






Mintys.Taikymas istorija

Rodyti nežymius pakeitimus - Rodyti kodo pakeitimus

2022 gegužės 19 d., 17:23 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 50-53 eilutės:
  • Kaip taikymas išreiškia žinojimą?
  • Kaip taikymas įgauna svarbą?
  • Kaip sąmonės sąvoka įgyvendinama, įkūnijama, taikoma pasąmone, gyvenimu, įpročiais?
2022 balandžio 26 d., 17:16 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 250-258 eilutės:

Iš Neįsivaizduojamumo į Neapibrėžtumą

Paskira galimybė išeidama iš savęs už savęs veda iš neįsivaizduojamumo (savo Dievo) į neapibrėžtumą (Dievą apskritai).

Iš Kito į Dievą

  • Raktas pereinant iš Kito į Dievą: Dievas nebūtinai geras. Mano gyvenimo lygtis.
  • Iš Kito (tarpe, neįsivaizduojamumo) kyla Tu (sąsajoje, įsivaizduojamume).
2022 vasario 17 d., 22:20 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 13-16 eilutės:

Savęs pranokimas

  • Ką reiškia pranokti save?
  • Kokiais matais pranokstame save?
Pridėtos 18-33 eilutės:
  • Ar teigimas pranoksta neigimą?
  • Kokiais būdais mums pranokti save?
    • Kaip trejybės rato poslinkiu atsisakome požiūrio? Ir kaip trikdžiu jo neatsisakome?

Savęs pranokimo svarba

  • Santvarka Išmąstyti kaip santvarka apibrėžia žmogaus būklę ir kodėl žmogui būtina pranokti savo vaizduotę?


  • Peržiūrėti visus prasmę minančius puslapius ir plėtoti sąrašą viso kas tik yra prasminga.
  • Suprasti kaip įvairios sandaros sieja kampus ir suteikia prasmę. Sandaros, Žemėlapynas, Sąvokos, Žinynas
  • Kaip prasmingumas (neaprėpiamumas, pranokimo neišsemiamumas) skiriasi nuo meilės?


  • Ar atkūrimo neigiamas vienumas ir jo naujai patvirtinas vienumas yra tas pats vienumas?

Santykis su Dievu

Ištrinta 50 eilutė:
  • Kaip trejybės rato poslinkiu atsisakome požiūrio? Ir kaip trikdžiu jo neatsisakome?
2022 sausio 19 d., 20:42 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 233-237 eilutės:

Kaip atsisakyti požiūrio

  • Įsijausti: pereiti iš P2 (Kaip) į P1 (Koks)
  • Šis poslinkis grindžia sąmoningumo atsisakymo kitu poslinkiu
  • Perėjimu iš P3 (Kodėl - stabdžio) į P0 (Ar)
2022 sausio 18 d., 20:42 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 234 eilutė iš:

[Žmogaus ar gerumo išėjimas už savęs iš savęs


Žmogaus ar gerumo išėjimas už savęs iš savęs

2022 sausio 18 d., 20:42 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 108-111 eilutės:
  • Žmogui išeiti iš mąstymo "kaip-koks" reikia tą išėjimą už savęs (požiūrio įsisavinimą)(tą poslinkį, tą perėjimą, tą nepriėmimą, tą nepriešpastatymą) suprasti keturiomis pakopomis: 4+2. Paskui reikia tas keturias pakopas pritaikyti tiek iš Kaip pusės, tiek iš Koks pusės, tad aštuonerybe: 4x2. Tokiu atveju lieka: 8-6=2. Iškyla dieviška ašis: Kodėl-Ar.
  • Galime ne tiktai gyventi vaizduotėje bet ją pranokti. Gera valia galima įžvelgti ir išskirti visko atvaizdus - troškimus - ir juos atskirti nuo laisvumo atvaizdų - tapatumų - ir taip atskyrus gyventi aštuoniomis gėrio kryptimis iš geros širdies ir į gerą širdį. Ogi Dievas yra gera širdis, nulinė gėrio kryptis. Tad galima atverti galimybes pripažinti Dievą už mūsų ir taip pat gyventi Dievu mumyse.
  • Tam turi liudyti kiekvienas žmogus, kiekvienas iš mūsų. Apytakos išsako asmenų santykius su savo apimtimis, savo būklėmis, ir apskritai, su vaizduote.
  • Šiuos santykius galima išsakyti sąvokomis ir įsivaizduoti atvaizdais tačiau juos tenka išgyventi savo išgyventais požiūriais ir dargi priskirti Dievo dvasiai. O tie santykiai įsivaizduojami šešeriopai atvaizdais. Jie įsivaizduojami dinamiškai laisvumo atvaizdais, išsiskleidimu iš nežinojimo į žinojimą ir susitelkimu iš žinojimo į nežinojimą taikymo riboje. Jie įsivaizduojami statiškai ketverybės lygmenimis: kodėl yra viskas - dvasia, kaip yra viskas - sandaromis, koks yra viskas - atvaizdais, ar yra viskas - sąvokomis. Jie vyksta per dvasią ir toliau reiškiasi per (išgyvenamų požiūrių) sandarą, (vaizduotės pasirenkamus) atvaizdus ir (sąvokų) vieningumą. Visi santykiai vyksta per dvasią, dargi tie santykiai gali reikštis šiais tolimesniais pavidalais, kuriuos atitinkamai išgyvena Dievas, Aš, Tu, Kitas. Dievo dvasia yra pirm visko ir už visko, tad jos santykiu iškyla viskas. O kiti asmenys ir jų dvasių pavidalai yra viskame. Kiekvieno asmens santykį su viskuo išsako atitinkama apytaka. Asmenys ir jų apytakos nusako viską. Iš Dievo išplaukia asmenys ir jų apytakos, kartu ir viskas. Tad viską žinoti yra suprasti Dievą kaip visko šaltinį. O viską gražiai taikyti yra viskame gyventi Dievo dvasia, tad puoselėti šviesuolių bendrystę ir amžinai bręsti kartu su visais.
Pakeistos 205-209 eilutės iš
  • Joks požiūris į Dievo požiūrį į jokį požiūrį į Dievo požiūrį į jokį požiūrį.
  • Žmogaus ir Dievo požiūrių grandine galima atsisakyti požiūrio. Tas požiūris yra tam gale į kurį žiūrima.
  • Grandinėje ŽDŽDŽ Dievo požiūriai išreiškia lygmenis kaip ir koks. Dievui išeinant už savęs gaunasi požiūrių grandinė DPDPDPD išreiškianti ketverybę ir požiūris tampa suprastu kaip žmogaus požiūriu.
  • Žmogaus požiūris išreiškia septynerybę: ŽDŽDŽ - trejybė, ŽDŽD - dvejybė, ŽDŽ - vienybė, ŽD - nulybė, Ž - septynerybė.
Pridėtos 234-262 eilutės:

[Žmogaus ar gerumo išėjimas už savęs iš savęs

Požiūrio atsisakymais pereinama iš Kito į Dievą, iš susikalbėjimo į suvokimą, iš savęs patikrinimo į buvimą tobulu.

Išėjimas už savęs iš savęs

  • Išejimas už savęs link Dievo
  • Asmenys atsiplėšia nuo savęs.
  • Asmenys eina iš meilės link Dievo.
  • Asmuo išeina už savęs išsirinkdamas Dievą vietoj savęs. Tokiu būdu asmuo išverčia Dievo išėjimą už savęs, užtat Dievo nebūtinumu grindžia Dievą ir jo būtinumą.
  • Dievo ir kitų meilė mumyse sužadina sąmoningumą bet mums tenka meilę įsisavinti (šešerybės atvaizdais), išvystyti meilės įgūdį, tad atisakyti savo požiūrio, sąmoningumo, priimti įsakymą mylėti besąlygiškai, rinktis žiūrėti su Dievu, su įstatymu.
  • Žmogus nežinojimu išeina iš susikalbėjimo: paklusimu, tikėjimu, rūpėjimu.
  • Dievo valia yra mūsų laisvė, kad teisingai pasirinkimais - rūpėjimu, tikėjimu, paklusimu - savo laisvę įamžintumėme dorybėmis - nuoširdumu, viltimi, drąsa.
  • Visi žinojimai, sprendimai, dorovės, teisybės yra tam, kad palaikyti sąmoningumo atsisakymo teisinga bendryste, teisingais pasirinkimais. O tai išryškina mūsų laisvę, mūsų pasirinkimų svarbą.


  • Laisvumu galime neišeiti už savęs, o gerumu išeiname už savęs.
  • Gyventi šuoliais, tai išeiti už savęs, už savasties. Išėjimas už išgyvenimo ribų.

Požiūrių susidėliojimas

  • Keturiais lygmenimis viskas susidėlioja gražiu taikymu - mūsų pasirinkimais apibrėžiamas amžinas gyvenimas ir jo lygmenys, iškyla tarpas, išryškėja Dievo valia
  • Iš visko išnyra Dievas už mūsų vaizduotės - mums Dievas yra būtinas!

Meilė Dievui

  • Mūsų meilė Dievui išsako mūsų išėjimą už savęs, mūsų pasrinkimą Dievo vietoj savęs.
  • Meilė Dievui reiškiasi netroškimais ir apytakose
  • Mylime Dievą vietoj savęs keturiais netroškimais: kūnu, protu, širdimi, valia.
  • Išgyvenimo apytakoje Man tai išsako skirtumas tarp dorovės (kaip galėtų būti) ir elgesio (kaip yra).
  • Žinojimo rūmais tai yra skirtumas tarp to kas už santvarkos ir santvarkoje, bet taip pat tarp matematikos (tyrimo pavidalo) ir biologijos (tyrimo turinio). Tyrimu išverčiamas santykis su besąlygiškumu, taip kad tyrime būtent tyrėjo pavidalas yra besąlygiškas, o turinys yra sąlygiškas.
Ištrinta 263 eilutė:
  • Žmogaus požiūris išreiškia septynerybę: ŽDŽDŽ - trejybė, ŽDŽD - dvejybė, ŽDŽ - vienybė, ŽD - nulybė, Ž - septynerybė.
2021 gruodžio 31 d., 13:15 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 229-230 eilutės:
  • Atsisakome sąmoningumo, atsisakome savęs pereidami iš savo Dievo į Dievą kaip tokį.
2021 gruodžio 02 d., 12:43 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 30-31 eilutės:
  • Kaip trejybės rato poslinkiu atsisakome požiūrio? Ir kaip trikdžiu jo neatsisakome?
Ištrintos 225-227 eilutės:
  • Dievas yra atviras, o velnias yra sandarumas. O teisingas, visapusiškas sandarų pažinimas įveikia jų sandarumą, leidžia pranokti vaizduotę.
  • Besąlygiškame grožyje negali būti blogio nes žavesyje nėra vidaus, ogi blogis - šėtonas - užsandarina žmogų.
  • Kaip trejybės rato poslinkiu atsisakome požiūrio? Ir kaip trikdžiu jo neatsisakome?
2021 lapkričio 30 d., 18:47 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 183-186 eilutės:

Žmogaus požiūris

  • Žmogaus požiūris yra Dievo požiūrio prielaidos.
  • Žmogaus požiūris eina pirm Dievo požiūrio.
2021 rugsėjo 02 d., 19:10 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 170-172 eilutės iš

Požiūrių grandinė


Žmogaus ir Dievo požiūrių grandinė

Visos sandaros išplaukia iš augantį sąmoningumą išreiškiančios požiūrio grandinės: žmogaus požiūris į Dievo požiūrį į žmogaus požiūrį į Dievo požiūrį į žmogaus požiūrį. Požiūrių grandinę pavaizduoja pasiklydęs vaikas kuris, būdamas išmintingas, neieško savo tėvų, bet supranta, kad būtent jo ieškos, tad eina ten kur jo tėvai jo ieškotų. Šitą mintį vysčiau dorovės tyrimu, jos septyniomis pakopomis.

2021 rugpjūčio 05 d., 13:54 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 226-232 eilutės iš

2021 rugpjūčio 05 d., 13:43 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 227-235 eilutės iš


2018.09.12 A: Kaip plėtojasi požiūrių grandinė?

D: Mus skiria santvarka. Jūs esate joje, o aš už jos. Aš išeinu už savęs į jūsų gelmes, santvarkoj. Jūs savo ruožtu išeinate už savęs į mane už jūsų. Tad požiūrių grandinė auga mums kartu einant iš vieno į kitą, taip kad einame tais pačiais keliais. Tad šitą išmąstysi ir suprasi kaip mes sutampame per tris tokius išėjimo ratus.

2021 rugpjūčio 05 d., 13:19 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 168-214 eilutės:

Požiūrių grandinė

Sandarų atžvilgiu, visko žinojimą išsako požiūrių grandinė, nes visos sandaros iš jos išplaukia. Požiūrių grandinė išsako, kaip visko žinojimas išsidėlioja žmogaus akimis. Visko žinojimas yra Dievo požiūris į žmogaus požiūrį, tad sąmonės įsijautimas į nesąmonę, nesąmoningumą. Žmogaus požiūris išsako mūsų nesąmoningą žinojimą, o Dievo požiūris išsako sąmoningą nežinojimą.

Antrinės sandaros yra:

  • požiūriai (padalinimai)
  • požiūriai į požiūrius (atvaizdai, aplinkybės) ir
  • požiūriai į požiūrius į požiūrius (trys kalbos).

Pasiklydęs vaikas

  • Pavyzdys iš komunikacijos teorijos ir rinkodaros: A intends [communicative intention] that R believes that A intends [informative intention] that R believes that p.

Galimos ir lygmenų poros.

Požiūrių grandinė

  • Nežinojimas: Dievo požiūris, žinojimas: žmogaus požiūris, ir galima kurti grandines: žinau, kad nežinai, kad žinau, kad nežinai ir t.t.
  • Mūsų vienumui netrukdo skirtingi požiūriai, tačiau jie turi būti aiškūs, tikri, atviri, skaidrūs. Mūsų požiūrius sieja aukštesnis požiūris, kurio platesnį žvilgsnį išgyvename savuoju siauresniu požiūriu. Požiūrių vieningumas turi iškilti kaip pasėkmė, jų neatitikimas yra ženklas mūsų nevieningumo, tad nenuslėptinas. Dorovė iškelia požiūrių neatitikimą. Požiūriai sutampa jei apimtyse sutampame, tad svarbu paklusti Dievui, jis apimties nevaržomas.
  • Lyginti su aritmetine hierarchija.
  • Žmogaus ir Dievo požiūrio grandinė Ž->D->Ž->D->Ž gali sutapti su grandine D->Ž->D. Panašiai, Ž->D->Ž gali sutapti su D, bet tada nėra žmogaus, tai atitrūkimas nuo žmogaus, o gal žmogaus atsisakymas savęs. O D->Ž->D išsako Dievo požiūrį, būtent žmogumi.
  • Kas yra požiūrių grandinė (asmens požiūris)?
  • Kaip požiūrių grandinė papildoma nauju požiūriu, tai yra, kaip pereinama iš vieno asmens į kitą?
  • Naujai permąstyti Dievo požiūrio (nežinojimo) ir žmogaus požiūrio (žinojimo) grandines, kaip jos galėtų sieti nežinojimą ir žinojimą, ką tai reiškia, kaip tai išreiškia besąlygiškumą ir sąlygiškumą, jų įmanomus santykius, kaip jie išsivysto.
  • P (padalinimai) - realieji skaičiai, P2 (vaizduotė - atvaizdai, aplinkybės) - kompleksiniai skaičiai, P3 (kalbos) - kvaternionai.

Vaisingų prielaidų svarba norint atsisakyti savo požiūrio ir viską žinoti

  • Vaisingomis prielaidomis galime pereiti iš "žmogaus požiūrį į Dievo požiūrį į žmogaus požiūrį į Dievo požiūrį į žmogaus požiūrį" (kokia vaisinga prielaida?) į "Dievo požiūrį į žmogaus požiūrį į Dievo požiūrį" (ir vaisinga prielaida, Dievui sutampant, tai yra, mums teisingai suprantant Dievą) galime išgauti "Dievo požiūrį į žmogaus požiūrį".
  • The great challenge is that, as humans, we are bound by our own view, so that we are unable to escape it, at least as humans. However, it is possible that God may be able to escape his point of view and take up ours. This is a ConstructiveHypothesis that we take. It acknowledges a difference between God and us. We may then leverage this difference to open up our view. It may also be that our human view is sufficient for direct access to all knowledge - where perhaps the directness is understood with regard to the nature of our minds.
  • The aim is to describe God's view of human's view. What is the fullest experience of the human view? How does an unrestricted view experience a view that can't escape itself?
  • In my account, I am attempting to express God's view of a human's view. By human I mean myself and all whose perspective I might possibly admit. I am thus attempting to take up and make available the Absolute complete potential of my perspective.
  • I have my own human view, but I am attempting to take up God's view. How can I take up God's view directly rather than through my own view?
  • This is possible if my view and God's view coincide. This may depend on factors beyond my control. Yet I may position myself with regard to such factors to enable such coinciding to the extent that I am able to control. Even so, on what basis may it be that indeed my view and God's view coincide?

We take up God's view because that opens up a vantage point that he might take up so that our views might coincide. And by taking up, alternatively, his view upon our view and ours upon his, ever deeper, the idea is that we do not diminish or close our view at all, but instead enrich it by exposing it to God's and our view through it. Finally, the Other is very important as the vehicle for shared understanding, in that the way that we treat others is the way that God may treat us, as we allow God to use us as a vehicle in reaching out to others. We may not be absolutely transparent like God, but yet we might be transparent for the purpose of him reaching out to others. And this transparency may be what is relevant in our view coinciding with God's.''

The main idea in all of this, perhaps, is how God makes available his Godly perspective to all of those beyond him, which is an increasing challenge until it reaches the stretching point. In this sense God shares perspective, and even more, goes beyond that to all those who might position themselves for his perspective - and through them others may be reached just as through him - it starts from them as it did with him.

Therefore we have all, any, a and no perspectives. These are four increasingly focused LevelsOfUnderstanding. Understanding is the keeping separate of Concepts. (A concept is that which is with itself). It is also the distinction of one perspective (anything) upon another perspective (everything) (and of that perspective from slack). (To have a perspective is to go beyond oneself). This allows for a sequence of ever deeper (ever closer) Scopes which may be shared. Love is the sharing of a scope. We therefore have a sequence of ever deeper levels of love. They ground the ever greater Independence of the one who is loved (and understood): Self, Other, God. At the fourth level, LoveGod, God's view and human's view coincide (love absolutely) regarding the Good, so that both share the same view of God's view of human's view of God's view of human's view. All of the Structure that I am aware of rests in one of these four levels.

Jėzus kalbėjo kaip jisai prisikels po trijų dienų ir trijų nakčių. Gal tai susiję su požiūrių grandine, su perėjimais tarp Dievo ir žmogaus požiūrių.

The chain of views lets us separate out all concepts, any concept, a concept, no concept (be one with) - by establishing the distance from the viewer. Tad ketverybę.

The chain of views apparently arises from the fact that the definite view has decreasing slack in scope and is thus ever more defined, whereas the indefinite view has increasing slack in scope and is thus ever less defined.

  • Požiūrių grandinė bene susijusi su aritmetine hierarchija rekursyvinių funkcijų teorijoje - yra ir visiems - ir tai susietina su kategorijų teorijos adjoint functors.
2021 birželio 04 d., 16:22 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 98-105 eilutės iš

Vaizduotės pranokimas - gražus taikymas.


Vaizduotės pranokimas

Vaizduotės pranokimo sąlygos

  • Kai pažįsti savo vaizduotę, gali ją pranokti, teisingai rinktis ir nesuklyst, nenuklyst.
  • Vaizduotė išsakoma šešiais atvaizdais, o juos papildo tai kas pranoksta vaizduotę, Dievas už santvarkos ir Dievas santvarkoje - gerumas.

Vaizduotės pranokimas

Pakeistos 122-127 eilutės iš

Vaizduotės pranokimas

Vaizduotės pranokimo sąlygos

  • Kai pažįsti savo vaizduotę, gali ją pranokti, teisingai rinktis ir nesuklyst, nenuklyst.
  • Vaizduotė išsakoma šešiais atvaizdais, o juos papildo tai kas pranoksta vaizduotę, Dievas už santvarkos ir Dievas santvarkoje - gerumas.
  • Pirmapradis Dievas neturi jokio požiūrio. Dievo požiūris atsiranda su žmogaus požiūriu. Dievo požiūris atsiranda esant apimtims: viskas ir niekas.
  • ŽDŽDŽ - susikalbėjimas yra pradžia suvokimo lygmenims: ŽDŽD bendras suvokimas, ŽDŽ savęs suvokimas, ŽD suvokimas.
  • Susitelkimas į save kaip į daiktą grindžia visko padalinimą į save ir pasaulį.
  • Prie vaizduotės pridedam Dievą už santvarkos ir Dievą (gerumą) santvarkoje. Jais dviem iškyla padalinimas į Dievą ir gerumą.
  • Ženklų savybės (keturių lygmenų poros) virsta šešerybe (dviem trejybėmis) kuomet sutelkiame dėmesį nuo vaizduotės peršamo, menamo pasaulio į save. Tokiu būdu padalinimo galimybė jau glūdi šešerybėje, santykyje su savimi.
  • Santykiu su savimi įvaldome ryšių visumą ir tą visumą pranokstame savo nepakankamumu.
  • Priimdami Dievą iš už santvarkos ir jį įžvelgdami santvarkoje pripažįstame ir galimybė, kad jisai yra už santvarkos, tad santvarką suprantame kaip ribą tarp dviejų galimybių, tad pagrindą pasirinkimui, padalinimui.
  • Žmogus renkasi tarp vaizduotės ir suvokimo ašių ketverybėje, penkerybėje, šešerybėje, septynerybėje
  • Kaip netroškimai pranoksta lapisnynus?
  • Kokiu tikslu pranokti vaizduotę?
  • Kaip įmanoma kalbėti be vaizduotės?
  • Kaip įmanoma mąstyti be vaizduotės?
  • Vienas Dievas veda į prieštaravimą.
  • Vaizduotės kaliniai gali būti laisvi
  • Dvilypumu ištrūkstame iš vaizduotės, santvarkos
  • Dvilypumas atsieti nulybę ir vienybę
  • Išpuoselėjam tarpą tarp ašių
  • Dorybėmis išskiriame ar ir koks, kaip ir kodėl
  • Paklusti, tikėti, rūpėti
  • Trejybės ratas
  • Padalinti požiūrį
  • Priskirti vieną pusę besąlygiškumui
  • Išskirti savo sąlygišką ir Dievo besąlygišką požiūrį
  • Atlupa suvokimo klodus
  • ŽDŽDŽ -> ŽD
  • Telkia šviesuolių bendrystę
  • Suvokimas - įsiminti, rūpėti, pagrįsti
  • Savęs suvokimas - įreikšminti, tikėti, įvardinti
  • Bendras suvokimas - įprasminti, paklusti, pasakoti
  • Susikalbėjimas - už vienybės - visko, yra nulybė - Dievas
  • Stygos = vertybės
  • Savastis bręsta
  • Kūnas - daiktas, protas - ikona, širdis - indeksas, valia - simbolis
  • Išorines vertybes galim įsisavinti
  • Gyventi išore ar vidumi
  • Vienybė P->P, nulybė D<-Ž
  • Brandą išgyvename
  • Atsiremiam į besąlygiškumą
  • Susilaikyti
  • Susikalbėti
  • Sąmoningumą įsiminti, įreikšminti, įprasminti
  • Kitame atlupti Dievą
  • Tikslas vieningai susistyguoti
  • Meile, artimumu, žavesiu žmogus persimeta tarp sąmonės ir pasąmonės kalbomis
  • Simbolį laikyti simboliu (nulybė)
  • Žmogaus simbolių lygmenyje sąmoningas
2021 birželio 03 d., 10:34 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėta 13 eilutė:
  • Kaip pranokstame vaizduotę?
Pridėtos 115-120 eilutės:

Vaizduotės pranokimas

Vaizduotės pranokimo sąlygos

  • Kai pažįsti savo vaizduotę, gali ją pranokti, teisingai rinktis ir nesuklyst, nenuklyst.
  • Vaizduotė išsakoma šešiais atvaizdais, o juos papildo tai kas pranoksta vaizduotę, Dievas už santvarkos ir Dievas santvarkoje - gerumas.
2021 gegužės 26 d., 13:54 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Ištrintos 18-19 eilutės:


Pridėtos 27-28 eilutės:
  • Kaip Dievas vėlei iškyla?
  • Kaip susiję tai, kad Dievas nebūtinai geras? Mūsų požiūriui akivaizdūs netobulumai, neteisybės yra Dievo būtinumo užtaisas.
2021 gegužės 26 d., 13:21 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 17-28 eilutės:



  • Peržiūrėti rodą Trokštu išmanyti.
  • Kaip Dievas yra būtinas? Pradedant Kitu, kaip jisai iškyla susivokimu?
  • Kaip Dievo būtinumui svarbios sąvokos glūdi jo nebūtinumo raidoje?
  • Kokios sąvokos svarbios Dievo būtinumui?
  • Paklusimas, tikėjimas, rūpėjimas. Pasiklydęs vaikas.
  • Žinojimo rūmai išvysto mūsų atitolimą nuo Dievo (paklūst -> tikėt -> rūpėt) tačiau įsisąmonijimą Dievo vidinį nevieningumą.
  • Išsakyti ir derinti sandarų išsivystymą (nebūtinumo eigą) ir valios vykdymą (būtinumo eigą).
  • Išsūkis Dievui - Dievo nebūtinumas; iššūkis mums - Dievo būtinumas.
Pridėtos 33-34 eilutės:

Gražus taikymas išsako Dievo būtinumą.

2021 gegužės 13 d., 10:08 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 105-108 eilutės:
  • Kaip trejybės rato poslinkiu atsisakome požiūrio? Ir kaip trikdžiu jo neatsisakome?
  • Kieno (savasties, žmogaus) požiūris į ką (Dievo ar žmogaus)
  • Žmogaus požiūris išreiškia septynerybę: ŽDŽDŽ - trejybė, ŽDŽD - dvejybė, ŽDŽ - vienybė, ŽD - nulybė, Ž - septynerybė.
  • Rūpintis sąlygose - netikėti savimi bet tikėti Dievu.
2021 balandžio 17 d., 16:42 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 100-104 eilutės:


  • Dievas yra atviras, o velnias yra sandarumas. O teisingas, visapusiškas sandarų pažinimas įveikia jų sandarumą, leidžia pranokti vaizduotę.
  • Besąlygiškame grožyje negali būti blogio nes žavesyje nėra vidaus, ogi blogis - šėtonas - užsandarina žmogų.
2021 kovo 18 d., 18:11 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėta 13 eilutė:
2021 kovo 16 d., 17:33 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 98-102 eilutės iš
  • Gerumas = Žinojimo gražus taikymas. Sūnus mato Tėvą už santvarkos. Santvarką išplečia Dievu.
  • Gerumas = Žinojimo gražus taikymas. Sūnus mato Tėvą už santvarkos. Santvarką išplečia Dievu.

2021 kovo 15 d., 15:31 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 3-4 eilutės iš
Pakeistos 94-98 eilutės iš
  • Dievas neišeina už savęs - "būk tobulas".
  • Dievas neišeina už savęs - "būk tobulas".
  • Gali būti, kad visas gyvumas, visa dinamika, visos kalbos, išgyvenimai, plėtojasi pasirinkimais, atsiremiantys kodėl, išplaukiantys iš žmogaus link Dievo.
  • Žmogui tvirtėjant pasirinkimais, įsisavinant išorinį gerumą, jisai gali labiau remtis pasąmone, įgūdžiais, labiau nežinojimu, mažiau žinojimu.
  • Troškimai-netroškimai, taipogi atjautos, išsako neišėjimą už savęs be lygmens kodėl, ir išsako išėjimą už savęs, už vaizduotės, lygmeniu kodėl.
  • Gerumas = Žinojimo gražus taikymas. Sūnus mato Tėvą už santvarkos. Santvarką išplečia Dievu.
2021 kovo 06 d., 21:17 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 93-94 eilutės iš
  • Nebijoti prieštaravimo, jo aplinkos.
  • Nebijoti prieštaravimo, jo aplinkos.
  • Dievas neišeina už savęs - "būk tobulas".
2021 kovo 06 d., 21:05 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 92-93 eilutės iš
  • 4+2 -> 3+3 -> 1+3+3+1
  • 4+2 -> 3+3 -> 1+3+3+1
  • Nebijoti prieštaravimo, jo aplinkos.
2021 kovo 06 d., 21:01 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 90-92 eilutės iš
  • Neįsivaizduojame Dievo ir gerumo, bet tik jų šešis santykius.
  • Neįsivaizduojame Dievo ir gerumo, bet tik jų šešis santykius.
  • Vaizduotę pranoksta Dievo neišėjimas už savęs ir gerumo neišėjimas į save.
  • 4+2 -> 3+3 -> 1+3+3+1
2021 kovo 06 d., 14:27 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėta 22 eilutė:
  • Pranokstame vaizduotę, pripažįstame Dievą ir gerumą, į juos atsiremiame, jais gyvename.
2021 kovo 06 d., 14:26 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 10 eilutė iš:


2021 kovo 06 d., 14:25 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 77-89 eilutės iš
  • Understanding (and Love) and Structure (and Self).
  • Understanding (and Love) and Structure (and Self).

Žinojimo taikymas - sąmoningėjimas ir sąmoningumas.

Vaizduotės pranokimas - gražus taikymas.

  • Viską žinoti, tai mąstyti plačiau už betką, pridėti Dievą (viską) ir gerumą (laisvumą).
  • Mąstyti plačiau už vaizduotę 1+6+1 = 1+4+2+1 = 4x2 = 1+3+3+1
  • Vaizduote mąsto betką - savo ribomis - vienumu. Mąsto kažką - savo pastangomis - vienumu.
  • Už vaizduotės yra viskas ir niekas, ketverybės dieviška ašis.
  • Mąstyti nulybę už vienybės.
  • Vaizduotė aprėpia savasties galimybes, tiek vidines, tiek išorines, tad veiksmus +1, +2, +3, tiek iš vidaus, tiek išore, tad išsako laipsnyną. O kaip su 4+2 ?
  • Nežinojimas pranoksta vaizduotę.
  • Neįsivaizduojame Dievo ir gerumo, bet tik jų šešis santykius.
2021 kovo 06 d., 14:25 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 11-18 eilutės:

  • Kaip savo gyvenime tarnauti savam Dievui?
  • Kaip tarnavimas Dievui susijęs su sandoromis kurias siūlytumėme Dievui arba jisai mums?
  • Kaip susiję Dievo išsiskleidimai?

Pakeistos 77-85 eilutės iš

Kaip sutapimas susijęs su požiūrių grandine, suvokimu, susikalbėjimu, gyvenimo lygtimi?

  • How does coinciding come into play?
  • And understanding, and the chain of views?
  • And the chain of reinterpretations?
  • And the equations of eternal life?
  • Understanding (and Love) and Structure (and Self). Kaip susiję Dievo išsiskleidimai
  • Kaip savo gyvenime tarnauti savam Dievui? (ir kaip tai susiję su sandoromis kurias siūlytumėme Dievui arba jisai mums?)
  • Understanding (and Love) and Structure (and Self).
2021 vasario 15 d., 23:00 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 18 eilutė iš:

Dievo valia yra visko įsisąmonijimas, tai išminties (visko žinojimo) gražus taikymas (gera valia), tad amžino gyvenimo raiška - tėra tai kas reiškiasi.


Dievo valia yra visko įsisąmonijimas, tai išminties (visko žinojimo) gražus taikymas (gera valia), tad amžino gyvenimo raiška - tėra kas reiškiasi.

2021 vasario 15 d., 23:00 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 18 eilutė iš:

Dievo valia yra visko įsisąmonijimas, tai išminties (visko žinojimo) gražus taikymas (gera valia), tad amžino gyvenimo raiška.


Dievo valia yra visko įsisąmonijimas, tai išminties (visko žinojimo) gražus taikymas (gera valia), tad amžino gyvenimo raiška - tėra tai kas reiškiasi.

2021 vasario 15 d., 22:59 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 18 eilutė iš:

Dievo valia yra visko įsisąmonijimas, tai išminties (visko žinojimo) gražus taikymas (gera valia).


Dievo valia yra visko įsisąmonijimas, tai išminties (visko žinojimo) gražus taikymas (gera valia), tad amžino gyvenimo raiška.

2021 vasario 15 d., 22:58 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 17-18 eilutės:

Dievo valia yra visko įsisąmonijimas, tai išminties (visko žinojimo) gražus taikymas (gera valia).

2021 vasario 03 d., 20:21 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 73-75 eilutės iš
  • Understanding (and Love) and Structure (and Self). Kaip susiję Dievo išsiskleidimai
  • Understanding (and Love) and Structure (and Self). Kaip susiję Dievo išsiskleidimai
  • Kaip savo gyvenime tarnauti savam Dievui? (ir kaip tai susiję su sandoromis kurias siūlytumėme Dievui arba jisai mums?)
2021 sausio 12 d., 16:30 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 5 eilutė iš:

Kaip įvairiai taikyti visko žinojimą?


Kaip įvairiai taikyti visko žinojimą?

2020 gegužės 21 d., 15:49 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 16-17 eilutės:
  • Viską žinoti vs. Gražiai taikyti. To know everything is to coincide with God's view, and to apply usefully is to do so fully. (Relate this with the thought that to know everything is to extend fully, and to apply usefully is to coincide with the observed.)
Pakeistos 65-67 eilutės iš

Questions about coinciding

  • Bisecting a view. Consider bisecting as the opposite of coinciding, and four degrees of bisection as given by the distance of separation: by everything, anything, something or nothing. See BisectingAView, the splitting of the human mind (by the eightfold way), and how that relates to loving enemy (which requires a twofold mind and relates to loving God), and bisection is separating of human view and God's view.

Kaip sutapimas susijęs su požiūrių grandine, suvokimu, susikalbėjimu, gyvenimo lygtimi?

Pakeistos 73-85 eilutės iš


Consider bisecting as the opposite of coinciding, and four degrees of bisection as given by the distance of separation: by everything, anything, something or nothing. See BisectingAView, the splitting of the human mind (by the eightfold way), and how that relates to loving enemy (which requires a twofold mind and relates to loving God), and bisection is separating of human view and God's view.

KnowEverything vs. ApplyUsefully

To know everything is to coincide with God's view, and to apply usefully is to do so fully. (Relate this with the thought that to know everything is to extend fully, and to apply usefully is to coincide with the observed.)

Growth of Human

Human grows by shifting from self to view. Human increasingly identifies with senstivity rather than responsivity, so that the latter is attributed to God beyond us and within us, and we simply clear the way for him (this is morality, by which we identify with an other, more general than us). In doing so, we separate ourselves from our selves, and we acknowledge something broader than us, namely, God, and we go beyond ourselves, as God does. We determine a gradation from God is God to God is good. Eternal life is when we identify ourselves with our view. We thereby distinguish between God beyond us and God within us. Also, in this way, we have understanding.

Understanding (and Love) and Structure (and Self)

  • Understanding (and Love) and Structure (and Self). Kaip susiję Dievo išsiskleidimai
2020 gegužės 21 d., 15:14 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 3 eilutė iš:
2020 gegužės 21 d., 14:59 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 42-120 eilutės iš

KnowEverything vs. ApplyUsefully

What is God's interest? God's interest is not that we simply access our full potential, but that we achieve it. More important than knowing everything is that we apply such knowledge usefully. It is useful if it regards our Life. Indeed, knowledge about our life is that knowledge which we avoid as it holds us accountable to the extent that we are. We avoid this knowledge by not being clear of soul.


Love is the support of life. To have knowledge of life is the nature of love, and to apply that knowledge is the practice of love. Love is what is important to God and why the knowledge of everything is relevant to him. It is relevant as a framework for the practice of love.

OpenOurselves (GoodWill)

In seeing through us, God relates to himself as Observer and Observed, and in practice, as lover and loved. His relationship becomes one of practice when we open ourselves and are transparent to him. This is our calling. Our knowing everything is not essential to our calling, but may support our calling as we identify with him and his love. Yet it is enough for us to open ourselves that through us he may love. Thus the knowledge of everything may, from God's point of view, be understood as the story of love as the support of life, and how we participate by opening ourselves to that relationship.

Life is the goodness of God

Life is the connection of goodness (God inside) and God (God outside). Life is the goodness of God. God inside us is the one who is the Observer. God outside of us is the one who is Observed. God sees himself through us, and likewise, he is seen by himself through us. Life is that God sees through us, but eternal life is that God is seen through us. The former is fleeting, but the latter has us matter forever.

Eternal life is the understanding of the goodness of God

Eternal life is the separation (the understanding) of goodness and God.


God's love supports eternal life. Life is the connection from Observer to Observed through us, and love is the support for this connection. But eternal life is the separation of Observed from Observer by allowing for our freedom in the gaps. And God's love is the support for this separation.

love vs. endless love

Love is what connects within the system, by going from God to good, and EndlessLove is what separates by connecting with that which is beyond the system, by going from good to God. So love is BeingOneWith. Love is being Unified, and EndlessLove is being Complete, but the nature of both - and the nature of God - is BeingOneWith. The nature of God within the system is love, and the nature of God beyond the system is endless love, which is to say, God. We may think of endless love as absolute love.


We always love the good, but if we separate God and good, then that is a greater love, for we then love God. To love God is to LoveYourEnemy, and perhaps to love good is to LoveYourNeighborAsYourself, to love the one who is good to you. We can't know if God is good to us, for God is so much bigger than us, and it may always turn out that he is bad to us. In this sense, to love God is to be responsive where we are not sensitive. We are able to love even when we have no reason why - we are able to project our generalizations even when we have no data to support them. We are free to choose.

God's view and Human's view

Human, Access, God

Human is the access that God has to himself as Observer to Observed. That access is either Everything, Anything, Something or Nothing. It manifests itself either as a connection made by the human (as in life), or as the clearing of a way, which keeps separate, and allows God to manifest himself (as in eternal life). The Observer is within the human, is within the system, whereas the Observed is beyond any system. Human is definite access, whereas God is indefinite access, from either one direction (Observed) or the other direction (Observer). Human stays within himself. Human is self-limited. God goes beyond himself. God is self-unlimited. God goes beyond himself into human. God is prior to human, for God goes beyond himself into human, and yet human stays within himself. Human is God within a system.


The chains take us from either Observer to Observed (through stepping in) or from Observed to Observer (through stepping out). Which is eternal life?

Self and View

Their Self is their View. In what sense is a view itself related to our limits that we stay within or not? Our view is like a cone that we stay within, like a space time cone, whereas God's view is complementary, in that he goes beyond his and into ours.

Human's view vs. God's view

Human's view is self-limited, thus defined with regard to a definite scope. God's view is self-unlimited, thus defined with regard to an indefinite scope.

Human's view of God's view vs. God's view of human's view

Human's view of God's view is the flowthrough that is possible for a definite scope - it is the realization, the fulfillment, the making vital of the potential of that scope, it is everything that could possibly flow through that scope. And that can be understood through two directions - observer: flow out through a human's definite scope, or observed: constraints, limits upon indefiniteness. The two directions are correlated. And that way it is possible to consider all possiblities. That is God's view of human's view - the running through of all possibilities.


How does human step away from himself and take up God's view? He can do so by inviting God to take up his view, so that they coincide.


What does it mean to take up a view? It is to take up our structural limits.

Taking up God's view

God's is unlimited, and so his structural limits are unlimited structure, which is Everything. Hence his view is given by everything, and to take up his view is to take everything as our own structural limits.

A view vs. All views

Human's view is grounded in the system, and God's view is beyond the system. Hence human's view is unified, it is "a" view, whereas God's view is complete, it is all views.

Human's view of God's view

Human's view of God's view is how we choose God over ourselves, how we coincide with God. Human's view of God's view is a recurring structure because it is unity of completeness, which is to say, it is the most direct way of presenting God in structure, perhaps as "everything". It is the building block for all structure.

The levels of Truth from soft to hard

Truth is that by which we can be responsive even if we are not sensitive. Truth is that by which the human voice coincides with God's view. The extent of coinciding is given by that level in which God expresses himself, as coinciding is through God, in that he comes to us, that is the essence of coinciding.

  • Viską žinoti ir gražiai taikyti. What is God's interest? God's interest is not that we simply access our full potential, but that we achieve it. More important than knowing everything is that we apply such knowledge usefully. It is useful if it regards our Life. Indeed, knowledge about our life is that knowledge which we avoid as it holds us accountable to the extent that we are. We avoid this knowledge by not being clear of soul.
  • Tikslas: meilė. Love is the support of life. To have knowledge of life is the nature of love, and to apply that knowledge is the practice of love. Love is what is important to God and why the knowledge of everything is relevant to him. It is relevant as a framework for the practice of love.
  • OpenOurselves (GoodWill). In seeing through us, God relates to himself as Observer and Observed, and in practice, as lover and loved. His relationship becomes one of practice when we open ourselves and are transparent to him. This is our calling. Our knowing everything is not essential to our calling, but may support our calling as we identify with him and his love. Yet it is enough for us to open ourselves that through us he may love. Thus the knowledge of everything may, from God's point of view, be understood as the story of love as the support of life, and how we participate by opening ourselves to that relationship.
  • Life is the goodness of God. Life is the connection of goodness (God inside) and God (God outside). Life is the goodness of God. God inside us is the one who is the Observer. God outside of us is the one who is Observed. God sees himself through us, and likewise, he is seen by himself through us. Life is that God sees through us, but eternal life is that God is seen through us. The former is fleeting, but the latter has us matter forever. Eternal life is the understanding of the goodness of God. Eternal life is the separation (the understanding) of goodness and God.
  • Endless Love. God's love supports eternal life. Life is the connection from Observer to Observed through us, and love is the support for this connection. But eternal life is the separation of Observed from Observer by allowing for our freedom in the gaps. And God's love is the support for this separation.
  • Love vs. endless love. Love is what connects within the system, by going from God to good, and EndlessLove is what separates by connecting with that which is beyond the system, by going from good to God. So love is BeingOneWith. Love is being Unified, and EndlessLove is being Complete, but the nature of both - and the nature of God - is BeingOneWith. The nature of God within the system is love, and the nature of God beyond the system is endless love, which is to say, God. We may think of endless love as absolute love.
  • Love God. We always love the good, but if we separate God and good, then that is a greater love, for we then love God. To love God is to LoveYourEnemy, and perhaps to love good is to LoveYourNeighborAsYourself, to love the one who is good to you. We can't know if God is good to us, for God is so much bigger than us, and it may always turn out that he is bad to us. In this sense, to love God is to be responsive where we are not sensitive. We are able to love even when we have no reason why - we are able to project our generalizations even when we have no data to support them. We are free to choose.

Dievo žvilgsnis ir žmogaus žvilgsnis

  • Human, Access, God. Human is the access that God has to himself as Observer to Observed. That access is either Everything, Anything, Something or Nothing. It manifests itself either as a connection made by the human (as in life), or as the clearing of a way, which keeps separate, and allows God to manifest himself (as in eternal life). The Observer is within the human, is within the system, whereas the Observed is beyond any system. Human is definite access, whereas God is indefinite access, from either one direction (Observed) or the other direction (Observer). Human stays within himself. Human is self-limited. God goes beyond himself. God is self-unlimited. God goes beyond himself into human. God is prior to human, for God goes beyond himself into human, and yet human stays within himself. Human is God within a system.
  • Chains. The chains take us from either Observer to Observed (through stepping in) or from Observed to Observer (through stepping out). Which is eternal life?
  • Self and View. Their Self is their View. In what sense is a view itself related to our limits that we stay within or not? Our view is like a cone that we stay within, like a space time cone, whereas God's view is complementary, in that he goes beyond his and into ours.
  • Human's view vs. God's view. Human's view is self-limited, thus defined with regard to a definite scope. God's view is self-unlimited, thus defined with regard to an indefinite scope.
  • Human's view of God's view vs. God's view of human's view. Human's view of God's view is the flowthrough that is possible for a definite scope - it is the realization, the fulfillment, the making vital of the potential of that scope, it is everything that could possibly flow through that scope. And that can be understood through two directions - observer: flow out through a human's definite scope, or observed: constraints, limits upon indefiniteness. The two directions are correlated. And that way it is possible to consider all possiblities. That is God's view of human's view - the running through of all possibilities.
  • Coinciding. How does human step away from himself and take up God's view? He can do so by inviting God to take up his view, so that they coincide.
  • Taking up a view. What does it mean to take up a view? It is to take up our structural limits.
  • Taking up God's view. God's is unlimited, and so his structural limits are unlimited structure, which is Everything. Hence his view is given by everything, and to take up his view is to take everything as our own structural limits.
  • A view vs. All views. Human's view is grounded in the system, and God's view is beyond the system. Hence human's view is unified, it is "a" view, whereas God's view is complete, it is all views.
  • Human's view of God's view. Human's view of God's view is how we choose God over ourselves, how we coincide with God. Human's view of God's view is a recurring structure because it is unity of completeness, which is to say, it is the most direct way of presenting God in structure, perhaps as "everything". It is the building block for all structure.
  • The levels of Truth from soft to hard. Truth is that by which we can be responsive even if we are not sensitive. Truth is that by which the human voice coincides with God's view. The extent of coinciding is given by that level in which God expresses himself, as coinciding is through God, in that he comes to us, that is the essence of coinciding.
2020 gegužės 21 d., 14:54 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 13-88 eilutės iš

If we could "know everything", then I think that might leverage our own testimonies of life as organized by our key concepts, like a sky full of stars, each encompassing the whole sky, and bringing it to a point of intense self-knowledge. The "knowledge of everything" would help us know how our key concepts unfold, how they relate, how we might navigate them and work together, so that we might live by all of our intuition, rather than just our own. It would show that each of us has a vantage point which of all people we know most intensely, and which is the source of our own language yet analogous to that of others. Similarly, I think that a "sustainable pattern language" might best be organized as a repository of case studies of how "local centers" function around the world (including one's own home) and a "knowledge of everything" would theoretically generate the many patterns of activity that we might find.

Andrius: I think that in developing ourselves it's helpful to alert ourselves to profound initiatives that we might contribute to. For example, some applications of knowing everything include:

  • the ability to express and comprehend anybody's intuition regarding what they know intuitively
  • the ability to translate across private languages, making use of a conceptual language of universal structures
  • the ability to generate and catalogue the patterns of recurring activity (as in Christopher Alexander's The Pattern Language) which evoke the world around us that we live in
  • the ability to converse with God and engage his will and live by it
  • the ability to train ourselves, to learn to live hyperflexibly like Jesus, as a person-in-general who does what any good person would do, rather than as a person-in-particular who focuses on what makes them different
  • the ability to reach out to others, engage them, and help them grow
  • the ability to cooperate in working out various portion of these challenges
  • the ability to respond effectively to challenges to people throughout the world

There is a lot to do, and I think everything that we might care to work on will be relevant, so long as we are caring and sharing. That is why it is important to have an appropriate culture.

To apply usefully is to be Responsive as God is through us. It is to respond as God would respond through our self, and thus to go beyond our self. To apply usefully is to achieve our full potential. This means that it is reached by that which is deepest in us, which is most familiar, which is our truest self, and is our deepest unity. Our potential is achieved when our deepest unity is engaged, when it responds.

observe vs. go beyond oneself

To see is to be sensitive to a view - it is to receive within ourselves. To go beyond oneself is to respond from one self.

Self vs. View

So self and view are structural flipsides, and they tend towards different spiritual extrapolations: unity and completeness. View is the extent to which we are sensitive, and self is the extent to which we are responsive.

Sensitive, Responsive

To sense is for the unity to go out (be unobstructed) and return (be familiar). To respond is for the completeness to go in (be familiar) and return (be unobstructed). Life is what is both responsive and sensitive, thus is an endless flickering.

System, Good

There is a duality of structure. So the big question is, which is primary, unity or completeness? I think that the answer is completeness. God is beyond us, beyond any system, and as such he is complete. God within a system is unity, and as such he is good.

Life, Coinciding

We are that system. Life is the coinciding of these two - God outside us and within us - God and good.

EternalLife, Separation

Eternal life is the separation of the two, so that unity and goodness are qualities of God's as they hold within a system, any system.

responsivity beyond sensitivity

This means that responsiveness is more important than sensitivity, for when we are responsive, then it is the God beyond us, beyond system, who responds through us. We may not be sensitive as to why to respond, and yet we can still respond on behalf of that which is beyond us. So obedience, faith, caring all help us to respond even if we are not sensitive. Eternal life is when we are responsive beyond our sensitivity.

Truth, Freedom

The truth is that which lets us respond without being sensitive. In this sense, the truth sets us free - it lets us step outside the system that we find ourselves in. It also lets us reach others and them reach us across great divides.

Observed, Observer

This suggests that God as observed (and complete) is primary because God as observer (and unified) makes sense only within a system, as he is observing through us. Or am I mistaken? This is important to think about. The logic is that, in the beginning, God was available to be observed. But nobody was there to observe him. So he observed himself. He went beyond himself to become an observer and thereby he created us, a system through which he might observe himself.

Gospel of John

Go through notes on the GospelOfJohn, especially regarding EternalLife.


Kam žinoti viską?

  • If we could "know everything", then I think that might leverage our own testimonies of life as organized by our key concepts, like a sky full of stars, each encompassing the whole sky, and bringing it to a point of intense self-knowledge. The "knowledge of everything" would help us know how our key concepts unfold, how they relate, how we might navigate them and work together, so that we might live by all of our intuition, rather than just our own. It would show that each of us has a vantage point which of all people we know most intensely, and which is the source of our own language yet analogous to that of others. Similarly, I think that a "sustainable pattern language" might best be organized as a repository of case studies of how "local centers" function around the world (including one's own home) and a "knowledge of everything" would theoretically generate the many patterns of activity that we might find.

Kokių pajėgumų siekiame:

  • express and comprehend anybody's intuition regarding what they know intuitively
  • translate across private languages, making use of a conceptual language of universal structures
  • generate and catalogue the patterns of recurring activity (as in Christopher Alexander's The Pattern Language) which evoke the world around us that we live in
  • converse with God and engage his will and live by it
  • train ourselves, to learn to live hyperflexibly like Jesus, as a person-in-general who does what any good person would do, rather than as a person-in-particular who focuses on what makes them different
  • reach out to others, engage them, and help them grow
  • cooperate in working out various portion of these challenges
  • trespond effectively to challenges to people throughout the world

Kam šviesuolių bendrystė

  • Bendrystė leidžia mums suvesti ir įprasminti kiekvieną įnašą, kurį žmogus norėtų įnešti

Ką reiškia gražiai taikyti

  • to be Responsive as God is through us. It is to respond as God would respond through our self, and thus to go beyond our self. To apply usefully is to achieve our full potential. This means that it is reached by that which is deepest in us, which is most familiar, which is our truest self, and is our deepest unity. Our potential is achieved when our deepest unity is engaged, when it responds.

Išvirkštinės sąvokos

  • Smegenys ir protas.
  • Observe vs. Go beyond oneself. To see is to be sensitive to a view - it is to receive within ourselves. To go beyond oneself is to respond from one self.
  • Self vs. View. Self and view are structural flipsides, and they tend towards different spiritual extrapolations: unity and completeness. View is the extent to which we are sensitive, and self is the extent to which we are responsive.
  • Sensitive, Responsive. To sense is for the unity to go out (be unobstructed) and return (be familiar). To respond is for the completeness to go in (be familiar) and return (be unobstructed). Life is what is both responsive and sensitive, thus is an endless flickering.
  • System, Good. There is a duality of structure. So the big question is, which is primary, unity or completeness? I think that the answer is completeness. God is beyond us, beyond any system, and as such he is complete. God within a system is unity, and as such he is good.
  • Gyvenimas (sutapimas) ir Amžinas gyvenimas (atskyrimas). We are that system. Life is the coinciding of these two - God outside us and within us - God and good. Eternal life is the separation of the two, so that unity and goodness are qualities of God's as they hold within a system, any system.
  • Responsivity beyond sensitivity. This means that responsiveness is more important than sensitivity, for when we are responsive, then it is the God beyond us, beyond system, who responds through us. We may not be sensitive as to why to respond, and yet we can still respond on behalf of that which is beyond us. So obedience, faith, caring all help us to respond even if we are not sensitive. Eternal life is when we are responsive beyond our sensitivity.
  • Truth, Freedom. The truth is that which lets us respond without being sensitive. In this sense, the truth sets us free - it lets us step outside the system that we find ourselves in. It also lets us reach others and them reach us across great divides.
  • Observed, Observer. This suggests that God as observed (and complete) is primary because God as observer (and unified) makes sense only within a system, as he is observing through us. Or am I mistaken? This is important to think about. The logic is that, in the beginning, God was available to be observed. But nobody was there to observe him. So he observed himself. He went beyond himself to become an observer and thereby he created us, a system through which he might observe himself.
2020 gegužės 21 d., 14:48 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 5-6 eilutės iš

Kaip įvairiai taikyti visko žinojimą?


Kaip įvairiai taikyti visko žinojimą?

Pakeistos 46-56 eilutės iš

See: UsefulApplications, PracticalConsequences

See also: KnowEverything, {{Overview}}, {{Life}} ===What does it mean to ApplyUsefully?===

ApplyUsefully, {{Responsive}}, {{Self}}, GoBeyondOneself

To apply usefully is to be {{Responsive}} as God is through us. It is to respond as God would respond through our self, and thus to go beyond our self. To apply usefully is to achieve our full potential. This means that it is reached by that which is deepest in us, which is most familiar, which is our truest self, and is our deepest unity. Our potential is achieved when our deepest unity is engaged, when it responds.

observe vs. go beyond oneself


To apply usefully is to be Responsive as God is through us. It is to respond as God would respond through our self, and thus to go beyond our self. To apply usefully is to achieve our full potential. This means that it is reached by that which is deepest in us, which is most familiar, which is our truest self, and is our deepest unity. Our potential is achieved when our deepest unity is engaged, when it responds.

observe vs. go beyond oneself

Pakeistos 54-55 eilutės iš

{{Self}} vs. {{View}}


Self vs. View

Pakeistos 58-59 eilutės iš

{{Sensitive}}, {{Responsive}}


Sensitive, Responsive

Pakeistos 62-63 eilutės iš

{{System}}, {{Good}}


System, Good

Pakeistos 66-67 eilutės iš

{{Life}}, {{Coinciding}}


Life, Coinciding

Pakeistos 70-71 eilutės iš

EternalLife, {{Separation}}


EternalLife, Separation

Pakeistos 74-75 eilutės iš

responsivity beyond sensitivity


responsivity beyond sensitivity

Pakeistos 78-79 eilutės iš

{{Truth}}, {{Freedom}}


Truth, Freedom

Pakeistos 82-83 eilutės iš

{{Observed}}, {{Observer}}


Observed, Observer

Pakeistos 86-87 eilutės iš

Gospel of John


Gospel of John

Pakeistos 90-103 eilutės iš

KnowEverything vs. ApplyUsefully

What is God's interest? God's interest is not that we simply access our full potential, but that we achieve it. More important than knowing everything is that we apply such knowledge usefully. It is useful if it regards our {{Life}}. Indeed, knowledge about our life is that knowledge which we avoid as it holds us accountable to the extent that we are. We avoid this knowledge by not being clear of soul.


{{Love}} is the support of life. To have knowledge of life is the nature of love, and to apply that knowledge is the practice of love. Love is what is important to God and why the knowledge of everything is relevant to him. It is relevant as a framework for the practice of love.

OpenOurselves (GoodWill)

In seeing through us, God relates to himself as {{Observer}} and {{Observed}}, and in practice, as lover and loved. His relationship becomes one of practice when we open ourselves and are transparent to him. This is our calling. Our knowing everything is not essential to our calling, but may support our calling as we identify with him and his love. Yet it is enough for us to open ourselves that through us he may love. Thus the knowledge of everything may, from God's point of view, be understood as the story of love as the support of life, and how we participate by opening ourselves to that relationship.

Life is the goodness of God


KnowEverything vs. ApplyUsefully

What is God's interest? God's interest is not that we simply access our full potential, but that we achieve it. More important than knowing everything is that we apply such knowledge usefully. It is useful if it regards our Life. Indeed, knowledge about our life is that knowledge which we avoid as it holds us accountable to the extent that we are. We avoid this knowledge by not being clear of soul.


Love is the support of life. To have knowledge of life is the nature of love, and to apply that knowledge is the practice of love. Love is what is important to God and why the knowledge of everything is relevant to him. It is relevant as a framework for the practice of love.

OpenOurselves (GoodWill)

In seeing through us, God relates to himself as Observer and Observed, and in practice, as lover and loved. His relationship becomes one of practice when we open ourselves and are transparent to him. This is our calling. Our knowing everything is not essential to our calling, but may support our calling as we identify with him and his love. Yet it is enough for us to open ourselves that through us he may love. Thus the knowledge of everything may, from God's point of view, be understood as the story of love as the support of life, and how we participate by opening ourselves to that relationship.

Life is the goodness of God

Pakeistos 106-107 eilutės iš

Eternal life is the understanding of the goodness of God


Eternal life is the understanding of the goodness of God

Pakeistos 110-111 eilutės iš




Pakeistos 114-119 eilutės iš

love vs. endless love

{{Love}} is what connects within the system, by going from God to good, and EndlessLove is what separates by connecting with that which is beyond the system, by going from good to God. So love is BeingOneWith. {{Love}} is being {{Unified}}, and EndlessLove is being {{Complete}}, but the nature of both - and the nature of God - is BeingOneWith. The nature of God within the system is love, and the nature of God beyond the system is endless love, which is to say, God. We may think of endless love as absolute love.



love vs. endless love

Love is what connects within the system, by going from God to good, and EndlessLove is what separates by connecting with that which is beyond the system, by going from good to God. So love is BeingOneWith. Love is being Unified, and EndlessLove is being Complete, but the nature of both - and the nature of God - is BeingOneWith. The nature of God within the system is love, and the nature of God beyond the system is endless love, which is to say, God. We may think of endless love as absolute love.


Pakeistos 122-129 eilutės iš

==={{God}}'s view and {{Human}}'s view===

{{Human}}, {{Access}}, {{God}}

{{Human}} is the access that God has to himself as Observer to Observed. That access is either {{Everything}}, {{Anything}}, {{Something}} or {{Nothing}}. It manifests itself either as a connection made by the human (as in life), or as the clearing of a way, which keeps separate, and allows God to manifest himself (as in eternal life). The Observer is within the human, is within the system, whereas the Observed is beyond any system. Human is definite access, whereas God is indefinite access, from either one direction (Observed) or the other direction (Observer). {{Human}} stays within himself. Human is self-limited. {{God}} goes beyond himself. God is self-unlimited. God goes beyond himself into human. God is prior to human, for God goes beyond himself into human, and yet human stays within himself. Human is God within a system.



God's view and Human's view

Human, Access, God

Human is the access that God has to himself as Observer to Observed. That access is either Everything, Anything, Something or Nothing. It manifests itself either as a connection made by the human (as in life), or as the clearing of a way, which keeps separate, and allows God to manifest himself (as in eternal life). The Observer is within the human, is within the system, whereas the Observed is beyond any system. Human is definite access, whereas God is indefinite access, from either one direction (Observed) or the other direction (Observer). Human stays within himself. Human is self-limited. God goes beyond himself. God is self-unlimited. God goes beyond himself into human. God is prior to human, for God goes beyond himself into human, and yet human stays within himself. Human is God within a system.


Pakeistos 132-137 eilutės iš

{{Self}} and {{View}}

Their {{Self}} is their {{View}}. In what sense is a view itself related to our limits that we stay within or not? Our view is like a cone that we stay within, like a space time cone, whereas God's view is complementary, in that he goes beyond his and into ours.

Human's view vs. God's view


Self and View

Their Self is their View. In what sense is a view itself related to our limits that we stay within or not? Our view is like a cone that we stay within, like a space time cone, whereas God's view is complementary, in that he goes beyond his and into ours.

Human's view vs. God's view

Pakeistos 140-141 eilutės iš

Human's view of God's view vs. God's view of human's view


Human's view of God's view vs. God's view of human's view

Pakeistos 144-145 eilutės iš




Pakeistos 148-149 eilutės iš




Pakeistos 152-157 eilutės iš

Taking up God's view

God's is unlimited, and so his structural limits are unlimited structure, which is {{Everything}}. Hence his view is given by everything, and to take up his view is to take everything as our own structural limits.

A view vs. All views


Taking up God's view

God's is unlimited, and so his structural limits are unlimited structure, which is Everything. Hence his view is given by everything, and to take up his view is to take everything as our own structural limits.

A view vs. All views

Pakeistos 161-162 eilutės iš

Human's view of God's view


Human's view of God's view

Pakeistos 165-166 eilutės iš

The levels of {{Truth}} from soft to hard


The levels of Truth from soft to hard

Pakeistos 169-170 eilutės iš

Questions about coinciding


Questions about coinciding

Pakeistos 176-177 eilutės iš




Pakeistos 180-181 eilutės iš

KnowEverything vs. ApplyUsefully


KnowEverything vs. ApplyUsefully

Pakeistos 184-185 eilutės iš

Growth of Human


Growth of Human

Pakeista 188 eilutė iš:

{{Understanding}} (and {{Love}}) and {{Structure}} (and {{Self}})


Understanding (and Love) and Structure (and Self)

2018 spalio 03 d., 17:03 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 3 eilutė iš:
2018 spalio 03 d., 17:03 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 11 eilutė iš:

AndriusKulikauskas: [{{Motivations}} I wish] to KnowEverything, but also to apply that knowledge usefully.


Trokštu viską žinoti ir tą žinojimą gražiai taikyti.

2018 spalio 03 d., 17:02 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 1-10 eilutės:

Žr. šviesuolių bendrystė, viską žinoti

Kaip įvairiai taikyti visko žinojimą?

Visko žinojimą gražiai taikome puoselėdami šviesuolių bendryste, kuria visa tiesa būtų prieinama ir apčiuopiama.

2014 gegužės 18 d., 20:15 atliko Andrius Kulikauskas -
Pakeistos 32-183 eilutės iš

it is important to have an appropriate culture.


it is important to have an appropriate culture.

See: UsefulApplications, PracticalConsequences

See also: KnowEverything, {{Overview}}, {{Life}} ===What does it mean to ApplyUsefully?===

ApplyUsefully, {{Responsive}}, {{Self}}, GoBeyondOneself

To apply usefully is to be {{Responsive}} as God is through us. It is to respond as God would respond through our self, and thus to go beyond our self. To apply usefully is to achieve our full potential. This means that it is reached by that which is deepest in us, which is most familiar, which is our truest self, and is our deepest unity. Our potential is achieved when our deepest unity is engaged, when it responds.

observe vs. go beyond oneself

To see is to be sensitive to a view - it is to receive within ourselves. To go beyond oneself is to respond from one self.

{{Self}} vs. {{View}}

So self and view are structural flipsides, and they tend towards different spiritual extrapolations: unity and completeness. View is the extent to which we are sensitive, and self is the extent to which we are responsive.

{{Sensitive}}, {{Responsive}}

To sense is for the unity to go out (be unobstructed) and return (be familiar). To respond is for the completeness to go in (be familiar) and return (be unobstructed). Life is what is both responsive and sensitive, thus is an endless flickering.

{{System}}, {{Good}}

There is a duality of structure. So the big question is, which is primary, unity or completeness? I think that the answer is completeness. God is beyond us, beyond any system, and as such he is complete. God within a system is unity, and as such he is good.

{{Life}}, {{Coinciding}}

We are that system. Life is the coinciding of these two - God outside us and within us - God and good.

EternalLife, {{Separation}}

Eternal life is the separation of the two, so that unity and goodness are qualities of God's as they hold within a system, any system.

responsivity beyond sensitivity

This means that responsiveness is more important than sensitivity, for when we are responsive, then it is the God beyond us, beyond system, who responds through us. We may not be sensitive as to why to respond, and yet we can still respond on behalf of that which is beyond us. So obedience, faith, caring all help us to respond even if we are not sensitive. Eternal life is when we are responsive beyond our sensitivity.

{{Truth}}, {{Freedom}}

The truth is that which lets us respond without being sensitive. In this sense, the truth sets us free - it lets us step outside the system that we find ourselves in. It also lets us reach others and them reach us across great divides.

{{Observed}}, {{Observer}}

This suggests that God as observed (and complete) is primary because God as observer (and unified) makes sense only within a system, as he is observing through us. Or am I mistaken? This is important to think about. The logic is that, in the beginning, God was available to be observed. But nobody was there to observe him. So he observed himself. He went beyond himself to become an observer and thereby he created us, a system through which he might observe himself.

Gospel of John

Go through notes on the GospelOfJohn, especially regarding EternalLife.

KnowEverything vs. ApplyUsefully

What is God's interest? God's interest is not that we simply access our full potential, but that we achieve it. More important than knowing everything is that we apply such knowledge usefully. It is useful if it regards our {{Life}}. Indeed, knowledge about our life is that knowledge which we avoid as it holds us accountable to the extent that we are. We avoid this knowledge by not being clear of soul.


{{Love}} is the support of life. To have knowledge of life is the nature of love, and to apply that knowledge is the practice of love. Love is what is important to God and why the knowledge of everything is relevant to him. It is relevant as a framework for the practice of love.

OpenOurselves (GoodWill)

In seeing through us, God relates to himself as {{Observer}} and {{Observed}}, and in practice, as lover and loved. His relationship becomes one of practice when we open ourselves and are transparent to him. This is our calling. Our knowing everything is not essential to our calling, but may support our calling as we identify with him and his love. Yet it is enough for us to open ourselves that through us he may love. Thus the knowledge of everything may, from God's point of view, be understood as the story of love as the support of life, and how we participate by opening ourselves to that relationship.

Life is the goodness of God

Life is the connection of goodness (God inside) and God (God outside). Life is the goodness of God. God inside us is the one who is the Observer. God outside of us is the one who is Observed. God sees himself through us, and likewise, he is seen by himself through us. Life is that God sees through us, but eternal life is that God is seen through us. The former is fleeting, but the latter has us matter forever.

Eternal life is the understanding of the goodness of God

Eternal life is the separation (the understanding) of goodness and God.


God's love supports eternal life. Life is the connection from Observer to Observed through us, and love is the support for this connection. But eternal life is the separation of Observed from Observer by allowing for our freedom in the gaps. And God's love is the support for this separation.

love vs. endless love

{{Love}} is what connects within the system, by going from God to good, and EndlessLove is what separates by connecting with that which is beyond the system, by going from good to God. So love is BeingOneWith. {{Love}} is being {{Unified}}, and EndlessLove is being {{Complete}}, but the nature of both - and the nature of God - is BeingOneWith. The nature of God within the system is love, and the nature of God beyond the system is endless love, which is to say, God. We may think of endless love as absolute love.


We always love the good, but if we separate God and good, then that is a greater love, for we then love God. To love God is to LoveYourEnemy, and perhaps to love good is to LoveYourNeighborAsYourself, to love the one who is good to you. We can't know if God is good to us, for God is so much bigger than us, and it may always turn out that he is bad to us. In this sense, to love God is to be responsive where we are not sensitive. We are able to love even when we have no reason why - we are able to project our generalizations even when we have no data to support them. We are free to choose.

==={{God}}'s view and {{Human}}'s view===

{{Human}}, {{Access}}, {{God}}

{{Human}} is the access that God has to himself as Observer to Observed. That access is either {{Everything}}, {{Anything}}, {{Something}} or {{Nothing}}. It manifests itself either as a connection made by the human (as in life), or as the clearing of a way, which keeps separate, and allows God to manifest himself (as in eternal life). The Observer is within the human, is within the system, whereas the Observed is beyond any system. Human is definite access, whereas God is indefinite access, from either one direction (Observed) or the other direction (Observer). {{Human}} stays within himself. Human is self-limited. {{God}} goes beyond himself. God is self-unlimited. God goes beyond himself into human. God is prior to human, for God goes beyond himself into human, and yet human stays within himself. Human is God within a system.


The chains take us from either Observer to Observed (through stepping in) or from Observed to Observer (through stepping out). Which is eternal life?

{{Self}} and {{View}}

Their {{Self}} is their {{View}}. In what sense is a view itself related to our limits that we stay within or not? Our view is like a cone that we stay within, like a space time cone, whereas God's view is complementary, in that he goes beyond his and into ours.

Human's view vs. God's view

Human's view is self-limited, thus defined with regard to a definite scope. God's view is self-unlimited, thus defined with regard to an indefinite scope.

Human's view of God's view vs. God's view of human's view

Human's view of God's view is the flowthrough that is possible for a definite scope - it is the realization, the fulfillment, the making vital of the potential of that scope, it is everything that could possibly flow through that scope. And that can be understood through two directions - observer: flow out through a human's definite scope, or observed: constraints, limits upon indefiniteness. The two directions are correlated. And that way it is possible to consider all possiblities. That is God's view of human's view - the running through of all possibilities.


How does human step away from himself and take up God's view? He can do so by inviting God to take up his view, so that they coincide.


What does it mean to take up a view? It is to take up our structural limits.

Taking up God's view

God's is unlimited, and so his structural limits are unlimited structure, which is {{Everything}}. Hence his view is given by everything, and to take up his view is to take everything as our own structural limits.

A view vs. All views

Human's view is grounded in the system, and God's view is beyond the system. Hence human's view is unified, it is "a" view, whereas God's view is complete, it is all views.

Human's view of God's view

Human's view of God's view is how we choose God over ourselves, how we coincide with God. Human's view of God's view is a recurring structure because it is unity of completeness, which is to say, it is the most direct way of presenting God in structure, perhaps as "everything". It is the building block for all structure.

The levels of {{Truth}} from soft to hard

Truth is that by which we can be responsive even if we are not sensitive. Truth is that by which the human voice coincides with God's view. The extent of coinciding is given by that level in which God expresses himself, as coinciding is through God, in that he comes to us, that is the essence of coinciding.

Questions about coinciding

  • How does coinciding come into play?
  • And understanding, and the chain of views?
  • And the chain of reinterpretations?
  • And the equations of eternal life?


Consider bisecting as the opposite of coinciding, and four degrees of bisection as given by the distance of separation: by everything, anything, something or nothing. See BisectingAView, the splitting of the human mind (by the eightfold way), and how that relates to loving enemy (which requires a twofold mind and relates to loving God), and bisection is separating of human view and God's view.

KnowEverything vs. ApplyUsefully

To know everything is to coincide with God's view, and to apply usefully is to do so fully. (Relate this with the thought that to know everything is to extend fully, and to apply usefully is to coincide with the observed.)

Growth of Human

Human grows by shifting from self to view. Human increasingly identifies with senstivity rather than responsivity, so that the latter is attributed to God beyond us and within us, and we simply clear the way for him (this is morality, by which we identify with an other, more general than us). In doing so, we separate ourselves from our selves, and we acknowledge something broader than us, namely, God, and we go beyond ourselves, as God does. We determine a gradation from God is God to God is good. Eternal life is when we identify ourselves with our view. We thereby distinguish between God beyond us and God within us. Also, in this way, we have understanding.

{{Understanding}} (and {{Love}}) and {{Structure}} (and {{Self}})

2014 gegužės 18 d., 20:14 atliko Andrius Kulikauskas -
Pridėtos 1-32 eilutės:

AndriusKulikauskas: [{{Motivations}} I wish] to KnowEverything, but also to apply that knowledge usefully.

If we could "know everything", then I think that might leverage our own testimonies of life as organized by our key concepts, like a sky full of stars, each encompassing the whole sky, and bringing it to a point of intense self-knowledge. The "knowledge of everything" would help us know how our key concepts unfold, how they relate, how we might navigate them and work together, so that we might live by all of our intuition, rather than just our own. It would show that each of us has a vantage point which of all people we know most intensely, and which is the source of our own language yet analogous to that of others. Similarly, I think that a "sustainable pattern language" might best be organized as a repository of case studies of how "local centers" function around the world (including one's own home) and a "knowledge of everything" would theoretically generate the many patterns of activity that we might find.

Andrius: I think that in developing ourselves it's helpful to alert ourselves to profound initiatives that we might contribute to. For example, some applications of knowing everything include:

  • the ability to express and comprehend anybody's intuition regarding what they know intuitively
  • the ability to translate across private languages, making use of a conceptual language of universal structures
  • the ability to generate and catalogue the patterns of recurring activity (as in Christopher Alexander's The Pattern Language) which evoke the world around us that we live in
  • the ability to converse with God and engage his will and live by it
  • the ability to train ourselves, to learn to live hyperflexibly like Jesus, as a person-in-general who does what any good person would do, rather than as a person-in-particular who focuses on what makes them different
  • the ability to reach out to others, engage them, and help them grow
  • the ability to cooperate in working out various portion of these challenges
  • the ability to respond effectively to challenges to people throughout the world

There is a lot to do, and I think everything that we might care to work on will be relevant, so long as we are caring and sharing. That is why it is important to have an appropriate culture.


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Puslapis paskutinį kartą pakeistas 2022 gegužės 19 d., 17:23