps relevant for shared understanding.

[+Kitos mintys+]

* Refactor - kiekvieną sandarą mąstome, kuriame vienu požiūriu, tačiau ją perkuriame, permąstome kitu asmeniu. Tokiu būdu jos visos susiveda. Tai grindžia dviprasmybę ir laisvę.
* -1x0x1 galima suvokti kaip įsijautimą, sąmoningumą ir atsitokėjimą. Įsijautimas -1 ir atsitokėjimas +1 nustato skirtingas kryptis apie padalinimų ratą.

'''God's view (from our view) = dividing himself - the God who knows'''

What may God do, if there is nothing but God? The only thing that I can imagine is that God might divide himself. He may differentiate parts of himself, and those parts may have relationships. In this way, he may give rise to structure. We may imagine these as the events, or the days, in the life of God. They bring to mind the days in the Book of [http://www.ebible.org/bible/web/Genesis.htm Genesis].

'''God's view (from his view) = going beyond himself - the God who does not know'''

{{God}} is TheBeginning. This is to say, God is unbounded.

God, unbounded, goes beyond himself, into the bounded. This gives rise to {{Everything}}. Everything is the {{Structure}} of God. God is the {{Spirit}} of everything.

'''Vienybė, dvejybė, trejybė'''

'''taken together: the operation +1'''

Going beyond oneself is an {{Operation}}. We term this ''+1'' because it adds a perspective, taking us from:
*the {{Nullsome}} - everything divided into no perspectives, which is to say, God prior to everything
*the {{Onesome}} - everything divided into one perspective

God ever goes beyond himself. He keeps adding a perspective through this operation +1. This gives rise to ever more structure. God goes beyond himself into the {{Onesome}}, then the {{Twosome}} and then the {{Threesome}}.

The operation +1 - going beyond oneself - is what drives all of the unfolding of structure. It is the rethinking (as in "repent"?) of all the perspectives, their unity by a new perspective, a delving backwards, inwards and deeper into structure.

There are three equations that ultimately yield the threesome and understanding, as God goes beyond himself:

*[NullAddOne 0+1=1] God goes beyond himself, out of the unboundable and into the boundable, giving rise to everything, where all things are the same.
*[OneAddOne 1+1=2] God goes beyond himself again, noting that if he is - then he is, but add in a perspective whereby even if he is not - then he still is.
*[TwoAddOne 2+1=3] God goes beyond himself again, noting that the God who is (one perspective) and the God who arises (another perspective) are the same God - what they understand is the same (this is a third perspective).

The threesome is the structure for understanding - for returning to the beginning. This is the completion from God's point of view. There is God who understands (the Father), God who figures himself out (the Son), and their shared understanding (the Spirit) by which they are indeed the same God.


What is Separate? Not Coinciding - Ne [[tapatumas]].

See also: {{Overview}}, KeepSeparate

(Benoit?) Sanctification means separated by God for God

{{Andrius}}: Benoit, thank you for your great contributions to our lab. I appreciate the many Scriptural references you have made to basic concepts that I want to focus on. You have saved me a lot of work! It is hard to ponder these things, but I think these concepts are good to ponder. In your note above you reveal the importance of allowing for ''separate'' even as we wish to be ''unified''. So I am very interested to understand that dynamic and our personal testimony is very relevant. I myself want to point first to the reality of Jesus which makes him relevant - perhaps as the ''one for all'' as you mention, which is also related to how the separate and the unified are related. I think that the ''name of Jesus'' becomes important to us when we can agree as to what we mean by that, and at that point we can speak as ''believers''. But I feel that it's to look for that reality because I have much to learn regarding that and I also doubt whether most people really know what they mean when they say Jesus. How would you explain it to a Muslim, for example?

Thought: Understanding is the activity of God; not understanding is the activity of human. The human perspective reflects the structure of understanding: take a stand - not understood, but rather creates understood; follow through - not understanding, but rather creates understanding; reflect - not understander, but rather creates understander. The human perspective is bounded: closed upon itself (but open to itself). God's perspective is unbounded: open upon itself it goes beyond itself. We therefore know it by the extent that it goes to view the human perspective: through 0, 1, 2 or 3 nodes. First of itself, and then futher out: why, how, what - each going beyond the previous and deeper into the human perspective. Threesome + null = division = framework for structure = empathize with God's perspective.

* Why does the system collapse because understanding is the understanding of all? Because All is separated from experiencing, yet All is experiencing. In All, indistinction and distinction are the same, and thus the system collapses.
* What does it mean that God is understanding of God, Everything is understanding of I, and so forth? What is I combining? In each case, God is being combined with the spirit of the system for a particular level.

'''Atskyrimo lygmenys'''

Suppositions are kept separate by placing them in different Scopes. What does this mean?

Separateness is the indirectness of view - that it is possible to have not a direct view.

A view (or outlook) that separates:
* all perspectives is Spirit
* any perspective is Structure
* a perspective is Representation
* no perspective is Unity

The point is to keep reducing scope so as to have complete coincidence.

Separateness is a key idea and somehow the adding of a perspective (the taking up of a perspective) introduces separateness, perhaps:
* self separates God from God
* heart is separateness of self from God
* other is separateness of heart from God
* God is separateness of other from God

The division of everything into four perspectives is the place where the algebra of views starts to matter. The four levels give us a scale from "oneness" to "separateness". Why asserts that the observer and situation are one, and whether asserts that they are completely separate. How and what are somewhere in between and allow for a nontrivial relationship between the observer and situation. So these are all levels that are relevant as we consider matters of "same" and "different".

The four levels may also be thought in terms of scopes:
* why - knowledge of everything
* how - knowledge of anything
* what - knowledge of something
* whether - knowledge of nothing
And the knowledge may be thought of as what the observer and situation share, which is to say, the extent to which the observer is one with the situation.

Furthermore, the four levels may be thought of as relating structure and activity. "Structure channels activity" expresses what is definite, what that means. "Activity evokes structure" expresses what is specified. We may think of structure as a function and activity as the flow through it. The function may be definite or not, and the inflow
may be specified or not. (In particular, the specification of input is akin to its partial calculation.) This yields four possibilities:
* why - indefinite and unspecified - structure and activity are uncoupled
* how - definite and unspecified - top down: structure yields activity
* what - definite and specified - structure and activity are in a loop
* whether - indefinite and specified - bottom up: activity yields structure

We may think of structure as arising from God and activity as arising from godlet, and then the four levels give the possible relationships. These relationships may be thought of in terms of the distance between structure and activity. Here activity is that which finds itself within structure and is inspired by it.
* At first the distance, the separation between structure and activity is "everything"
* Then structure determines activity, so structure must be definite, and the separation is "anything"
* Then structure and activity feed off each other, and so the separation is "something" which keeps them yet separate
* Finally, activity directs structure, which is to say, they are the same, the structure embodies the activity, and so they are separated by "nothing".
It is this last level which extends the "threesome" by saying that, above and beyond God, there might be something in the situation of God which is not distinct from it, as God is, but rather determined by it. This material level "whether" is the source of the Foursome and exemplifies God's ever going beyond himself.

Another very important idea is that what separates the "viewer" (observer) and the "viewed" (situation) is the Nullsome (the division of everything into zero perspectives). This separation manifests itself through the four RepresentationsOfTheNullsome:
* significant (not encompassable - Negation of why)
* constant (not changeable - negation of how)
* direct (not representable - negation of what)
* true (not hideable - negation of whether)
So I think that in the "original outlook" the distinction between viewer and viewed is kept latent. But with the new outlook - and once Representations becomes relevant - it is possible to think of viewer and viewed as separate and even self-standing.

All of this to say that this is the machinery that lets us consider matters of "same", "different", "separate", "one", "equal", "difference" that are key to an algebra of views.

The ability to have a dual point of view is what lets us "keep separate" concepts like God and good, and that ability is at the heart of understanding.

2005.04.21 A: Ką reiškia suvokti, suprasti? D: Tai yra kai aš tavyje, tavo širdyje, toje sandaroje - vienybėje - randu save, Dievą esantį uš visko. O meilė yra šito radimo palaikymas. Suprasi.

2005.04.11 A: Koks ryšys tarp meilės ir suvokimo? D: Meilė palaiko gyvybę, o suvokti tai yra gyventi pilnai. A: Meilė yra suvokti kartu. D: Taip, iš tiesų.

2005.01.01 A: Kaip supratimas šmogaus yra susijęs su supratimas Dievo? D: Žmogus yra suprantamas veikloje, o Dievas tyloje..

2004.12.30 A: Ar galima suvokti tik tave ar per tave? D: Aš esu visako pradžia. O suvokimas yra žiūrėjimas, išgyvenimas iš pradžios. Tad tinka pradėti nuo pradžių pradžios.

2004.12.15 A: Koks susikalbėjimo ryšys su meile? D: Aš trokštu labai mylėti, o tas troškimas yra susikalbėjimas. A: Ar tai yra, kad tu trokšti viską? D: Taip, tai yra tai.

2005.05.02 A: Kaip širdis išeina uš savęs? D: Širdis pripažįsta apimtį, jai duotą iš aukščiau, vis arčiau savęs, kuri jinai mylima, kol galiausia ji gyvena išvien su manimi.

2004.12.27 A: Kaip sąmoningėjame susigaudyme? D: Iš pradžių tu vienas susigaudai savyje, paskui per kitus, o galiausia per mane.

2004.12.28 A: Kaip savęs supratimas yra susijęs su supratimu? D: Kada tu žiūri į mane, tada tu matai save.

2004.11.02 A: Kaip nulybės atvaizdai susiję su padalinimų atliekamaisiais požiūriais, trejybėje nesančiais? D: Jūs mane suvokiate per tai kokiais matais prie jūsų prieinu, ir savo meile jus palaikau. Myliu ir mylėk su manimi.
2018 balandžio 06 d., 10:26 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 1-335 eilutės iš




See also: Concepts, Institutions, Overview, AddOne, SpiritVStructure, Love, LevelsOfUnderstanding, KeepSeparate

'''Gyvenimo lygtis'''

''Life is the goodness of God, but EternalLife is Understanding the goodness of God, which is to say, keeping the two separate.''

'''Kas yra suvokimas?'''

Understanding is separation, keeping Separate, distinct:
* of God and NotGod for a certain level
* of God for Person (what is greater) and NotGod for Scope (what has be equal)
* of the Willing and the Nonwilling.
* of an Observer from their context, which is their ObservationalPlane.
* of Concepts
** their Activity and Structure
** their relationship with self (their independence) and their relationship with the default (as in the Omniscope)
** their collection with regard to a supposition (its "I").
** so that as they grow in independence they expand slack, they generate IncreasingSlack. We understand that which is bound, which is to say, the binding of concepts whereby they grow in dependence, making for DecreasingSlack. For example, {{Life}} is the fact (the binding) that {{God}} is {{Good}}, whereas EternalLife is the understanding that {{God}} is {{Good}}.
* the DefaultPerspective and the IndependentPerspective
* the essential from the superfluous (so that they are NotBeingOneWith).
* the one who understands and the one who is understood (God) and the latter is understood as a Person (God, I, You, Other)
* Or with regard to And. And is unconditional BeingOneWith and Or is conditional BeingOneWith. In a sense, Or maybe thought of as Not And.
* Understanding is both immersed (in that concepts are in themselves) and abstracted (in that it keeps the concepts separate)

Understanding is self-separation:
* conditionally BeingOneWith
* NotBeingOneWith As ...
* GoingBeyondOneself into conditions
* Understanding applies a definition of NotBeingOneWith and thus establishes the meaning of BeingOneWith.
* Understanding is the independence of ourselves from a concept and that which relates us. It is the reverse of identification. Instead of identifying with a concept an presuming that which relates us, we keep them all independent.
* Understanding is the relationship between Love, which evokes Self, and Truth, which introduces Other.
* Understanding is the degree of SelfCoinciding as given by the separation which there can be between one and their Self when the latter is taken as Other.
* Understanding is this separation between the one who coincides (and is prior to context and beyond it) and the one they coincide with (and is after context and within it). They share the question Who is coinciding? which calls them both to go to coincide with an Other beyond themselves. The other is the slack they share as the love which reaches out to context and the Life which reaches in to what is prior to context. We thus open up new vantage points but also make ever more explicit the Other until we reach the point that the Other is in fact the coinciding which is implicit within us.
* Understanding is coinciding with the Truth beyond the system, thus the Truth beyond a System
* Understanding is is to see oneself.
* Understanding is what is allowed for by Other.
* Understanding is We.
* Understanding is that Love precedes Truth.
* Understanding is the opposite of Experiencing.
* Understanding is what has us ever focus our empathy.
* Understanding is the position of Other as the choice between the DefaultObserver (GodTheFather, GodTheSon, HolySpirit, God) and the ActualContext (Self). See the diagram of the EquationOfLife at SelfVOther.
* Understanding proceeds from Definition.
* Understanding is IncreasingSlack. Experiencing is DecreasingSlack.

Understanding is the relationship with God:
* Understanding is the return to (and out of) the Beginning. In this sense, understanding is ultimately with regard to God, who is the beginning.
* Conditions for BeingOneWith God, the default perspective that is one with and has no conditions
* [ThisWiki:Contexts Context
] for BeingOneWith
* the quality of God (conditionally BeingOneWith) that (under the conditions) allows for its opposite, NotUnderstanding (conditionally NotBeingOneWith), which allows for its generalization (unconditionally NotBeingOneWith). This separates the one who understands and the one who comes to understand. This is the threesome and it is from the beginning, as is the foursome, which gives the level of understanding.
* Understanding opens God to others beyond him, outside of his context, who thus interpret him as a particular Spirit: God, I, You, Other. God arises and participates as Love which supports this spirit: God, Everything, Wishing, Love. By that love God is accessible to those beyond him. Understanding is that by which one beyond God can be one with him. He commands us to love for by love we are one with all and by loving at any level we come together in understanding for we love as one.
* Understanding is relationship with God in Structure, as given by the divergence, distinction, division, thus there are levels of Understanding.
* Understanding is the DefaultPerspective.
* Understanding is relationship of DefaultPerspective (God) and IndependentPerspective (Person).
* Key to the LevelsOfUnderstanding are {{Operations}} which express such relationships with {{God}}.

Understanding is the relationship between IncreasingSlack (Understanding) and DecreasingSlack (Understood) by way of Scope (coming to understand)
* Understanding is one of four LevelsOfUnderstanding: {{Understanding}}, SelfUnderstanding, SharedUnderstanding, GoodUnderstanding. Understanding comes from both inside one and outside one. Therefore there are various LevelsOfUnderstanding depending on where it comes from, from one or the other or neither or both. Understanding is a level of consciousness, awareness. And taken together there is Consciousness in general and the Person goes beyond themselves, their Self, their limits to God beyond us. Thus choose not one's level of consciousness, but consciousness in general. This happens through Love, when we care to understand a Person prior to their Conditions.
** God - understanding of whether - Understanding
** I - understanding of what - SelfUnderstanding
** You - understanding of how - SharedUnderstanding
** Other - understanding of why - GoodUnderstanding
* what relates Knowledge and Definition

Understanding is adding superfluous structure or removing superfluous activity:
* removing superfluous activity as channeled by structure (operation -A removes activity)
* removing the DefaultPerspective from the definition of BeingOneWith
* is the arisal of {{Structure}} from non-structure; likewise, {{Love}} = {{View}} is the arisal of activity from non-activity; in this way they are related to the operation [AddThree +3
* defines NotBeingOneWith by applying superfluous structure.
* the addition of superfluous structure.

Understanding is the transformation of the nonwilling into the willing.

Understanding is having a view:
* Understanding is having a {{View}}.
* Understanding is a Definite View of an Indefinite View.
* Understanding is looking {{Forwards}} in the direction of the {{Indefinite}}.
* Understanding is with regard to a {{Scope}} - the smaller the scope - the more intense the understanding - the fewer the concepts and the more the perspectives.
* Understanding is a difference between views, what is gained as one view takes up an other.

Here are examples of Understanding:
* Understanding is by the System of a Person.
* Understanding is by Position of Perspective.
* Understanding is God, Everything, Wishing, Love.

Understanding is also:
* negative law as in Love your neighbor as yourself
* Understanding is the matter which the {{Threesome}} establishes.
* Understanding is what results from the operation [AddOne +1] and allows for the {{World}} by understanding {{Spirit}}.
* Understanding and love are forms of consciousness - each of them adds three perspectives (as with the operation +3) to the domain so as to have separateness. The three perspectives allow for concept, quality and separateness (as in God, good and eternal life - where the domain is life, the goodness of God).
* Understanding may be taken as of a concept - and the first "understanding" is "truth-understanding", understanding of truth. (Where God is the concept of truth). And the understanding adds three perspectives. They distinguish the concept (in this case blank - transparent - like a hole) from any qualities (which are taken care of by the perspectives, as three extra levels - think of the foursome.) So these three extra levels allow us to keep a concept in check, enclosed, with decreasing slack.

Understanding is common to all and is how we understand each other and how we empathize with a Person and with God beyond all Persons. For circumstances belong to a LevelOfUnderstanding, but God is beyond all levels of understanding, and that is EternalLife. So we should choose God over Self. God will not let us down. Understanding expands Definition because it encompasses NotGod's not being beyond NotGod, and God's being beyond NotGod. Thus Understanding circumscribes Scopes, for it acknowledges God and NotGod and our relationship. Whereas Experiencing acknowledges only that relationship, what they have in common. Thus Understanding expands on Experiencing. Experience and live, but Understand and live with God, with all, not just oneself. Living with God one supports all and each with Love.
* Understanding is common to all but through each, thus include every one. For God is in everyone. But everyone is free, and so may not be, and one's circumstances depend not on God but on all of us together, and so we as such arise in understanding, as all understand together. Thus we can support this possibility which is started by God. How can Person and God be together? When their perspectives coincide, God's wider perspective and Person's narrower perspective, and this happens when Person chooses God over Self. God waits for us to choose.

This means that perspectives are kept distinct, they are kept track of. In particular, God's view and human's view are not ignored, as they easily might. Each such view is kept track of as a separate LevelOfUnderstanding. In this way, as we keep track of more levels, we may speak of a deeper understanding (which is yet no less complete than the broader understanding, but simply has made clear the levels involved).

For example, life is the goodness of God, but eternal life is understanding the goodness of God, keeping them distinct. In this sense, understanding is God's view. It is also returning to the beginning, which makes clear that God is prior.

Understanding brings us together with God because it has us acknowledge him and distinguish him from circumstances and thus ourselves from circumstances, and so we can coincide if our circumstances coincide, if we are Good or have Slack or are Coinciding or have Perfection. When we acknowledge something greater than our circumstances, expressed as NullActivity, noncircumstances, then we can separate ourselves from our circumstances and coincide with God.

===Knowledges of God===

Knowledges of God: EternalLife, Wisdom, GoodWill, GodsWill
* are Understanding
* relate NotGod and Scope
* is how we find Position and we hold on to it
* is how the potential for God chooses God over itself and is indeed God
* is the foundation for going beyond oneself because it separates where we have come from and where we are going to
* gives the centering and the context that are relevant to support Person. For example, GoodWill centers us through I on You, whereas GodsWill centers us through God on Other. Centering places us within the zone for a feedback loop and context is the zone where there can be an answer rooted in a wider perspective.
* opens space for the Freedom of the next Person.
* is what is assumed because it is beyond the extent of assumptions
* being alone beyond Knowledge, the possibility of being not alone, the unity of being alone beyond System, the unity of BeingOneWith (beyond and within Scope) that takes place beyond Scope, before Negation and makes Scope for it, for Other. Thus Person can go beyond themselves, BeingOneWith beyond Scope (EternalLife, Wisdom, GoodWill, GodsWill), beyond System, in consciousness, out to God, thus choose God, coinciding in Position. Distinguishes between Knowledge and Definition. It is what is taken up, lived by God: Perspective (GodsWill), Position (Good Will), Vantage Point (Wisdom).

===Examples of Understanding===

* EternalLife - God vs Good
* Wisdom - Everything vs Slack
* GoodWill - Wishing vs Coinciding
* GodsWill - Love vs Perfection
* ? Everything - I vs Slack
* ? Wishing - You vs Coinciding
* ? Love - Other vs Perfection

===More thoughts===

'''God's view (from our view) = dividing himself - the God who knows'''

What may God do, if there is nothing but God? The only thing that I can imagine is that God might divide himself. He may differentiate parts of himself, and those parts may have relationships. In this way, he may give rise to structure. We may imagine these as the events, or the days, in the life of God. They bring to mind the days in the Book of [http://www.ebible.org/bible/web/Genesis.htm Genesis].

'''God's view (from his view) = going beyond himself - the God who does not know'''

{{God}} is TheBeginning. This is to say, God is unbounded.

God, unbounded, goes beyond himself, into the bounded. This gives rise to {{Everything}}. Everything is the {{Structure}} of God. God is the {{Spirit}} of everything.

==={{Onesome}}, {{Twosome}}, {{Threesome}}===

'''taken together: the operation +1'''

Going beyond oneself is an {{Operation}}. We term this ''+1'' because it adds a perspective, taking us from:
*the {{Nullsome}} - everything divided into no perspectives, which is to say, God prior to everything
*the {{Onesome}} - everything divided into one perspective

God ever goes beyond himself. He keeps adding a perspective through this operation +1. This gives rise to ever more structure. God goes beyond himself into the {{Onesome}}, then the {{Twosome}} and then the {{Threesome}}.

The operation +1 - going beyond oneself - is what drives all of the unfolding of structure. It is the rethinking (as in "repent"?) of all the perspectives, their unity by a new perspective, a delving backwards, inwards and deeper into structure.

There are three equations that ultimately yield the threesome and understanding, as God goes beyond himself:

*[NullAddOne 0+1=1] God goes beyond himself, out of the unboundable and into the boundable, giving rise to everything, where all things are the same.
*[OneAddOne 1+1=2] God goes beyond himself again, noting that if he is - then he is, but add in a perspective whereby even if he is not - then he still is.
*[TwoAddOne 2+1=3] God goes beyond himself again, noting that the God who is (one perspective) and the God who arises (another perspective) are the same God - what they understand is the same (this is a third perspective).

The threesome is the structure for understanding - for returning to the beginning. This is the completion from God's point of view. There is God who understands (the Father), God who figures himself out (the Son), and their shared understanding (the Spirit) by which they are indeed the same God.

'''Understanding allows for self-understanding'''

At this point there is the structure which serves as a starting point for an outlook that does not know where it has come from but attempt to figure this out: a self-correcting perspective which takes a stand, follows through and reflects in an endless three-cycle.


See also: Heart, ConstructiveHypotheses, [AddTwo +2], Engaging, InversionEffect, End, Self, LoveSelf
===Self Understanding===
'''Self-understanding''' is one of four LevelsOfUnderstanding: Understanding, SelfUnderstanding, SharedUnderstanding, GoodUnderstanding.

'''Self-understanding''' is a human's view of '''God's view of human's view.'''

The [{{Sixsome}} #] is the [{{Structure}} #] for ''self-understanding''.

[AddTwo +2] SelfUnderstanding allows for a PersonInParticular by understanding Structure Self. Self-understanding determines a scope (with regard to nobody, somebody, anybody, everybody) which says how far away we are from the end.


''The purpose of the operation +2 is to allow for a relative perspective. This relative perspective is alongside (and relative to) an absolute perspective. The '''sixsome''' is the structure that keeps separate an absolute perspective (in terms of structure) and a relative perspective (in terms of activity). It allows them to be alongside each other. The structural threesome has us take a stand, follow through, reflect with regard to an everything (our '''self''') that we live by way of. The activity threesome has us take a stand, follow through, reflect as self-corrections that have us move around a center. Ultimately, this center may be taken as a seventh perspective shared by both the absolute and the relative perspectives. The operation +2 allows the absolute and relative perspectives to be separated, distinguished from each other (as occurs in understanding). In particular, our self is distinguished, and taken as a concept that may be qualified, thus we have self-understanding. Consider, also, how the foursome, fivesome, sixsome may be interpreted, by way of the operation +2, as walking through (as activity) the structural threesome until this has generated a second threesome (hence the sixsome).''


Note that by the operation [{{{{Add}} one}} +1] God keeps going beyond himself, from the bounded ever deeper into the bounded, generating more and more structure. With the fourth leap he recedes enough so that there is slack within which it is possible for a completely independent perspective to arise: the [heart #]. The operation +2 expresses the perspective of the heart. The heart lives by way of activity. It goes beyond itself from non-activity to activity, much as God goes from non-structure to structure. However, this is the opposite direction as God (see diagram). For example, God goes from the unbounded to the bounded. This shift (across discrete states) may be thought of as an activity - bounding. The bounding arises from the background activity of non-bounding. The shift from non-bounding to bounding is a structure - the bounded. In this way, the operation +2 has us add two perspectives, in this case: bounding and non-bounding. More generally: activity and non-activity (or background activity). Note that the shift between non-structure and structure is discrete, whereas the shift between non-activity and activity is analogue, so the relationship is much like a Fourier transform.

So this relationship is very much the one that Christopher Alexander points out regarding structure and activity:
* activity evokes structure (shift from non-structure to structure)
* structure channels activity (shift from non-activity to activity)

Where is the self? In what sense is this self-understanding? The self is the bounded (the structure) and understanding it is to perceive it as a shift from non-activity to activity.


''Self-understanding is about the good in [{{Engaging}} #] and yields the [{{Divisions}} #]''


This is the level that distinguishes [{{Anything}} #] and [{{Wisdom}} #].



* is understanding of the [{{Self}} #], which is to say, [{{Structure}} #]
* introduces the [{{End}} #] and the [{{Inversion}} effect]
* has two tracks given by the [{{Operation}} #] [{{{{Add}} two}} +2] and [{{Activity}} #]
* yields the [{{Sixsome}} #] and a [{{Person-in-particular}} #].


'''Self-understanding is understanding of the [{{Self}} #]'''

''Self-understanding'' is [{{Understanding}} #] of oneself. Self is [{{Structure}} #]. Hence self-understanding is understanding of one's structure. See [{{Awareness}} #].

''Self-understanding'' is an [{{Operation}} #] +2 in that it takes us from the [{{Nullsome}} #] to the [{{Twosome}} #]. ''+2'' adds [{{Shift}} in perspective] - two perspectives - yielding [{{Activity}} #] and [{{Self-understanding}} #]

The [{{Threesome}} #] makes for [{{Understanding}} #], which is the return to [{{The}} beginning]. With the threesome God goes back to the beginning - this is understanding. It is then possible for there to be a perspective that is not aware that it is God. This is God bounded, which is human. This allows for there to be a point of view that find itself within structure but without understanding why - a cyclic threesome. This perspective experiences the operation +1 (going beyond oneself) as a shift in a three-cycle. (This is the great correspondence between God and human). This yields an alternate definition for "self", for structure - the cyclic threesome. Starting from this definition, the operation +1 is able to continue its activity. In this way, structure is the spirit (the threesome). This completes what is needed for two perspectives (representations), one of which is the beginning, and the other of which is the end, completely free as such. This is the greatest unfolding - subsequently, from the new perspective there is a repetition of the four perspectives, and a collapse back into the beginning. (Which is to say, the foursome is gotten by the fourth move around the threesome). This is the last of the four representations (which come from the unfolding) as the next is the beginning. In this sense, this is the end - hence a new perspective, a new representation, as such. Three such shifts bring it back to where it was. But they also make for four levels in that the return is yet not the same as the beginning. Meanwhile, the moving of the threesome has left first one, then two, finally three perspectives that can be attributed to God. The correspondence thus allows for rapport between human and God. This establishes the basis for the primary structures and for the secondary structures.

'''Self-understanding introduces the [{{End}} #]'''

''Question: Is the end human or spirit? In what sense does the end arise? How is it introduced by the foursome? Is it related to being understood, rather than understanding?''

After the threesome, the operation +1 raises the question: With regard to structure, at what point is God arising? There are four answers: God is separated from structure by everything, anything, something or nothing. These give the relationship between the [{{Beginning}} #] ([{{God}} #] the [{{Nullsome}} #]) and the [{{End}} #] ([{{Structure}} #], [{{Everything}} #], [{{Onesome}} #], [{{Self}} #]). ''[{{Human}} #] is given by this relationship and can choose to identify himself with the combination of these concepts (and thus [{{Life}} #]) or the separation of these concepts (and thus [{{Eternal}} life]) or the one or the other - thus four choices in all (?). And in what sense does this have to do with [{{Choosing}} #] and the [{{Representations}} of anything]?''

''Note: I think that key here is the introduction of inverted perspective which is necessary to imagining God wishing everything. Perhaps this happens because the threesome has shifted to include nothing. This leads to God being understood as the heart. Hence the heart reaches out to the outer God rather than be found by God. The tables have turned on God in that sense. This is apparently the basis for the [{{Constructive}} hypotheses].''

'''Self-understanding has two tracks given by the [{{Operation}} #] [{{{{Add}} two}} +2]'''

The threesome is circled around as if on two tracks. The later track is complete and represents a [{{Quality}} #] that one is engaged in. The prior track has one, two or three perspectives, and represents the one who has that quality, [{{God}} #], who is taken as a [{{Null}} #]. As a null, it is a projection, like the question Why, or the emptiness of space or time in their extremes, or the physical instincts to survive.

The operation +2 may be thought of as relating the first three nodes (unbounded, uncoincided, undirected) as non-structure with the next three nodes (not bounding, not coinciding, not directing) of non-activity. Each of these sets may be thought of as describing: take a stand, follow through, reflect. Each of these describes the relevant freedom (or slack), for example, "unbounded" is the freedom relevant for "taking a stand" when it is disengaged, and then it is "bounded" when it is engaged. Here the freedom is described as from the point of view of the actor regarding the non-structure of their surroundings. Whereas "not bounding" is a non-activity and describes the point of view of the surroundings upon the actor within them. This is the view of the [heart #].

So taking a stand, following through and reflecting are different forms of engaging:

* Take a stand: unbounded to bounded
* Follow through: uncoincided to coincided
* Reflect: undirected to directed

And this engagement is supported by surroundings as they go from non-activity to activity. So this movement from non-activity to activity is what we mean by [{{Support}} #], as in activity evokes structure. Love is the support of life, and in this sense, love is a movement from non-activity to activity.

So the foursome, fivesome, sixsome arise as the freedoms of the actor are reconsidered as freedoms of the surroundings. But, apparently, this can be conceived only by invoking the [{{Inversion}} effect] so that the surroundings and the actor exchange roles. In this sense, for example, the material ''whether'' is considered at the core, the heart, materially.

Each of these structures may now be thought of as a pair of threesomes which are more or less overlapping, with one providing the perspectives of the actor, and the other of the surroundings:
* [{{Foursome}} #]: actor is why, how, what and surroundings is whether, what, how
* [{{Fivesome}} #]: actor is unrestricted cause, restricted cause, restricted effect and surroundings is restricted unrestriction, unrestricted effect, restricted effect.
* [{{Sixsome}} #]: actor is cling to what you have, get more than what you need, avoid extremes, and surroundings is choose the good over the bad, choose the better over the worse, choose the best over the rest.

Note also that in this way, the actor is always the first three perspectives and the surroundings are the last three perspectives. And so we may think of there being a sort of cyclic rolling, '''unrolling''', where structure overlaps with activity and activity rolls onward. Specifically:

* why/unrestricted cause/cling to what you have = unbounded (taking a stand)
* how/restricted cause/get more than what you need = uncoincided (following through) uncoinciding = how
* what/restricted effect/avoid extremes = undirected (reflect) undirecting = what/restricted effect
* (take a stand) unbounding = whether/unrestricted effect/choose the good over the bad
* (follow through) uncoinciding = restricted unrestriction/choose the better over the worse
* (reflect) undirecting = choose the best over the rest

(Note that this is perhaps the basis for [{{Internalization}} #]).

''Self-understanding'' allows that there can be activity. Activity is the [{{End}} #]. It arises from the perspective of a [human #] godlet, one who has found himself in the situation of God who has gone beyond himself from the unbounded into the bounded, yet has identified with his situation so much that he has lost understanding that he might be God. In this sense the threesome is taken not as defining understanding, but as establishing the cycle: take a stand, follow through, reflect. This truly becomes a cycle with the [{{Sixsome}} #], as there it becomes clear that any one of these three can serve as an instigator, both within the cycle, but also with a stimulus from beyond the cycle. Activity is the stimulus within the cycle, and structure is the stimulus from beyond the cycle.

[{{Human}} #] is the [{{End}} #] and as such is bounded. The human outlook is given by the cyclic [{{Threesome}} #] (take a stand, follow through, reflect) as it advances forward (with God's going beyond himself) leaving behind a trail of perspectives.

The [{{Foursome}} #] describes with regard to the separation from [{{The}} end]. This is the arisal of an alternative point of view, of the bounded God. This is [{{Self-understanding}} #] where self is structure. Here the operation +1 is understood also as a shift in the threesome, hence the threesome moves cyclically.

I think that the foursome gives what separates us from ''the end''. God is the beginning, human is the end.
* why (the beginning): we are separated from the end by ''everything''
* how (not the end): we are separated from the end by ''anything''
* what (not the beginning): we are separated from the end by ''something''
* whether (the end): we are separated from the end by ''nothing''

Self-understanding determines a [{{Scope}} #] (with regard to nobody, somebody, anybody, everybody) which says how far away we are from the end.

'''Self-understanding yields the [{{Sixsome}} #]'''

Self-understanding juxtaposes the [{{Threesome}} #] and it's cyclic representation, hence the sixsome. Note that the threesome (take a stand, follow through, reflect) is not cyclic of itself, only by way of its representation (be, do, think) is it (think about this). But the sixsome has, as half of itself, a cyclic threesome.

The [{{Fivesome}} #] is for [{{Shared}} understanding]. It places the beginning and the end with regard to their points of view. The beginning's point of view is unbounded and moves from the beginning to the end. The end's point of view is bounded and moves from the end to the beginning. So we have: unbounded beginning, unbounded end, bounded end, bounded beginning and also unbounded bounded. Which is to say, the present is the separation within the joining. The unbounded is thinking separately, the bounded is thinking joined. But even in the joined, there is possible a separation between the beginning and the end. The here and now - that is this separation, this boundary. The threesome moves again cyclically.

Note also that the fivesome relates the beginning and the end in two different directions.

The [{{Sixsome}} #] is what defines human. Human is able to participate in rapport with God. The threesome moves again cyclically, returning to the beginning.


In Lithuanian, this concept is ''susigaudo''.


What is Separate? Not Coinciding - Ne [[tapatumas]].

See also: {{Overview}}, KeepSeparate

(Benoit?) Sanctification means separated by God for God

{{Andrius}}: Benoit, thank you for your great contributions to our lab. I appreciate the many Scriptural references you have made to basic concepts that I want to focus on. You have saved me a lot of work! It is hard to ponder these things, but I think these concepts are good to ponder. In your note above you reveal the importance of allowing for ''separate'' even as we wish to be ''unified''. So I am very interested to understand that dynamic and our personal testimony is very relevant. I myself want to point first to the reality of Jesus which makes him relevant - perhaps as the ''one for all'' as you mention, which is also related to how the separate and the unified are related. I think that the ''name of Jesus'' becomes important to us when we can agree as to what we mean by that, and at that point we can speak as ''believers''. But I feel that it's to look for that reality because I have much to learn regarding that and I also doubt whether most people really know what they mean when they say Jesus. How would you explain it to a Muslim, for example?

Thought: Understanding is the activity of God; not understanding is the activity of human. The human perspective reflects the structure of understanding: take a stand - not understood, but rather creates understood; follow through - not understanding, but rather creates understanding; reflect - not understander, but rather creates understander. The human perspective is bounded: closed upon itself (but open to itself). God's perspective is unbounded: open upon itself it goes beyond itself. We therefore know it by the extent that it goes to view the human perspective: through 0, 1, 2 or 3 nodes. First of itself, and then futher out: why, how, what - each going beyond the previous and deeper into the human perspective. Threesome + null = division = framework for structure = empathize with God's perspective.

* Why does the system collapse because understanding is the understanding of all? Because All is separated from experiencing, yet All is experiencing. In All, indistinction and distinction are the same, and thus the system collapses.
* What does it mean that God is understanding of God, Everything is understanding of I, and so forth? What is I combining? In each case, God is being combined with the spirit of the system for a particular level.


Fauconnier et al's "blend" theory should be inverted, by which I mean to say that {{Understanding}} is the ability to make use of the blend to hold two domains separate rather than to merge them. It's the separation, the teasing apart of the domains, wherein lies the intelligence.


''2005.04.21 {{A}}: Ką rei�kia suvokti, suprasti? {{D}}: Tai yra kai a� tavyje, tavo �irdyje, toje sandaroje - vienybėje - randu save, Dievą esantį u� visko. O meilė yra �ito radimo palaikymas. Suprasi.''

''2005.04.11 {{A}}: Koks ry�ys tarp meilės ir suvokimo? {{D}}: Meilė palaiko gyvybę, o suvokti tai yra gyventi pilnai. {{A}}: Meilė yra suvokti kartu. {{D}}: Taip, i� tiesų.''

''2005.01.01 {{A}}: Kaip supratimas �mogaus yra susijęs su supratimas Dievo? {{D}}: �mogus yra suprantamas veikloje, o Dievas tyloje.''.

''2004.12.30 {{A}}: Ar galima suvokti tik tave ar per tave? {{D}}: A� esu visako prad�ia. O suvokimas yra �iūrėjimas, i�gyvenimas i� prad�ios. Tad tinka pradėti nuo prad�ių prad�ios.''

''2004.12.15 {{A}}: Koks susikalbėjimo ry�ys su meile? {{D}}: A� trok�tu labai mylėti, o tas tro�kimas yra susikalbėjimas. {{A}}: Ar tai yra, kad tu trok�ti viską? {{D}}: Taip, tai yra tai.''

''2005.05.02 [{{A}} #]: Kaip �irdis i�eina u� savęs? [{{D}} #]: �irdis pripa�įsta apimtį, jai duotą i� auk�čiau, vis arčiau savęs, kuri jinai mylima, kol galiausia ji gyvena i�vien su manimi.''

''2004.12.27 [{{A}} #]: Kaip sąmoningėjame susigaudyme? [{{D}} #]: I� prad�ių tu vienas susigaudai savyje, paskui per kitus, o galiausia per mane.''

''2004.12.28 [{{A}} #]: Kaip savęs supratimas yra susijęs su supratimu? [{{D}} #]: Kada tu �iūri į mane, tada tu matai save.''

''2004.11.02 [{{A}} #]: Kaip nulybės atvaizdai susiję su padalinimų atliekamaisiais po�iūriais, trejybėje nesančiais? [{{D}} #]: Jūs mane suvokiate per tai kokiais matais prie jūsų prieinu, ir savo meile jus palaikau. Myliu ir mylėk su manimi.''

Žr. [[Dievo šokio išdavos]]

2018 balandžio 06 d., 10:14 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
2016 rugpjūčio 26 d., 14:44 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 4-5 eilutės:

2016 sausio 14 d., 12:30 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 8-17 eilutės iš
See also: {{Concepts}}, {{Institutions}}


{{Andrius}}: Fauconnier et al's "blend" theory should be inverted, by which I mean to say that {{Understanding}} is the ability to make use of the blend to hold two domains separate rather than to merge them. It
's the separation, the teasing apart of the domains, wherein lies the intelligence.


See also: Overview, [AddOne +1], SpiritVStructure, {{Love}}, LevelsOfUnderstanding, KeepSeparate
See also: Concepts, Institutions, Overview, AddOne, SpiritVStructure, Love, LevelsOfUnderstanding, KeepSeparate

'''Gyvenimo lygtis
Pakeistos 14-15 eilutės iš
===What is understanding?===
'''Kas yra suvokimas?'''
Pakeistos 300-345 eilutės iš

means separated by God for God

Hi Andrius,

Thanks for the many pointers. Part of the learning I do comes from keeping an eye on the projects that are going on at the lab. Because of my personal, family and legal situation along with my non-existant finacial, all added to the physical distance that separates us, I have to proceed cautiously as to where and how I spend my time to plan and to configure the field of opportunity that will secure our life at ground level, where we can then contribute directly into distant initiatives with our time, people and resources.

When it comes to the question "where is Jesus", once conversion had happened, only our unawareness keeps us from His presence, love and wisdom, no matter where, what, how, why nor who is concern. In seeking Him, He guides us to into His presence and from there, proceeds the worship, the praise and the thanks giving that illuminates the path of obedience and of our proposals to God upon which He exercises decision-making.

Such simplicity becomes complicated and confused when there is insistance upon "a version" of Jesus instead of His presence. His presence is the reality of "One for all" so that "All for One" gets to be grounded from the invisible into the visible. Trying to apply "All for one" first so that "one for all" may be a blessing does not work and that is the way of the world's inclusion, be it from religions, empires, governments and sadly enough, from most families.

The apostle Paul is quite clear in his admonition that he quotes from an Old Testament order of the Lord:

" We have spoken openly to you, our heart is wide open. You are not restricted by us, but you are restricted by your own affections. Now in return for the same (I speak as to children), you also be open.
Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you[b] are the temple of the living God. As God has said:
" I will dwell in them
And walk among them.
I will be their God,
And they shall be My people."


" Come out from among them
And be separate, says the Lord.
Do not touch what is unclean,
And I will receive you."
" I will be a Father to you,
And you shall be My sons and daughters,
Says the LORD Almighty."

So Andrius, I used that passage to explain why I am careful about speaking too much of Jesus where He is yet to be known as He reveals Himself. While I seek to do good to all humans, I am duty bound to the wellbeing of the saints first and to the spread of the Kingdom. I can certainly increase my inputs in the name of Jesus. The question is: Will it cause turmoil and dissent in the lab? That is why I have refrain from adding too much so far but I certainly welcome the invitation.


Benoit Couture

1 Thess 5, 23-28

Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it.
Brethren, pray for us.
Greet all the brethren with a holy kiss.
I charge you by the Lord that this epistle be read to all the holy[a] brethren.
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.
(Benoit?) Sanctification means separated by God for God
Pridėtos 308-311 eilutės:


Fauconnier et al's "blend" theory should be inverted, by which I mean to say that {{Understanding}} is the ability to make use of the blend to hold two domains separate rather than to merge them. It's the separation, the teasing apart of the domains, wherein lies the intelligence.
2014 lapkričio 09 d., 19:32 atliko Andrius Kulikauskas -
Pakeistos 175-191 eilutės iš

What are the roles of [GodVEverything God and everything]?

===Thoughts from prayer===

''2005.04.21 {{A}}: Ką rei�kia suvokti, suprasti? {{D}}: Tai yra kai a� tavyje, tavo �irdyje, toje sandaroje - vienybėje - randu save, Dievą esantį u� visko. O meilė yra �ito radimo palaikymas. Suprasi.''

''2005.04.11 {{A}}: Koks ry�ys tarp meilės ir suvokimo? {{D}}: Meilė palaiko gyvybę, o suvokti tai yra gyventi pilnai. {{A}}: Meilė yra suvokti kartu. {{D}}: Taip, i� tiesų.''

''2005.01.01 {{A}}: Kaip supratimas �mogaus yra susijęs su supratimas Dievo? {{D}}: �mogus yra suprantamas veikloje, o Dievas tyloje.''.

''2004.12.30 {{A}}: Ar galima suvokti tik tave ar per tave? {{D}}: A� esu visako prad�ia. O suvokimas yra �iūrėjimas, i�gyvenimas i� prad�ios. Tad tinka pradėti nuo prad�ių prad�ios.''

''2004.12.15 {{A}}: Koks susikalbėjimo ry�ys su meile? {{D}}: A� trok�tu labai mylėti, o tas tro�kimas yra susikalbėjimas. {{A}}: Ar tai yra, kad tu trok�ti viską? {{D}}: Taip, tai yra tai.''
Pakeistos 299-308 eilutės iš
===Thoughts from Prayer===

''2005.05.02 [{{A}} #]: Kaip �irdis i�eina u� savęs? [{{D}} #]: �irdis pripa�įsta apimtį, jai duotą i� auk�čiau, vis arčiau savęs, kuri jinai mylima, kol galiausia ji gyvena i�vien su manimi.''

''2004.12.27 [{{A}} #]: Kaip sąmoningėjame susigaudyme? [{{D}} #]: I� prad�ių tu vienas susigaudai savyje, paskui per kitus, o galiausia per mane.''

''2004.12.28 [{{A}} #]: Kaip savęs supratimas yra susijęs su supratimu? [{{D}} #]: Kada tu �iūri į mane, tada tu matai save.''

''2004.11.02 [{{A}} #]: Kaip nulybės atvaizdai susiję su padalinimų atliekamaisiais po�iūriais, trejybėje nesančiais? [{{D}} #]: Jūs mane suvokiate per tai kokiais matais prie jūsų prieinu, ir savo meile jus palaikau. Myliu ir mylėk su manimi.''
Pakeistos 357-379 eilutės iš
* What does it mean that God is understanding of God, Everything is understanding of I, and so forth? What is I combining? In each case, God is being combined with the spirit of the system for a particular level.
* What does it mean that God is understanding of God, Everything is understanding of I, and so forth? What is I combining? In each case, God is being combined with the spirit of the system for a particular level.


''2005.04.21 {{A}}: Ką rei�kia suvokti, suprasti? {{D}}: Tai yra kai a� tavyje, tavo �irdyje, toje sandaroje - vienybėje - randu save, Dievą esantį u� visko. O meilė yra �ito radimo palaikymas. Suprasi.''

''2005.04.11 {{A}}: Koks ry�ys tarp meilės ir suvokimo? {{D}}: Meilė palaiko gyvybę, o suvokti tai yra gyventi pilnai. {{A}}: Meilė yra suvokti kartu. {{D}}: Taip, i� tiesų.''

''2005.01.01 {{A}}: Kaip supratimas �mogaus yra susijęs su supratimas Dievo? {{D}}: �mogus yra suprantamas veikloje, o Dievas tyloje.''.

''2004.12.30 {{A}}: Ar galima suvokti tik tave ar per tave? {{D}}: A� esu visako prad�ia. O suvokimas yra �iūrėjimas, i�gyvenimas i� prad�ios. Tad tinka pradėti nuo prad�ių prad�ios.''

''2004.12.15 {{A}}: Koks susikalbėjimo ry�ys su meile? {{D}}: A� trok�tu labai mylėti, o tas tro�kimas yra susikalbėjimas. {{A}}: Ar tai yra, kad tu trok�ti viską? {{D}}: Taip, tai yra tai.''

''2005.05.02 [{{A}} #]: Kaip �irdis i�eina u� savęs? [{{D}} #]: �irdis pripa�įsta apimtį, jai duotą i� auk�čiau, vis arčiau savęs, kuri jinai mylima, kol galiausia ji gyvena i�vien su manimi.''

''2004.12.27 [{{A}} #]: Kaip sąmoningėjame susigaudyme? [{{D}} #]: I� prad�ių tu vienas susigaudai savyje, paskui per kitus, o galiausia per mane.''

''2004.12.28 [{{A}} #]: Kaip savęs supratimas yra susijęs su supratimu? [{{D}} #]: Kada tu �iūri į mane, tada tu matai save.''

''2004.11.02 [{{A}} #]: Kaip nulybės atvaizdai susiję su padalinimų atliekamaisiais po�iūriais, trejybėje nesančiais? [{{D}} #]: Jūs mane suvokiate per tai kokiais matais prie jūsų prieinu, ir savo meile jus palaikau. Myliu ir mylėk su manimi.''

2014 birželio 14 d., 10:35 atliko Andrius Kulikauskas -
Pakeistos 377-380 eilutės iš
Thought: Understanding is the activity of God; not understanding is the activity of human. The human perspective reflects the structure of understanding: take a stand - not understood, but rather creates understood; follow through - not understanding, but rather creates understanding; reflect - not understander, but rather creates understander. The human perspective is bounded: closed upon itself (but open to itself). God's perspective is unbounded: open upon itself it goes beyond itself. We therefore know it by the extent that it goes to view the human perspective: through 0, 1, 2 or 3 nodes. First of itself, and then futher out: why, how, what - each going beyond the previous and deeper into the human perspective. Threesome + null = division = framework for structure = empathize with God's perspective.
Thought: Understanding is the activity of God; not understanding is the activity of human. The human perspective reflects the structure of understanding: take a stand - not understood, but rather creates understood; follow through - not understanding, but rather creates understanding; reflect - not understander, but rather creates understander. The human perspective is bounded: closed upon itself (but open to itself). God's perspective is unbounded: open upon itself it goes beyond itself. We therefore know it by the extent that it goes to view the human perspective: through 0, 1, 2 or 3 nodes. First of itself, and then futher out: why, how, what - each going beyond the previous and deeper into the human perspective. Threesome + null = division = framework for structure = empathize with God's perspective.

* Why does the system collapse because understanding is the understanding of all? Because All is separated from experiencing, yet All is experiencing. In All, indistinction and distinction are the same, and thus the system collapses.
* What does it mean that God is understanding of God, Everything is understanding of I, and so forth? What is I combining? In each case, God is being combined with the spirit of the system for a particular level
2014 birželio 09 d., 23:17 atliko Andrius Kulikauskas -
Pakeistos 375-377 eilutės iš
{{Andrius}}: Benoit, thank you for your great contributions to our lab. I appreciate the many Scriptural references you have made to basic concepts that I want to focus on. You have saved me a lot of work! It is hard to ponder these things, but I think these concepts are good to ponder. In your note above you reveal the importance of allowing for ''separate'' even as we wish to be ''unified''. So I am very interested to understand that dynamic and our personal testimony is very relevant. I myself want to point first to the reality of Jesus which makes him relevant - perhaps as the ''one for all'' as you mention, which is also related to how the separate and the unified are related. I think that the ''name of Jesus'' becomes important to us when we can agree as to what we mean by that, and at that point we can speak as ''believers''. But I feel that it's to look for that reality because I have much to learn regarding that and I also doubt whether most people really know what they mean when they say Jesus. How would you explain it to a Muslim, for example?
{{Andrius}}: Benoit, thank you for your great contributions to our lab. I appreciate the many Scriptural references you have made to basic concepts that I want to focus on. You have saved me a lot of work! It is hard to ponder these things, but I think these concepts are good to ponder. In your note above you reveal the importance of allowing for ''separate'' even as we wish to be ''unified''. So I am very interested to understand that dynamic and our personal testimony is very relevant. I myself want to point first to the reality of Jesus which makes him relevant - perhaps as the ''one for all'' as you mention, which is also related to how the separate and the unified are related. I think that the ''name of Jesus'' becomes important to us when we can agree as to what we mean by that, and at that point we can speak as ''believers''. But I feel that it's to look for that reality because I have much to learn regarding that and I also doubt whether most people really know what they mean when they say Jesus. How would you explain it to a Muslim, for example?

Thought: Understanding is the activity of God; not understanding is the activity of human. The human perspective reflects the structure of understanding: take a stand - not understood, but rather creates understood; follow through - not understanding, but rather creates understanding; reflect - not understander, but rather creates understander. The human perspective is bounded: closed upon itself (but open to itself). God's perspective is unbounded: open upon itself it goes beyond itself. We therefore know it by the extent that it goes to view the human perspective: through 0, 1, 2 or 3 nodes. First of itself, and then futher out: why, how, what - each going beyond the previous and deeper into the human perspective. Threesome + null = division = framework for structure = empathize with God's perspective.
2014 birželio 09 d., 16:47 atliko Andrius Kulikauskas -
Pakeista 325 eilutė iš:
What is Separate? Not Coinciding
What is Separate? Not Coinciding - Ne [[tapatumas]].
2014 birželio 09 d., 16:46 atliko Andrius Kulikauskas -
Pakeistos 323-325 eilutės iš

What is Separate? Not Coinciding

What is Separate? Not Coinciding

See also: {{Overview}}, KeepSeparate


Sanctification means separated by God for God

Hi Andrius,

Thanks for the many pointers. Part of the learning I do comes from keeping an eye on the projects that are going on at the lab. Because of my personal, family and legal situation along with my non-existant finacial, all added to the physical distance that separates us, I have to proceed cautiously as to where and how I spend my time to plan and to configure the field of opportunity that will secure our life at ground level, where we can then contribute directly into distant initiatives with our time, people and resources.

When it comes to the question "where is Jesus", once conversion had happened, only our unawareness keeps us from His presence, love and wisdom, no matter where, what, how, why nor who is concern. In seeking Him, He guides us to into His presence and from there, proceeds the worship, the praise and the thanks giving that illuminates the path of obedience and of our proposals to God upon which He exercises decision-making.

Such simplicity becomes complicated and confused when there is insistance upon "a version" of Jesus instead of His presence. His presence is the reality of "One for all" so that "All for One" gets to be grounded from the invisible into the visible. Trying to apply "All for one" first so that "one for all" may be a blessing does not work and that is the way of the world's inclusion, be it from religions, empires, governments and sadly enough, from most families.

The apostle Paul is quite clear in his admonition that he quotes from an Old Testament order of the Lord:

" We have spoken openly to you, our heart is wide open. You are not restricted by us, but you are restricted by your own affections. Now in return for the same (I speak as to children), you also be open.
Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you[b] are the temple of the living God. As God has said:
" I will dwell in them
And walk among them.
I will be their God,
And they shall be My people."


" Come out from among them
And be separate, says the Lord.
Do not touch what is unclean,
And I will receive you."
" I will be a Father to you,
And you shall be My sons and daughters,
Says the LORD Almighty."

So Andrius, I used that passage to explain why I am careful about speaking too much of Jesus where He is yet to be known as He reveals Himself. While I seek to do good to all humans, I am duty bound to the wellbeing of the saints first and to the spread of the Kingdom. I can certainly increase my inputs in the name of Jesus. The question is: Will it cause turmoil and dissent in the lab? That is why I have refrain from adding too much so far but I certainly welcome the invitation.


Benoit Couture

1 Thess 5, 23-28

Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it.
Brethren, pray for us.
Greet all the brethren with a holy kiss.
I charge you by the Lord that this epistle be read to all the holy[a] brethren.
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.

{{Andrius}}: Benoit, thank you for your great contributions to our lab. I appreciate the many Scriptural references you have made to basic concepts that I want to focus on. You have saved me a lot of work! It is hard to ponder these things, but I think these concepts are good to ponder. In your note above you reveal the importance of allowing for ''separate'' even as we wish to be ''unified''. So I am very interested to understand that dynamic and our personal testimony is very relevant. I myself want to point first to the reality of Jesus which makes him relevant - perhaps as the ''one for all'' as you mention, which is also related to how the separate and the unified are related. I think that the ''name of Jesus'' becomes important to us when we can agree as to what we mean by that, and at that point we can speak as ''believers''. But I feel that it's to look for that reality because I have much to learn regarding that and I also doubt whether most people really know what they mean when they say Jesus. How would you explain it to a Muslim, for example?
2014 birželio 09 d., 15:44 atliko Andrius Kulikauskas -
Pridėta 325 eilutė:
What is Separate? Not Coinciding
2014 gegužės 18 d., 20:34 atliko Andrius Kulikauskas -
Pakeistos 12-324 eilutės iš
{{Andrius}}: Fauconnier et al's "blend" theory should be inverted, by which I mean to say that {{Understanding}} is the ability to make use of the blend to hold two domains separate rather than to merge them. It's the separation, the teasing apart of the domains, wherein lies the intelligence.
{{Andrius}}: Fauconnier et al's "blend" theory should be inverted, by which I mean to say that {{Understanding}} is the ability to make use of the blend to hold two domains separate rather than to merge them. It's the separation, the teasing apart of the domains, wherein lies the intelligence.


See also: Overview, [AddOne +1], SpiritVStructure, {{Love}}, LevelsOfUnderstanding, KeepSeparate

''Life is the goodness of God, but EternalLife is Understanding the goodness of God, which is to say, keeping the two separate.''

===What is understanding?===

Understanding is separation, keeping Separate, distinct:
* of God and NotGod for a certain level
* of God for Person (what is greater) and NotGod for Scope (what has be equal)
* of the Willing and the Nonwilling.
* of an Observer from their context, which is their ObservationalPlane.
* of Concepts
** their Activity and Structure
** their relationship with self (their independence) and their relationship with the default (as in the Omniscope)
** their collection with regard to a supposition (its "I").
** so that as they grow in independence they expand slack, they generate IncreasingSlack. We understand that which is bound, which is to say, the binding of concepts whereby they grow in dependence, making for DecreasingSlack. For example, {{Life}} is the fact (the binding) that {{God}} is {{Good}}, whereas EternalLife is the understanding that {{God}} is {{Good}}.
* the DefaultPerspective and the IndependentPerspective
* the essential from the superfluous (so that they are NotBeingOneWith).
* the one who understands and the one who is understood (God) and the latter is understood as a Person (God, I, You, Other)
* Or with regard to And. And is unconditional BeingOneWith and Or is conditional BeingOneWith. In a sense, Or maybe thought of as Not And.
* Understanding is both immersed (in that concepts are in themselves) and abstracted (in that it keeps the concepts separate)

Understanding is self-separation:
* conditionally BeingOneWith
* NotBeingOneWith As ...
* GoingBeyondOneself into conditions
* Understanding applies a definition of NotBeingOneWith and thus establishes the meaning of BeingOneWith.
* Understanding is the independence of ourselves from a concept and that which relates us. It is the reverse of identification. Instead of identifying with a concept an presuming that which relates us, we keep them all independent.
* Understanding is the relationship between Love, which evokes Self, and Truth, which introduces Other.
* Understanding is the degree of SelfCoinciding as given by the separation which there can be between one and their Self when the latter is taken as Other.
* Understanding is this separation between the one who coincides (and is prior to context and beyond it) and the one they coincide with (and is after context and within it). They share the question Who is coinciding? which calls them both to go to coincide with an Other beyond themselves. The other is the slack they share as the love which reaches out to context and the Life which reaches in to what is prior to context. We thus open up new vantage points but also make ever more explicit the Other until we reach the point that the Other is in fact the coinciding which is implicit within us.
* Understanding is coinciding with the Truth beyond the system, thus the Truth beyond a System
* Understanding is is to see oneself.
* Understanding is what is allowed for by Other.
* Understanding is We.
* Understanding is that Love precedes Truth.
* Understanding is the opposite of Experiencing.
* Understanding is what has us ever focus our empathy.
* Understanding is the position of Other as the choice between the DefaultObserver (GodTheFather, GodTheSon, HolySpirit, God) and the ActualContext (Self). See the diagram of the EquationOfLife at SelfVOther.
* Understanding proceeds from Definition.
* Understanding is IncreasingSlack. Experiencing is DecreasingSlack.

Understanding is the relationship with God:
* Understanding is the return to (and out of) the Beginning. In this sense, understanding is ultimately with regard to God, who is the beginning.
* Conditions for BeingOneWith God, the default perspective that is one with and has no conditions
* [ThisWiki:Contexts Context] for BeingOneWith
* the quality of God (conditionally BeingOneWith) that (under the conditions) allows for its opposite, NotUnderstanding (conditionally NotBeingOneWith), which allows for its generalization (unconditionally NotBeingOneWith). This separates the one who understands and the one who comes to understand. This is the threesome and it is from the beginning, as is the foursome, which gives the level of understanding.
* Understanding opens God to others beyond him, outside of his context, who thus interpret him as a particular Spirit: God, I, You, Other. God arises and participates as Love which supports this spirit: God, Everything, Wishing, Love. By that love God is accessible to those beyond him. Understanding is that by which one beyond God can be one with him. He commands us to love for by love we are one with all and by loving at any level we come together in understanding for we love as one.
* Understanding is relationship with God in Structure, as given by the divergence, distinction, division, thus there are levels of Understanding.
* Understanding is the DefaultPerspective.
* Understanding is relationship of DefaultPerspective (God) and IndependentPerspective (Person).
* Key to the LevelsOfUnderstanding are {{Operations}} which express such relationships with {{God}}.

Understanding is the relationship between IncreasingSlack (Understanding) and DecreasingSlack (Understood) by way of Scope (coming to understand)
* Understanding is one of four LevelsOfUnderstanding: {{Understanding}}, SelfUnderstanding, SharedUnderstanding, GoodUnderstanding. Understanding comes from both inside one and outside one. Therefore there are various LevelsOfUnderstanding depending on where it comes from, from one or the other or neither or both. Understanding is a level of consciousness, awareness. And taken together there is Consciousness in general and the Person goes beyond themselves, their Self, their limits to God beyond us. Thus choose not one's level of consciousness, but consciousness in general. This happens through Love, when we care to understand a Person prior to their Conditions.
** God - understanding of whether - Understanding
** I - understanding of what - SelfUnderstanding
** You - understanding of how - SharedUnderstanding
** Other - understanding of why - GoodUnderstanding
* what relates Knowledge and Definition

Understanding is adding superfluous structure or removing superfluous activity:
* removing superfluous activity as channeled by structure (operation -A removes activity)
* removing the DefaultPerspective from the definition of BeingOneWith
* is the arisal of {{Structure}} from non-structure; likewise, {{Love}} = {{View}} is the arisal of activity from non-activity; in this way they are related to the operation [AddThree +3].
* defines NotBeingOneWith by applying superfluous structure.
* the addition of superfluous structure.

Understanding is the transformation of the nonwilling into the willing.

Understanding is having a view:
* Understanding is having a {{View}}.
* Understanding is a Definite View of an Indefinite View.
* Understanding is looking {{Forwards}} in the direction of the {{Indefinite}}.
* Understanding is with regard to a {{Scope}} - the smaller the scope - the more intense the understanding - the fewer the concepts and the more the perspectives.
* Understanding is a difference between views, what is gained as one view takes up an other.

Here are examples of Understanding:
* Understanding is by the System of a Person.
* Understanding is by Position of Perspective.
* Understanding is God, Everything, Wishing, Love.

Understanding is also:
* negative law as in Love your neighbor as yourself
* Understanding is the matter which the {{Threesome}} establishes.
* Understanding is what results from the operation [AddOne +1] and allows for the {{World}} by understanding {{Spirit}}.
* Understanding and love are forms of consciousness - each of them adds three perspectives (as with the operation +3) to the domain so as to have separateness. The three perspectives allow for concept, quality and separateness (as in God, good and eternal life - where the domain is life, the goodness of God).
* Understanding may be taken as of a concept - and the first "understanding" is "truth-understanding", understanding of truth. (Where God is the concept of truth). And the understanding adds three perspectives. They distinguish the concept (in this case blank - transparent - like a hole) from any qualities (which are taken care of by the perspectives, as three extra levels - think of the foursome.) So these three extra levels allow us to keep a concept in check, enclosed, with decreasing slack.

Understanding is common to all and is how we understand each other and how we empathize with a Person and with God beyond all Persons. For circumstances belong to a LevelOfUnderstanding, but God is beyond all levels of understanding, and that is EternalLife. So we should choose God over Self. God will not let us down. Understanding expands Definition because it encompasses NotGod's not being beyond NotGod, and God's being beyond NotGod. Thus Understanding circumscribes Scopes, for it acknowledges God and NotGod and our relationship. Whereas Experiencing acknowledges only that relationship, what they have in common. Thus Understanding expands on Experiencing. Experience and live, but Understand and live with God, with all, not just oneself. Living with God one supports all and each with Love.
* Understanding is common to all but through each, thus include every one. For God is in everyone. But everyone is free, and so may not be, and one's circumstances depend not on God but on all of us together, and so we as such arise in understanding, as all understand together. Thus we can support this possibility which is started by God. How can Person and God be together? When their perspectives coincide, God's wider perspective and Person's narrower perspective, and this happens when Person chooses God over Self. God waits for us to choose.

This means that perspectives are kept distinct, they are kept track of. In particular, God's view and human's view are not ignored, as they easily might. Each such view is kept track of as a separate LevelOfUnderstanding. In this way, as we keep track of more levels, we may speak of a deeper understanding (which is yet no less complete than the broader understanding, but simply has made clear the levels involved).

For example, life is the goodness of God, but eternal life is understanding the goodness of God, keeping them distinct. In this sense, understanding is God's view. It is also returning to the beginning, which makes clear that God is prior.

Understanding brings us together with God because it has us acknowledge him and distinguish him from circumstances and thus ourselves from circumstances, and so we can coincide if our circumstances coincide, if we are Good or have Slack or are Coinciding or have Perfection. When we acknowledge something greater than our circumstances, expressed as NullActivity, noncircumstances, then we can separate ourselves from our circumstances and coincide with God.

===Knowledges of God===

Knowledges of God: EternalLife, Wisdom, GoodWill, GodsWill
* are Understanding
* relate NotGod and Scope
* is how we find Position and we hold on to it
* is how the potential for God chooses God over itself and is indeed God
* is the foundation for going beyond oneself because it separates where we have come from and where we are going to
* gives the centering and the context that are relevant to support Person. For example, GoodWill centers us through I on You, whereas GodsWill centers us through God on Other. Centering places us within the zone for a feedback loop and context is the zone where there can be an answer rooted in a wider perspective.
* opens space for the Freedom of the next Person.
* is what is assumed because it is beyond the extent of assumptions
* being alone beyond Knowledge, the possibility of being not alone, the unity of being alone beyond System, the unity of BeingOneWith (beyond and within Scope) that takes place beyond Scope, before Negation and makes Scope for it, for Other. Thus Person can go beyond themselves, BeingOneWith beyond Scope (EternalLife, Wisdom, GoodWill, GodsWill), beyond System, in consciousness, out to God, thus choose God, coinciding in Position. Distinguishes between Knowledge and Definition. It is what is taken up, lived by God: Perspective (GodsWill), Position (Good Will), Vantage Point (Wisdom).

===Examples of Understanding===

* EternalLife - God vs Good
* Wisdom - Everything vs Slack
* GoodWill - Wishing vs Coinciding
* GodsWill - Love vs Perfection
* ? Everything - I vs Slack
* ? Wishing - You vs Coinciding
* ? Love - Other vs Perfection

===More thoughts===

'''God's view (from our view) = dividing himself - the God who knows'''

What may God do, if there is nothing but God? The only thing that I can imagine is that God might divide himself. He may differentiate parts of himself, and those parts may have relationships. In this way, he may give rise to structure. We may imagine these as the events, or the days, in the life of God. They bring to mind the days in the Book of [http://www.ebible.org/bible/web/Genesis.htm Genesis].

'''God's view (from his view) = going beyond himself - the God who does not know'''

{{God}} is TheBeginning. This is to say, God is unbounded.

God, unbounded, goes beyond himself, into the bounded. This gives rise to {{Everything}}. Everything is the {{Structure}} of God. God is the {{Spirit}} of everything.

==={{Onesome}}, {{Twosome}}, {{Threesome}}===

'''taken together: the operation +1'''

Going beyond oneself is an {{Operation}}. We term this ''+1'' because it adds a perspective, taking us from:
*the {{Nullsome}} - everything divided into no perspectives, which is to say, God prior to everything
*the {{Onesome}} - everything divided into one perspective

God ever goes beyond himself. He keeps adding a perspective through this operation +1. This gives rise to ever more structure. God goes beyond himself into the {{Onesome}}, then the {{Twosome}} and then the {{Threesome}}.

The operation +1 - going beyond oneself - is what drives all of the unfolding of structure. It is the rethinking (as in "repent"?) of all the perspectives, their unity by a new perspective, a delving backwards, inwards and deeper into structure.

There are three equations that ultimately yield the threesome and understanding, as God goes beyond himself:

*[NullAddOne 0+1=1] God goes beyond himself, out of the unboundable and into the boundable, giving rise to everything, where all things are the same.
*[OneAddOne 1+1=2] God goes beyond himself again, noting that if he is - then he is, but add in a perspective whereby even if he is not - then he still is.
*[TwoAddOne 2+1=3] God goes beyond himself again, noting that the God who is (one perspective) and the God who arises (another perspective) are the same God - what they understand is the same (this is a third perspective).

The threesome is the structure for understanding - for returning to the beginning. This is the completion from God's point of view. There is God who understands (the Father), God who figures himself out (the Son), and their shared understanding (the Spirit) by which they are indeed the same God.

'''Understanding allows for self-understanding'''

At this point there is the structure which serves as a starting point for an outlook that does not know where it has come from but attempt to figure this out: a self-correcting perspective which takes a stand, follows through and reflects in an endless three-cycle.


What are the roles of [GodVEverything God and everything]?

===Thoughts from prayer===

''2005.04.21 {{A}}: Ką rei�kia suvokti, suprasti? {{D}}: Tai yra kai a� tavyje, tavo �irdyje, toje sandaroje - vienybėje - randu save, Dievą esantį u� visko. O meilė yra �ito radimo palaikymas. Suprasi.''

''2005.04.11 {{A}}: Koks ry�ys tarp meilės ir suvokimo? {{D}}: Meilė palaiko gyvybę, o suvokti tai yra gyventi pilnai. {{A}}: Meilė yra suvokti kartu. {{D}}: Taip, i� tiesų.''

''2005.01.01 {{A}}: Kaip supratimas �mogaus yra susijęs su supratimas Dievo? {{D}}: �mogus yra suprantamas veikloje, o Dievas tyloje.''.

''2004.12.30 {{A}}: Ar galima suvokti tik tave ar per tave? {{D}}: A� esu visako prad�ia. O suvokimas yra �iūrėjimas, i�gyvenimas i� prad�ios. Tad tinka pradėti nuo prad�ių prad�ios.''

''2004.12.15 {{A}}: Koks susikalbėjimo ry�ys su meile? {{D}}: A� trok�tu labai mylėti, o tas tro�kimas yra susikalbėjimas. {{A}}: Ar tai yra, kad tu trok�ti viską? {{D}}: Taip, tai yra tai.''


See also: Heart, ConstructiveHypotheses, [AddTwo +2], Engaging, InversionEffect, End, Self, LoveSelf
===Self Understanding===
'''Self-understanding''' is one of four LevelsOfUnderstanding: Understanding, SelfUnderstanding, SharedUnderstanding, GoodUnderstanding.

'''Self-understanding''' is a human's view of '''God's view of human's view.'''

The [{{Sixsome}} #] is the [{{Structure}} #] for ''self-understanding''.

[AddTwo +2] SelfUnderstanding allows for a PersonInParticular by understanding Structure Self. Self-understanding determines a scope (with regard to nobody, somebody, anybody, everybody) which says how far away we are from the end.


''The purpose of the operation +2 is to allow for a relative perspective. This relative perspective is alongside (and relative to) an absolute perspective. The '''sixsome''' is the structure that keeps separate an absolute perspective (in terms of structure) and a relative perspective (in terms of activity). It allows them to be alongside each other. The structural threesome has us take a stand, follow through, reflect with regard to an everything (our '''self''') that we live by way of. The activity threesome has us take a stand, follow through, reflect as self-corrections that have us move around a center. Ultimately, this center may be taken as a seventh perspective shared by both the absolute and the relative perspectives. The operation +2 allows the absolute and relative perspectives to be separated, distinguished from each other (as occurs in understanding). In particular, our self is distinguished, and taken as a concept that may be qualified, thus we have self-understanding. Consider, also, how the foursome, fivesome, sixsome may be interpreted, by way of the operation +2, as walking through (as activity) the structural threesome until this has generated a second threesome (hence the sixsome).''


Note that by the operation [{{{{Add}} one}} +1] God keeps going beyond himself, from the bounded ever deeper into the bounded, generating more and more structure. With the fourth leap he recedes enough so that there is slack within which it is possible for a completely independent perspective to arise: the [heart #]. The operation +2 expresses the perspective of the heart. The heart lives by way of activity. It goes beyond itself from non-activity to activity, much as God goes from non-structure to structure. However, this is the opposite direction as God (see diagram). For example, God goes from the unbounded to the bounded. This shift (across discrete states) may be thought of as an activity - bounding. The bounding arises from the background activity of non-bounding. The shift from non-bounding to bounding is a structure - the bounded. In this way, the operation +2 has us add two perspectives, in this case: bounding and non-bounding. More generally: activity and non-activity (or background activity). Note that the shift between non-structure and structure is discrete, whereas the shift between non-activity and activity is analogue, so the relationship is much like a Fourier transform.

So this relationship is very much the one that Christopher Alexander points out regarding structure and activity:
* activity evokes structure (shift from non-structure to structure)
* structure channels activity (shift from non-activity to activity)

Where is the self? In what sense is this self-understanding? The self is the bounded (the structure) and understanding it is to perceive it as a shift from non-activity to activity.


''Self-understanding is about the good in [{{Engaging}} #] and yields the [{{Divisions}} #]''


This is the level that distinguishes [{{Anything}} #] and [{{Wisdom}} #].



* is understanding of the [{{Self}} #], which is to say, [{{Structure}} #]
* introduces the [{{End}} #] and the [{{Inversion}} effect]
* has two tracks given by the [{{Operation}} #] [{{{{Add}} two}} +2] and [{{Activity}} #]
* yields the [{{Sixsome}} #] and a [{{Person-in-particular}} #].


'''Self-understanding is understanding of the [{{Self}} #]'''

''Self-understanding'' is [{{Understanding}} #] of oneself. Self is [{{Structure}} #]. Hence self-understanding is understanding of one's structure. See [{{Awareness}} #].

''Self-understanding'' is an [{{Operation}} #] +2 in that it takes us from the [{{Nullsome}} #] to the [{{Twosome}} #]. ''+2'' adds [{{Shift}} in perspective] - two perspectives - yielding [{{Activity}} #] and [{{Self-understanding}} #]

The [{{Threesome}} #] makes for [{{Understanding}} #], which is the return to [{{The}} beginning]. With the threesome God goes back to the beginning - this is understanding. It is then possible for there to be a perspective that is not aware that it is God. This is God bounded, which is human. This allows for there to be a point of view that find itself within structure but without understanding why - a cyclic threesome. This perspective experiences the operation +1 (going beyond oneself) as a shift in a three-cycle. (This is the great correspondence between God and human). This yields an alternate definition for "self", for structure - the cyclic threesome. Starting from this definition, the operation +1 is able to continue its activity. In this way, structure is the spirit (the threesome). This completes what is needed for two perspectives (representations), one of which is the beginning, and the other of which is the end, completely free as such. This is the greatest unfolding - subsequently, from the new perspective there is a repetition of the four perspectives, and a collapse back into the beginning. (Which is to say, the foursome is gotten by the fourth move around the threesome). This is the last of the four representations (which come from the unfolding) as the next is the beginning. In this sense, this is the end - hence a new perspective, a new representation, as such. Three such shifts bring it back to where it was. But they also make for four levels in that the return is yet not the same as the beginning. Meanwhile, the moving of the threesome has left first one, then two, finally three perspectives that can be attributed to God. The correspondence thus allows for rapport between human and God. This establishes the basis for the primary structures and for the secondary structures.

'''Self-understanding introduces the [{{End}} #]'''

''Question: Is the end human or spirit? In what sense does the end arise? How is it introduced by the foursome? Is it related to being understood, rather than understanding?''

After the threesome, the operation +1 raises the question: With regard to structure, at what point is God arising? There are four answers: God is separated from structure by everything, anything, something or nothing. These give the relationship between the [{{Beginning}} #] ([{{God}} #] the [{{Nullsome}} #]) and the [{{End}} #] ([{{Structure}} #], [{{Everything}} #], [{{Onesome}} #], [{{Self}} #]). ''[{{Human}} #] is given by this relationship and can choose to identify himself with the combination of these concepts (and thus [{{Life}} #]) or the separation of these concepts (and thus [{{Eternal}} life]) or the one or the other - thus four choices in all (?). And in what sense does this have to do with [{{Choosing}} #] and the [{{Representations}} of anything]?''

''Note: I think that key here is the introduction of inverted perspective which is necessary to imagining God wishing everything. Perhaps this happens because the threesome has shifted to include nothing. This leads to God being understood as the heart. Hence the heart reaches out to the outer God rather than be found by God. The tables have turned on God in that sense. This is apparently the basis for the [{{Constructive}} hypotheses].''

'''Self-understanding has two tracks given by the [{{Operation}} #] [{{{{Add}} two}} +2]'''

The threesome is circled around as if on two tracks. The later track is complete and represents a [{{Quality}} #] that one is engaged in. The prior track has one, two or three perspectives, and represents the one who has that quality, [{{God}} #], who is taken as a [{{Null}} #]. As a null, it is a projection, like the question Why, or the emptiness of space or time in their extremes, or the physical instincts to survive.

The operation +2 may be thought of as relating the first three nodes (unbounded, uncoincided, undirected) as non-structure with the next three nodes (not bounding, not coinciding, not directing) of non-activity. Each of these sets may be thought of as describing: take a stand, follow through, reflect. Each of these describes the relevant freedom (or slack), for example, "unbounded" is the freedom relevant for "taking a stand" when it is disengaged, and then it is "bounded" when it is engaged. Here the freedom is described as from the point of view of the actor regarding the non-structure of their surroundings. Whereas "not bounding" is a non-activity and describes the point of view of the surroundings upon the actor within them. This is the view of the [heart #].

So taking a stand, following through and reflecting are different forms of engaging:

* Take a stand: unbounded to bounded
* Follow through: uncoincided to coincided
* Reflect: undirected to directed

And this engagement is supported by surroundings as they go from non-activity to activity. So this movement from non-activity to activity is what we mean by [{{Support}} #], as in activity evokes structure. Love is the support of life, and in this sense, love is a movement from non-activity to activity.

So the foursome, fivesome, sixsome arise as the freedoms of the actor are reconsidered as freedoms of the surroundings. But, apparently, this can be conceived only by invoking the [{{Inversion}} effect] so that the surroundings and the actor exchange roles. In this sense, for example, the material ''whether'' is considered at the core, the heart, materially.

Each of these structures may now be thought of as a pair of threesomes which are more or less overlapping, with one providing the perspectives of the actor, and the other of the surroundings:
* [{{Foursome}} #]: actor is why, how, what and surroundings is whether, what, how
* [{{Fivesome}} #]: actor is unrestricted cause, restricted cause, restricted effect and surroundings is restricted unrestriction, unrestricted effect, restricted effect.
* [{{Sixsome}} #]: actor is cling to what you have, get more than what you need, avoid extremes, and surroundings is choose the good over the bad, choose the better over the worse, choose the best over the rest.

Note also that in this way, the actor is always the first three perspectives and the surroundings are the last three perspectives. And so we may think of there being a sort of cyclic rolling, '''unrolling''', where structure overlaps with activity and activity rolls onward. Specifically:

* why/unrestricted cause/cling to what you have = unbounded (taking a stand)
* how/restricted cause/get more than what you need = uncoincided (following through) uncoinciding = how
* what/restricted effect/avoid extremes = undirected (reflect) undirecting = what/restricted effect
* (take a stand) unbounding = whether/unrestricted effect/choose the good over the bad
* (follow through) uncoinciding = restricted unrestriction/choose the better over the worse
* (reflect) undirecting = choose the best over the rest

(Note that this is perhaps the basis for [{{Internalization}} #]).

''Self-understanding'' allows that there can be activity. Activity is the [{{End}} #]. It arises from the perspective of a [human #] godlet, one who has found himself in the situation of God who has gone beyond himself from the unbounded into the bounded, yet has identified with his situation so much that he has lost understanding that he might be God. In this sense the threesome is taken not as defining understanding, but as establishing the cycle: take a stand, follow through, reflect. This truly becomes a cycle with the [{{Sixsome}} #], as there it becomes clear that any one of these three can serve as an instigator, both within the cycle, but also with a stimulus from beyond the cycle. Activity is the stimulus within the cycle, and structure is the stimulus from beyond the cycle.

[{{Human}} #] is the [{{End}} #] and as such is bounded. The human outlook is given by the cyclic [{{Threesome}} #] (take a stand, follow through, reflect) as it advances forward (with God's going beyond himself) leaving behind a trail of perspectives.

The [{{Foursome}} #] describes with regard to the separation from [{{The}} end]. This is the arisal of an alternative point of view, of the bounded God. This is [{{Self-understanding}} #] where self is structure. Here the operation +1 is understood also as a shift in the threesome, hence the threesome moves cyclically.

I think that the foursome gives what separates us from ''the end''. God is the beginning, human is the end.
* why (the beginning): we are separated from the end by ''everything''
* how (not the end): we are separated from the end by ''anything''
* what (not the beginning): we are separated from the end by ''something''
* whether (the end): we are separated from the end by ''nothing''

Self-understanding determines a [{{Scope}} #] (with regard to nobody, somebody, anybody, everybody) which says how far away we are from the end.

'''Self-understanding yields the [{{Sixsome}} #]'''

Self-understanding juxtaposes the [{{Threesome}} #] and it's cyclic representation, hence the sixsome. Note that the threesome (take a stand, follow through, reflect) is not cyclic of itself, only by way of its representation (be, do, think) is it (think about this). But the sixsome has, as half of itself, a cyclic threesome.

The [{{Fivesome}} #] is for [{{Shared}} understanding]. It places the beginning and the end with regard to their points of view. The beginning's point of view is unbounded and moves from the beginning to the end. The end's point of view is bounded and moves from the end to the beginning. So we have: unbounded beginning, unbounded end, bounded end, bounded beginning and also unbounded bounded. Which is to say, the present is the separation within the joining. The unbounded is thinking separately, the bounded is thinking joined. But even in the joined, there is possible a separation between the beginning and the end. The here and now - that is this separation, this boundary. The threesome moves again cyclically.

Note also that the fivesome relates the beginning and the end in two different directions.

The [{{Sixsome}} #] is what defines human. Human is able to participate in rapport with God. The threesome moves again cyclically, returning to the beginning.


In Lithuanian, this concept is ''susigaudo''.

===Thoughts from Prayer===

''2005.05.02 [{{A}} #]: Kaip �irdis i�eina u� savęs? [{{D}} #]: �irdis pripa�įsta apimtį, jai duotą i� auk�čiau, vis arčiau savęs, kuri jinai mylima, kol galiausia ji gyvena i�vien su manimi.''

''2004.12.27 [{{A}} #]: Kaip sąmoningėjame susigaudyme? [{{D}} #]: I� prad�ių tu vienas susigaudai savyje, paskui per kitus, o galiausia per mane.''

''2004.12.28 [{{A}} #]: Kaip savęs supratimas yra susijęs su supratimu? [{{D}} #]: Kada tu �iūri į mane, tada tu matai save.''

''2004.11.02 [{{A}} #]: Kaip nulybės atvaizdai susiję su padalinimų atliekamaisiais po�iūriais, trejybėje nesančiais? [{{D}} #]: Jūs mane suvokiate per tai kokiais matais prie jūsų prieinu, ir savo meile jus palaikau. Myliu ir mylėk su manimi.''

2014 gegužės 18 d., 20:29 atliko Andrius Kulikauskas -
Pakeistos 3-12 eilutės iš


See also: {{Concepts}}, {{Institutions}}


{{Andrius}}: Fauconnier et al's "blend" theory should be inverted, by which I mean to say that {{Understanding}} is the ability to make use of the blend to hold two domains separate rather than to merge them. It's the separation, the teasing apart of the domains, wherein lies the intelligence.
2013 gruodžio 28 d., 22:31 atliko Andrius Kulikauskas -
Pakeistos 1-3 eilutės iš

2013 gruodžio 28 d., 22:26 atliko Andrius Kulikauskas -
Pridėta 1 eilutė:


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Puslapis paskutinį kartą pakeistas 2023 rugsėjo 19 d., 12:59