






Mintys.SuvokimoLygmenys istorija

Rodyti nežymius pakeitimus - Rodyti kodo pakeitimus

2024 gegužės 04 d., 14:17 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 9-11 eilutės iš

Kaip žmogus, savo ir Dievo požiūrių grandine, grindžia savo tyrimus kaip netroškimus, renkasi Dievą vietoj savęs, atsisako savęs ir savo sąmoningumo, Mumis gyvena su Dievu ir visais?

Kaip žmogus gyvena Dievu: amžinu gyvenimu, išmintimi, gera valia, Dievo valia?


Kaip žmogus, savo ir Dievo požiūrių grandine, grindžia savo tyrimus kaip netroškimus, renkasi Dievą vietoj savęs, atsisako savęs ir savo sąmoningumo, Mumis gyvena Dievu ir visais: amžinu gyvenimu, išmintimi, gera valia, Dievo valia?

2024 gegužės 04 d., 14:01 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 10-11 eilutės:

Kaip žmogus gyvena Dievu: amžinu gyvenimu, išmintimi, gera valia, Dievo valia?

2024 gegužės 04 d., 13:42 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 598-607 eilutės:

Žmogaus tyrimai

Žmogus tiria gyvenimą Dievu

  • kaip gyventi Dievo savybėmis?
  • kaip žmogus supranta gyvenimą Dievo savybėmis?
  • kaip žmogus supranta suvokimo lygmenis?
  • kaip žmogus supranta Dievo turėjimą: dvasios tapimą žmogaus Dievu, gyvenimą trejybės ratu, savo ir Dievo kampus, Dievo valios vykdymą
  • Dievo atsiskleidimo klodus: Dievą, viską, troškimus, meilę
  • atsiliepimais į netroškimus, kuriais renkasi tarp Dievo ir savęs: teiginiais "Aš esu...", širdies tiesomis, gėrio kryptimis, aštuongubu keliu
2024 gegužės 04 d., 13:27 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 18-25 eilutės:

Gyventi Dievu

Gyventi išmintimi

  • Ką reiškia būti Dievu?
  • Kuria prasme Dievo valios vykdymas yra požiūrio atsisakymas?
  • Kaip sąmoningumu išvystyti teisingus įpročius?
  • Kaip sąvokos ir sandaros grindžia įpročius?
Pridėtos 478-601 eilutės:

Gyvenimas Dievu yra suvokimas, tai amžinas gyvenimas.

Dievo savybes išreiškia suvokimo lygmenys:

  • Amžinas gyvenimas - suvokimas
  • Išmintis - savęs suvokimas
  • Gera valia - bendras suvokimas
  • Dievo valia - susikalbėjiams

Žmogaus tyrimas: Kaip gyventi Dievo savybe? Kaip žmogus tai supranta?

Jeigu glaustai, vienu kampu, susikalbėjimu, gyventi amžinai reiškia vykdyti Dievo valią. Vienu kampu susitelkiama kartu su Dievu į Kitą.

Dviem kampais, bendru suvokimu, gyventi amžinai reiškia gyventi gera valia. Tai reiškia kalbėti iš gerumo ir kalbėti į gerumą. Šia prasme viską žinoti tai yra viską priimti į save, o gražiai taikyti, tai reiškia kažką duoti iš savęs. Dviem kampais susitelkiama į Tave bendru žmogumi esančiu tiek Manyje, tiek už Manęs.

Trimis kampais, savęs suvokimu, gyventi amžinai reiškia gyventi išmintimi, tai reiškia gyventi trejybės ratu, vis naujai nusistatyti, vykdyti, permąstyti. Susitelkiama į Mane, į save. Vaikystėje užsimojau viską žinoti ir tą žinojimą gražiai taikyti. Išmintis yra visko žinojimas. Tačiau neužtenka nusistatyti, reikia tą žinojimą vykdyti gražiu taikymu. O toliau reikia pasitikrinti, reikia liudyti pasekmes to taikymo, tad reikia grįsti tolimesnį žinojimą.

Viską žinoti, tai reiškia

  • turėti bendrą vaizdą visumos,
  • taip pat sugebėti apsiimti bet kuriuo paskiru klausimu, jį prasmingai sustatyti ir išspręsti, ir grįžti prie bendro vaizdo, jį papildyti ir praturtinti nauju atsakymu.

Žinojimą gražiai taikyti, tai reiškia

  • puoselėti šviesuolių bendrystę, kurioje
    • atsiremiame į Dievą už santvarkos,
      • suvokimu, jog Dievas nebūtinai geras, gyvenimas iš esmės neteisingas,
        • tad renkamės ne savo valią, o Dievo valią
          • tad gyvename ne šiuo gyvenimu ir Dievo gerumu, o amžinu gyvenimu, amžina branda,
            • užtat mes amžinai bręstame
              • užtat Dievas bręsta.

O ta branda vyksta mums papildant bendrą vaizdą vis naujais paskirais išsiaiškinimais, ir ta papildymo galimybė yra esminė, nes prijungia suvokėją, ir tuo remiasi visko žinojimas, visų tyrimų plėtojimas.

Keturiais kampais, suvokimu, gyventi amžinai reiškia Dievą priimti kaip savo Dievą. Dievo lygmenis, jo išėjimo už savęs pakopas, nusako ketverybė, asmenys. O mūsų Dievą nusako dvasios požiūrio lygtis.

Santrauka: Žmogaus ir Dievo susikalbėjimas

Visumos esmę pristatau išdėstydamas žmogaus požiūrį, jo požiūrių grandinę. Besigilinant jos grandimis pavyksta atsisakyti savo supratimo, susiderinti su Dievu, įsijungti į darną.

Gerasis vaikas mumyse susikalba su Dievu

Mums žmonėms visko žinojimas išsiskleidžia keturiais klodais, suvokimo lygmenimis. Išsidėsto požiūrių grandine, kuria plėtojasi žmogaus ir Dievo požiūrių seka. Visuomet gyvename žmogaus požiūriu tačiau jį pranokstame kuomet jisai susikalbėjimu sutampa su Dievo požiūriu. Tai vyksta pažingsniui.

Žmogaus požiūris į suvokimą (Žmogaus požiūris į "Dievo požiūrį" į Dievą)

  • Žmogus įsivaizduoja, kad visko esmė yra Dievo tapimas kažkieno Dievu. Tai vyksta keturiomis asmenų terpėmis: Dievo Neapibrėžtume, Mano Apibrėžtume, Tavo Įsivaizduojamume, Kito Neįsivaizduojamume.
  • Amžinu gyvenimu: Dvasia tampa žmogaus Dievu.

Žmogaus požiūris į savęs suvokimą (Žmogaus požiūris į "Dievo požiūrį į žmogaus požiūrį" į Dievą)

  • Žmogaus įsivaizduoja, kad Dievas įsivaizduoja žmogaus požiūrį, taip kad neapibrėžtumo trejybės reikšmės susidėlioja trejybės ratu, išsakančiu tris dėsnius: Asmeninį požiūrį į Dievą išplečia dvasia pirm akistatos ir dvasia po akistatos; Tėra tai kas reiškiasi; Priimti savo Dievą reiškia priimti Dievą kaip tokį.
  • Išmintimi: Trejybės ratu amžinai nusistatome, vykdome, permąstome.

Žmogaus požiūris į bendrą suvokimą (Žmogaus požiūris į "Dievo požiūrį į žmogaus požiūrį į Dievo požiūrį" į Dievą)

  • Žmogus įsivaizduoja, kad Dievas įsivaizduoja, kad žmogus įsivaizduoja, kad Dievas įsivaizduoja dvejopai, taip kad yra Dievas už mūsų ir tuo pačiu yra Dievas mumyse. Dievas už mūsų išeina už savęs į save, visko žinojimu. O Dievu mumyse išeiname už savęs iš savęs, gražiu taikymu.
  • Gera valia: Dievas nebūtinai geras. Gyvenimas neteisingas. Užtat galime skirti Dievą ir save.

Žmogaus požiūris į susikalbėjimą (Žmogaus požiūris į "Dievo požiūrį į žmogaus požiūrį į Dievo požiūrį į žmogaus požiūrį" į Dievą)

  • Žmogus įsivaizduoja, kad Dievas įsivaizduoja, kad žmogus įsivaizduoja, kad Dievas įsivaizduoja, kad žmogaus įsivaizduoja, kad jo ir visų vienumas išplaukia būtent iš Dievo. Užtat žmogus tokia požiūrių grandine susitelkia į Dievą, kaip kad gerasis vaikas. Žmogus priima Dievą įsisavindamas išorinius požiūrius vidiniais požiūriais, paklusdamas, tikėdamas, rūpindamasis.
  • Dievo valia: Esame viena dvasia ir amžinai bręstame. Dievo valią priimame įsisavindami požiūrius.

Žmogaus ir Dievo požiūrių grandinė

Žmogaus ir Dievo požiūrių grandinės sieja (Dievo) ketverybės asmenų troškimus ir (žmogaus) požiūrio lygties asmenų netroškimus

  • Suvokimai sieja ketverybės apibrėžtus asmenis, kuriais Dievas trokšta, ir požiūrio lygties apibrėžtus asmenis, kuriais žmogus netrokšta. Tad suvokimais galime gyventi meile, juk meilė yra troškimas nesutelpantis į netroškimą, tačiau užleidžiantis siauresnius troškimus. Suvokimais turime pasirinkimą, ar gyventi netroškimais, ar gyventi troškimais. Suvokimu gyvename amžiną gyvenimą, savęs suvokimu - išmintį, bendru suvokimu - gerą valią, susikalbėjimu - Dievo valią. Ir juos išgyvename atitinkamais troškimais ir netroškimais.

Apimtys grindžia asmenis, asmenys skiria troškimą (Dievo išėjimą už savęs požiūrių grandine) ir žinojimą (žmogaus išėjimą už savęs žmogaus ir Dievo požiūrių grandine)

  • Asmenys yra dvasia išeinanti už savęs. O yra keturi asmenys nes yra keturi savasties atsiskleidimo lygmenys - niekas, kažkas, betkas, viskas. Kartu tai yra žinojimo lygmenys, tai yra troškimo lygmenys. Dievas žino viską, trokšta nieko, Aš žinau betką, trokštu kažko, Tu žinai kažką, trokšti betko, Kitas žino nieką, trokšta visko. Išėjimu už savęs išeinama už žinojimo į troškimą. Tai pasireiškia asmenimis, ėjimu iš Dievo per Mane ir Tave į Kitą. Tai yra sąmoningumas, gyvenimas Kitu, kuriuo esame viena.

Žmogaus ir Dievo požiūrių grandinės trumpinimas

  • Išverčiant suvokimo lygmenų seką, pradedame susikalbėjimu ir išeiname už savęs į nesusikalbėjimą. Tai vyksta plečiant požiūrį, trumpinant žmogaus ir Dievo požiūrio grandinę. Galiausiai prieiname prie žmogaus požiūrio, tad prie Kito, prie požiūrio į požiūrį į požiūrį, ir toliau atsisakant požiūrių prieiname prie jokio požiūrio, prie Dievo požiūrio. Sutampa žmogaus ir Dievo požiūriai, sutampa žmogus ir Dievas.

Asmenimis susiglaudžia lygmenys

  • Dievui vienam išeinant už savęs asmenų atžvilgiu yra keturios pakopos nes yra keturi asmenys. Tačiau kartu su juo išeina už savęs pirmiausia Aš, tad lieka trys pakopos, toliau Tu, tad lieka dvi pakopos, galiausiai prisijungia Kitas, tad yra viena pakopa išėjimo už savęs. O tada gyvenant tuo išėjimu už savęs nėra jokių pakopų ir nėra jokių asmenų, telieka pati veikla, dvasios veikla.

Susikalbėjimo pranokimas

  • Dargi pirm susikalbėjimo gali būti žmogaus požiūris į Dievo požiūrį į žmogaus požiūrį į Dievo požiūrį į žmogaus požiūrį į Dievo požiūrį kuriuo žmogus visiškai atsisako savęs, žmogus išnyksta, taip kad tėra Dievas, kuris irgi tarsi išnykęs. Tai yra trejybės rato pilnatvė, jos visiškas suveikimas, sąlygiškumo išgryninimas, taip kad lieka tai kas besąlygiška. Žmogus glūdi Dieve kaip jo prielaida, jo sąmoningumas. Užtat iš Dievo išplaukia susikalbėjimas.

Suvokimo lygmenys yra trejybės atvaizdai, o trejybės ratas yra jų vieningumas. Suvokimo lygmuo išsako narį ir išėjimą už jo.

  • Tai pirmiausia Dievo išėjimas už savęs į žmogų suvokimu.
  • Toliau žmogus išeina už savęs į Dievą savęs suvokimu.
  • Toliau Dievas grįžta į savę į žmogų bendru suvokimu.
  • Galiausiai žmogus išeina už savęs į Dievą susikalbėjimu.
  • Gyventi amžinu gyvenimu, tai susigaudyti, kad Dievas išeina už savęs į save, sąlygose yra gerumas, tad turėti Dievą yra suprasti gerumo prasmę, kad yra mūsų Dievas už gerumo.
  • Gyventi išmintimi, tai gyventi trejybe.
  • Gyventi gera valia, tai išeiti už savęs iš savęs kaip kad Dievas išeina už savęs į save.
  • Gyventi Dievo valia, tai vadovautis Dievu, vykdyti Dievo valią paklusimu ar tikėjimu ar rūpėjimu.
  • Ar Dievas būtinas? Tai Dievas turintis amžiną Dievą.
  • Koks Aš asmuo? Tai Aš turintis išmintingą Dievą.
  • Kaip Tu daugis? Tai Tu turintis geravališką Dievą.
  • Kodėl Kitas mąsto? Tai Kitas turintis valingą Dievą.

Žmogus priima Dievą

Žmogus gyvena Dievu gyvendamas Dievo savybe: amžinu gyvenimu, išmintimi, gera valia, Dievo valia.

Dievo valią vykdome atsisakydami savasties, kaip tarpo, įsisavindami Dievą kaip požiūrį.

  • Sąmoningumo atsisakome priimdami teisingus įpročius, išorinius požiūrius įsisavindami vidiniais požiūriais, vykdydami Dievo valią. Atsisakome vis artimiau priimdami Dievą:
    • Keturiais kampais suvokiame, iš šalies, kaip prisiimame Dievą, kaip Dievas tampa mūsų Dievu. Nieko neatsisakome.
    • Trimis kampais pasikliaujame Dievu išgyvendami trejybės ratą. Atsisakome savo pasąmonės.
    • Dviem kampais priešpastatome Dievo ir mūsų išėjimus už savęs. Atsisakome savo sąmonės.
    • Vienu kampu vykdome Dievo valią gyventi amžinai. Atsisakome savo sąmoningumo.
  • Ketverybę grindžia esmės klodų lygtis: esmė yra dvasios sandaros atvaizdų vieningumas. Grindžia amžiną gyvenimą, Dievo ir gerumo atskyrimą, suvokimą.
  • Trejybę grindžia asmuo sustatantis besąlygiškumą-sąlygiškumą, nepaneigiamumą-paneigiamumą, nešališkumą-šališkumą. Grindžia išmintį, visko ir laisvumo atskyrimą, savęs suvokimą.
  • Dvejybę grindžia ...?
  • Vienybę grindžia ...?

Požiūrio atsisakymas

  • Esmė yra atsisakyti požiūrio, o tai įvykdome sąmoningumu.

Nulybės atvaizdai nusako Dievo išėjimas už savęs į save, trejybės atvaizdai nusako žmogaus išėjimą už savęs iš savęs

  • Pastovumas nusako Dievo santykį su savimi, tad jo savastį, kuria Dievas išeina už savęs į save, tuo tarpu paieška žmogus išeina už savęs iš savęs. Ši paieška yra suvokimo raiška (vaikui ir tėvui ieškant vienas kito), būtent bendro suvokimo, kurį pranoksta susikalbėjimas. Tad nulybės atvaizdai yra kartu suvokimo lygmenų supratimo pagrindai.
    • Suvokimas - būtina, tikra, galima
    • Savęs suvokimas - daiktas, eiga, asmuo
    • Bendras suvokimas - vienis, visybė, daugis
    • Susikalbėjimas - buvimas, veikimas, mąstymas

Suvokimo lygmenimis suvokiamas asmuo: Dievas - suvokimu, Aš - savęs suvokimu, Tu - bendru suvokimu, Kitas - susikalbėjimu.

Atsiremiu į savo vaizduotės ribas

Viską žinau susipažindamas su savo vaizduotės galimybėmis, su jos ribomis, ką jinai gali ir negali įsivaizduoti, tad su savo požiūrių sandaromis. Viską įsivaizduoju ryšiais, sandarų atvaizdais, požiūriais į požiūrį, tad Tavo kampu.

Žinojimą gražiai taikau pranokdamas savo vaizduotę, gyvendamas, atsiremdamas ne į tai ką galiu įsivaizduoti, o į tai ko negaliu įsivaizduoti, tad į Kito kampą.


Gyventi tiesa = gyventi Dievo išmintimi

2024 gegužės 04 d., 13:25 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 7-8 eilutės iš
Pridėtos 478-488 eilutės:

2022.10.22 A: Kaip žmogus gali gyventi visomis Dievo savybėmis: amžinai, išmintimi, gera valia, Dievo valia?

D: Žmogus gyvena suvokimu, tad žmogaus požiūriu į Dievo požiūrį. Jis užtat gali plėtoti Dievo požiūrį suvokimo lygmenimis. Jis tai gali plėtoti jeigu skiria savo ir Dievo požiūrius. Tačiau išlieka klausimas ar jisai požūrių grandinės paskutiniame požiūryje skiria Dievo ir žmogaus požiūrius ar juos sutapatina. Jeigu skiria, tai gyvena Dievo savybe, taip kad juo gyvena Dievas, ir ta prasme, jis gyvena Dievu. Tačiau jeigu sutapatina Dievo požiūrį ir žmogaus požiūrį jisai gyvena savimi ir negali sąmoningėjimu plėtoti grandines toliau. Kolei žmogus skiria savo ir Dievo požiūrius, tolei jisai gali sąmoningėti ir tuomi plėtoti žmogaus ir Dievo požiūrių grandinę ir galiausiai užskleisti trejybės ratą ir juo gyventi Dievo savybėmis. Dievo savybės reiškiasi sąlygiškume, šališkume, paneigiamume, o Dievas yra už jų besąlygiškas, nešališkas, nepaneigiamas.

2022.09.14 A: Ką žmogaus suvokimams reiškia netroškimai?

D: Dievas trokšta, žmogus netrokšta. Ir tai vyksta pakopomis. Suvokimas sutapatina ketverybės apibrėžtus asmenis, kuriais Dievas trokšta, ir požiūrio lygties apibrėžtus asmenis, kuriais žmogus netrokšta. Suvokimai juos sutapatina taip kad žmogui iškyla pasirinkimai, ar gyventi Dievu, ar gyventi savimi? Gyventi Dievu tai reiškia trokšti, tai reiškia priimti netroškimą ir jį išgyventi troškimu, tad atjausti, tad puoselėti kalbą, kurią galime suprasti ir priimti kaip meilės kalbą. Nes meilė yra troškimas nesutelpantis netroškime, tad jo neišgyvenantis, bet gyvenantis už jo, jį užleidžiantis siauresniems troškimams.

2022.06.10 A: Ką duoda išėjimo už savęs supaprastėjimas suvokimo lygmenimis?

D: Suvokimo lygmenimis sutampa Dievo išėjimas už savęs ir žmogaus išėjimas už savęs ir tai grindžia Dievo išėjimą už savęs kaip tikrai išplečiantį Dievą žmogumi, taip kad Dievas iš tiesų išeina už savęs. O to išėjimo už savęs pagrindas yra Dievo ir žmogaus susikalbėjimas, kad žmogaus pats susigaudo, jog Dievas yra už jį pirmesnis, ir gyvena Dievo valia, renkasi amžinai gyventi, tad yra vienas su Dievu ir visais.

2024 gegužės 04 d., 12:49 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 329-467 eilutės:

Žmogaus požiūriu: Atgal į Dievą

Žmogus iškyla Dievui atvėrus jam aplinką. Žmogus išmoksta atjausti Dievą. Tai vyksta suvokimo lygmenimis, pradedant susikalbėjimu ir baigiantis suvokimu.

  • Yra papildiniai padalinimų, gyvybės lygties, kuriais žmogus gyvena, išeina už savęs į Dievą.

Suvokimo lygmenys

Meilės mokslas sustato neapibrėžtumą, apibrėžtumą, įsivaizduojamumą, neįsivaizduojamumą, kuriais grindžiamas susikalbėjimas. Žmogus toliau atsisako šių sąvokų ir susitelkia į neapibrėžtumą, tad į Dievą.

  • Susikalbėjimas: Neapibrėžtumas, apibrėžtumas, įsivaizduojamumas, neįsivaizduojamumas
  • Bendras suvokimas: Neapibrėžtumas, apibrėžtumas, įsivaizduojamumas
  • Savęs suvokimas: Neapibrėžtumas, apibrėžtumas
  • Suvokimas: Neapibrėžtumas
Suvokimasporeikių tenkinimas (be atjautos)amžinas gyvenimas3+3=6Dievo šokiui
Savęs suvokimasdvejonės (padalinimams)išmintis4+3=7išgyvenimo apytakai
Bendras suvokimasjauduliai (atvaizdams), jausmų matai (aplinkybėms)gera valia5+3=0žinojimo rūmams
Susikalbėjimaspaklusnumas (pasakojimui), tikėjimas (įvardijimui), rūpėjimas (pagrindimui)Dievo valia6+3=1meilės mokslui


  • Susikalbėjimas yra tas lygmuo iš kurio galime atsisakyti savęs, savo sąmoningumo, o tai vyksta pokalbiais, prasidedančiais Kitu - kai save suprantame kaip Kitą Dievo akivaizdoje - tasai Kitas gali mokytis iš Tavęs, Manęs, Dievo atjautomis - tada yra įmanoma atjauta.
  • Pradedame susikalbėjimu - suprantame savo padėtį - ir bręstame, atsisakydami vaikiškumo. Sėkla yra troškimų išdava, žinojimo kelio pradžia, žinojimas nieko, ir ta sėkla, kaip kad Jėzaus palyginime, auga link Dievo ir galiausia brandina vaisių, sėklas. Sėkla yra meilės mokslo, vienumo mokslo reikalas. Kūniškas pasaulis savo viltis deda į sėklą, DNR. Dvasiškas pasaulis tą sėklą - DNR įvariausiai supranta, tad yra audinių įvairovė. jų bendrystė.

Kai žmogus grįžta pas Dievą, prasideda susikalbėjimu - sąmoningumu būkle - ilgiausia žmogaus ir Dievo požiūriu grandine. Atsisakome savęs trumpindami grandinę:

  • Sąmonė - bendru suvokimu
  • Pasąmonė - savęs suvokimu
  • Mūsų nėra - suvokimu - žmogaus požiūriu į Dievo požiūrį

Sąmoningumo atsisakymas

  • Žmogaus išgyvenimo apytaka išsako kaip žmogus išgyvena atkarpą, kuri prasideda sąmoningumu ir baigiasi sąmoningumo atsisakymu. Ir panašiai gal su visu gyvenimu. Gal tai vyksta fraktaliniu būdu. Gal už mūsų yra dar didesnė fraktalo atkarpa, kurios pilnai neįsisąmonijame, kuria gyvename amžiną gyvenimą. Visuose lygmenyse gyvename tarpe tarp sąmoningumo ir jo atsisakymo ar praradimo, mūsų įsijungimo į gyvenimą, mūsų sąmoningumo paaukojimo.
  • Žmogus prasideda, įsijungia būtent trejybės ratu, būtent tai yra sąmoningumo santvarka. Tiktai toje santvarkoje žmogus išeina už savęs suveikiant, pereinant į kitas būsenas, kitus suvokimus, galiausiai visiškai atsisakant savęs.
  • Žmogaus gyvenimas Dievu. Vertybių septintu poreikiu žmogus yra saugomas Dievo bet ne Dievas. O poreikių septintu poreikiu žmogus priima dievystę gyvendamas, besirūpindamas kitu, tad Dievu.
  • Sąmoningumo atsisakymas baigiasi vienumu, kad priimame vienumą su kitais. Vienumo mokslas, meilės mokslas išsako visumą šito, kaip tai vyksta.
  • Žmogus gyvena santvarkoje, tos pakopos jau nusakytos. Tad jis turi šešis būdus kaip kopti atgal, iš vieno lygmens į kitą. Tai yra šeši asmenų pokalbiai tarp jau nubrėžtų asmenų. Taip atrodo iš šalies 4+6. O kuris išgyvena tai supranta kaip 4+4. O Dievas išgyvena Dievo trejybe.
  • Kiekviename moksle yra šitos sandaros ir jų išpildymas keičiasi su kiekvienu mokslu, vis nauju požiūriu.

Keturi netroškimai

  • Žmogus išeina už savęs trumpindamas žmogaus ir Dievo požiūrių grandinę.
  • Žinojimas išeina iš savęs link Dievo į bendrystę, bendruomenę, bendrą reikalą, bendrą žmogų Mes.

Žmogaus netroškimai išsako tai, kas atitinkame moksle yra pirm santvarkos.

Netroškimus išgyvename trimis protais

  • Pasąmonė tiesiogiai išgyvena netroškimą (pavyzdžiui, abejonę)
  • Sąmone atliepiame netroškimą, tai atsakas (pavyzdžiui, dvejonė)
  • Sąmoningumu taikome Dievu arba savimi, tad renkamės, gyvename išmintimi (pavyzdžiui, širdies tiesa)

Septynerybę, kaip kad ir kitus padalinimus, galime nuojauta apžvelgti. Tačiau mums neįmanoma apžvelgti aštuonerybės aštuonių požiūrių nes susiduriame su priešingybe, tad nulybe. Visgi, netroškimais galime išgyventi, nuojauta apžvelgti šiuos aštuonis požiūrius tam tikroje apimtyje. Užtat yra keturi netroškimai. Apimtys išsako ką aprėpia joks požiūris - nieką, vienas požiūris - kažką - pasąmone, du požiūriai - betką - sąmone, ir trys požiūriai - viską - sąmoningumu. Tad apimtys išsako protų ribas. O laisvumo atvaizdai išsako išėjimo už savęs kryptį - Dievas išeina už savęs troškimais, didėjančiu laisvumu, o žmogus išeina už savęs žinojimu, mažėjančiu laisvumu. Žmogus išeidamas už savęs susiranda Dievo išeities tašką, išmoksta gyventi Dievu - tobulumu už žmogaus ir tapatumu žmogaus gelmėse.

Pradžia: valios netroškimai. Žmogus gali save parengti nes kūno netroškimais jis gyvena nesąmoningumu, o tai pabaiga. Gyvenimo prasmė yra šio sąmoningumo atsisakymas, išorinio požiūrio įsisavinimas vidiniais požiūriais, dorybių išvystymas, suskambėjimas teigiamais jausmais.

  • Poreikiai: Lygiagretiškumas.
  • Dvejonės: Visi trys protai sustatyti į vieną. Sąmonė (požiūris) išgyvena pasąmonę (padėtį), o sąmoningumas jas surikiuoja.
  • Jauduliai: Pasąmonė (kas žinoma, praktika, mumyse) ir sąmonė (kas nežinoma, teorija, už mūsų) sulyginami sąmoningumo, kuris renkasi kur nubrėžti ribą.
  • Vertybės: Visi trys protai veikia savarankiškai klausimais - koks, kaip, kodėl.

Netroškimai grindžia tarpą tarp pasąmonės ir sąmonės 0, 1, 2, 3 laidais, požiūriais.

  • Kūnas: lygiagrečios trejybės, kaip su besąlygiškumu?
  • Protas: sąmonė žiūri į pasąmonę
  • Širdis: pasąmonė žiūri atgal į samonę (dvejystės požiūris)
  • Valia:

Kiekvienam netroškimui yra atliepimai, kuriuos galima pritaikyti sau arba Dievui. Aštuongubame kelyje tie pritaikymai sueina.

  • Poreikių tenkinimus galima taikyti sau arba Dievui (teiginiais "Aš esu...")
  • Abejones atliepiame dvejonėmis, į kurias galime atsakyti (pasąmonės) pasaulio tiesa arba (sąmonės) širdies tiesa.
  • Lūkesčius atliepiame jauduliais, kuriuos galime atliepti gėrio kryptimis, iš gėrio taipogi į gėrį.
  • Vertybes atliepiame tyrimais, kuriais deriname savo valią ir Dievo valią, save ir Dievą.

Protas, širdis, valia turi kažkiek dvasios. O kūnas neturi.

Sąmoningėja suvokimas

  • 3+3=6 suvokimas poreikiai
  • 4+3=-1 savęs suvokimas abejonės
  • 5+3=0 bendras suvokimas lūkesčiai
  • 6+3=1 susikalbėjimas (atskyrimas) vertybės, sąmonės atskyrimas

Vienumo lygmenys

Iš keturių vienumo lygmenų, panašu, kad žmogaus požiūriu grįžtama į Dievo požiūrį pradedant susikalbėjimu ir baigiant suvokimu, taigi, plėtojant atvirkščiai kaip Dievas. Tad meilės mokslas pagrįstas susikalbėjimu, Dievo ir žmogaus valių susistatymu. O baigiasi Dievo šokiu, suvokimu, mūsų poreikiais, kad Dievas yra savarankiškas, tad būtent jisai yra visko šaltinis.

Žmogus išsilaisvina iš savo vaizduotės suvokdamas, kad yra kažkas daugiau, pripažindamas Neįsivaizduojamąjį.


Atjautomis žmogus savo pasaulėžiūra, savo požiūriu, savo netroškimais, išgyvena Dievo pasaulėžiūrą, Dievo požiūrį, Dievo troškimus.

Atjautomis žmogus grindžia ne tik išgyvenimo apytakai bet ir visiems mokslams bendrą santvarką.

Atjautomis žmogumi iškyla Dievo Dievo galimybė. Dievas gali atjausti žmogų. Žmogus gali turėti Dievą. Tad Dievas gali turėti Dievą.

  • Dievo Dievas iškyla, tampa geras. 6 blogumo gerumai (poros), 4 gerumo gerumai (šaltiniai). Gerumas neigia 4 šaltinius.
  • Gerumu 4 savybės išverčiamos į 4 šaltinius. O 4 šaltiniai kyla iš 6 porų (išvertus).

Atjautomis reiškiasi ne Dievo lygmuo, o tas lygmuo į kurį Dievas įsijaučia.

  • Apibrėžtumas reiškiasi proto dvejonėmis, tad padalinimais
  • Įsivaizduojamumas reiškiasi širdies jauduliais, tad atvaizdais ir aplinkybėmis
  • Neįsivaizduojamumas reiškiasi valios klausimais, tad trimis kalbomis

Dievo trejybe pakeičiame tris protus. Gyvename Dievo trejybe, ne trimis protais. Gyvename mokslu, atjautomis.

  • Gyventi pasąmone - Dievu Tėvu - padalinimais - viena valia - Aš
  • Gyventi sąmone - Dievu Sūnumi - atvaizdais, aplinkybėmis - dviem valiomis - Tu
  • Gyventi sąmoningumu - Dievu Dvasia - trimis kalbomis - trimis valiomis - Kitu

Aš išgyvenu trejybę, jos pagrindu trimis protais, trimis veiksmais. O Dievas auga Mumis, kuria Mus, aštuonių padalinimu ratu. Palyginti su medicinos ratu. Atjauta atsisakome savo trejybės, priimame Dievo trejybę.

Valios išraiškos

  • Šeši santykiai tarp septintųjų požiūrių yra šešios valios išraiškos.
  • Valios išraiškos yra keturių pakopų poros, pasireiškiančios septintaisiais požiūriais. Jas grindžia netroškimų atjautos. Dievas atjaučia troškimais, nuliniais požiūriais. Valios išraiškos išsako, kaip mes kitais išgyvename tą Dievo atjautą.

Šeši atvaizdai

  • Keturi netroškimai išreiškia subliuškiančią aštuonerybę keturiose apimtyse
  • Aštuonerybė ir padalinimų ratas
  • Žmogus kai grįžta link Dievo, grįžta atjautomis. Kai grįžta iš Kito, grįžta kalbomis, (požiūriais į požiūriais į požiūrius), tai pakankami palaida. Kai grižta iš Tavęs ar Manęs yra statiška ir pati statiškiausia (požiūrių išsakyta) yra padalinimai.

Trys kalbos

Trys kalbos išplaukia iš Dievo ir žmogaus valias derinančio aštuongubo kelio.

Kalbos išplaukia iš susikalbėjimo. Pradedame čia ir kalbą išverčiame į kitą suvokimo lygmenį. Taip atsisakome sąmoningumo.

  • Pagrindimas veda į bendrą suvokimą.
  • Įvardijimas veda į savęs suvokimą (pasakom sau žodį).
  • Pasakojimas veda į suvokimą.

O gal atvirkščiai.

  • Pasakojimas grindžia tarpusavio santykius ir susikalbėjimą.
  • Įvardijimas grindžia sąvokas ir bendrą suvokimą.
  • Pagrindimas grindžia savęs suvokimą.
2024 gegužės 03 d., 12:32 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 32-36 eilutės:

Žmogaus išėjimas už savęs į Dievą

  • Kaip netroškimai išsako žmogaus suvokimus?
  • Kaip žmogus aštuongubu keliu atsisako savo kertinės vertybės?
2024 gegužės 03 d., 12:04 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Ištrintos 8-9 eilutės:

Kaip sąvokos suvokiamos?

2024 gegužės 03 d., 12:00 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 8-9 eilutės:

Kaip žmogus, savo ir Dievo požiūrių grandine, grindžia savo tyrimus kaip netroškimus, renkasi Dievą vietoj savęs, atsisako savęs ir savo sąmoningumo, Mumis gyvena su Dievu ir visais?

Pakeista 12 eilutė iš:

Suprasti santykį tarp požiūrių grandinės ir žmogaus bei Dievo požiūrių grandinės.


Suprasti žmogaus ir Dievo požiūrių grandinę.

2024 gegužės 01 d., 13:27 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 19 eilutė iš:

Kas yra suvokimas?


Kas suvokiama?

Pridėta 31 eilutė:
  • Kaip suvokimo lygmenys išreiškia sąmoningumo laipsnį?
2024 balandžio 29 d., 13:09 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 310-311 eilutės iš
  • Kur Dievas mūsų ieško? kad mes, pasiklydę, galėtumėme būtent ten jo laukti.
  • Svarbu žinoti kur Dievas mūsų ieško, kad mes, pasiklydę, galėtumėme būtent ten jo laukti.
Pridėtos 319-323 eilutės:
  • Rūpėjimu pereiname iš suvokimo į savęs suvokimą.
  • Tikėjimu pereiname iš savęs suvokimo į bendrą suvokimą.
  • Paklusimu pereiname iš bendro suvokimo į susikalbėjimą.
2024 balandžio 04 d., 13:42 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 317-318 eilutės:
  • Susikalbėjimas vyksta dviem laidais. Sąmonės sąvokomis galime bendrauti tačiau jas suprasti galime tiktai pasąmonės atjauta, sąmoningumo dėka.
2024 balandžio 02 d., 14:06 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 276-278 eilutės:

Atsakymai grindžia suvokimą, klausimai grindžia savęs suvokimą, tyrimai grindžia bendrą suvokimą, o vaizduotės ribos grindžia susikalbėjimą.

2023 rugsėjo 19 d., 12:58 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 305-313 eilutės:

  • Kur Dievas mūsų ieško? kad mes, pasiklydę, galėtumėme būtent ten jo laukti.

Išėjimas už savęs - suvokimo lygmenys

  • neišgyvenant, o žiūrint iš šalies, suvokimmu: 4 pakopos
  • išėjimą už savęs išgyvename susikalbėjimu, esme, vienumu
  • Troškimai grindžia suvokimo lygmenis, taip pat atjautas.
2022 rugsėjo 22 d., 18:36 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėta 35 eilutė:
  • Suvokimas skiria Dievą ir gerumą, tad ką skiria kiti suvokimo lygmenys?
2022 rugsėjo 08 d., 20:54 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 270-274 eilutės:
  • Suvokimas - ŽD - Dievas, Aš, Tu, Kitas
  • Savęs suvokimas - ŽDŽ - Aš, Tu, Kitas (nes įsivaizduojamas žmogaus požiūris, o nėra žmogaus kai yra tik vien Dievas - būtinai yra ne tik Dievas bet ir galimybės)
  • Bendras suvokimas - ŽDŽD - Aš, Tu (žmogus įsivaizduoja, kad yra Dievas - jiem bendras yra išėjimas už savęs)
  • Susikalbėjimas - ŽDŽDŽ - (įsivaizduojamas Dievas grįžta prie žmogaus)
2022 birželio 07 d., 10:05 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 299-308 eilutės iš


2022.06.07 A: Kaip trys kalbos susijusios su susikalbėjimu ir suvokimo lygmenimis?

D: Trimis kalbomis jūs susikalbate su savimi pagrindimu, su vieni kitais įvardijimu ir su Dievu pasakojimu. Tad pagrindimas plėtoja savęs suvokimą, įvardijimas plėtoja bendrą suvokimą ir pasakojimas plėtoja susikalbėjimą.

2022 gegužės 07 d., 15:02 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Ištrinta 69 eilutė:
Pridėtos 101-105 eilutės:

Suvokimo lygmenys plėtoja vienumo sąmoningumą

  • Žmogus neria į kitus lygmenis.
  • Suvokimas yra atskyrimas ir tuo pačiu vienumas (suvokiančiojo ir susivokiančiojo suvoktumu). Tačiau suvokimas taip pat skiria vienumą (suvokiančiojo besąlygiškumo lygmenyje) ir atskyrimą (susivokiančiojo sąlygiškumo lygmenyje).
  • Suvokimo lygmenys išsako kaip vienumas nusileidžia į sąlygiškiausius lygmenis. Vienumas savaip reiškiasi suvokime, savęs suvokime, bendrame suvokime. Susikalbėjimu susivokiantysis sąmoningai renkasi vieningumą.
Ištrintos 108-112 eilutės:
  • Suvokimas yra atskyrimas ir tuo pačiu vienumas (suvokiančiojo ir susivokiančiojo suvoktumu). Tačiau suvokimas taip pat skiria vienumą (suvokiančiojo besąlygiškumo lygmenyje) ir atskyrimą (susivokiančiojo sąlygiškumo lygmenyje). Tad suvokimo lygmenys išsako kaip vienumas nusileidžia į sąlygiškiausius lygmenis. Susikalbėjimu susivokiantysis sąmoningai renkasi vieningumą. Bendru suvokimu, savęs suvokimu, suvokimu, tas vienumas vyksta kitaip. Ir šis vienumo klausimas iškyla aštuonerybe (pirmyn ir atgal), ir dešimt Dievo įsakymų, sutapimais keturiose pakopose, taip pat atitrūktimuose atskyrimuose šešiomis poromis. Tad tai išplečia ką reiškia vienumas suvokime, Dievo trejybėje, Dievo Sūnaus ir Dievo Dvasios kampais.
  • Žmogus neria į kitus lygmenis.
2022 gegužės 07 d., 14:44 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Ištrinta 108 eilutė:
  • Jėzaus ankšti vartai, tai susikalbėjimas, paskiro asmens akistata su Dievu, susigaudymas, kad žmogus yra sąlygiškas, o Dievas besąlygiškas. Tai perėjimas iš bendro likimo į paskirus likimus. O kas yra platieji vartai? Ar tai bendras likimas?
2022 gegužės 07 d., 14:37 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 97-98 eilutės iš
  • Suvokimo lygmenys - trejybės atvaizdai - išsako ką suvokiame.
Pakeistos 104-111 eilutės iš
  • Suvokimo lygmenimis žmogus pradeda susikalbėjimą ir toliau vis atsisako požiūrių, auga nežinojimas, baigiasi: žmogaus požiūris = jokiam požiūriui.
  • Suvokimas yra atskyrimas ir tuo pačiu vienumas (suvokiančiojo ir susivokiančiojo suvoktumu). Tačiau suvokimas taip pat skiria vienumą (suvokiančiojo besąlygiškumo lygmenyje) ir atskyrimą (susivokiančiojo sąlygiškumo lygmenyje). Tad suvokimo lygmenys išsako kaip vienumas nusileidžia į sąlygiškiausius lygmenis. Susikalbėjimu susivokiantysis sąmoningai renkasi vieningumą. Bendru suvokimu, savęs suvokimu, suvokimu, tas vienumas vyksta kitaip. Ir šis vienumo klausimas iškyla aštuonerybe (pirmyn ir atgal), ir dešimt Dievo įsakymų, sutapimais keturiose pakopose, taip pat atitrūktimuose atskyrimuose šešiomis poromis. Tad tai išplečia ką reiškia vienumas suvokime, Dievo trejybėje, Dievo Sūnaus ir Dievo Dvasios kampais.
  • Jėzaus ankšti vartai, tai susikalbėjimas, paskiro asmens akistata su Dievu, susigaudymas, kad žmogus yra sąlygiškas, o Dievas besąlygiškas. Tai perėjimas iš bendro likimo į paskirus likimus. O kas yra platieji vartai? Ar tai bendras likimas?
  • Žmogus neria į kitus lygmenis.
Pridėtos 116-121 eilutės:


  • Dievą
  • save - paskirą žinojimą
  • sąvoką - bendrą žinojimą
  • santykį - teisingą santykį
Pridėtos 198-201 eilutės:
  • Noriu viską žinoti. Tad noriu mąstyti Dievo požiūrį. Tačiau mane ištisai varžo žmogaus požiūris. Kaip man atsisakyti savo požiūrio ir mąstyti Dievo požiūrį? Kada mąstau žmogaus požiūrį į Dievo požiūrį į žmogaus požiūrį į Dievo požiūrį į žmogaus požiūrį - tai yra, kada vyksta susikalbėjimas - ir jeigu Dievas palaiko mane - tuomet mano mąstymas gali išsakyti Dievo požiūrį į žmogaus požiūrį į Dievo požiūrį. O tai yra, iš esmės, visko žinojimas žmogaus sąlygose. Juk aš tokiu būdu suvokiu, kaip Dievas priima mano jo suvokimą.
Ištrintos 275-290 eilutės:


  • Suvokimo lygmenys - trejybės atvaizdai - išsako ką suvokiame (Dievą, save, bendrą žinojimą, teisingą santykį).

Suvokimo lygmenys

  • Suvokimas yra atskyrimas ir tuo pačiu vienumas (suvokiančiojo ir susivokiančiojo suvoktumu). Tačiau suvokimas taip pat skiria vienumą (suvokiančiojo besąlygiškumo lygmenyje) ir atskyrimą (susivokiančiojo sąlygiškumo lygmenyje). Tad suvokimo lygmenys išsako kaip vienumas nusileidžia į sąlygiškiausius lygmenis. Susikalbėjimu susivokiantysis sąmoningai renkasi vieningumą. Bendru suvokimu, savęs suvokimu, suvokimu, tas vienumas vyksta kitaip. Ir šis vienumo klausimas iškyla aštuonerybe (pirmyn ir atgal), ir dešimt Dievo įsakymų, sutapimais keturiose pakopose, taip pat atitrūktimuose atskyrimuose šešiomis poromis. Tad tai išplečia ką reiškia vienumas suvokime, Dievo trejybėje, Dievo Sūnaus ir Dievo Dvasios kampais.
  • Suvokimo lygmenimis žmogus pradeda susikalbėjimą ir toliau vis atsisako požiūrių, auga nežinojimas, baigiasi: žmogaus požiūris = jokiam požiūriui.
  • Jėzaus ankšti vartai, tai susikalbėjimas, paskiro asmens akistata su Dievu, susigaudymas, kad žmogus yra sąlygiškas, o Dievas besąlygiškas. Tai perėjimas iš bendro likimo į paskirus likimus. O kas yra platieji vartai? Ar tai bendras likimas?
  • Žmogus neria į kitus lygmenis.
  • Noriu viską žinoti. Tad noriu mąstyti Dievo požiūrį. Tačiau mane ištisai varžo žmogaus požiūris. Kaip man atsisakyti savo požiūrio ir mąstyti Dievo požiūrį? Kada mąstau žmogaus požiūrį į Dievo požiūrį į žmogaus požiūrį į Dievo požiūrį į žmogaus požiūrį - tai yra, kada vyksta susikalbėjimas - ir jeigu Dievas palaiko mane - tuomet mano mąstymas gali išsakyti Dievo požiūrį į žmogaus požiūrį į Dievo požiūrį. O tai yra, iš esmės, visko žinojimas žmogaus sąlygose. Juk aš tokiu būdu suvokiu, kaip Dievas priima mano jo suvokimą.
2022 gegužės 07 d., 14:29 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 139-169 eilutės:
  • Dvasia neturi savasties, tad savęs nesuvokia, tad savęs suvokimą išreiškia savęs nesuvokimu.
  • Sandara yra savastis, tad savęs suvokimas savimi.
  • Atvaizdai yra savęs suvokimas kitais.
  • Vieningumas yra savęs suvokimas Dievu.

Suvokimo lygmenis išreiškia netroškimų atliepimų nulinis požiūris:

  • Suvokimas - būk tobulas
  • Savęs suvokimas - ko iš tikrųjų noriu?
  • Bendras suvokimas - atsiliepti ramybės būsenoje
  • Susikalbėjimas - mane myli labiau kaip aš pats save, tad...

Suvokimo lygmenys - Išėjimas už savęs iš savęs

  • Kitas - susikalbėjimas (sąmoningumas)
  • Tu - bendras suvokimas (sąmonė)
  • Aš - savęs suvokimas (pasąmonė)
  • Dievas - suvokimas

Paskiri suvokimo lygmenys


  • Suvokimas nusako pasaulio elgesį, kas savaime vyksta.

Savęs suvokimas

  • Savęs suvokimas nusako paskiro žmogaus elgesį, kaip elgiamės.

Bendras suvokimas

  • Bendras suvokimas nusako bendro žmogaus elgesį, kaip derėtų elgtis, telkiant, tveriant, kuriant visuomenę.


  • Susikalbėjimas nusako Dievo elgesį, tai buvimas Dievu.
Pakeistos 263-264 eilutės iš
  • Buvimas Dievu = susikalbėjimas
Ištrintos 267-272 eilutės:

Suvokimo lygmenys - Išėjimas už savęs iš savęs

  • Kitas - susikalbėjimas (sąmoningumas)
  • Tu - bendras suvokimas (sąmonė)
  • Aš - savęs suvokimas (pasąmonė)
  • Dievas - suvokimas
Ištrintos 271-281 eilutės:
  • Dvasia neturi savasties, tad savęs nesuvokia, tad savęs suvokimą išreiškia savęs nesuvokimu.
  • Sandara yra savastis, tad savęs suvokimas savimi.
  • Atvaizdai yra savęs suvokimas kitais.
  • Vieningumas yra savęs suvokimas Dievu.

Suvokimo lygmenis išreiškia netroškimų atliepimų nulinis požiūris:

  • Suvokimas - būk tobulas
  • Savęs suvokimas - ko iš tikrųjų noriu?
  • Bendras suvokimas - atsiliepti ramybės būsenoje
  • Susikalbėjimas - mane myli labiau kaip aš pats save, tad...
Ištrinta 273 eilutė:

Savęs suvokimas nusako paskiro žmogaus elgesį, kaip elgiamės. O bendras suvokimas nusako bendro žmogaus elgesį, kaip derėtų elgtis, telkiant, tveriant, kuriant visuomenę.

2022 gegužės 07 d., 14:22 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 90-107 eilutės:

Suvokimo lygmenų esmė

Suvokimo lygmuo

  • Iš Dievo trejybės išplaukia suvokimas ir suvoktasis. Suvokimas Dievo šokyje besąlygiškas. Tai pagrindas sąvokoms.

Suvokimo lygmenys ir sąvokos.

  • Suvokimas tampa sąlygišku kitose apytakose, apimtis siaurėja. Apytakų apimtims siaurėjant atsiranda atitinkamų apimčių sąvokos. Sąvokos iškyla ir plėtojasi.

Asmenys apibrėždami (suvokdami) save apibrėžia (suvokia)

  • Visus asmenis apibrėžia tai, ką jie patys apibrėžia (suvokia). Ir Dvasia pati save apsibrėžia.


  • Siaurėjant apimtims galiausiai sutampa suvokiantis ir susivokiantis.

Keturi suvokimo lygmenys

Yra keturi suvokimo lygmenys.

Pakeistos 114-119 eilutės iš

Apytakos grindžia suvokimo lygmenis

  • Suvokimas Dievo šokyje besąlygiškas. Jisai tampa sąlygišku kitose apytakose, apimtis siaurėja.
  • Suvokimas ir sąvokos. Iš Dievo trejybės išplaukia suvokimas ir suvoktasis. Tai tad pagrindas sąvokoms. Apytakų apimtims siaurėjant atsiranda atitinkamų apimčių sąvokos.

Yra keturi suvokimo lygmenys. Suvokimas vyksta trejybės atvaizdais. Medžiagą įkelsiu atitinkamų apytakų puslapiuose.


Suvokimas vyksta trejybės atvaizdais apytakose.

Ištrintos 137-139 eilutės:
  • Visus asmenis apibrėžia tai, ką jie patys apibrėžia (suvokia). Ir Dvasia pati save apsibrėžia.
  • The point is to keep reducing scope so as to have complete coincidence.
2022 gegužės 07 d., 13:11 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 214-216 eilutės:

2022 gegužės 06 d., 21:20 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 19-21 eilutės:

Kas yra suvokimas?

  • Kuo skiriasi suvokimas teiginiuose "amžinas gyvenimas yra gyvenimo suvokimas" ir "Viskas yra Manęs suvokimas" ?
Pakeistos 57-60 eilutės iš
  • Kaip savęs suvokime iškyla ketverybė, penkerybė, šešerybė?
  • Kuria prasme meilė sau yra ketverybės, penkerybės, šešerybės atsiradimas iš savęs suvokimo?
  • Koks veiklos ir veiksmo +2 vaidmuo ketverybei, penkerybei, šešerybei išplaukiant iš savęs suvokimo?
Pakeistos 70-75 eilutės iš
  • Kodėl santvarka subliukšta kuomet suvokimas yra Visų suvokimas?
  • How are the Foursome, Fivesome, Sixsome generated in Self-understanding? In what sense does this LoveSelf? What are the roles of Activity and the Operation +2?
  • What is the difference in understanding between statements such as EternalLife is understanding of Life and statements such as Everything is understanding of I?
Pridėtos 82-85 eilutės:

Grandinės pabaiga

  • Kodėl santvarka subliukšta kuomet suvokimas yra Visų suvokimas?
2022 gegužės 06 d., 21:13 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 64-67 eilutės iš
  • Why does the system collapse because understanding is the understanding of all? Because All is separated from experiencing, yet All is experiencing. In All, indistinction and distinction are the same, and thus the system collapses.
  • Kodėl santvarka subliukšta kuomet suvokimas yra Visų suvokimas?
2022 gegužės 06 d., 21:07 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 21-22 eilutės iš
  • Mes kažkuria prasme negalime suvokti visko, o Dievas gali, tad kaip mes priimame Dievo suvokimą?
Pakeistos 33-34 eilutės iš
  • Kuria prasme Dievas yra suvokimas Dievo, viskas yra suvokimas manęs, troškimai yra suvokimas tavęs, meilė yra suvokimas kito?
  • Kuria prasme Dievas yra suvokimas Dievo, viskas yra suvokimas Manęs, troškimai yra suvokimas tavęs, meilė yra suvokimas kito?
  • Kaip suprasti, kad Dievas yra suvokimas Dievo, viskas yra suvokimas Manęs ir taip toliau? Ką jungiu Aš. Kiekvienu atveju Dievas jungiamas su tam tikro santvarkos lygmens dvasia.
Pridėta 37 eilutė:
  • Kaip skirtingi suvokimo lygmenys susiję su dviejų sąvokų (kaip kad Dievo ir gerumo) santykių stiprumu?
Pakeistos 39-40 eilutės iš
  • Ką suvokimo lygmenys turi bendro kaip sandaros (veiksmu +1 ir išėjimu už savęs) ir kuo jie skiriasi?
Pakeistos 48-49 eilutės iš
  • Kuria prasme suvokimas (be apimties) susijęs su meile? Ar būtent tuo, kad neturi apimties?
Pakeistos 67-68 eilutės iš
  • What does it mean that God is understanding of God, Everything is understanding of I, and so forth? What is I combining? In each case, God is being combined with the spirit of the system for a particular level.
  • In what sense is Understanding (without scope) related to Love? Is it the very fact that it has no scope?
Pakeistos 70-72 eilutės iš
  • Write up what the levels of understanding have in common structurally (the operation +1 and going beyond oneself) and what distinguishes them.
  • PairsOfConcepts Consider how the different levels of understanding relate to the intensity of the relationship between two concepts such as God and good.
  • Mes kažkuria prasme negalime suvokti visko, o Dievas gali, tad kaip mes priimame Dievo suvokimą?
Pakeistos 79-81 eilutės iš
  • Kaip požiūrių grandinė išdėlioja visko žinojimą?
  • Kas yra sąlygiškumas ir kaip jisai vystosi požiūrių grandine?
  • Kaip požiūrių grandinė išreiškia ne tik mano, kaip paskiro žmogaus, bet visų žmonių būklę?
  • Kaip požiūrių grandinė išdėlioja visko žinojimą?
  • Kas yra sąlygiškumas ir kaip jisai vystosi požiūrių grandine?
  • Kaip požiūrių grandinė išreiškia ne tik mano, kaip paskiro žmogaus, bet visų žmonių būklę?
2022 gegužės 06 d., 21:00 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 70-73 eilutės iš

Žmogaus ir Dievo požiūrių grandinė

  • Kaip požiūrių grandinė grindžia išgyvenimo apytaką?
  • Koks ryšys tarp padalinimų ir dorovės tyrimo septynių pakopų?
  • Kaip požiūrių grandinė išdėlioja visko žinojimą?

Žmogaus ir Dievo požiūrių grandinė

Kaip požiūrių grandinę suprasti Dievu?

  • Kuria prasme požiūrių grandinė sutampa ir su Dievo požiūriu, kaip yra, ir yra netgi dalis jo požiūrio?
  • Kaip požiūrių grandine susieti su keturių asmenų šešiais pokalbiais ir su tuo, kaip asmeniniais požiūriais išgauti besąlygišką Dievo požiūrį?

Kaip požiūrių grandinę suprasti žmogumi?

  • Kaip požiūrių grandinė išdėlioja visko žinojimą?
Pakeistos 79-80 eilutės iš
  • Kuria prasme požiūrių grandinė sutampa ir su Dievo požiūriu, kaip yra, ir yra netgi dalis jo požiūrio?
  • Kaip požiūrių grandine susieti su keturių asmenų šešiais pokalbiais ir su tuo, kaip asmeniniais požiūriais išgauti besąlygišką Dievo požiūrį?

Kaip požiūrių grandinė grindžia išgyvenimo apytaką?

  • Koks ryšys tarp padalinimų ir dorovės tyrimo septynių pakopų?
2022 gegužės 06 d., 20:56 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 17-19 eilutės iš

Kas išplaukia iš suvokimo lygmenų?

  • Ar apimtys iškyla suvokimo lygmenimis?

Suvokimo vaidmuo

Pridėtos 25-36 eilutės:

Kas išplaukia iš suvokimo lygmenų?

  • Ar apimtys iškyla suvokimo lygmenimis?

Keturi lygmenys

Kas vyksta lygmenyse?

  • Kaip suvokimo lygmenis suprasti kaip trejybės atvaizdus?
  • Kuria prasme Dievas yra suvokimas Dievo, viskas yra suvokimas manęs, troškimai yra suvokimas tavęs, meilė yra suvokimas kito?
  • Ką kiekvienas asmuo jungia, ką atitinkamas suvokimas skiria?
  • Kaip Dievas ir gerumas sueina kiekviename lygmenyje?
  • Kaip (Sūnaus) susivokimas ir suvoktumas reiškiasi keturiuose suvokimo lygmenyse?
Ištrintos 38-40 eilutės:

Asmenys ir suvokimo lygmenys

  • Kuria prasme Dievas yra suvokimas Dievo, viskas yra suvokimas manęs, troškimai yra suvokimas tavęs, meilė yra suvokimas kito? Ką kiekvienas asmuo jungia, ką atitinkamas suvokimas skiria? Kaip Dievas ir gerumas sueina kiekviename lygmenyje?
Pakeistos 45-46 eilutės iš



Paskiri lygmenys

Ištrintos 68-69 eilutės:
  • Kaip suvokimo lygmenis suprasti kaip trejybės atvaizdus?
  • Kaip (Sūnaus) susivokimas ir suvoktumas reiškiasi keturiuose suvokimo lygmenyse?
2022 gegužės 06 d., 20:51 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Ištrinta 42 eilutė:
  • Describe SharedUnderstanding as giving rise to a SeventhPerspective, perhaps Anything = Concept, and how that generates the Factors and the SecondaryStructures. Consider SharedUnderstanding as a relationship between actor and surroundings as given by Internalization. Look for the role of Factoring, ZeroStructure, and Concepts as together, separate and both.
Pridėtos 44-46 eilutės:
  • Kaip iš bendro suvokimo išplaukia septintasis požiūris (bene betkas = sąvoka) ir kaip tai sukuria sandus ir antrines sandaras?
  • Kaip suprasti bendrą suvokimą kaip santykį tarp veikėjo ir jo aplinkos kaip kad įsisavinimu?
  • Koks skaidymo, nulinio veiksmo ir sąvokų vaidmuo, paėmus kartu ir atskirai?
Pakeistos 48-50 eilutės iš
  • Susieti skaidymo sandus (ir juos apibrėžiančius lygtis) su padalinimais, atvaizdais, aplinkybėmis
  • Susieti skaidymą su širdimi ir išvertimu (
  • Consider how to relate the factoring to the heart and the inversion effect.
  • Kaip skaidymo sandai (ir juos apibrėžiančios lygtys) susiję su padalinimais, atvaizdais, aplinkybėmis?
  • Kaip skaidymas susijęs su širdimi ir išvertimu (kuriuo Dievas tampa gelmių Dievulėliu, niekas tampa nežinojimo platybėmis)?
2022 gegužės 06 d., 20:09 atliko AndriusKulikauskas - d
Pridėtos 20-22 eilutės:

Kaip sąvokos suvokiamos?

  • Koks suvokimo lygmenų vaidmuo suvokiant sąvokas?
Pakeistos 26-30 eilutės iš
  • Kaip vaizduotė ir atvaizdai susiję su suvokimu ir sąvokom?
  • Koks suvokimo lygmenų vaidmuo suvokiant sąvokas?
  • Ar savęs suvokimas yra susivokimas?
  • Kaip suvokimo lygmenys susiję su pokalbiu, su kalbomis, su atitinkamu pašnekovu?


Asmenys ir suvokimo lygmenys

Pridėtos 31-41 eilutės:

Kokie suvokimo lygmenų ryšiai?

  • Kaip suvokimo lygmenys susiję su pokalbiu, su kalbomis, su atitinkamu pašnekovu?

Kokie suvokimo ryšiai?

  • Kaip vaizduotė ir atvaizdai susiję su suvokimu ir sąvokom?


Savęs suvokimas

  • Ar savęs suvokimas yra susivokimas?
Pakeistos 44-45 eilutės iš
  • Where does Factoring come into play? And how are the two chains related across their levels?
  • Consider how to relate the factors (and their defining equations) to the topologies, divisions, representations
  • Koks skaidymo vaidmuo?
  • Kaip dviejų grandinų lygmenys susiję?
  • Susieti skaidymo sandus (ir juos apibrėžiančius lygtis) su padalinimais, atvaizdais, aplinkybėmis
  • Susieti skaidymą su širdimi ir išvertimu (
Pridėta 49 eilutė:
2022 gegužės 06 d., 19:27 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 3-4 eilutės iš
Pridėtos 16-17 eilutės:

Kas išplaukia iš suvokimo lygmenų?

Pridėtos 19-20 eilutės:

Kaip sąvokos išplaukia iš suvokimo?

Pridėtos 22-23 eilutės:
2022 gegužės 05 d., 15:50 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 207 eilutė iš:

Savęs suvokimas nusako paskiro žmogaus elgesį, kaip elgiamės. O bendras suvokimas nusako bendro žmogaus elgesį, kaip derėtų elgtis, telkianti ir kuriant visuomenę.


Savęs suvokimas nusako paskiro žmogaus elgesį, kaip elgiamės. O bendras suvokimas nusako bendro žmogaus elgesį, kaip derėtų elgtis, telkiant, tveriant, kuriant visuomenę.

2022 gegužės 05 d., 15:50 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 206-207 eilutės:

Savęs suvokimas nusako paskiro žmogaus elgesį, kaip elgiamės. O bendras suvokimas nusako bendro žmogaus elgesį, kaip derėtų elgtis, telkianti ir kuriant visuomenę.

2022 gegužės 03 d., 12:57 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 49-54 eilutės:

Augant sąmoningumui, siaurėja žinojimo apimtis

  • Suvokimas - žinojimas visko
  • Savęs suvokimas - žinojimas betko
  • Bendras suvokimas - žinojimas kažko
  • Susikalbėjimas - žinojimas nieko
2022 vasario 17 d., 22:33 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 3-4 eilutės iš
Pridėta 13 eilutė:
  • Ar apimtys iškyla suvokimo lygmenimis?
2022 sausio 19 d., 20:38 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 171-172 eilutės:
  • Buvimas Dievu = susikalbėjimas
2021 lapkričio 08 d., 12:33 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 34-35 eilutės:
  • Kaip suvokimo lygmenis suprasti kaip trejybės atvaizdus?
  • Kaip (Sūnaus) susivokimas ir suvoktumas reiškiasi keturiuose suvokimo lygmenyse?
2021 spalio 24 d., 11:05 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 167-168 eilutės:
  • Suvokimo lygmenys - trejybės atvaizdai - išsako ką suvokiame (Dievą, save, bendrą žinojimą, teisingą santykį).
2021 spalio 12 d., 16:11 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 167-175 eilutės:

Suvokimo lygmenys

  • Suvokimas yra atskyrimas ir tuo pačiu vienumas (suvokiančiojo ir susivokiančiojo suvoktumu). Tačiau suvokimas taip pat skiria vienumą (suvokiančiojo besąlygiškumo lygmenyje) ir atskyrimą (susivokiančiojo sąlygiškumo lygmenyje). Tad suvokimo lygmenys išsako kaip vienumas nusileidžia į sąlygiškiausius lygmenis. Susikalbėjimu susivokiantysis sąmoningai renkasi vieningumą. Bendru suvokimu, savęs suvokimu, suvokimu, tas vienumas vyksta kitaip. Ir šis vienumo klausimas iškyla aštuonerybe (pirmyn ir atgal), ir dešimt Dievo įsakymų, sutapimais keturiose pakopose, taip pat atitrūktimuose atskyrimuose šešiomis poromis. Tad tai išplečia ką reiškia vienumas suvokime, Dievo trejybėje, Dievo Sūnaus ir Dievo Dvasios kampais.

Suvokimo lygmenys - Išėjimas už savęs iš savęs

  • Kitas - susikalbėjimas (sąmoningumas)
  • Tu - bendras suvokimas (sąmonė)
  • Aš - savęs suvokimas (pasąmonė)
  • Dievas - suvokimas
2021 rugsėjo 04 d., 21:40 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 185-202 eilutės:

Dorovės tyrimas

Yra septynios dorovės tyrimo pakopos. Tirdamas dorovę susiduriu su šiais klausimais:

  • Kas yra dorovė?
  • Kokia dorovės esmė?
  • Kaip išgyvename dorovę?
  • Kokius pasirinkimus išgyvename?
  • Kuris pasirinkimas esminis?
  • Kaip dorovė grindžia sąmoningėjimą?
  • Kaip išgyvenimais susiveda sandaros?

Dorovės tyrimo lygmenys atspindi suvokimo lygmenis, jų raidą, žmogaus ir Dievo požiūrių grandinę, išėjimą už savęs iš savęs.

Dievo šokio išdavosŽmogusElgesysDorovės ištakosDorovėDorovės ratasViena

2021 rugsėjo 02 d., 19:18 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 34-42 eilutės:

Žmogaus ir Dievo požiūrių grandinė

  • Kaip požiūrių grandinė grindžia išgyvenimo apytaką?
  • Koks ryšys tarp padalinimų ir dorovės tyrimo septynių pakopų?
  • Kaip požiūrių grandinė išdėlioja visko žinojimą?
    • Kas yra sąlygiškumas ir kaip jisai vystosi požiūrių grandine?
    • Kaip požiūrių grandinė išreiškia ne tik mano, kaip paskiro žmogaus, bet visų žmonių būklę?
    • Kuria prasme požiūrių grandinė sutampa ir su Dievo požiūriu, kaip yra, ir yra netgi dalis jo požiūrio?
    • Kaip požiūrių grandine susieti su keturių asmenų šešiais pokalbiais ir su tuo, kaip asmeniniais požiūriais išgauti besąlygišką Dievo požiūrį?
2021 rugsėjo 02 d., 19:14 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 71 eilutė iš:

Suvokimo lygmenys išdėsto visko žinojimą požiūrių grandine


Suvokimo lygmenys išdėsto visko žinojimą žmogaus ir Dievo požiūrių grandine

2021 rugsėjo 01 d., 15:40 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 173-174 eilutės:
  • Noriu viską žinoti. Tad noriu mąstyti Dievo požiūrį. Tačiau mane ištisai varžo žmogaus požiūris. Kaip man atsisakyti savo požiūrio ir mąstyti Dievo požiūrį? Kada mąstau žmogaus požiūrį į Dievo požiūrį į žmogaus požiūrį į Dievo požiūrį į žmogaus požiūrį - tai yra, kada vyksta susikalbėjimas - ir jeigu Dievas palaiko mane - tuomet mano mąstymas gali išsakyti Dievo požiūrį į žmogaus požiūrį į Dievo požiūrį. O tai yra, iš esmės, visko žinojimas žmogaus sąlygose. Juk aš tokiu būdu suvokiu, kaip Dievas priima mano jo suvokimą.
2021 rugsėjo 01 d., 14:43 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 81-82 eilutės iš

Pasiklydęs vaikas


Pasiklydęs vaikas - gerasis vaikas ir blogasis vaikas

  • Dievo Tėvo požiūris palaikanti blogąjį vaiką, tvirtinantį: Dievas būtinai geras. Būtų teisinga pasaulį sunaikinti. Dievas geras nes jisai nesunaikina pasaulio. Jisai atperka pasaulį Jėzaus auka. Pastoviai išduodame Dievą. Dievo meilės atmetinėjimas yra gėrio darymas. Atstumo įvedimas.
2021 rugpjūčio 13 d., 18:38 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 166-171 eilutės:

Suvokimo lygmenis išreiškia netroškimų atliepimų nulinis požiūris:

  • Suvokimas - būk tobulas
  • Savęs suvokimas - ko iš tikrųjų noriu?
  • Bendras suvokimas - atsiliepti ramybės būsenoje
  • Susikalbėjimas - mane myli labiau kaip aš pats save, tad...
2021 rugpjūčio 10 d., 13:26 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 161-165 eilutės:
  • Dvasia neturi savasties, tad savęs nesuvokia, tad savęs suvokimą išreiškia savęs nesuvokimu.
  • Sandara yra savastis, tad savęs suvokimas savimi.
  • Atvaizdai yra savęs suvokimas kitais.
  • Vieningumas yra savęs suvokimas Dievu.
2021 rugpjūčio 05 d., 13:20 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 142-154 eilutės:

Suvokimo lygmenų raida

Neapibrėžtumas. 0) 1) 2) 3) Veiksmu +1 išsivysto (Dievo) sąmonė - suvokėjas, suvokimas, suvoktasis - yra sandaros pagrindas, visko padalinimus. Sąmonė išbaigta trimis požiūriais, tačiau veiksmas +1 taikomas toliau. Visuma vis naujai suvokiama kaip papildomas požiūris (palyginti su simpleksų židiniu).

Apibrėžtumas. 4) 5) 6) Therefore a new outlook awakens and finds itself as such within the structural situation unfolded by the original outlook. We may think of this as a "godlet" which may not be God, but is otherwise in the situation of God. There is now a disconnect between Structure and Activity. Structure may or may not channel activity. Activity may or may not evoke structure. The feedback between structure and activity may be thought of as an operation [AddTwo +2]: the evoking of structure is linked to the arisal of activity. We may think of the godlet as a perturbation that opens up angles: Representations upon the whole, and Topologies from out of the parts. I think that this is where the "algebra of views" is defined. The give and take between activity and structure introduces a slack which allows one to take up a perspective, thus integrating whole and parts.

7) Then the new outlook comes to understand itself with regard to the original outlook as a perturbation of an ideal outlook that links both outlooks. All three outlooks are characterized by their three-cycles: taking a stand, following through, reflecting. And these rotations may be thought of as an operation [AddThree +3]. I think here is where the dynamic languages of life come into play: argumentation, verbalization, narration. I suppose they are expressions of the "algebra of views". Here the ideal outlook serves as a mediator which allows us to localize the slack so that we know where it is within a three-cycle. This makes the algebra definite.

8=0) Then the new outlook understands itself as subordinate to the original outlook. At the core of the new outlook is always the original outlook which went beyond itself and thereby generated the new outlook. Everything is always collapsing back into the original outlook. The views of the new outlook and the original outlook coincide by way of that collapsing.

This is extremely helpful for me because it places the "algebra of views" within the big picture. It suggests that the algebra of views becomes defined with the divisions of everything into four, five and six perspectives. And that its applications through argumentation, verbalization, narration arise with the division of everything into seven perspectives. And, finally, the coinciding of views is related to the collapse of structure, which is perhaps the key point about mathematical systems in general. It's the collapse of structure which makes mathematics interesting.

2021 birželio 04 d., 16:43 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 146-147 eilutės:
  • Jėzaus ankšti vartai, tai susikalbėjimas, paskiro asmens akistata su Dievu, susigaudymas, kad žmogus yra sąlygiškas, o Dievas besąlygiškas. Tai perėjimas iš bendro likimo į paskirus likimus. O kas yra platieji vartai? Ar tai bendras likimas?
  • Žmogus neria į kitus lygmenis.
2021 gegužės 26 d., 13:16 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėta 20 eilutė:

Bendras suvokimas ir skaidymas

Pridėtos 22-24 eilutės:
  • Where does Factoring come into play? And how are the two chains related across their levels?
  • Consider how to relate the factors (and their defining equations) to the topologies, divisions, representations
  • Consider how to relate the factoring to the heart and the inversion effect.
2021 gegužės 26 d., 13:13 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėta 29 eilutė:
  • What is the difference in understanding between statements such as EternalLife is understanding of Life and statements such as Everything is understanding of I?
2021 gegužės 26 d., 13:12 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 19-28 eilutės:
  • Describe SharedUnderstanding as giving rise to a SeventhPerspective, perhaps Anything = Concept, and how that generates the Factors and the SecondaryStructures. Consider SharedUnderstanding as a relationship between actor and surroundings as given by Internalization. Look for the role of Factoring, ZeroStructure, and Concepts as together, separate and both.
  • Why does the system collapse because understanding is the understanding of all? Because All is separated from experiencing, yet All is experiencing. In All, indistinction and distinction are the same, and thus the system collapses.
  • What does it mean that God is understanding of God, Everything is understanding of I, and so forth? What is I combining? In each case, God is being combined with the spirit of the system for a particular level.
  • In what sense is Understanding (without scope) related to Love? Is it the very fact that it has no scope?
  • How are the Foursome, Fivesome, Sixsome generated in Self-understanding? In what sense does this LoveSelf? What are the roles of Activity and the Operation +2?
  • Write up what the levels of understanding have in common structurally (the operation +1 and going beyond oneself) and what distinguishes them.
  • PairsOfConcepts Consider how the different levels of understanding relate to the intensity of the relationship between two concepts such as God and good.
  • Mes kažkuria prasme negalime suvokti visko, o Dievas gali, tad kaip mes priimame Dievo suvokimą?
2021 gegužės 26 d., 10:31 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
2021 balandžio 17 d., 16:47 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 127-131 eilutės:


  • Suvokimo lygmenimis žmogus pradeda susikalbėjimą ir toliau vis atsisako požiūrių, auga nežinojimas, baigiasi: žmogaus požiūris = jokiam požiūriui.
2021 kovo 13 d., 17:40 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėta 7 eilutė:

Suprasti santykį tarp požiūrių grandinės ir žmogaus bei Dievo požiūrių grandinės.

2021 kovo 04 d., 14:39 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 76-79 eilutės iš

A human's view of God's view yields an Everything which is first self-divided? into [Onesome one perspective] ("I am defined by myself"), then [Twosome two perspectives] (spiritual "I am therefore I am" and physical "I am not yet even so I am"), then [Threesome three perspectives], yielding one who "understands himself, can figure himself out, and is understood by himself" (I take this as the Holy Trinity - Father, Son and Spirit).

Next, that God's view of a human's view is as a "godlet" which is in the situation that God has cast himself, yet otherwise is not God. (Such is the Heart). So for that godlet it makes sense to consider the extent by which it differs from its situation, which is to say, from its self, yielding [Foursome four perspectives]: differs by everything, by anything, by something, or by nothing. (That last is peculiar to the godlet, for God as such is distinct from his self, his structure, his situation). Then God considers his relationship with such a godlet as to whether God is a cause or effect, whether as such he is restricted or unrestricted, or yet again, the restriction of his unrestriction (as in "the present"). This yields [Fivesome five perspectives]. Then God gives life to that godlet by availing himself as principles which that godlet may take up: cling to what you have, get more than what you need, avoid extremes - but then also, choose the good over the bad, the better over the worse, the best over the rest. This yields [Sixsome six perspectives].


A human's view of God's view yields an Everything which is first self-divided into one perspective ("I am defined by myself"), then two perspectives (spiritual "I am therefore I am" and physical "I am not yet even so I am"), then three perspectives, yielding one who "understands himself, can figure himself out, and is understood by himself" (I take this as the Holy Trinity - Father, Son and Spirit).

Next, that God's view of a human's view is as a "godlet" which is in the situation that God has cast himself, yet otherwise is not God. (Such is the Heart). So for that godlet it makes sense to consider the extent by which it differs from its situation, which is to say, from its self, yielding four perspectives: differs by everything, by anything, by something, or by nothing. (That last is peculiar to the godlet, for God as such is distinct from his self, his structure, his situation). Then God considers his relationship with such a godlet as to whether God is a cause or effect, whether as such he is restricted or unrestricted, or yet again, the restriction of his unrestriction (as in "the present"). This yields five perspectives. Then God gives life to that godlet by availing himself as principles which that godlet may take up: cling to what you have, get more than what you need, avoid extremes - but then also, choose the good over the bad, the better over the worse, the best over the rest. This yields six perspectives.

Pakeistos 81-82 eilutės iš

and the imperfection of human (who is choosing good over bad, better over worse, best over rest in an attempt to keep moving around that perfect center). That perfect person reflects a division of everything into [Sevensome seven perspectives] as choices (I think: choosing yes, choosing not no, choosing not yes, choosing no, choosing to not choose, choosing to choose, and choosing). The perfect person makes possible a factoring and intermingling of God's and human's choices (as taken from their trinities). Human's choices are Definite, unambiguous, restricting but God's choices are Indefinite, ambiguous, unrestricting. The size of the human Factors are 2, 3, 4 because the human choice takes an Operation +1?, +2?, +3? (as the three-cycle defines) and considers it as acting on a Onesome (a whole) and preserving that (through the act of choice so that it is whatever is chosen). And so that choice lies within a structure of size 1+1 or 1+2 or 1+3. Of the three factors, two or one or zero are from the human choices, yielding [SecondaryStructures auxiliary structures]:


and the imperfection of human (who is choosing good over bad, better over worse, best over rest in an attempt to keep moving around that perfect center). That perfect person reflects a division of everything into seven perspectives as choices (I think: choosing yes, choosing not no, choosing not yes, choosing no, choosing to not choose, choosing to choose, and choosing). The perfect person makes possible a factoring and intermingling of God's and human's choices (as taken from their trinities). Human's choices are Definite, unambiguous, restricting but God's choices are Indefinite, ambiguous, unrestricting. The size of the human Factors are 2, 3, 4 because the human choice takes an Operation +1, +2, +3 (as the three-cycle defines) and considers it as acting on a Onesome (a whole) and preserving that (through the act of choice so that it is whatever is chosen). And so that choice lies within a structure of size 1+1 or 1+2 or 1+3. Of the three factors, two or one or zero are from the human choices, yielding auxiliary structures:

Pakeistos 92-93 eilutės iš

Finally, that God - as the perfect person that links the human to God through the wealth of that metaphysical structure - that God may yet again take up a humans' view. And for that God, a human is that to which the God goes beyond itself into. That human is a lens, an Omniscope, through which God sees himself, which is to say, everything. And as such a lens, that human's outlook, stepping back away from himself, may coincide with God's outlook which steps into him. So that God has no needs - but we do, has no doubts - but we do, has no expectations - but we do, has no commitments - but we do. And there are four PrimaryStructures which have eight perspectives and they express [EverythingWishesForNothing our needs], [EverythingWishesForSomething our doubts], [EverythingWishesForAnything our expectations], [EverythingWishesForEverything our commitments]. In each case the eighth perspective is God's (no needs or no doubts or no expectations or no commitments) and marks a collapsing of everything back into God. These four primary structures generate the six secondary structures as injections of one the eighth (God's) perspective from a lower level into a primary structure from a higher level. For example, when the God who has no needs takes up our doubts (and the related Counterquestions) then that generates the divisions of everything. The six secondary structures are then organized by the seventh perspective in each of these injections, and they constitute that perfect person. The eighth perspective may also be thought of as what results when all three factors (described in the previous view) come from human, which is to say, that in such a case everything collapses back into God, or is otherwise understood as God having gone beyond himself.


Finally, that God - as the perfect person that links the human to God through the wealth of that metaphysical structure - that God may yet again take up a humans' view. And for that God, a human is that to which the God goes beyond itself into. That human is a lens, an Omniscope, through which God sees himself, which is to say, everything. And as such a lens, that human's outlook, stepping back away from himself, may coincide with God's outlook which steps into him. So that God has no needs - but we do, has no doubts - but we do, has no expectations - but we do, has no commitments - but we do. And there are four PrimaryStructures which have eight perspectives and they express our needs, our doubts, our expectations, our commitments. In each case the eighth perspective is God's (no needs or no doubts or no expectations or no commitments) and marks a collapsing of everything back into God. These four primary structures generate the six secondary structures as injections of one the eighth (God's) perspective from a lower level into a primary structure from a higher level. For example, when the God who has no needs takes up our doubts (and the related Counterquestions) then that generates the divisions of everything. The six secondary structures are then organized by the seventh perspective in each of these injections, and they constitute that perfect person. The eighth perspective may also be thought of as what results when all three factors (described in the previous view) come from human, which is to say, that in such a case everything collapses back into God, or is otherwise understood as God having gone beyond himself.

Pakeistos 103-107 eilutės iš
  • 1) [Absolute absolute view] of Everything (God, Understanding, Love): view of the known of the unknown
  • 2) [Relative relative view] of Anything (Heart, SelfUnderstanding, LoveSelf): view of the known of the unknown of the known
  • 3) [Shared shared view] of Something (Other, SharedUnderstanding, LoveOther): view of the known of the unknown of the known of the unknown
  • 4) [Subordinate subordinate view] of Nothing (Human, GoodUnderstanding, LoveGod): view of the known of the unknown of the known of the unknown of the known
  • 1) Absolute absolute view of Everything (God, Understanding, Love): view of the known of the unknown
  • 2) Relative relative view of Anything (Heart, SelfUnderstanding, LoveSelf): view of the known of the unknown of the known
  • 3) Shared shared view of Something (Other, SharedUnderstanding, LoveOther): view of the known of the unknown of the known of the unknown
  • 4) Subordinate subordinate view of Nothing (Human, GoodUnderstanding, LoveGod): view of the known of the unknown of the known of the unknown of the known
Pakeistos 117-118 eilutės iš
  • Human view of self-understanding? = human's view of God's view of human's view: A human (godlet) awakes within structure (the threesome) and (in-parallel with God) finds itself through shifts in perspective (choosing the good, the better, the best), yielding Activity: a Sixsome. This is what we need for a Relative perspective.
  • Human view of SharedUnderstanding = human's view of God's view of human's view of God's view: A human (as given by the Sixsome) now walks through again but together with God (through RecurringActivity) through a shared perspective given by a perfect Other (the Onesome - or what I look for as our key concepts?). This makes it possible to Factor his own activity into components of structure/activity and thereby allow for ZeroStructure, a SeventhPerspective and the basis for stepping inside each other as a person-in-general?, yielding RecurringActivity: SecondaryStructures. God slips in through the structural cracks as goodness. This is what we need for a Shared perspective.
  • Human view of self-understanding = human's view of God's view of human's view: A human (godlet) awakes within structure (the threesome) and (in-parallel with God) finds itself through shifts in perspective (choosing the good, the better, the best), yielding Activity: a Sixsome. This is what we need for a Relative perspective.
  • Human view of SharedUnderstanding = human's view of God's view of human's view of God's view: A human (as given by the Sixsome) now walks through again but together with God (through RecurringActivity) through a shared perspective given by a perfect Other (the Onesome - or what I look for as our key concepts). This makes it possible to Factor his own activity into components of structure/activity and thereby allow for ZeroStructure, a SeventhPerspective and the basis for stepping inside each other as a person-in-general, yielding RecurringActivity: SecondaryStructures. God slips in through the structural cracks as goodness. This is what we need for a Shared perspective.
2021 kovo 04 d., 14:34 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Ištrintos 53-88 eilutės:

Paskiri lygmenys

Suvokimas (perkelti į Dievo šokio puslapį)

  • (Tėvas). Atskyrimas kas sąlygose (asmeniškumas) ir kas besąlygiška (be asmens). Neigimo pagrindimas. Žmogaus požiūris į Dievo požiūrį.
  • The threesome is the structure for understanding - for returning to the beginning. This is the completion from God's point of view. There is God who understands (the Father), God who figures himself out (the Son), and their shared understanding (the Spirit) by which they are indeed the same God.
  • Vienybė, dvejybė, trejybė iškyla veiksmu +1.
  • God's view (from his view) = going beyond himself - the God who does not know
  • God is The Beginning. This is to say, God is unbounded.
  • God, unbounded, goes beyond himself, into the bounded. This gives rise to Everything. Everything is the Structure of God. God is the Spirit of everything.

Savęs suvokimas (perkelti į Išgyvenimo apytakos puslapį)

  • Susigaudymas, savęs suvokimas (Sūnus). Žmogaus požiūris į Dievo požiūrį į žmogaus požiūrį.
  • Ketverybė, penkerybė, šešerybė iškyla veiksmu savęs suvokimu, sąmone, +2.
  • God's view (from our view) = dividing himself - the God who knows
  • What may God do, if there is nothing but God? The only thing that I can imagine is that God might divide himself. He may differentiate parts of himself, and those parts may have relationships. In this way, he may give rise to structure. We may imagine these as the events, or the days, in the life of God. They bring to mind the days in the Book of Genesis.

Bendras suvokimas (perkelti į Žinojimo rūmų puslapį)

Žr. Dorovė

  • Tai suvoktumas (Dvasia).
  • Bendros sąlygos yra pagrindas bendram suvokimui. Aplinkybės apreiškia bendras sąlygas. O atvaizdai apibrėžia mūsų santykį su sąlygomis, apimtimi ir laisvumu.
  • Bendras požiūris yra bendro suvokimo pasekmė
  • Lygiaverčių požiūrių santykis.
  • Pirminės sandaros kyla iš bendro suvokimo.
  • Septynerybė iškyla bendru suvokimu, sąmoningumu, veiksmu +3.

Susikalbėjimas (perkelti į Meilės mokslo puslapį)

  • Žmogaus požiūris į Dievo požiūrį į žmogaus požiūrį į Dievo požiūrį į žmogaus požiūrį.
  • Nelygiaverčių požiūrių santykis.
  • Antrinės sandaros kyla iš susikalbėjimo.
  • Refactor - kiekvieną sandarą mąstome, kuriame vienu požiūriu, tačiau ją perkuriame, permąstome kitu asmeniu. Tokiu būdu jos visos susiveda. Tai grindžia dviprasmybę ir laisvę.
  • Nulybė iškyla susikalbėjimu, atsidavimu, veiksmu +4.
2021 kovo 04 d., 14:22 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 17-18 eilutės iš
  • Kuria prasme Dievas yra suvokimas Dievo, viskas yra suvokimas manęs, troškimai yra suvokimas tavęs, meilė yra suvokimas kito? Ką kiekvienas asmuo jungia, ką atitinkamas suvokimas skiria? Kaip Dievas ir gerumas sueina kiekviename lygmenyje?
Pakeistos 46-49 eilutės iš

There is one level of understanding for each of the PrimaryStructures, and also for each VoiceOfTension in Narration. The fivesome relates the two directions: looking forward (from beginning to end) and looking backwards (from end to beginning) and this is perhaps relevant for shared understanding.


There is one level of understanding for each of the Primary Structures, and also for each Voice Of Tension in Narration. The fivesome relates the two directions: looking forward (from beginning to end) and looking backwards (from end to beginning) and this is perhaps relevant for shared understanding.

Ištrintos 51-68 eilutės:

Kitos mintys

God's view (from our view) = dividing himself - the God who knows

What may God do, if there is nothing but God? The only thing that I can imagine is that God might divide himself. He may differentiate parts of himself, and those parts may have relationships. In this way, he may give rise to structure. We may imagine these as the events, or the days, in the life of God. They bring to mind the days in the Book of [http://www.ebible.org/bible/web/Genesis.htm Genesis].

God's view (from his view) = going beyond himself - the God who does not know

God is TheBeginning. This is to say, God is unbounded.

God, unbounded, goes beyond himself, into the bounded. This gives rise to Everything. Everything is the Structure of God. God is the Spirit of everything.

taken together: the operation +1

  • What does it mean that God is understanding of God, Everything is understanding of I, and so forth? What is I combining? In each case, God is being combined with the spirit of the system for a particular level.
Pakeistos 62-65 eilutės iš
  • God's view (from his view) = going beyond himself - the God who does not know
  • God is The Beginning. This is to say, God is unbounded.
  • God, unbounded, goes beyond himself, into the bounded. This gives rise to Everything. Everything is the Structure of God. God is the Spirit of everything.
Pakeista 68 eilutė iš:
  • susigaudymas, savęs suvokimas (Sūnus). Žmogaus požiūris į Dievo požiūrį į žmogaus požiūrį.
  • Susigaudymas, savęs suvokimas (Sūnus). Žmogaus požiūris į Dievo požiūrį į žmogaus požiūrį.
Pakeistos 70-72 eilutės iš
  • God's view (from our view) = dividing himself - the God who knows
  • What may God do, if there is nothing but God? The only thing that I can imagine is that God might divide himself. He may differentiate parts of himself, and those parts may have relationships. In this way, he may give rise to structure. We may imagine these as the events, or the days, in the life of God. They bring to mind the days in the Book of Genesis.
Pakeista 102 eilutė iš:
  • [http://www.ebible.org/web/Luke.htm#C2V42 Luke 2:42-51] When he was twelve years old, they went up to Jerusalem according to the custom of the feast, and when they had fulfilled the days, as they were returning, the boy Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem. Joseph and his mother didn't know it, but supposing him to be in the company, they went a day's journey, and they looked for him among their relatives and acquaintances. When they didn't find him, they returned to Jerusalem, looking for him.It happened after three days they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, both listening to them, and asking them questions. All who heard him were amazed at his understanding and his answers. When they saw him, they were astonished, and his mother said to him, "Son, why have you treated us this way? Behold, your father and I were anxiously looking for you." He said to them, "Why were you looking for me? Didn't you know that I must be in my Father's house?" They didn't understand the saying which he spoke to them. And he went down with them, and came to Nazareth. He was subject to them, and his mother kept all these sayings in her heart.
  • Luke 2:42-51 When he was twelve years old, they went up to Jerusalem according to the custom of the feast, and when they had fulfilled the days, as they were returning, the boy Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem. Joseph and his mother didn't know it, but supposing him to be in the company, they went a day's journey, and they looked for him among their relatives and acquaintances. When they didn't find him, they returned to Jerusalem, looking for him.It happened after three days they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, both listening to them, and asking them questions. All who heard him were amazed at his understanding and his answers. When they saw him, they were astonished, and his mother said to him, "Son, why have you treated us this way? Behold, your father and I were anxiously looking for you." He said to them, "Why were you looking for me? Didn't you know that I must be in my Father's house?" They didn't understand the saying which he spoke to them. And he went down with them, and came to Nazareth. He was subject to them, and his mother kept all these sayings in her heart.
2021 kovo 04 d., 14:12 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 66-67 eilutės iš

Vienybė, dvejybė, trejybė

Ištrintos 69-93 eilutės:

Going beyond oneself is an Operation. We term this +1 because it adds a perspective, taking us from:

  • the Nullsome - everything divided into no perspectives, which is to say, God prior to everything


  • the Onesome - everything divided into one perspective

God ever goes beyond himself. He keeps adding a perspective through this operation +1. This gives rise to ever more structure. God goes beyond himself into the Onesome, then the Twosome and then the Threesome.

The operation +1 - going beyond oneself - is what drives all of the unfolding of structure. It is the rethinking (as in "repent"?) of all the perspectives, their unity by a new perspective, a delving backwards, inwards and deeper into structure.

There are three equations that ultimately yield the threesome and understanding, as God goes beyond himself:

  • [NullAddOne 0+1=1] God goes beyond himself, out of the unboundable and into the boundable, giving rise to everything, where all things are the same.
  • [OneAddOne 1+1=2] God goes beyond himself again, noting that if he is - then he is, but add in a perspective whereby even if he is not - then he still is.
  • [TwoAddOne 2+1=3] God goes beyond himself again, noting that the God who is (one perspective) and the God who arises (another perspective) are the same God - what they understand is the same (this is a third perspective).

The threesome is the structure for understanding - for returning to the beginning. This is the completion from God's point of view. There is God who understands (the Father), God who figures himself out (the Son), and their shared understanding (the Spirit) by which they are indeed the same God.


What is Separate? Not Coinciding - Ne tapatumas.

(Benoit?) Sanctification means separated by God for God

Andrius: Benoit, thank you for your great contributions to our lab. I appreciate the many Scriptural references you have made to basic concepts that I want to focus on. You have saved me a lot of work! It is hard to ponder these things, but I think these concepts are good to ponder. In your note above you reveal the importance of allowing for separate even as we wish to be unified. So I am very interested to understand that dynamic and our personal testimony is very relevant. I myself want to point first to the reality of Jesus which makes him relevant - perhaps as the one for all as you mention, which is also related to how the separate and the unified are related. I think that the name of Jesus becomes important to us when we can agree as to what we mean by that, and at that point we can speak as believers. But I feel that it's to look for that reality because I have much to learn regarding that and I also doubt whether most people really know what they mean when they say Jesus. How would you explain it to a Muslim, for example?

Pakeistos 80-82 eilutės iš
  • The threesome is the structure for understanding - for returning to the beginning. This is the completion from God's point of view. There is God who understands (the Father), God who figures himself out (the Son), and their shared understanding (the Spirit) by which they are indeed the same God.
  • Vienybė, dvejybė, trejybė iškyla veiksmu +1.
Pakeistos 86-87 eilutės iš
  • Ketverybė, penkerybė, šešerybė iškyla veiksmu savęs suvokimu, sąmone, +2.
Pakeistos 96-97 eilutės iš
  • Septynerybė iškyla bendru suvokimu, sąmoningumu, veiksmu +3.
Pridėta 104 eilutė:
  • Nulybė iškyla susikalbėjimu, atsidavimu, veiksmu +4.
2021 kovo 04 d., 13:47 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 93-99 eilutės iš

Andrius: Benoit, thank you for your great contributions to our lab. I appreciate the many Scriptural references you have made to basic concepts that I want to focus on. You have saved me a lot of work! It is hard to ponder these things, but I think these concepts are good to ponder. In your note above you reveal the importance of allowing for separate even as we wish to be unified. So I am very interested to understand that dynamic and our personal testimony is very relevant. I myself want to point first to the reality of Jesus which makes him relevant - perhaps as the one for all as you mention, which is also related to how the separate and the unified are related. I think that the name of Jesus becomes important to us when we can agree as to what we mean by that, and at that point we can speak as believers. But I feel that it's to look for that reality because I have much to learn regarding that and I also doubt whether most people really know what they mean when they say Jesus. How would you explain it to a Muslim, for example?

Thought: Understanding is the activity of God; not understanding is the activity of human. The human perspective reflects the structure of understanding: take a stand - not understood, but rather creates understood; follow through - not understanding, but rather creates understanding; reflect - not understander, but rather creates understander. The human perspective is bounded: closed upon itself (but open to itself). God's perspective is unbounded: open upon itself it goes beyond itself. We therefore know it by the extent that it goes to view the human perspective: through 0, 1, 2 or 3 nodes. First of itself, and then futher out: why, how, what - each going beyond the previous and deeper into the human perspective. Threesome + null

= division = framework for structure = empathize with God's perspective.

  • Why does the system collapse because understanding is the understanding of all? Because All is separated from experiencing, yet All is experiencing. In All, indistinction and distinction are the same, and thus the system collapses.

Andrius: Benoit, thank you for your great contributions to our lab. I appreciate the many Scriptural references you have made to basic concepts that I want to focus on. You have saved me a lot of work! It is hard to ponder these things, but I think these concepts are good to ponder. In your note above you reveal the importance of allowing for separate even as we wish to be unified. So I am very interested to understand that dynamic and our personal testimony is very relevant. I myself want to point first to the reality of Jesus which makes him relevant - perhaps as the one for all as you mention, which is also related to how the separate and the unified are related. I think that the name of Jesus becomes important to us when we can agree as to what we mean by that, and at that point we can speak as believers. But I feel that it's to look for that reality because I have much to learn regarding that and I also doubt whether most people really know what they mean when they say Jesus. How would you explain it to a Muslim, for example?

Pakeistos 97-153 eilutės iš

Atskyrimo lygmenys

Suppositions are kept separate by placing them in different Scopes. What does this mean?

Separateness is the indirectness of view - that it is possible to have not a direct view.

A view (or outlook) that separates:

  • all perspectives is Spirit
  • any perspective is Structure
  • a perspective is Representation
  • no perspective is Unity

The point is to keep reducing scope so as to have complete coincidence.

Separateness is a key idea and somehow the adding of a perspective (the taking up of a perspective) introduces separateness, perhaps:

  • self separates God from God
  • heart is separateness of self from God
  • other is separateness of heart from God
  • God is separateness of other from God

The division of everything into four perspectives is the place where the algebra of views starts to matter. The four levels give us a scale from "oneness" to "separateness". Why asserts that the observer and situation are one, and whether asserts that they are completely separate. How and what are somewhere in between and allow for a nontrivial relationship between the observer and situation. So these are all levels that are relevant as we consider matters of "same" and "different".

The four levels may also be thought in terms of scopes:

  • why - knowledge of everything
  • how - knowledge of anything
  • what - knowledge of something
  • whether - knowledge of nothing

And the knowledge may be thought of as what the observer and situation share, which is to say, the extent to which the observer is one with the situation.

Furthermore, the four levels may be thought of as relating structure and activity. "Structure channels activity" expresses what is definite, what that means. "Activity evokes structure" expresses what is specified. We may think of structure as a function and activity as the flow through it. The function may be definite or not, and the inflow may be specified or not. (In particular, the specification of input is akin to its partial calculation.) This yields four possibilities:

  • why - indefinite and unspecified - structure and activity are uncoupled
  • how - definite and unspecified - top down: structure yields activity
  • what - definite and specified - structure and activity are in a loop
  • whether - indefinite and specified - bottom up: activity yields structure

We may think of structure as arising from God and activity as arising from godlet, and then the four levels give the possible relationships. These relationships may be thought of in terms of the distance between structure and activity. Here activity is that which finds itself within structure and is inspired by it.

  • At first the distance, the separation between structure and activity is "everything"
  • Then structure determines activity, so structure must be definite, and the separation is "anything"
  • Then structure and activity feed off each other, and so the separation is "something" which keeps them yet separate
  • Finally, activity directs structure, which is to say, they are the same, the structure embodies the activity, and so they are separated by "nothing".

It is this last level which extends the "threesome" by saying that, above and beyond God, there might be something in the situation of God which is not distinct from it, as God is, but rather determined by it. This material level "whether" is the source of the Foursome and exemplifies God's ever going beyond himself.

Another very important idea is that what separates the "viewer" (observer) and the "viewed" (situation) is the Nullsome (the division of everything into zero perspectives). This separation manifests itself through the four RepresentationsOfTheNullsome:

  • significant (not encompassable - Negation of why)
  • constant (not changeable - negation of how)
  • direct (not representable - negation of what)
  • true (not hideable - negation of whether)

So I think that in the "original outlook" the distinction between viewer and viewed is kept latent. But with the new outlook - and once Representations becomes relevant - it is possible to think of viewer and viewed as separate and even self-standing.

All of this to say that this is the machinery that lets us consider matters of "same", "different", "separate", "one", "equal", "difference" that are key to an algebra of views.

The ability to have a dual point of view is what lets us "keep separate" concepts like God and good, and that ability is at the heart of understanding.

  • Visus asmenis apibrėžia tai, ką jie patys apibrėžia (suvokia). Ir Dvasia pati save apsibrėžia.
  • The point is to keep reducing scope so as to have complete coincidence.
Pridėta 196 eilutė:
  • Why does the system collapse because understanding is the understanding of all? Because All is separated from experiencing, yet All is experiencing. In All, indistinction and distinction are the same, and thus the system collapses.
2021 kovo 03 d., 23:20 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 39-88 eilutės iš

Suvokimo lygmenys

Each level arises when we note it for the sake of the distinction of Concepts. We make them explicit as God's view and human's view. Thus there are the following levels:

  • Understanding - one level: God's
  • Self-understanding - two levels: God's, human's
  • SharedUnderstanding - three levels: God's, human's, God's
  • GoodUnderstanding - four levels: God's, human's, God's, human's

One way to think of the levels is as the unity of the representations of the structure of spirit:

  • [AddOne +1] Understanding allows for the World by understanding Spirit.
  • [AddTwo +2] Self-understanding allows for a Person-in-particular by understanding Structure (Self). Self-understanding determines a scope (with regard to nobody, somebody, anybody, everybody) which says how far away we are from the end.
  • [AddThree +3] SharedUnderstanding allows for a Person-in-general by understanding Representations.
  • [AddNull +0] GoodUnderstanding allows for God by understanding Unity. Good understanding (rapport) is when the narrower concept gives way to the broader concept - when the two understand each other.

Each level may be understood as introducing an additional operation which runs in parallel to the existing ones. These [ThisWiki:Operation operations] may be thought of as operations +1, +2, +3 on [ThisWiki:Divisions divisions of everything] (each adding 1, 2 or 3 perspectives, respectively). Each operation is a going beyond oneself.

  • +1 going beyond oneself Structure: (Perspective: ) First there is going beyond oneself from the unbounded into the bounded, ever adding an additional comprehensive perspective that reinterprets all the others.
  • +2 shift in perspective Activity: (ShiftInPerspective: ) Then there is a three-cycle which, in parallel, goes beyond by shifting from perspective to perspective.
  • +3 recurring activity RecurringActivity: (Slack: ) (generalized shift in perspective) Next, this three-cycle starts to cover old ground - here what is new is the recurring shift, the recurring activity. This recurring activity is now localized in the shift (without the nodes, which are ever new). So we have a general shift.
  • +0 unity of origin RecurringStructure: (Everything: ) (generalized perspective) - collapse of framework. Finally, there is unity in that the recurring activity can align itself around that which goes beyond.

Each level engenders more structure, until the final layer has it collapse.

In describing an absolute, relative, shared, subordinate perspective: consider what truth means for understanding, self-understanding, shared understanding, good understanding:

  • understanding - for there to be an absolute perspective we need: no internal structure, no external context (no reframing), accept all things. Here all things are true.
  • self-understanding - for a relative perspective we need to separate the threesome for activity (a relative stand) from the threesome for structure (an absolute stand), +2, no overlapping so 3 + 3, notion of required concept
  • shared understanding - factoring (other between God and heart through which they coincide) zero structure, seventh perspective, concept, anything (+3). Factor act on the whole - from whole to whole (redefining the absolute whole as a particular stand, which is to say, selecting a perspective) - factors: +2=the focus (structure or spirit, which moves), +3=the movments of spirit with regard to structure (how moving), +4=the separation of spirit and structure (how far apart). Recall: people, words, Qualities. Shared point is: (everything becomes anything - this is perhaps what is needed for sharing - and is what we mean by something - that everything becomes anything, as per +2, defining activity as shift in structure).
  • good understanding - zero activity - other is unity of the six levels by which God and heart coincide (secondary structures as embeddings).

I am trying to think of this in terms of love and understanding and concepts, the taking up of perspectives. Some thoughts:

  • First God goes beyond himself, through the operation [AddOne +1], again and again, until he has opened up enough slack that his self - the heart - may be independent, on its own. So now there is the heart, and the question is, will God find his way into this heart?
  • Then the heart goes beyond itself out to some level where it coincides with God who loves it, is one with it. But the heart considers this God as a mirror to itself. Just as structure is a mirror to activity, so the levels of structure by which God reaches out are taken as a mirror of the levels of activity by which the heart reaches out. The heart reaches out as either +1 or +2 or +3 (foursome, fivesome, sixsome). The heart thinks of God as arising in the gaps. (How does that relate to Factoring?)
  • God arises in the gaps where the heart reaches out +0 and thus has zero structure. This structural gap is what allows the factors to be composed, and hence thought of as factors: 1 + 1 = 2, 1 + 2 = 3 and 1 + 3 = 4.
  • This allows that the heart has a zero activity 1 + 0 = 1 - and that plants God within the heart as +0, so that they coincide.

So I need to try to understand the foursome, fivesome, sixsome as the heart reaching back out with +1, +2 or +3 perspectives, respectively, presumably through the operation +2.


Apytakos ir suvokimo lygmenys apibrėžia gyvenimo lygties lygmenis:

  • Understanding allows for the World by understanding Spirit.
  • Self-understanding allows for a Person-in-particular by understanding Structure (Self). Self-understanding determines a scope (with regard to nobody, somebody, anybody, everybody) which says how far away we are from the end.
  • Shared Understanding allows for a Person-in-general by understanding Representations.
  • Good Understanding allows for God by understanding Unity. Good understanding (rapport) is when the narrower concept gives way to the broader concept - when the two understand each other.
Pakeistos 48-91 eilutės iš

We may also think of this as:

  • self-Structure = Relationship with Self as Unequals
  • self-Activity = Relationship with Self as Equals
  • RecurringActivity = Relationship with Other as Equals
  • RecurringStructure = Relationship with Other as Unequals

Structure has no scope and is Absolute, whereas Activity is Relative to some Scope. In particular, SharedUnderstanding is relative with regard to some scope, but GoodUnderstanding is absolute.

Each level seems to relate to a division of everything:

  • +1 from Nullsome to Onesome, Twosome, Threesome
  • +2 from onesome, twosome, threesome to Foursome, Fivesome, Sixsome
  • +3 from sixsome to Sevensome
  • +0 from sevensome to Eightsome/nullsome

On this page I gather various parallels across these four levels.

  • relationship with God is given by Onesome, Twosome, Threesome
  • relationship with other is given by Foursome, Fivesome, Sixsome
  • other is given by Sevensome
  • God is given by Nullsome
  • +1 Caring about relationship with God
  • +2 Caring about relationship with other
  • +3 Caring about other
  • +0 Caring about God

Caring about apparently means going beyond to. Other is in the SeventhPerspective. God is in the ZerothPerspective.

  • +1 Nothing's outlook
  • +2 Something's outlook
  • +3 Anything's outlook
  • +0 Everything's outlook
  • Understanding relates to the Threesome
  • Self-understanding relates to the Foursome
  • SharedUnderstanding relates to the Fivesome
  • GoodUnderstanding relates to the Sixsome

This makes for one level of understanding for each of the PrimaryStructures, and also for each VoiceOfTension in Narration. The fivesome relates the two directions: looking forward (from beginning to end) and looking backwards (from end to beginning) and this is perhaps relevant for shared understanding.


There is one level of understanding for each of the PrimaryStructures, and also for each VoiceOfTension in Narration. The fivesome relates the two directions: looking forward (from beginning to end) and looking backwards (from end to beginning) and this is perhaps relevant for shared understanding.

  • Understanding relates to the Threesome
  • Self-understanding relates to the Foursome
  • SharedUnderstanding relates to the Fivesome
  • GoodUnderstanding relates to the Sixsome
Ištrintos 55-57 eilutės:
  • Refactor - kiekvieną sandarą mąstome, kuriame vienu požiūriu, tačiau ją perkuriame, permąstome kitu asmeniu. Tokiu būdu jos visos susiveda. Tai grindžia dviprasmybę ir laisvę.
  • -1x0x1 galima suvokti kaip įsijautimą, sąmoningumą ir atsitokėjimą. Įsijautimas -1 ir atsitokėjimas +1 nustato skirtingas kryptis apie padalinimų ratą.
Ištrintos 90-91 eilutės:

See also: Overview, KeepSeparate

Pakeistos 95-96 eilutės iš

Thought: Understanding is the activity of God; not understanding is the activity of human. The human perspective reflects the structure of understanding: take a stand - not understood, but rather creates understood; follow through - not understanding, but rather creates understanding; reflect - not understander, but rather creates understander. The human perspective is bounded: closed upon itself (but open to itself). God's perspective is unbounded: open upon itself it goes beyond itself. We therefore know it by the extent that it goes to view the human perspective: through 0, 1, 2 or 3 nodes. First of itself, and then futher out: why, how, what - each going beyond the previous and deeper into the human perspective. Threesome + null = division = framework for structure = empathize with God's perspective.


Thought: Understanding is the activity of God; not understanding is the activity of human. The human perspective reflects the structure of understanding: take a stand - not understood, but rather creates understood; follow through - not understanding, but rather creates understanding; reflect - not understander, but rather creates understander. The human perspective is bounded: closed upon itself (but open to itself). God's perspective is unbounded: open upon itself it goes beyond itself. We therefore know it by the extent that it goes to view the human perspective: through 0, 1, 2 or 3 nodes. First of itself, and then futher out: why, how, what - each going beyond the previous and deeper into the human perspective. Threesome + null

= division = framework for structure = empathize with God's perspective.

Pakeistos 183-184 eilutės iš
  • Refactor - kiekvieną sandarą mąstome, kuriame vienu požiūriu, tačiau ją perkuriame, permąstome kitu asmeniu. Tokiu būdu jos visos susiveda. Tai grindžia dviprasmybę ir laisvę.
Pridėtos 198-202 eilutės:

Each level arises when we note it for the sake of the distinction of Concepts. We make them explicit as God's view and human's view. Thus there are the following levels:

  • Understanding - one level: God's
  • Self-understanding - two levels: God's, human's
  • SharedUnderstanding - three levels: God's, human's, God's
  • GoodUnderstanding - four levels: God's, human's, God's, human's
2021 kovo 03 d., 22:34 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 3-4 eilutės iš
Pakeistos 39-52 eilutės iš

Keturi suvokimo lygmenys reiškiasi tiek požiūrio lygtimi, tiek ketverybe

  • Keturi suvokimo lygmenys yra: suvokimas, savęs suvokimas, bendras suvokimas, susikalbėjimas.
  • Keturi suvokimo lygmenys išreiškia požiūrio lygtį: Dievas, Aš-gerumas, Tu-gyvenimas-sutapimas, Kitas-amžinas gyvenimas-išskyrimas.
  • Keturi suvokimo lygmenys išreiškia ketverybės lygmenis: Dievas, Aš-savastyje, Tu-sutapime, Kitas-tarpe.

These are the levels of structure that are necessary for us to experience structure. In that sense they are related to the Levels Of Understanding. We start with the widest and immerse ourselves into narrower scopes. These may be thought of as the RepresentationsOfEverything, in which case they do not degenerate, but are specified:

  • spirit to spirit is EverythingWishesForEverything
  • spirit to structure is EverythingWishesForAnything
  • structure to spirit is EverythingWishesForSomething
  • structure to structure is EverythingWishesForNothing

(I need to check on the order of the above). These representations result from considering spirit and structure as Equals and letting them manifest themselves as Unequals in four ways, yielding four representations (wishes). They are unequal in terms of the distance between themselves, from everything (spirit to spirit) to nothing (structure to structure). Alternatively, we may consider them as unequals, and let them manifest themselves equals, in which case we have two representations (scopes):Beginning and End, see: BeginningVEnd.

Currently, my overview is in terms of Levels Of Understanding. The concept of Good Understanding allows me to focus on Eternal Life and not only Life. It's important that not only is life the fact that God is good, but moreover, eternal life is understanding this fact. Structurally, my new account derives the secondary structures first, and only then the primary structures. It also allows for the divisions to be used from the very beginning.

Pakeistos 43-46 eilutės iš

Kiekviena sandara kyla iš kurio nors suvokimo lygmens.

  • Pirminės sandaros kyla iš bendro suvokimo.
  • Antrinės sandaros kyla iš susikalbėjimo.
Ištrinta 45 eilutė:
Pakeistos 259-260 eilutės iš
  • Lygiaverčių požiūrių santykis.
  • Lygiaverčių požiūrių santykis.
  • Pirminės sandaros kyla iš bendro suvokimo.
Pridėta 266 eilutė:
  • Antrinės sandaros kyla iš susikalbėjimo.
2021 kovo 03 d., 22:22 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 21-22 eilutės iš

Suvokimo lygmenys


Apytakos grindžia suvokimo lygmenis

  • Suvokimas Dievo šokyje besąlygiškas. Jisai tampa sąlygišku kitose apytakose, apimtis siaurėja.
  • Suvokimas ir sąvokos. Iš Dievo trejybės išplaukia suvokimas ir suvoktasis. Tai tad pagrindas sąvokoms. Apytakų apimtims siaurėjant atsiranda atitinkamų apimčių sąvokos.
Ištrintos 254-262 eilutės:

Suvokimas ir sąvokos

  • Iš Dievo trejybės išplaukia suvokimas ir suvoktasis. Tai tad pagrindas sąvokoms. Apytakų apimtims siaurėjant atsiranda atitinkamų apimčių sąvokos.


  • Suvokimas Dievo šokyje besąlygiškas. Jisai tampa sąlygišku kitose apytakose, apimtis siaurėja.
2021 kovo 03 d., 22:20 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 261-284 eilutės iš

See also: Overview, Oracle

AndriusKulikauskas: The situation of a lost child is exactly that which makes sense of the Overview of knowledge of everything.

A lost child's outlook depends on the maturity of their thinking:

  • Understanding - child's view of parent's view - the child appreciates that they are lost, which is to say, that their parent does not know where they are
  • SelfUnderstanding - child's view of parent's view of child's view - the child appreciates that their parents are depending on what their child will do
  • SharedUnderstanding - child's view of parent's view of child's view of parent's view - the child looks for where their parents might be, just as the child assumes their parents are looking for them
  • GoodUnderstanding - child's view of parent's view of child's view of parent's view of child's view - the child acknowledges their parents as superiors, and that the child should position themselves to be found where their parents might expect to find them, rather than to look for their parents

These levels reflect the growth in awareness, in maturity of the child. The ability to act according to mutual expectations rather than individual perspectives is what allow for perspectives to coincide (such as those of parent and child).

Note: another relevant parable is the mind as Oracle.


Paskiri lygmenys

Ištrintos 287-289 eilutės:

Pasiklydęs vaikas

  • [http://www.ebible.org/web/Luke.htm#C2V42 Luke 2:42-51] When he was twelve years old, they went up to Jerusalem according to the custom of the feast, and when they had fulfilled the days, as they were returning, the boy Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem. Joseph and his mother didn't know it, but supposing him to be in the company, they went a day's journey, and they looked for him among their relatives and acquaintances. When they didn't find him, they returned to Jerusalem, looking for him.It happened after three days they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, both listening to them, and asking them questions. All who heard him were amazed at his understanding and his answers. When they saw him, they were astonished, and his mother said to him, "Son, why have you treated us this way? Behold, your father and I were anxiously looking for you." He said to them, "Why were you looking for me? Didn't you know that I must be in my Father's house?" They didn't understand the saying which he spoke to them. And he went down with them, and came to Nazareth. He was subject to them, and his mother kept all these sayings in her heart.
Pridėtos 290-301 eilutės:

Paklydusio vaiko būklė išreiškia keturis visko žinojimo lygmenis priklausant nuo vaiko brandumo.

  • These levels reflect the growth in awareness, in maturity of the child. The ability to act according to mutual expectations rather than individual perspectives is what allow for perspectives to coincide (such as those of parent and child).
  • Understanding - child's view of parent's view - the child appreciates that they are lost, which is to say, that their parent does not know where they are
  • SelfUnderstanding - child's view of parent's view of child's view - the child appreciates that their parents are depending on what their child will do
  • SharedUnderstanding - child's view of parent's view of child's view of parent's view - the child looks for where their parents might be, just as the child assumes their parents are looking for them
  • GoodUnderstanding - child's view of parent's view of child's view of parent's view of child's view - the child acknowledges their parents as superiors, and that the child should position themselves to be found where their parents might expect to find them, rather than to look for their parents

Pasiklydęs vaikas

  • [http://www.ebible.org/web/Luke.htm#C2V42 Luke 2:42-51] When he was twelve years old, they went up to Jerusalem according to the custom of the feast, and when they had fulfilled the days, as they were returning, the boy Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem. Joseph and his mother didn't know it, but supposing him to be in the company, they went a day's journey, and they looked for him among their relatives and acquaintances. When they didn't find him, they returned to Jerusalem, looking for him.It happened after three days they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, both listening to them, and asking them questions. All who heard him were amazed at his understanding and his answers. When they saw him, they were astonished, and his mother said to him, "Son, why have you treated us this way? Behold, your father and I were anxiously looking for you." He said to them, "Why were you looking for me? Didn't you know that I must be in my Father's house?" They didn't understand the saying which he spoke to them. And he went down with them, and came to Nazareth. He was subject to them, and his mother kept all these sayings in her heart.
Pakeistos 351-359 eilutės iš

We may think of these as four vantage points (by a human) upon God's view. As such, they are four representations of God, which is to say, they are all of the representations that we are able to have of him. Their unity is, for us, God to the extent that we can know him. It is in this pragmatic sense that we can say, absolutely, that we know God's view. For it is God's view not only as we see it, but to the extent that we can know him by the limitations of our very nature.


We may think of these as four vantage points (by a human) upon God's view. As such, they are four representations of God, which is to say, they are all of the representations that we are able to have of him. Their unity is, for us, God to the extent that we can know him. It is in this pragmatic sense that we can say, absolutely, that we know God's view. For it is God's view not only as we see it, but to the extent that we can know him by the limitations of our very nature.

2021 kovo 03 d., 20:57 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Ištrintos 276-290 eilutės:

There are also illustrations of Jesus' idea that WhatYouFindIsWhatYouLove, which is a counterpart to WhatYouBelieveIsWhatHappens.

[http://www.ebible.org/web/Luke.htm#C15V4 Luke 15:4-7] �Which of you men, if you had one hundred sheep, and lost one of them, wouldn�t leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness, and go after the one that was lost, until he found it? When he has found it, he carries it on his shoulders, rejoicing. When he comes home, he calls together his friends and his neighbors, saying to them, �Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep which was lost!� I tell you that even so there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents, than over ninety-nine righteous people who need no repentance.

[http://www.ebible.org/web/Luke.htm#C15V8 Luke 15:8-10] Or what woman, if she had ten drachma coins, if she lost one drachma coin, wouldn�t light a lamp, sweep the house, and seek diligently until she found it? When she has found it, she calls together her friends and neighbors, saying, �Rejoice with me, for I have found the drachma which I had lost.� Even so, I tell you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner repenting.�

Another story is known as the Prodigal Son. (It's interesting for us also that this metaphor is used by [http://www.prodigalart.org Prodigal Art]) [http://www.ebible.org/web/Luke.htm#C15V11 Luke 15:11-32] He said, "A certain man had two sons. The younger of them said to his father, "Father, give me my share of your property." He divided his livelihood between them. Not many days after, the younger son gathered all of this together and traveled into a far country. There he wasted his property with riotous living. When he had spent all of it, there arose a severe famine in that country, and he began to be in need. He went and joined himself to one of the citizens of that country, and he sent him into his fields to feed pigs. He wanted to fill his belly with the husks that the pigs ate, but no one gave him any. But when he came to himself he said, "How many hired servants of my father's have bread enough to spare, and I'm dying with hunger! I will get up and go to my father, and will tell him, "Father, I have sinned against heaven, and in your sight. I am no more worthy to be called your son. Make me as one of your hired servants." He arose, and came to his father. But while he was still far off, his father saw him, and was moved with compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him. The son said to him, "Father, I have sinned against heaven, and in your sight. I am no longer worthy to be called your son." But the father said to his servants, "Bring out the best robe, and put it on him. Put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet. Bring the fattened calf, kill it, and let us eat, and celebrate; for this, my son, was dead, and is alive again. He was lost, and is found." They began to celebrate. Now his elder son was in the field. As he came near to the house, he heard music and dancing. He called one of the servants to him, and asked what was going on. He said to him, "Your brother has come, and your father has killed the fattened calf, because he has received him back safe and healthy." But he was angry, and would not go in. Therefore his father came out, and begged him. But he answered his father, "Behold, these many years I have served you, and I never disobeyed a commandment of yours, but you never gave me a goat, that I might celebrate with my friends. But when this, your son, came, who has devoured your living with prostitutes, you killed the fattened calf for him." He said to him, "Son, you are always with me, and all that is mine is yours. But it was appropriate to celebrate and be glad, for this, your brother, was dead, and is alive again. He was lost, and is found." I think that this good son, the elder son, is Jesus himself.

Ištrintos 307-310 eilutės:

Ką randi, tą myli

2021 kovo 03 d., 20:47 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 279-287 eilutės iš

That's a nice and easy to understand example. I like it. -- Profiles/HelmutLeitner

Helmut, Thank you! I'm interested where this metaphor appears in various faiths and cultures. I include a few from the Bible. -- Profiles/AndriusKulikauskas

[http://www.ebible.org/web/Luke.htm#C2V42 Luke 2:42-51] When he was twelve years old, they went up to Jerusalem according to the custom of the feast, and when they had fulfilled the days, as they were returning, the boy Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem. Joseph and his mother didn�t know it, but supposing him to be in the company, they went a day�s journey, and they looked for him among their relatives and acquaintances. When they didn�t find him, they returned to Jerusalem, looking for him.It happened after three days they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, both listening to them, and asking them questions. All who heard him were amazed at his understanding and his answers. When they saw him, they were astonished, and his mother said to him, �Son, why have you treated us this way? Behold, your father and I were anxiously looking for you.� He said to them, �Why were you looking for me? Didn�t you know that I must be in my Father�s house?� They didn�t understand the saying which he spoke to them. And he went down with them, and came to Nazareth. He was subject to them, and his mother kept all these sayings in her heart.

Pakeistos 290-294 eilutės iš

Požiūrių virtinė

See also: Overview ===A structural summary - TheChainOfViews===


Suvokimas (perkelti į Dievo šokio puslapį)

  • (Tėvas). Atskyrimas kas sąlygose (asmeniškumas) ir kas besąlygiška (be asmens). Neigimo pagrindimas. Žmogaus požiūris į Dievo požiūrį.

Savęs suvokimas (perkelti į Išgyvenimo apytakos puslapį)

  • susigaudymas, savęs suvokimas (Sūnus). Žmogaus požiūris į Dievo požiūrį į žmogaus požiūrį.

Bendras suvokimas (perkelti į Žinojimo rūmų puslapį)

Žr. Dorovė

  • Tai suvoktumas (Dvasia).
  • Bendros sąlygos yra pagrindas bendram suvokimui. Aplinkybės apreiškia bendras sąlygas. O atvaizdai apibrėžia mūsų santykį su sąlygomis, apimtimi ir laisvumu.
  • Bendras požiūris yra bendro suvokimo pasekmė
  • Lygiaverčių požiūrių santykis.

Susikalbėjimas (perkelti į Meilės mokslo puslapį)

  • Žmogaus požiūris į Dievo požiūrį į žmogaus požiūrį į Dievo požiūrį į žmogaus požiūrį.
  • Nelygiaverčių požiūrių santykis.

Pasiklydęs vaikas

  • [http://www.ebible.org/web/Luke.htm#C2V42 Luke 2:42-51] When he was twelve years old, they went up to Jerusalem according to the custom of the feast, and when they had fulfilled the days, as they were returning, the boy Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem. Joseph and his mother didn't know it, but supposing him to be in the company, they went a day's journey, and they looked for him among their relatives and acquaintances. When they didn't find him, they returned to Jerusalem, looking for him.It happened after three days they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, both listening to them, and asking them questions. All who heard him were amazed at his understanding and his answers. When they saw him, they were astonished, and his mother said to him, "Son, why have you treated us this way? Behold, your father and I were anxiously looking for you." He said to them, "Why were you looking for me? Didn't you know that I must be in my Father's house?" They didn't understand the saying which he spoke to them. And he went down with them, and came to Nazareth. He was subject to them, and his mother kept all these sayings in her heart.

Ką randi, tą myli

Suvokimo lygmenys išdėsto visko žinojimą požiūrių grandine

Pakeistos 348-350 eilutės iš

Finally, that God - as the perfect person that links the human to God through the wealth of that metaphysical structure - that God may yet again take up a humans' view. And for that God, a human is that to which the God goes beyond itself into. That human is a lens, an Omniscope, through which God sees himself, which is to say, everything. And as such a lens, that human's outlook, stepping back away from himself, may coincide with God's outlook which steps into him. So that God has no needs - but we do, has no doubts - but we do, has no expectations - but we do, has no commitments - but we do. And there are four PrimaryStructures which have eight perspectives and they express [EverythingWishesForNothing our needs], [EverythingWishesForSomething our doubts], [EverythingWishesForAnything our expectations], [EverythingWishesForEverything our commitments]. In each case the eighth perspective is God's (no needs or no doubts or no expectations or no commitments) and marks a collapsing of everything back into God. These four primary structures generate the six secondary structures as injections of one the eighth (God's) perspective from a lower level into a primary structure from a higher level. For example, when the God who has no needs takes up our doubts (and the related Counterquestions) then that generates the divisions of everything. The six secondary structures are then organized by the seventh perspective in each of these injections, and they constitute that perfect person. The eighth perspective may also be thought of as what results when all three factors (described in the previous view) come from human, which is to say, that in such a case everything collapses back into God, or is otherwise understood as God having gone beyond himself.


Finally, that God - as the perfect person that links the human to God through the wealth of that metaphysical structure - that God may yet again take up a humans' view. And for that God, a human is that to which the God goes beyond itself into. That human is a lens, an Omniscope, through which God sees himself, which is to say, everything. And as such a lens, that human's outlook, stepping back away from himself, may coincide with God's outlook which steps into him. So that God has no needs - but we do, has no doubts - but we do, has no expectations - but we do, has no commitments - but we do. And there are four PrimaryStructures which have eight perspectives and they express [EverythingWishesForNothing our needs], [EverythingWishesForSomething our doubts], [EverythingWishesForAnything our expectations], [EverythingWishesForEverything our commitments]. In each case the eighth perspective is God's (no needs or no doubts or no expectations or no commitments) and marks a collapsing of everything back into God. These four primary structures generate the six secondary structures as injections of one the eighth (God's) perspective from a lower level into a primary structure from a higher level. For example, when the God who has no needs takes up our doubts (and the related Counterquestions) then that generates the divisions of everything. The six secondary structures are then organized by the seventh perspective in each of these injections, and they constitute that perfect person. The eighth perspective may also be thought of as what results when all three factors (described in the previous view) come from human, which is to say, that in such a case everything collapses back into God, or is otherwise understood as God having gone beyond himself.

Pakeistos 354-371 eilutės iš


See also: Overview

The following is an earlier summary of my ideas.

Coinciding with God's view -

What do I mean by KnowEverything?

To know everything is to View the Unknown.

Yet, as a human, I always view the Known.

The key question is: [HowToKnowEverything How can I know everything]? How can I escape my own view and take up God's view? How can a Definite view take up an Indefinite view?

The answer is that their views can Coincide if the indefinite view takes up the definite view. (I therefore care to understand an AlgebraOfViews.)


Visko žinojimas, tai sutapimas su Dievo požiūriu.

  • To know everything is to View the Unknown. Yet, as a human, I always view the Known. The key question is: How can I know everything? How can I escape my own view and take up God's view? How can a Definite view take up an Indefinite view? The answer is that their views can Coincide if the indefinite view takes up the definite view. (I therefore care to understand an Algebra Of Views.)
Pakeistos 379-410 eilutės iš

We may think of these as four vantage points (by a human) upon God's view. As such, they are four representations of God, which is to say, they are all of the representations that we are able to have of him. Their unity is, for us, God to the extent that we can know him. It is in this pragmatic sense that we can say, absolutely, that we know God's view. For it is God's view not only as we see it, but to the extent that we can know him by the limitations of our very nature.

We may think of God as TheBeginning - the perspective from which everything unfolds - and human as TheEnd - the perspective into which everything comes together. Their relationship is, I think, that of Jesus Christ - the beginning and the end, the Alfa and the Omega (the A and Z), the coinciding of perfection ("Love God") and identity ("love your neighbor as yourself") - by which God's perspective and our perspective may coincide. This outline describes this relationship between TheBeginning and TheEnd as given by the unfolding of Understanding, self-understanding?, SharedUnderstanding and GoodUnderstanding.

Suvokimas (perkelti į Dievo šokio puslapį)

  • (Tėvas). Atskyrimas kas sąlygose (asmeniškumas) ir kas besąlygiška (be asmens). Neigimo pagrindimas. Žmogaus požiūris į Dievo požiūrį.

Savęs suvokimas (perkelti į Išgyvenimo apytakos puslapį)

  • susigaudymas, savęs suvokimas (Sūnus). Žmogaus požiūris į Dievo požiūrį į žmogaus požiūrį.

Bendras suvokimas (perkelti į Žinojimo rūmų puslapį)

Žr. Dorovė

  • Tai suvoktumas (Dvasia).
  • Bendros sąlygos yra pagrindas bendram suvokimui. Aplinkybės apreiškia bendras sąlygas. O atvaizdai apibrėžia mūsų santykį su sąlygomis, apimtimi ir laisvumu.
  • Bendras požiūris yra bendro suvokimo pasekmė
  • Lygiaverčių požiūrių santykis.

Susikalbėjimas (perkelti į Meilės mokslo puslapį)

  • Žmogaus požiūris į Dievo požiūrį į žmogaus požiūrį į Dievo požiūrį į žmogaus požiūrį.
  • Nelygiaverčių požiūrių santykis.

We may think of these as four vantage points (by a human) upon God's view. As such, they are four representations of God, which is to say, they are all of the representations that we are able to have of him. Their unity is, for us, God to the extent that we can know him. It is in this pragmatic sense that we can say, absolutely, that we know God's view. For it is God's view not only as we see it, but to the extent that we can know him by the limitations of our very nature.

2021 kovo 02 d., 20:26 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 23-28 eilutės iš

Yra keturi suvokimo lygmenys. Tai keturios apytakos. Tad atitinkamuose puslapiuose įkelsiu medžiagą.


Yra keturi suvokimo lygmenys. Suvokimas vyksta trejybės atvaizdais. Medžiagą įkelsiu atitinkamų apytakų puslapiuose.

  • Suvokimas: Dievo šokiu Dievas suvokia Dievo trejybe (suvokiantis, susivokiantis, suvoktas)
  • Savęs suvokimas: Išgyvenimo apytaka Aš suvokiu save Savo trejybe (pasąmonė, sąmonė, sąmoningumas)
  • Bendras suvokimas: Žinojimo rūmais Tu suvoki bendrai Tavo trejybe (pradžia, vidurys, pabaiga)
  • Susikalbėjimas, teisingas suvokimas: Meilės mokslu Kitas susikalba, suvokia savo santykius, suvokia savo ir kitų suvokimą, suvokia suvokimą Kito trejybe (buvimu, veikimu, mąstym)
2021 kovo 02 d., 20:22 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 82-103 eilutės iš

Suvokimas (perkelti į Dievo šokio puslapį)

  • (Tėvas). Atskyrimas kas sąlygose (asmeniškumas) ir kas besąlygiška (be asmens). Neigimo pagrindimas. Žmogaus požiūris į Dievo požiūrį.

Savęs suvokimas (perkelti į Išgyvenimo apytakos puslapį)

  • susigaudymas, savęs suvokimas (Sūnus). Žmogaus požiūris į Dievo požiūrį į žmogaus požiūrį.

Bendras suvokimas (perkelti į Žinojimo rūmų puslapį)

Žr. Dorovė

  • Tai suvoktumas (Dvasia).
  • Bendros sąlygos yra pagrindas bendram suvokimui. Aplinkybės apreiškia bendras sąlygas. O atvaizdai apibrėžia mūsų santykį su sąlygomis, apimtimi ir laisvumu.
  • Bendras požiūris yra bendro suvokimo pasekmė
  • Lygiaverčių požiūrių santykis.

Susikalbėjimas (perkelti į Meilės mokslo puslapį)

  • Žmogaus požiūris į Dievo požiūrį į žmogaus požiūrį į Dievo požiūrį į žmogaus požiūrį.
  • Nelygiaverčių požiūrių santykis.
Pakeistos 377-398 eilutės iš


Suvokimas (perkelti į Dievo šokio puslapį)

  • (Tėvas). Atskyrimas kas sąlygose (asmeniškumas) ir kas besąlygiška (be asmens). Neigimo pagrindimas. Žmogaus požiūris į Dievo požiūrį.

Savęs suvokimas (perkelti į Išgyvenimo apytakos puslapį)

  • susigaudymas, savęs suvokimas (Sūnus). Žmogaus požiūris į Dievo požiūrį į žmogaus požiūrį.

Bendras suvokimas (perkelti į Žinojimo rūmų puslapį)

Žr. Dorovė

  • Tai suvoktumas (Dvasia).
  • Bendros sąlygos yra pagrindas bendram suvokimui. Aplinkybės apreiškia bendras sąlygas. O atvaizdai apibrėžia mūsų santykį su sąlygomis, apimtimi ir laisvumu.
  • Bendras požiūris yra bendro suvokimo pasekmė
  • Lygiaverčių požiūrių santykis.

Susikalbėjimas (perkelti į Meilės mokslo puslapį)

  • Žmogaus požiūris į Dievo požiūrį į žmogaus požiūrį į Dievo požiūrį į žmogaus požiūrį.
  • Nelygiaverčių požiūrių santykis.
2021 kovo 01 d., 23:12 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 3-4 eilutės iš
Ištrintos 40-53 eilutės:

Gyvenimo lygties išsakyti Dievo pažinimai

Dievo pažinimai: Amžinas gyvenimas, Išmintis, Gera valia, Dievo valia

  • are Understanding
  • relate NotGod and Scope
  • is how we find Position and we hold on to it
  • is how the potential for God chooses God over itself and is indeed God
  • is the foundation for going beyond oneself because it separates where we have come from and where we are going to
  • gives the centering and the context that are relevant to support Person. For example, GoodWill centers us through I on You, whereas GodsWill centers us through God on Other. Centering places us within the zone for a feedback loop and context is the zone where there can be an answer rooted in a wider perspective.
  • opens space for the Freedom of the next Person.
  • is what is assumed because it is beyond the extent of assumptions
  • being alone beyond Knowledge, the possibility of being not alone, the unity of being alone beyond System, the unity of BeingOneWith (beyond and within Scope) that takes place beyond Scope, before Negation and makes Scope for it, for Other. Thus Person can go beyond themselves, BeingOneWith beyond Scope (EternalLife, Wisdom, GoodWill, GodsWill), beyond System, in consciousness, out to God, thus choose God, coinciding in Position. Distinguishes between Knowledge and Definition. It is what is taken up, lived by God: Perspective (GodsWill), Position (Good Will), Vantage Point (Wisdom).
2021 kovo 01 d., 21:03 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 67-73 eilutės iš

Visos sandaros kyla iš kurio nors iš šitų lygmenų. Pirminės sandaros iš bendro suvokimo, o antrinės sandaros iš susikalbėjimo.


Kiekviena sandara kyla iš kurio nors suvokimo lygmens.

  • Pirminės sandaros kyla iš bendro suvokimo.
  • Antrinės sandaros kyla iš susikalbėjimo.
Ištrintos 78-89 eilutės:

Bendras suvokimas? žr. Dorovė

  • Tai suvoktumas (Dvasia).
  • Bendros sąlygos yra pagrindas bendram suvokimui. Aplinkybės apreiškia bendras sąlygas. O atvaizdai apibrėžia mūsų santykį su sąlygomis, apimtimi ir laisvumu.
  • Bendras požiūris yra bendro suvokimo pasekmė
  • Lygiaverčių požiūrių santykis.


  • Žmogaus požiūris į Dievo požiūrį į žmogaus požiūrį į Dievo požiūrį į žmogaus požiūrį.
  • Nelygiaverčių požiūrių santykis.
Pakeistos 95-98 eilutės iš
  • Suvokimas (Tėvas). Atskyrimas kas sąlygose (asmeniškumas) ir kas besąlygiška (be asmens). Neigimo pagrindimas. Žmogaus požiūris į Dievo požiūrį.
  • Savęs pažinimas?, susigaudymas, savęs suvokimas (Sūnus). Žmogaus požiūris į Dievo požiūrį į žmogaus požiūrį.


Suvokimas (perkelti į Dievo šokio puslapį)

  • (Tėvas). Atskyrimas kas sąlygose (asmeniškumas) ir kas besąlygiška (be asmens). Neigimo pagrindimas. Žmogaus požiūris į Dievo požiūrį.

Savęs suvokimas (perkelti į Išgyvenimo apytakos puslapį)

  • susigaudymas, savęs suvokimas (Sūnus). Žmogaus požiūris į Dievo požiūrį į žmogaus požiūrį.

Bendras suvokimas (perkelti į Žinojimo rūmų puslapį)

Žr. Dorovė

  • Tai suvoktumas (Dvasia).
  • Bendros sąlygos yra pagrindas bendram suvokimui. Aplinkybės apreiškia bendras sąlygas. O atvaizdai apibrėžia mūsų santykį su sąlygomis, apimtimi ir laisvumu.
  • Bendras požiūris yra bendro suvokimo pasekmė
  • Lygiaverčių požiūrių santykis.

Susikalbėjimas (perkelti į Meilės mokslo puslapį)

  • Žmogaus požiūris į Dievo požiūrį į žmogaus požiūrį į Dievo požiūrį į žmogaus požiūrį.
  • Nelygiaverčių požiūrių santykis.
2021 kovo 01 d., 21:00 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėta 16 eilutė:
  • Kaip suvokimo lygmenys susiję su pokalbiu, su kalbomis, su atitinkamu pašnekovu?
2021 kovo 01 d., 20:59 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeista 26 eilutė iš:
  • Susikalbėjimas - teisingas suvokimas: Meilės mokslu susikalbame, suvokiame savo santykius, suvokiame savo ir kitų suvokimą, suvokiame suvokimą
  • Susikalbėjimas, teisingas suvokimas: Meilės mokslu susikalbame, suvokiame savo santykius, suvokiame savo ir kitų suvokimą, suvokiame suvokimą
2021 kovo 01 d., 20:59 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 22-27 eilutės iš

Suvokimo lygmenys yra apytakos

  • Dievo šokiu suvokiame
  • Išgyvenimo apytaka suvokiame save
  • Žinojimo rūmais suvokiame bendrai
  • Meilės mokslu susikalbame, suvokiame savo santykius, suvokiame savo ir kitų suvokimą, suvokiame suvokimą

Tad atitinkamuose puslapiuose įkelsiu medžiagą.


Yra keturi suvokimo lygmenys. Tai keturios apytakos. Tad atitinkamuose puslapiuose įkelsiu medžiagą.

2021 vasario 27 d., 15:23 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 189-192 eilutės iš

{{God}} is TheBeginning. This is to say, God is unbounded.

God, unbounded, goes beyond himself, into the bounded. This gives rise to {{Everything}}. Everything is the {{Structure}} of God. God is the {{Spirit}} of everything.


God is TheBeginning. This is to say, God is unbounded.

God, unbounded, goes beyond himself, into the bounded. This gives rise to Everything. Everything is the Structure of God. God is the Spirit of everything.

Pakeistos 197-198 eilutės iš

Going beyond oneself is an {{Operation}}. We term this +1 because it adds a perspective, taking us from:

  • the {{Nullsome}} - everything divided into no perspectives, which is to say, God prior to everything

Going beyond oneself is an Operation. We term this +1 because it adds a perspective, taking us from:

  • the Nullsome - everything divided into no perspectives, which is to say, God prior to everything
Pakeistos 200-203 eilutės iš
  • the {{Onesome}} - everything divided into one perspective

God ever goes beyond himself. He keeps adding a perspective through this operation +1. This gives rise to ever more structure. God goes beyond himself into the {{Onesome}}, then the {{Twosome}} and then the {{Threesome}}.

  • the Onesome - everything divided into one perspective

God ever goes beyond himself. He keeps adding a perspective through this operation +1. This gives rise to ever more structure. God goes beyond himself into the Onesome, then the Twosome and then the Threesome.

Pakeistos 218-219 eilutės iš

See also: {{Overview}}, KeepSeparate


See also: Overview, KeepSeparate

Pakeistos 222-223 eilutės iš

{{Andrius}}: Benoit, thank you for your great contributions to our lab. I appreciate the many Scriptural references you have made to basic concepts that I want to focus on. You have saved me a lot of work! It is hard to ponder these things, but I think these concepts are good to ponder. In your note above you reveal the importance of allowing for separate even as we wish to be unified. So I am very interested to understand that dynamic and our personal testimony is very relevant. I myself want to point first to the reality of Jesus which makes him relevant - perhaps as the one for all as you mention, which is also related to how the separate and the unified are related. I think that the name of Jesus becomes important to us when we can agree as to what we mean by that, and at that point we can speak as believers. But I feel that it's to look for that reality because I have much to learn regarding that and I also doubt whether most people really know what they mean when they say Jesus. How would you explain it to a Muslim, for example?


Andrius: Benoit, thank you for your great contributions to our lab. I appreciate the many Scriptural references you have made to basic concepts that I want to focus on. You have saved me a lot of work! It is hard to ponder these things, but I think these concepts are good to ponder. In your note above you reveal the importance of allowing for separate even as we wish to be unified. So I am very interested to understand that dynamic and our personal testimony is very relevant. I myself want to point first to the reality of Jesus which makes him relevant - perhaps as the one for all as you mention, which is also related to how the separate and the unified are related. I think that the name of Jesus becomes important to us when we can agree as to what we mean by that, and at that point we can speak as believers. But I feel that it's to look for that reality because I have much to learn regarding that and I also doubt whether most people really know what they mean when they say Jesus. How would you explain it to a Muslim, for example?

Pakeista 291 eilutė iš:

See also: {{Overview}}, {{Oracle}}


See also: Overview, Oracle

Pakeistos 294-295 eilutės iš

AndriusKulikauskas: The situation of a lost child is exactly that which makes sense of the {{Overview}} of knowledge of everything.


AndriusKulikauskas: The situation of a lost child is exactly that which makes sense of the Overview of knowledge of everything.

Pakeistos 305-306 eilutės iš

Note: another relevant parable is the mind as {{Oracle}}.


Note: another relevant parable is the mind as Oracle.

Pakeistos 333-336 eilutės iš

A human's view of God's view yields an {{Everything}} which is first self-divided? into [{{Onesome}} one perspective] ("I am defined by myself"), then [{{Twosome}} two perspectives] (spiritual "I am therefore I am" and physical "I am not yet even so I am"), then [{{Threesome}} three perspectives], yielding one who "understands himself, can figure himself out, and is understood by himself" (I take this as the Holy Trinity - Father, Son and Spirit).

Next, that God's view of a human's view is as a "godlet" which is in the situation that God has cast himself, yet otherwise is not God. (Such is the {{Heart}}). So for that godlet it makes sense to consider the extent by which it differs from its situation, which is to say, from its self, yielding [{{Foursome}} four perspectives]: differs by everything, by anything, by something, or by nothing. (That last is peculiar to the godlet, for God as such is distinct from his self, his structure, his situation). Then God considers his relationship with such a godlet as to whether God is a cause or effect, whether as such he is restricted or unrestricted, or yet again, the restriction of his unrestriction (as in "the present"). This yields [{{Fivesome}} five perspectives]. Then God gives life to that godlet by availing himself as principles which that godlet may take up: cling to what you have, get more than what you need, avoid extremes - but then also, choose the good over the bad, the better over the worse, the best over the rest. This yields [{{Sixsome}} six perspectives].


A human's view of God's view yields an Everything which is first self-divided? into [Onesome one perspective] ("I am defined by myself"), then [Twosome two perspectives] (spiritual "I am therefore I am" and physical "I am not yet even so I am"), then [Threesome three perspectives], yielding one who "understands himself, can figure himself out, and is understood by himself" (I take this as the Holy Trinity - Father, Son and Spirit).

Next, that God's view of a human's view is as a "godlet" which is in the situation that God has cast himself, yet otherwise is not God. (Such is the Heart). So for that godlet it makes sense to consider the extent by which it differs from its situation, which is to say, from its self, yielding [Foursome four perspectives]: differs by everything, by anything, by something, or by nothing. (That last is peculiar to the godlet, for God as such is distinct from his self, his structure, his situation). Then God considers his relationship with such a godlet as to whether God is a cause or effect, whether as such he is restricted or unrestricted, or yet again, the restriction of his unrestriction (as in "the present"). This yields [Fivesome five perspectives]. Then God gives life to that godlet by availing himself as principles which that godlet may take up: cling to what you have, get more than what you need, avoid extremes - but then also, choose the good over the bad, the better over the worse, the best over the rest. This yields [Sixsome six perspectives].

Pakeistos 338-346 eilutės iš

and the imperfection of human (who is choosing good over bad, better over worse, best over rest in an attempt to keep moving around that perfect center). That perfect person reflects a division of everything into [{{Sevensome}} seven perspectives] as choices (I think: choosing yes, choosing not no, choosing not yes, choosing no, choosing to not choose, choosing to choose, and choosing). The perfect person makes possible a factoring and intermingling of God's and human's choices (as taken from their trinities). Human's choices are {{Definite}}, unambiguous, restricting but God's choices are {{Indefinite}}, ambiguous, unrestricting. The size of the human {{Factors}} are 2, 3, 4 because the human choice takes an {{Operation}} +1?, +2?, +3? (as the three-cycle defines) and considers it as acting on a {{Onesome}} (a whole) and preserving that (through the act of choice so that it is whatever is chosen). And so that choice lies within a structure of size 1+1 or 1+2 or 1+3. Of the three factors, two or one or zero are from the human choices, yielding [SecondaryStructures auxiliary structures]:

  • 4 x 2 = 8 {{Divisions}} of everything
  • 2 x 3 = 6 {{Representations}} of such divisions
  • 3 x 4 = 12 {{Topologies}} that express the parts of those divisions

[Note that we might picture this as a cube with 24 directed edges where edges might be partially referenced by 8 corners (ambiguity=3), 6 faces (ambiguity=4) or 12 edges (ambiguity=2).] The three families of structures above are static. There are also three {{Languages}} that are dynamic. They arise when one of the factors is defined and two are not. They represent shifts between the static structures:

  • {{Argumentation}} (how do things matter?) moves from 3 x 4 topologies to 2 x 3 representations
  • {{Verbalization}} (how do things mean?) moves from 4 x 2 divisions to 3 x 4 topologies
  • {{Narration}} (how do things happen?) moves from 2 x 3 representations to 4 x 2 divisions (so the 2 is preserved).

and the imperfection of human (who is choosing good over bad, better over worse, best over rest in an attempt to keep moving around that perfect center). That perfect person reflects a division of everything into [Sevensome seven perspectives] as choices (I think: choosing yes, choosing not no, choosing not yes, choosing no, choosing to not choose, choosing to choose, and choosing). The perfect person makes possible a factoring and intermingling of God's and human's choices (as taken from their trinities). Human's choices are Definite, unambiguous, restricting but God's choices are Indefinite, ambiguous, unrestricting. The size of the human Factors are 2, 3, 4 because the human choice takes an Operation +1?, +2?, +3? (as the three-cycle defines) and considers it as acting on a Onesome (a whole) and preserving that (through the act of choice so that it is whatever is chosen). And so that choice lies within a structure of size 1+1 or 1+2 or 1+3. Of the three factors, two or one or zero are from the human choices, yielding [SecondaryStructures auxiliary structures]:

  • 4 x 2 = 8 Divisions of everything
  • 2 x 3 = 6 Representations of such divisions
  • 3 x 4 = 12 Topologies that express the parts of those divisions

[Note that we might picture this as a cube with 24 directed edges where edges might be partially referenced by 8 corners (ambiguity=3), 6 faces (ambiguity=4) or 12 edges (ambiguity=2).] The three families of structures above are static. There are also three Languages that are dynamic. They arise when one of the factors is defined and two are not. They represent shifts between the static structures:

  • Argumentation (how do things matter?) moves from 3 x 4 topologies to 2 x 3 representations
  • Verbalization (how do things mean?) moves from 4 x 2 divisions to 3 x 4 topologies
  • Narration (how do things happen?) moves from 2 x 3 representations to 4 x 2 divisions (so the 2 is preserved).
Pakeista 349 eilutė iš:

Finally, that God - as the perfect person that links the human to God through the wealth of that metaphysical structure - that God may yet again take up a humans' view. And for that God, a human is that to which the God goes beyond itself into. That human is a lens, an {{Omniscope}}, through which God sees himself, which is to say, everything. And as such a lens, that human's outlook, stepping back away from himself, may coincide with God's outlook which steps into him. So that God has no needs - but we do, has no doubts - but we do, has no expectations - but we do, has no commitments - but we do. And there are four PrimaryStructures which have eight perspectives and they express [EverythingWishesForNothing our needs], [EverythingWishesForSomething our doubts], [EverythingWishesForAnything our expectations], [EverythingWishesForEverything our commitments]. In each case the eighth perspective is God's (no needs or no doubts or no expectations or no commitments) and marks a collapsing of everything back into God. These four primary structures generate the six secondary structures as injections of one the eighth (God's) perspective from a lower level into a primary structure from a higher level. For example, when the God who has no needs takes up our doubts (and the related {{Counterquestions}}) then that generates the divisions of everything. The six secondary structures are then organized by the seventh perspective in each of these injections, and they constitute that perfect person. The eighth perspective may also be thought of as what results when all three factors (described in the


Finally, that God - as the perfect person that links the human to God through the wealth of that metaphysical structure - that God may yet again take up a humans' view. And for that God, a human is that to which the God goes beyond itself into. That human is a lens, an Omniscope, through which God sees himself, which is to say, everything. And as such a lens, that human's outlook, stepping back away from himself, may coincide with God's outlook which steps into him. So that God has no needs - but we do, has no doubts - but we do, has no expectations - but we do, has no commitments - but we do. And there are four PrimaryStructures which have eight perspectives and they express [EverythingWishesForNothing our needs], [EverythingWishesForSomething our doubts], [EverythingWishesForAnything our expectations], [EverythingWishesForEverything our commitments]. In each case the eighth perspective is God's (no needs or no doubts or no expectations or no commitments) and marks a collapsing of everything back into God. These four primary structures generate the six secondary structures as injections of one the eighth (God's) perspective from a lower level into a primary structure from a higher level. For example, when the God who has no needs takes up our doubts (and the related Counterquestions) then that generates the divisions of everything. The six secondary structures are then organized by the seventh perspective in each of these injections, and they constitute that perfect person. The eighth perspective may also be thought of as what results when all three factors (described in the

Pakeistos 366-380 eilutės iš

To know everything is to {{View}} the {{Unknown}}.

Yet, as a human, I always view the {{Known}}.

The key question is: [HowToKnowEverything How can I know everything]? How can I escape my own view and take up God's view? How can a {{Definite}} view take up an {{Indefinite}} view?

The answer is that their views can {{Coincide}} if the indefinite view takes up the definite view. (I therefore care to understand an AlgebraOfViews.)

How might our views coincide with God's? It helps to consider the thinking of a LostChild who grows to learn to position themselves so that they may be found by their parents. There is a deepening of {{Empathy}} as our own view unfolds:

  • 1) [{{Absolute}} absolute view] of {{Everything}} ({{God}}, {{Understanding}}, {{Love}}): view of the known of the unknown
  • 2) [{{Relative}} relative view] of {{Anything}} ({{Heart}}, SelfUnderstanding, LoveSelf): view of the known of the unknown of the known
  • 3) [{{Shared}} shared view] of {{Something}} ({{Other}}, SharedUnderstanding, LoveOther): view of the known of the unknown of the known of the unknown
  • 4) [{{Subordinate}} subordinate view] of {{Nothing}} ({{Human}}, GoodUnderstanding, LoveGod): view of the known of the unknown of the known of the unknown of the known

To know everything is to View the Unknown.

Yet, as a human, I always view the Known.

The key question is: [HowToKnowEverything How can I know everything]? How can I escape my own view and take up God's view? How can a Definite view take up an Indefinite view?

The answer is that their views can Coincide if the indefinite view takes up the definite view. (I therefore care to understand an AlgebraOfViews.)

How might our views coincide with God's? It helps to consider the thinking of a LostChild who grows to learn to position themselves so that they may be found by their parents. There is a deepening of Empathy as our own view unfolds:

  • 1) [Absolute absolute view] of Everything (God, Understanding, Love): view of the known of the unknown
  • 2) [Relative relative view] of Anything (Heart, SelfUnderstanding, LoveSelf): view of the known of the unknown of the known
  • 3) [Shared shared view] of Something (Other, SharedUnderstanding, LoveOther): view of the known of the unknown of the known of the unknown
  • 4) [Subordinate subordinate view] of Nothing (Human, GoodUnderstanding, LoveGod): view of the known of the unknown of the known of the unknown of the known
Pakeistos 389-395 eilutės iš
  • Human view of {{Understanding}} = human's view of God's view: God goes beyond himself and ever finds himself, (taking a stand, following through, reflecting), yielding {{Structure}}: a {{Threesome}}. This is what we need for an {{Absolute}} perspective.
  • Human view of self-understanding? = human's view of God's view of human's view: A human (godlet) awakes within structure (the threesome) and (in-parallel with God) finds itself through shifts in perspective (choosing the good, the better, the best), yielding {{Activity}}: a {{Sixsome}}. This is what we need for a {{Relative}} perspective.
  • Human view of SharedUnderstanding = human's view of God's view of human's view of God's view: A human (as given by the {{Sixsome}}) now walks through again but together with God (through RecurringActivity) through a shared perspective given by a perfect {{Other}} (the {{Onesome}} - or what I look for as our key concepts?). This makes it possible to {{Factor}} his own activity into components of structure/activity and thereby allow for ZeroStructure, a SeventhPerspective and the basis for stepping inside each other as a person-in-general?, yielding RecurringActivity: SecondaryStructures. God slips in through the structural cracks as goodness. This is what we need for a {{Shared}} perspective.
  • Human view of GoodUnderstanding = human's view of God's view of human's view of God's view of human's view: A human reinterprets everything in terms of RecurringStructure, and recognizes that {{God}} may have a wider vantage point ("a greater power", as when one loves us more than we love ourselves) with regard to which they should position themselves cooperatively that they be found (rather than find the other by themselves). This is to say that we understand human as that which God goes into beyond himself, from wishing into not-wishing, to have a shared perspective with human. This wider perspective is ZeroActivity which we are not able to conceive, yielding RecurringStructure: PrimaryStructures. This is what we need for a {{Subordinate}} perspective.

That final perspective is one where a human is deferential to the good. That is the point of full understanding at which one may be completely cooperative with everything and may then assume they are taking up God's perspective. In shared understanding, the human understands {{Slack}} to be a seventh perspective that is of God and beyond human. But with good understanding, the human understands that, from God's point of view, this seventh perspective is {{Good}} that is beyond God and needs to be considered as part of the human outlook. It is helpful to consider this as the thinking of a LostChild.

  • Human view of Understanding = human's view of God's view: God goes beyond himself and ever finds himself, (taking a stand, following through, reflecting), yielding Structure: a Threesome. This is what we need for an Absolute perspective.
  • Human view of self-understanding? = human's view of God's view of human's view: A human (godlet) awakes within structure (the threesome) and (in-parallel with God) finds itself through shifts in perspective (choosing the good, the better, the best), yielding Activity: a Sixsome. This is what we need for a Relative perspective.
  • Human view of SharedUnderstanding = human's view of God's view of human's view of God's view: A human (as given by the Sixsome) now walks through again but together with God (through RecurringActivity) through a shared perspective given by a perfect Other (the Onesome - or what I look for as our key concepts?). This makes it possible to Factor his own activity into components of structure/activity and thereby allow for ZeroStructure, a SeventhPerspective and the basis for stepping inside each other as a person-in-general?, yielding RecurringActivity: SecondaryStructures. God slips in through the structural cracks as goodness. This is what we need for a Shared perspective.
  • Human view of GoodUnderstanding = human's view of God's view of human's view of God's view of human's view: A human reinterprets everything in terms of RecurringStructure, and recognizes that God may have a wider vantage point ("a greater power", as when one loves us more than we love ourselves) with regard to which they should position themselves cooperatively that they be found (rather than find the other by themselves). This is to say that we understand human as that which God goes into beyond himself, from wishing into not-wishing, to have a shared perspective with human. This wider perspective is ZeroActivity which we are not able to conceive, yielding RecurringStructure: PrimaryStructures. This is what we need for a Subordinate perspective.

That final perspective is one where a human is deferential to the good. That is the point of full understanding at which one may be completely cooperative with everything and may then assume they are taking up God's perspective. In shared understanding, the human understands Slack to be a seventh perspective that is of God and beyond human. But with good understanding, the human understands that, from God's point of view, this seventh perspective is Good that is beyond God and needs to be considered as part of the human outlook. It is helpful to consider this as the thinking of a LostChild.

Pakeista 398 eilutė iš:

We may think of God as TheBeginning - the perspective from which everything unfolds - and human as TheEnd - the perspective into which everything comes together. Their relationship is, I think, that of Jesus Christ - the beginning and the end, the Alfa and the Omega (the A and Z), the coinciding of perfection ("Love God") and identity ("love your neighbor as yourself") - by which God's perspective and our perspective may coincide. This outline describes this relationship between TheBeginning and TheEnd as given by the unfolding of {{Understanding}}, self-understanding?, SharedUnderstanding and GoodUnderstanding.


We may think of God as TheBeginning - the perspective from which everything unfolds - and human as TheEnd - the perspective into which everything comes together. Their relationship is, I think, that of Jesus Christ - the beginning and the end, the Alfa and the Omega (the A and Z), the coinciding of perfection ("Love God") and identity ("love your neighbor as yourself") - by which God's perspective and our perspective may coincide. This outline describes this relationship between TheBeginning and TheEnd as given by the unfolding of Understanding, self-understanding?, SharedUnderstanding and GoodUnderstanding.

2021 vasario 27 d., 15:22 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
2021 vasario 27 d., 15:13 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Ištrintos 401-402 eilutės:

2021 vasario 27 d., 15:12 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 290-293 eilutės iš
Ištrinta 400 eilutė:
Ištrinta 401 eilutė:
Pridėtos 405-408 eilutės:

2021 vasario 27 d., 15:11 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 289-405 eilutės:

See also: {{Overview}}, {{Oracle}}

AndriusKulikauskas: The situation of a lost child is exactly that which makes sense of the {{Overview}} of knowledge of everything.

A lost child's outlook depends on the maturity of their thinking:

  • Understanding - child's view of parent's view - the child appreciates that they are lost, which is to say, that their parent does not know where they are
  • SelfUnderstanding - child's view of parent's view of child's view - the child appreciates that their parents are depending on what their child will do
  • SharedUnderstanding - child's view of parent's view of child's view of parent's view - the child looks for where their parents might be, just as the child assumes their parents are looking for them
  • GoodUnderstanding - child's view of parent's view of child's view of parent's view of child's view - the child acknowledges their parents as superiors, and that the child should position themselves to be found where their parents might expect to find them, rather than to look for their parents

These levels reflect the growth in awareness, in maturity of the child. The ability to act according to mutual expectations rather than individual perspectives is what allow for perspectives to coincide (such as those of parent and child).

Note: another relevant parable is the mind as {{Oracle}}.

That's a nice and easy to understand example. I like it. -- Profiles/HelmutLeitner

Helmut, Thank you! I'm interested where this metaphor appears in various faiths and cultures. I include a few from the Bible. -- Profiles/AndriusKulikauskas

[http://www.ebible.org/web/Luke.htm#C2V42 Luke 2:42-51] When he was twelve years old, they went up to Jerusalem according to the custom of the feast, and when they had fulfilled the days, as they were returning, the boy Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem. Joseph and his mother didn�t know it, but supposing him to be in the company, they went a day�s journey, and they looked for him among their relatives and acquaintances. When they didn�t find him, they returned to Jerusalem, looking for him.It happened after three days they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, both listening to them, and asking them questions. All who heard him were amazed at his understanding and his answers. When they saw him, they were astonished, and his mother said to him, �Son, why have you treated us this way? Behold, your father and I were anxiously looking for you.� He said to them, �Why were you looking for me? Didn�t you know that I must be in my Father�s house?� They didn�t understand the saying which he spoke to them. And he went down with them, and came to Nazareth. He was subject to them, and his mother kept all these sayings in her heart.

There are also illustrations of Jesus' idea that WhatYouFindIsWhatYouLove, which is a counterpart to WhatYouBelieveIsWhatHappens.

[http://www.ebible.org/web/Luke.htm#C15V4 Luke 15:4-7] �Which of you men, if you had one hundred sheep, and lost one of them, wouldn�t leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness, and go after the one that was lost, until he found it? When he has found it, he carries it on his shoulders, rejoicing. When he comes home, he calls together his friends and his neighbors, saying to them, �Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep which was lost!� I tell you that even so there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents, than over ninety-nine righteous people who need no repentance.

[http://www.ebible.org/web/Luke.htm#C15V8 Luke 15:8-10] Or what woman, if she had ten drachma coins, if she lost one drachma coin, wouldn�t light a lamp, sweep the house, and seek diligently until she found it? When she has found it, she calls together her friends and neighbors, saying, �Rejoice with me, for I have found the drachma which I had lost.� Even so, I tell you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner repenting.�

Another story is known as the Prodigal Son. (It's interesting for us also that this metaphor is used by [http://www.prodigalart.org Prodigal Art]) [http://www.ebible.org/web/Luke.htm#C15V11 Luke 15:11-32] He said, "A certain man had two sons. The younger of them said to his father, "Father, give me my share of your property." He divided his livelihood between them. Not many days after, the younger son gathered all of this together and traveled into a far country. There he wasted his property with riotous living. When he had spent all of it, there arose a severe famine in that country, and he began to be in need. He went and joined himself to one of the citizens of that country, and he sent him into his fields to feed pigs. He wanted to fill his belly with the husks that the pigs ate, but no one gave him any. But when he came to himself he said, "How many hired servants of my father's have bread enough to spare, and I'm dying with hunger! I will get up and go to my father, and will tell him, "Father, I have sinned against heaven, and in your sight. I am no more worthy to be called your son. Make me as one of your hired servants." He arose, and came to his father. But while he was still far off, his father saw him, and was moved with compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him. The son said to him, "Father, I have sinned against heaven, and in your sight. I am no longer worthy to be called your son." But the father said to his servants, "Bring out the best robe, and put it on him. Put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet. Bring the fattened calf, kill it, and let us eat, and celebrate; for this, my son, was dead, and is alive again. He was lost, and is found." They began to celebrate. Now his elder son was in the field. As he came near to the house, he heard music and dancing. He called one of the servants to him, and asked what was going on. He said to him, "Your brother has come, and your father has killed the fattened calf, because he has received him back safe and healthy." But he was angry, and would not go in. Therefore his father came out, and begged him. But he answered his father, "Behold, these many years I have served you, and I never disobeyed a commandment of yours, but you never gave me a goat, that I might celebrate with my friends. But when this, your son, came, who has devoured your living with prostitutes, you killed the fattened calf for him." He said to him, "Son, you are always with me, and all that is mine is yours. But it was appropriate to celebrate and be glad, for this, your brother, was dead, and is alive again. He was lost, and is found." I think that this good son, the elder son, is Jesus himself.

Požiūrių virtinė

See also: Overview ===A structural summary - TheChainOfViews===

All of the conceptual structures which I have observed might be generated by the following chain of views: a human's view of God's view of human's view of God's view of human's view.

A human's view of God's view yields an {{Everything}} which is first self-divided? into [{{Onesome}} one perspective] ("I am defined by myself"), then [{{Twosome}} two perspectives] (spiritual "I am therefore I am" and physical "I am not yet even so I am"), then [{{Threesome}} three perspectives], yielding one who "understands himself, can figure himself out, and is understood by himself" (I take this as the Holy Trinity - Father, Son and Spirit).

Next, that God's view of a human's view is as a "godlet" which is in the situation that God has cast himself, yet otherwise is not God. (Such is the {{Heart}}). So for that godlet it makes sense to consider the extent by which it differs from its situation, which is to say, from its self, yielding [{{Foursome}} four perspectives]: differs by everything, by anything, by something, or by nothing. (That last is peculiar to the godlet, for God as such is distinct from his self, his structure, his situation). Then God considers his relationship with such a godlet as to whether God is a cause or effect, whether as such he is restricted or unrestricted, or yet again, the restriction of his unrestriction (as in "the present"). This yields [{{Fivesome}} five perspectives]. Then God gives life to that godlet by availing himself as principles which that godlet may take up: cling to what you have, get more than what you need, avoid extremes - but then also, choose the good over the bad, the better over the worse, the best over the rest. This yields [{{Sixsome}} six perspectives].

Next, that human's view of a God's view is as a "good person", a model person inside himself who might mediate between the perfection of God (ever taking a stand, following through, reflecting in a "centered" way) and the imperfection of human (who is choosing good over bad, better over worse, best over rest in an attempt to keep moving around that perfect center). That perfect person reflects a division of everything into [{{Sevensome}} seven perspectives] as choices (I think: choosing yes, choosing not no, choosing not yes, choosing no, choosing to not choose, choosing to choose, and choosing). The perfect person makes possible a factoring and intermingling of God's and human's choices (as taken from their trinities). Human's choices are {{Definite}}, unambiguous, restricting but God's choices are {{Indefinite}}, ambiguous, unrestricting. The size of the human {{Factors}} are 2, 3, 4 because the human choice takes an {{Operation}} +1?, +2?, +3? (as the three-cycle defines) and considers it as acting on a {{Onesome}} (a whole) and preserving that (through the act of choice so that it is whatever is chosen). And so that choice lies within a structure of size 1+1 or 1+2 or 1+3. Of the three factors, two or one or zero are from the human choices, yielding [SecondaryStructures auxiliary structures]:

  • 4 x 2 = 8 {{Divisions}} of everything
  • 2 x 3 = 6 {{Representations}} of such divisions
  • 3 x 4 = 12 {{Topologies}} that express the parts of those divisions

[Note that we might picture this as a cube with 24 directed edges where edges might be partially referenced by 8 corners (ambiguity=3), 6 faces (ambiguity=4) or 12 edges (ambiguity=2).] The three families of structures above are static. There are also three {{Languages}} that are dynamic. They arise when one of the factors is defined and two are not. They represent shifts between the static structures:

  • {{Argumentation}} (how do things matter?) moves from 3 x 4 topologies to 2 x 3 representations
  • {{Verbalization}} (how do things mean?) moves from 4 x 2 divisions to 3 x 4 topologies
  • {{Narration}} (how do things happen?) moves from 2 x 3 representations to 4 x 2 divisions (so the 2 is preserved).

And finally there is a seventh possibility in that human's view of God where that perfect person is of itself without connection to the human - so there are zero factors from the human. These structures describe the machinery for the infinitely various world that we live in, as well as what we've needed to define all the above.

Finally, that God - as the perfect person that links the human to God through the wealth of that metaphysical structure - that God may yet again take up a humans' view. And for that God, a human is that to which the God goes beyond itself into. That human is a lens, an {{Omniscope}}, through which God sees himself, which is to say, everything. And as such a lens, that human's outlook, stepping back away from himself, may coincide with God's outlook which steps into him. So that God has no needs - but we do, has no doubts - but we do, has no expectations - but we do, has no commitments - but we do. And there are four PrimaryStructures which have eight perspectives and they express [EverythingWishesForNothing our needs], [EverythingWishesForSomething our doubts], [EverythingWishesForAnything our expectations], [EverythingWishesForEverything our commitments]. In each case the eighth perspective is God's (no needs or no doubts or no expectations or no commitments) and marks a collapsing of everything back into God. These four primary structures generate the six secondary structures as injections of one the eighth (God's) perspective from a lower level into a primary structure from a higher level. For example, when the God who has no needs takes up our doubts (and the related {{Counterquestions}}) then that generates the divisions of everything. The six secondary structures are then organized by the seventh perspective in each of these injections, and they constitute that perfect person. The eighth perspective may also be thought of as what results when all three factors (described in the previous view) come from human, which is to say, that in such a case everything collapses back into God, or is otherwise understood as God having gone beyond himself.

So the end result is a coinciding of God's view and human's view, mediated by the concept of a perfect person, and the understanding that what is human comes in every way from God going beyond himself.

A helpful way to think about this alternation of views is to consider the thinking of a LostChild.


See also: Overview

The following is an earlier summary of my ideas.

Coinciding with God's view -

What do I mean by KnowEverything?

To know everything is to {{View}} the {{Unknown}}.

Yet, as a human, I always view the {{Known}}.

The key question is: [HowToKnowEverything How can I know everything]? How can I escape my own view and take up God's view? How can a {{Definite}} view take up an {{Indefinite}} view?

The answer is that their views can {{Coincide}} if the indefinite view takes up the definite view. (I therefore care to understand an AlgebraOfViews.)

How might our views coincide with God's? It helps to consider the thinking of a LostChild who grows to learn to position themselves so that they may be found by their parents. There is a deepening of {{Empathy}} as our own view unfolds:

  • 1) [{{Absolute}} absolute view] of {{Everything}} ({{God}}, {{Understanding}}, {{Love}}): view of the known of the unknown
  • 2) [{{Relative}} relative view] of {{Anything}} ({{Heart}}, SelfUnderstanding, LoveSelf): view of the known of the unknown of the known
  • 3) [{{Shared}} shared view] of {{Something}} ({{Other}}, SharedUnderstanding, LoveOther): view of the known of the unknown of the known of the unknown
  • 4) [{{Subordinate}} subordinate view] of {{Nothing}} ({{Human}}, GoodUnderstanding, LoveGod): view of the known of the unknown of the known of the unknown of the known

The child grows in maturity to accomodate an ever weaker link with their parent. When the child is able to accomodate no link at all, and take the initiative so as to go where their parent will surely find them, then their views may coincide.

God's view is complete. In order for our views to coincide, our own view of ourselves must also be complete. Then it is possible that, within the limits of our view, our views do coincide. For this we need to be completely transparent to ourselves and to God.

This coinciding makes use of ConstructiveHypotheses which I make and take up. A constructive hypothesis is one that I may take as pragmatically true because otherwise I cannot proceed. Through them I can reach the point where I may pragmatically consider that my view and God's view are the same.

I am finding that I reach this point at the end of the following progression:

  • Human view of {{Understanding}} = human's view of God's view: God goes beyond himself and ever finds himself, (taking a stand, following through, reflecting), yielding {{Structure}}: a {{Threesome}}. This is what we need for an {{Absolute}} perspective.
  • Human view of self-understanding? = human's view of God's view of human's view: A human (godlet) awakes within structure (the threesome) and (in-parallel with God) finds itself through shifts in perspective (choosing the good, the better, the best), yielding {{Activity}}: a {{Sixsome}}. This is what we need for a {{Relative}} perspective.
  • Human view of SharedUnderstanding = human's view of God's view of human's view of God's view: A human (as given by the {{Sixsome}}) now walks through again but together with God (through RecurringActivity) through a shared perspective given by a perfect {{Other}} (the {{Onesome}} - or what I look for as our key concepts?). This makes it possible to {{Factor}} his own activity into components of structure/activity and thereby allow for ZeroStructure, a SeventhPerspective and the basis for stepping inside each other as a person-in-general?, yielding RecurringActivity: SecondaryStructures. God slips in through the structural cracks as goodness. This is what we need for a {{Shared}} perspective.
  • Human view of GoodUnderstanding = human's view of God's view of human's view of God's view of human's view: A human reinterprets everything in terms of RecurringStructure, and recognizes that {{God}} may have a wider vantage point ("a greater power", as when one loves us more than we love ourselves) with regard to which they should position themselves cooperatively that they be found (rather than find the other by themselves). This is to say that we understand human as that which God goes into beyond himself, from wishing into not-wishing, to have a shared perspective with human. This wider perspective is ZeroActivity which we are not able to conceive, yielding RecurringStructure: PrimaryStructures. This is what we need for a {{Subordinate}} perspective.

That final perspective is one where a human is deferential to the good. That is the point of full understanding at which one may be completely cooperative with everything and may then assume they are taking up God's perspective. In shared understanding, the human understands {{Slack}} to be a seventh perspective that is of God and beyond human. But with good understanding, the human understands that, from God's point of view, this seventh perspective is {{Good}} that is beyond God and needs to be considered as part of the human outlook. It is helpful to consider this as the thinking of a LostChild.

We may think of these as four vantage points (by a human) upon God's view. As such, they are four representations of God, which is to say, they are all of the representations that we are able to have of him. Their unity is, for us, God to the extent that we can know him. It is in this pragmatic sense that we can say, absolutely, that we know God's view. For it is God's view not only as we see it, but to the extent that we can know him by the limitations of our very nature.

We may think of God as TheBeginning - the perspective from which everything unfolds - and human as TheEnd - the perspective into which everything comes together. Their relationship is, I think, that of Jesus Christ - the beginning and the end, the Alfa and the Omega (the A and Z), the coinciding of perfection ("Love God") and identity ("love your neighbor as yourself") - by which God's perspective and our perspective may coincide. This outline describes this relationship between TheBeginning and TheEnd as given by the unfolding of {{Understanding}}, self-understanding?, SharedUnderstanding and GoodUnderstanding.

2021 vasario 23 d., 21:36 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 290-292 eilutės iš

2021 vasario 03 d., 18:47 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 286-288 eilutės:


  • Suvokimas Dievo šokyje besąlygiškas. Jisai tampa sąlygišku kitose apytakose, apimtis siaurėja.
2021 sausio 29 d., 15:16 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 283-284 eilutės:

Suvokimas ir sąvokos

  • Iš Dievo trejybės išplaukia suvokimas ir suvoktasis. Tai tad pagrindas sąvokoms. Apytakų apimtims siaurėjant atsiranda atitinkamų apimčių sąvokos.
2021 sausio 29 d., 00:10 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 28-40 eilutės:

Apytakos grindžia suvokimo lygmenis

  • Dievo trejybė grindžia suvokimą ir visko apimties (dvasios) sąvokas.
  • Išgyvenimo apytaka grindžia savęs suvokimą ir betko apimties (sandaros) sąvokas.
  • Žinojimo rūmai grindžia bendrą suvokimą ir kažko apimties (atvaizdų) sąvokas.
  • Meilės mokslas grindžia susikalbėjimą ir nieko apimties (vieningumo) sąvokas.

Suvokimo lygmenys papildo troškimo lygmenis

Keturi suvokimo lygmenys reiškiasi tiek požiūrio lygtimi, tiek ketverybe

  • Keturi suvokimo lygmenys yra: suvokimas, savęs suvokimas, bendras suvokimas, susikalbėjimas.
  • Keturi suvokimo lygmenys išreiškia požiūrio lygtį: Dievas, Aš-gerumas, Tu-gyvenimas-sutapimas, Kitas-amžinas gyvenimas-išskyrimas.
  • Keturi suvokimo lygmenys išreiškia ketverybės lygmenis: Dievas, Aš-savastyje, Tu-sutapime, Kitas-tarpe.
2021 sausio 29 d., 00:06 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 14-15 eilutės:
  • Koks suvokimo lygmenų vaidmuo suvokiant sąvokas?
  • Ar savęs suvokimas yra susivokimas?
2021 sausio 28 d., 22:55 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 19-25 eilutės:

Suvokimo lygmenys yra apytakos

  • Dievo šokiu suvokiame
  • Išgyvenimo apytaka suvokiame save
  • Žinojimo rūmais suvokiame bendrai
  • Meilės mokslu susikalbame, suvokiame savo santykius, suvokiame savo ir kitų suvokimą, suvokiame suvokimą

Tad atitinkamuose puslapiuose įkelsiu medžiagą.

2021 sausio 28 d., 22:27 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėta 11 eilutė:

2021 sausio 28 d., 22:27 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 8-9 eilutės:


Pakeistos 11-12 eilutės iš


  • Kaip bendrai suvoktasis reiškiasi įvairiausiomis sąvokomis?
  • Kaip vaizduotė ir atvaizdai susiję su suvokimu ir sąvokom?
2021 sausio 28 d., 22:25 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 15-256 eilutės:

Suvokimo lygmenys

Gyvenimo lygties išsakyti Dievo pažinimai

Dievo pažinimai: Amžinas gyvenimas, Išmintis, Gera valia, Dievo valia

  • are Understanding
  • relate NotGod and Scope
  • is how we find Position and we hold on to it
  • is how the potential for God chooses God over itself and is indeed God
  • is the foundation for going beyond oneself because it separates where we have come from and where we are going to
  • gives the centering and the context that are relevant to support Person. For example, GoodWill centers us through I on You, whereas GodsWill centers us through God on Other. Centering places us within the zone for a feedback loop and context is the zone where there can be an answer rooted in a wider perspective.
  • opens space for the Freedom of the next Person.
  • is what is assumed because it is beyond the extent of assumptions
  • being alone beyond Knowledge, the possibility of being not alone, the unity of being alone beyond System, the unity of BeingOneWith (beyond and within Scope) that takes place beyond Scope, before Negation and makes Scope for it, for Other. Thus Person can go beyond themselves, BeingOneWith beyond Scope (EternalLife, Wisdom, GoodWill, GodsWill), beyond System, in consciousness, out to God, thus choose God, coinciding in Position. Distinguishes between Knowledge and Definition. It is what is taken up, lived by God: Perspective (GodsWill), Position (Good Will), Vantage Point (Wisdom).

These are the levels of structure that are necessary for us to experience structure. In that sense they are related to the Levels Of Understanding. We start with the widest and immerse ourselves into narrower scopes. These may be thought of as the RepresentationsOfEverything, in which case they do not degenerate, but are specified:

  • spirit to spirit is EverythingWishesForEverything
  • spirit to structure is EverythingWishesForAnything
  • structure to spirit is EverythingWishesForSomething
  • structure to structure is EverythingWishesForNothing

(I need to check on the order of the above). These representations result from considering spirit and structure as Equals and letting them manifest themselves as Unequals in four ways, yielding four representations (wishes). They are unequal in terms of the distance between themselves, from everything (spirit to spirit) to nothing (structure to structure). Alternatively, we may consider them as unequals, and let them manifest themselves equals, in which case we have two representations (scopes):Beginning and End, see: BeginningVEnd.

Currently, my overview is in terms of Levels Of Understanding. The concept of Good Understanding allows me to focus on Eternal Life and not only Life. It's important that not only is life the fact that God is good, but moreover, eternal life is understanding this fact. Structurally, my new account derives the secondary structures first, and only then the primary structures. It also allows for the divisions to be used from the very beginning.

Suvokimo lygmenys

Visos sandaros kyla iš kurio nors iš šitų lygmenų. Pirminės sandaros iš bendro suvokimo, o antrinės sandaros iš susikalbėjimo.

Each level arises when we note it for the sake of the distinction of Concepts. We make them explicit as God's view and human's view. Thus there are the following levels:

  • Understanding - one level: God's
  • Self-understanding - two levels: God's, human's
  • SharedUnderstanding - three levels: God's, human's, God's
  • GoodUnderstanding - four levels: God's, human's, God's, human's

Bendras suvokimas? žr. Dorovė

  • Tai suvoktumas (Dvasia).
  • Bendros sąlygos yra pagrindas bendram suvokimui. Aplinkybės apreiškia bendras sąlygas. O atvaizdai apibrėžia mūsų santykį su sąlygomis, apimtimi ir laisvumu.
  • Bendras požiūris yra bendro suvokimo pasekmė
  • Lygiaverčių požiūrių santykis.


  • Žmogaus požiūris į Dievo požiūrį į žmogaus požiūrį į Dievo požiūrį į žmogaus požiūrį.
  • Nelygiaverčių požiūrių santykis.

One way to think of the levels is as the unity of the representations of the structure of spirit:

  • [AddOne +1] Understanding allows for the World by understanding Spirit.
  • [AddTwo +2] Self-understanding allows for a Person-in-particular by understanding Structure (Self). Self-understanding determines a scope (with regard to nobody, somebody, anybody, everybody) which says how far away we are from the end.
  • [AddThree +3] SharedUnderstanding allows for a Person-in-general by understanding Representations.
  • [AddNull +0] GoodUnderstanding allows for God by understanding Unity. Good understanding (rapport) is when the narrower concept gives way to the broader concept - when the two understand each other.

Each level may be understood as introducing an additional operation which runs in parallel to the existing ones. These [ThisWiki:Operation operations] may be thought of as operations +1, +2, +3 on [ThisWiki:Divisions divisions of everything] (each adding 1, 2 or 3 perspectives, respectively). Each operation is a going beyond oneself.

  • +1 going beyond oneself Structure: (Perspective: ) First there is going beyond oneself from the unbounded into the bounded, ever adding an additional comprehensive perspective that reinterprets all the others.
  • +2 shift in perspective Activity: (ShiftInPerspective: ) Then there is a three-cycle which, in parallel, goes beyond by shifting from perspective to perspective.
  • +3 recurring activity RecurringActivity: (Slack: ) (generalized shift in perspective) Next, this three-cycle starts to cover old ground - here what is new is the recurring shift, the recurring activity. This recurring activity is now localized in the shift (without the nodes, which are ever new). So we have a general shift.
  • +0 unity of origin RecurringStructure: (Everything: ) (generalized perspective) - collapse of framework. Finally, there is unity in that the recurring activity can align itself around that which goes beyond.

Each level engenders more structure, until the final layer has it collapse.

  • Suvokimas (Tėvas). Atskyrimas kas sąlygose (asmeniškumas) ir kas besąlygiška (be asmens). Neigimo pagrindimas. Žmogaus požiūris į Dievo požiūrį.
  • Savęs pažinimas?, susigaudymas, savęs suvokimas (Sūnus). Žmogaus požiūris į Dievo požiūrį į žmogaus požiūrį.

In describing an absolute, relative, shared, subordinate perspective: consider what truth means for understanding, self-understanding, shared understanding, good understanding:

  • understanding - for there to be an absolute perspective we need: no internal structure, no external context (no reframing), accept all things. Here all things are true.
  • self-understanding - for a relative perspective we need to separate the threesome for activity (a relative stand) from the threesome for structure (an absolute stand), +2, no overlapping so 3 + 3, notion of required concept
  • shared understanding - factoring (other between God and heart through which they coincide) zero structure, seventh perspective, concept, anything (+3). Factor act on the whole - from whole to whole (redefining the absolute whole as a particular stand, which is to say, selecting a perspective) - factors: +2=the focus (structure or spirit, which moves), +3=the movments of spirit with regard to structure (how moving), +4=the separation of spirit and structure (how far apart). Recall: people, words, Qualities. Shared point is: (everything becomes anything - this is perhaps what is needed for sharing - and is what we mean by something - that everything becomes anything, as per +2, defining activity as shift in structure).
  • good understanding - zero activity - other is unity of the six levels by which God and heart coincide (secondary structures as embeddings).

I am trying to think of this in terms of love and understanding and concepts, the taking up of perspectives. Some thoughts:

  • First God goes beyond himself, through the operation [AddOne +1], again and again, until he has opened up enough slack that his self - the heart - may be independent, on its own. So now there is the heart, and the question is, will God find his way into this heart?
  • Then the heart goes beyond itself out to some level where it coincides with God who loves it, is one with it. But the heart considers this God as a mirror to itself. Just as structure is a mirror to activity, so the levels of structure by which God reaches out are taken as a mirror of the levels of activity by which the heart reaches out. The heart reaches out as either +1 or +2 or +3 (foursome, fivesome, sixsome). The heart thinks of God as arising in the gaps. (How does that relate to Factoring?)
  • God arises in the gaps where the heart reaches out +0 and thus has zero structure. This structural gap is what allows the factors to be composed, and hence thought of as factors: 1 + 1 = 2, 1 + 2 = 3 and 1 + 3 = 4.
  • This allows that the heart has a zero activity 1 + 0 = 1 - and that plants God within the heart as +0, so that they coincide.

So I need to try to understand the foursome, fivesome, sixsome as the heart reaching back out with +1, +2 or +3 perspectives, respectively, presumably through the operation +2.

We may also think of this as:

  • self-Structure = Relationship with Self as Unequals
  • self-Activity = Relationship with Self as Equals
  • RecurringActivity = Relationship with Other as Equals
  • RecurringStructure = Relationship with Other as Unequals

Structure has no scope and is Absolute, whereas Activity is Relative to some Scope. In particular, SharedUnderstanding is relative with regard to some scope, but GoodUnderstanding is absolute.

Each level seems to relate to a division of everything:

  • +1 from Nullsome to Onesome, Twosome, Threesome
  • +2 from onesome, twosome, threesome to Foursome, Fivesome, Sixsome
  • +3 from sixsome to Sevensome
  • +0 from sevensome to Eightsome/nullsome

On this page I gather various parallels across these four levels.

  • relationship with God is given by Onesome, Twosome, Threesome
  • relationship with other is given by Foursome, Fivesome, Sixsome
  • other is given by Sevensome
  • God is given by Nullsome
  • +1 Caring about relationship with God
  • +2 Caring about relationship with other
  • +3 Caring about other
  • +0 Caring about God

Caring about apparently means going beyond to. Other is in the SeventhPerspective. God is in the ZerothPerspective.

  • +1 Nothing's outlook
  • +2 Something's outlook
  • +3 Anything's outlook
  • +0 Everything's outlook
  • Understanding relates to the Threesome
  • Self-understanding relates to the Foursome
  • SharedUnderstanding relates to the Fivesome
  • GoodUnderstanding relates to the Sixsome

This makes for one level of understanding for each of the PrimaryStructures, and also for each VoiceOfTension in Narration. The fivesome relates the two directions: looking forward (from beginning to end) and looking backwards (from end to beginning) and this is perhaps relevant for shared understanding.

Kitos mintys

  • Refactor - kiekvieną sandarą mąstome, kuriame vienu požiūriu, tačiau ją perkuriame, permąstome kitu asmeniu. Tokiu būdu jos visos susiveda. Tai grindžia dviprasmybę ir laisvę.
  • -1x0x1 galima suvokti kaip įsijautimą, sąmoningumą ir atsitokėjimą. Įsijautimas -1 ir atsitokėjimas +1 nustato skirtingas kryptis apie padalinimų ratą.

God's view (from our view) = dividing himself - the God who knows

What may God do, if there is nothing but God? The only thing that I can imagine is that God might divide himself. He may differentiate parts of himself, and those parts may have relationships. In this way, he may give rise to structure. We may imagine these as the events, or the days, in the life of God. They bring to mind the days in the Book of [http://www.ebible.org/bible/web/Genesis.htm Genesis].

God's view (from his view) = going beyond himself - the God who does not know

{{God}} is TheBeginning. This is to say, God is unbounded.

God, unbounded, goes beyond himself, into the bounded. This gives rise to {{Everything}}. Everything is the {{Structure}} of God. God is the {{Spirit}} of everything.

Vienybė, dvejybė, trejybė

taken together: the operation +1

Going beyond oneself is an {{Operation}}. We term this +1 because it adds a perspective, taking us from:

  • the {{Nullsome}} - everything divided into no perspectives, which is to say, God prior to everything


  • the {{Onesome}} - everything divided into one perspective

God ever goes beyond himself. He keeps adding a perspective through this operation +1. This gives rise to ever more structure. God goes beyond himself into the {{Onesome}}, then the {{Twosome}} and then the {{Threesome}}.

The operation +1 - going beyond oneself - is what drives all of the unfolding of structure. It is the rethinking (as in "repent"?) of all the perspectives, their unity by a new perspective, a delving backwards, inwards and deeper into structure.

There are three equations that ultimately yield the threesome and understanding, as God goes beyond himself:

  • [NullAddOne 0+1=1] God goes beyond himself, out of the unboundable and into the boundable, giving rise to everything, where all things are the same.
  • [OneAddOne 1+1=2] God goes beyond himself again, noting that if he is - then he is, but add in a perspective whereby even if he is not - then he still is.
  • [TwoAddOne 2+1=3] God goes beyond himself again, noting that the God who is (one perspective) and the God who arises (another perspective) are the same God - what they understand is the same (this is a third perspective).

The threesome is the structure for understanding - for returning to the beginning. This is the completion from God's point of view. There is God who understands (the Father), God who figures himself out (the Son), and their shared understanding (the Spirit) by which they are indeed the same God.


What is Separate? Not Coinciding - Ne tapatumas.

See also: {{Overview}}, KeepSeparate

(Benoit?) Sanctification means separated by God for God

{{Andrius}}: Benoit, thank you for your great contributions to our lab. I appreciate the many Scriptural references you have made to basic concepts that I want to focus on. You have saved me a lot of work! It is hard to ponder these things, but I think these concepts are good to ponder. In your note above you reveal the importance of allowing for separate even as we wish to be unified. So I am very interested to understand that dynamic and our personal testimony is very relevant. I myself want to point first to the reality of Jesus which makes him relevant - perhaps as the one for all as you mention, which is also related to how the separate and the unified are related. I think that the name of Jesus becomes important to us when we can agree as to what we mean by that, and at that point we can speak as believers. But I feel that it's to look for that reality because I have much to learn regarding that and I also doubt whether most people really know what they mean when they say Jesus. How would you explain it to a Muslim, for example?

Thought: Understanding is the activity of God; not understanding is the activity of human. The human perspective reflects the structure of understanding: take a stand - not understood, but rather creates understood; follow through - not understanding, but rather creates understanding; reflect - not understander, but rather creates understander. The human perspective is bounded: closed upon itself (but open to itself). God's perspective is unbounded: open upon itself it goes beyond itself. We therefore know it by the extent that it goes to view the human perspective: through 0, 1, 2 or 3 nodes. First of itself, and then futher out: why, how, what - each going beyond the previous and deeper into the human perspective. Threesome + null = division = framework for structure = empathize with God's perspective.

  • Why does the system collapse because understanding is the understanding of all? Because All is separated from experiencing, yet All is experiencing. In All, indistinction and distinction are the same, and thus the system collapses.
  • What does it mean that God is understanding of God, Everything is understanding of I, and so forth? What is I combining? In each case, God is being combined with the spirit of the system for a particular level.

Atskyrimo lygmenys

Suppositions are kept separate by placing them in different Scopes. What does this mean?

Separateness is the indirectness of view - that it is possible to have not a direct view.

A view (or outlook) that separates:

  • all perspectives is Spirit
  • any perspective is Structure
  • a perspective is Representation
  • no perspective is Unity

The point is to keep reducing scope so as to have complete coincidence.

Separateness is a key idea and somehow the adding of a perspective (the taking up of a perspective) introduces separateness, perhaps:

  • self separates God from God
  • heart is separateness of self from God
  • other is separateness of heart from God
  • God is separateness of other from God

The division of everything into four perspectives is the place where the algebra of views starts to matter. The four levels give us a scale from "oneness" to "separateness". Why asserts that the observer and situation are one, and whether asserts that they are completely separate. How and what are somewhere in between and allow for a nontrivial relationship between the observer and situation. So these are all levels that are relevant as we consider matters of "same" and "different".

The four levels may also be thought in terms of scopes:

  • why - knowledge of everything
  • how - knowledge of anything
  • what - knowledge of something
  • whether - knowledge of nothing

And the knowledge may be thought of as what the observer and situation share, which is to say, the extent to which the observer is one with the situation.

Furthermore, the four levels may be thought of as relating structure and activity. "Structure channels activity" expresses what is definite, what that means. "Activity evokes structure" expresses what is specified. We may think of structure as a function and activity as the flow through it. The function may be definite or not, and the inflow may be specified or not. (In particular, the specification of input is akin to its partial calculation.) This yields four possibilities:

  • why - indefinite and unspecified - structure and activity are uncoupled
  • how - definite and unspecified - top down: structure yields activity
  • what - definite and specified - structure and activity are in a loop
  • whether - indefinite and specified - bottom up: activity yields structure

We may think of structure as arising from God and activity as arising from godlet, and then the four levels give the possible relationships. These relationships may be thought of in terms of the distance between structure and activity. Here activity is that which finds itself within structure and is inspired by it.

  • At first the distance, the separation between structure and activity is "everything"
  • Then structure determines activity, so structure must be definite, and the separation is "anything"
  • Then structure and activity feed off each other, and so the separation is "something" which keeps them yet separate
  • Finally, activity directs structure, which is to say, they are the same, the structure embodies the activity, and so they are separated by "nothing".

It is this last level which extends the "threesome" by saying that, above and beyond God, there might be something in the situation of God which is not distinct from it, as God is, but rather determined by it. This material level "whether" is the source of the Foursome and exemplifies God's ever going beyond himself.

Another very important idea is that what separates the "viewer" (observer) and the "viewed" (situation) is the Nullsome (the division of everything into zero perspectives). This separation manifests itself through the four RepresentationsOfTheNullsome:

  • significant (not encompassable - Negation of why)
  • constant (not changeable - negation of how)
  • direct (not representable - negation of what)
  • true (not hideable - negation of whether)

So I think that in the "original outlook" the distinction between viewer and viewed is kept latent. But with the new outlook - and once Representations becomes relevant - it is possible to think of viewer and viewed as separate and even self-standing.

All of this to say that this is the machinery that lets us consider matters of "same", "different", "separate", "one", "equal", "difference" that are key to an algebra of views.

The ability to have a dual point of view is what lets us "keep separate" concepts like God and good, and that ability is at the heart of understanding.

2021 sausio 28 d., 22:15 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 9-10 eilutės:


2021 sausio 28 d., 22:15 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pakeistos 1-7 eilutės iš

Kaip sąvokos suvokiamos?


Suvokimas, Sąvoka

Kaip sąvokos suvokiamos?

2021 sausio 28 d., 22:14 atliko AndriusKulikauskas -
Pridėtos 1-7 eilutės:

Kaip sąvokos suvokiamos?


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Mieli skaitytojai, visa mano kūryba ir kartu visi šie puslapiai yra visuomenės turtas, kuriuo visi kviečiami laisvai naudotis, dalintis, visaip perkurti. - Andrius


Puslapis paskutinį kartą pakeistas 2024 gegužės 04 d., 14:17